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pixie spotty

Chatty Member
I just have this vision of Braddles walking into the shared office building with his cap on backwards, wearing his rollerblades, and nodding heyyyy to every one at work. Thinking he is hot shit. And every adult he walks past is thinking wtaf.
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Ya big pack of meanies....😂View attachment 1121868
lol. id quite happily revel myself to you both little man. In fact I have tried to have discussions with you both with my name in my handle , which is incredibly unique so there's no hiding for me. You have no interest in believing that you could possibly be wrong and the vile ones. You are horrible people. Hypocritical homophobic pieces of shit who somehow have come to the belief you are better than others and good people. How? seriously... how the fuck do you think you are good people?
You are bullies online, yeah people are shit when you put yourself out there, But look at these forums, look at who has their own threads..... its because those are the people the vast majority of people need somewhere to vent about how bad people like you have built themselves up to be hardworking decent people. Which you are not. Not even close.
And yeah the reason I continue to follow these threads is because I quite enjoy watching you cling to the ever changing business ideas
surrounded by friends and family......
what her mum and sister? apparently you refuse to speak to your family, the ones you apparently gave a dog to because a special needs child you don't want anything to do with wanted it? that family? and the friends? oh the stream of influencer friends you have a couple of dates with and then never speak of again?

no one can stand you.

you are just shit people.
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Did she mean “I am with you” or is she saying she’s proud of herself??? Like, you did reformer Sez, you didn’t climb Everest. You know what would really push you out of your comfort zone?? Being a decent human.

View attachment 1157538

He got the second part right. He does get more credit than he deserves. The real champions are just plugging away at it, they don’t feel the need to stroke their own ego on social media.

You did Reformer.

Get a job.
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Sarah: I’m switching to this brand for life!!!
Sarah a few weeks later: hey check out my $600+ skincare routine that doesn’t include any products from that brand I got paid to promote!

And this is what I can’t stand. You can say “hey I tried these products and they were really great if you’re looking for X, Y, Z”. But *everything* with them has to be this grand, life changing discovery, only thing that works, “I’ll never use anything else!!”. And then never gets mentioned ever again as they move onto whoever is paying them next. So disingenuous. Can’t believe a word they say.
At least the skincare is working, she looks great for 47.
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We talk about his occupations because he’s like 30 years old and has a resume that’s longer than he is tall. Then claims to be an expert in every field imaginable. Spending 5 minutes in the ADF (based on timeframes I don’t think he even made it out of basic training), is not a military career. The only government policy anyone has ever defended here is mandatory vaccination for aged care workers. Sorry that I believe that an INDEPENDENT ROYAL COMMISSION by actual experts has more value than Brad’s amateur survey, which was actually just a cover for setting up a new business #ethics.

I’ve never seen him call out DV. It’s the opposite. He makes jokes about it and then bullies DV survivors when they politely explain that they found his posts insensitive or triggering.

The constant jokes about DV have the opposite effect, where it normalises poor behaviour and causes women to doubt the severity of their situation. Oh everyone thinks it’s funny and he’s getting praise when he’s talking about hurting his wife? I guess that’s just a normal relationship then.
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I just have this vision of Braddles walking into the shared office building with his cap on backwards, wearing his rollerblades, and nodding heyyyy to every one at work. Thinking he is hot shit. And every adult he walks past is thinking wtaf.
“Who is in charge of the work experience kid?”
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Welcome to thread #4 for DadMum/Brad and Sarah Kearns!

Big thank you to @SmallDickEnergy for our winning thread title! Be sure to destroy some of your partner’s most prized possessions to celebrate! 🎉

Link to the wiki is here:

Thank you for supporting this thread 🙏🏻
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I don’t think anyone has ever accused her of loving her kids too much? 🤨
Was thinking the same thing when I saw wtf is she talking about....people do however think you've turned your kids into obnoxious ungrateful brats though. And again has to bring Buddy into it for the sympathy vote as if you don't get enough sympathy for being a bereaved parent. Every parent who's lost a child deserves sympathy and a whole lot of it but she milks it for the numbers and engagement and that's just sick.
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Sarah: I’m switching to this brand for life!!!
Sarah a few weeks later: hey check out my $600+ skincare routine that doesn’t include any products from that brand I got paid to promote!

And this is what I can’t stand. You can say “hey I tried these products and they were really great if you’re looking for X, Y, Z”. But *everything* with them has to be this grand, life changing discovery, only thing that works, “I’ll never use anything else!!”. And then never gets mentioned ever again as they move onto whoever is paying them next. So disingenuous. Can’t believe a word they say.


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They might know now? But she claimed they were too young when Knox was already like seven years old. I don’t really understand either, given they had a whole brand around his name and he features in all of their family photos as a little baby statue. Not judging and people do weird things, but I would have thought tell the kids the truth or don’t mention it at all.
And aren't her boys the smartest, kindest most unique in all the land?!

Also, let's not forget Kearns fam bam that influencers get influenced page was willing to expose themselves to go live with you to discuss how problematic you both are. Yet?! Crickets.

Calm it down on the 'confront us' 'wouldn't say it to our face' YOU BLOCK EVERYONE!

They should be ashamed at flogging their dead baby for clout.
Look, they have no soul.

Baby that has passed.
Made up family bullshit that 'don’t talk to him'.
Re homeing of numerous pets.
Saying a Nephew has additional needs.
Sending their followers to bully a small business because they didn't get what they want after losing it.
Threatening a single Mum.
Threatening anyone with apparently knowing where they live.
Joking about DV.
Exploiting their children.
Creating a bullshit narrative regarding Knoxxy.

You absolute pillars of society.

Get back in that cubby you flogs.
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Oof tiny peen is big mad 😂 Can I just say I've finally found my people..and it's all thanks to their ass kissers in the comments of his latest post. I had no idea this magical place existed until now 😂

Disgustingly enough I followed him years ago because I thought he was funny and then followed her because ya know they're the best husband and wife team around.....something always rubbed me the wrong way about them but couldn't put my finger on it. Reading their crap would get me mad and reading the comments even madder because I couldn't work out why everybody loved them so much....was it me....was I the problem??? Not at all infact reading these threads has reiterated exactly why I can't stand them and I now know it's not just me! They're the most obnoxious attention seeking influencers. Annndddd I'm done....for now...😂
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Finn wants to watch Sing, Finn gets Sing. No is definitely not in their vocabulary is it?
Wouldn’t you just say it’s not available yet and point out that Disney+, Netflix, Binge etc all have many movies/shows to choose from.
Back in my day I had to watch Days Of Our Lives, or go lay in bed. 😂
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If you love your kids so much, wouldn't you keep them off a public platform and not exploit them?
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Severus Snark

Well-known member
What goes on in her head. This need to be the perpetual victim isn’t healthy Sezzy. No one here has accused you of loving your kids too much, we’ve accused you of spoiling them (you do), feeding them shit (you do), not setting proper boundaries and then being surprised when they behave in a way that annoys you (you do), using their “personalities” and personal preferences for engagement (you do), milking the tragic loss of your child for engagement/sympathy (you do), and sharing far too much about them online, when they are minors who have no control or understanding of what that means (you do). All these things can be backed up by your very own posts, yet you won’t find a single post on here that backs up your claim.

Give it up.

Stop manipulating your audience for sympathy and head pats. It’s disgusting. Stop using your tragedy as a get out of jail free card. It’s abhorrent.

ps - where’s the bird ??

edit - spelling
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Just dropping in to say I’m so glad this thread exists coz I never understood the hype with these fuckwits. I used to see my friends share his extremely try hard, insincere viral posts and it was obvious from the onset that he just wanted a bit of internet fame, he couldn’t give two shits about his actual parenting. (He ain’t the only one either).

I’m so glad I had my child before the onslaught of ‘mummy bloggers’ and the like, how oh how did we ever survive without them and their BS advice and anecdotes? Give me a break. 🙄

Sooo relatable, whilst they’re scabbing free shit and humiliating themselves and children (not to mention exposing them to the world, how fucken weird?) everyday.

Yeah, sign me up Dadmum, I wanna be as funny and relatable as you guys, however I’m too busy actually working and parenting to be bothered keeping up with your shit.

I’ll try to read a bit of the posts here but you lost me at the wife flogging skincare 🤣 with a head like that, no thank you.
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