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Well-known member
Yeah right.. Those dens were boxed up in the garage. Fucking lying fat bitch. More like she just bought them

I just checked.. Guess where you can buy those den kits? Only b and m!! Fat troll has been out shopping again.. Probably why she was in full make up today.
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oh god...daughters playing the sims and pointed out you can woo-hoo in the pool. i immediately thought of creepy woo-hooing it’s enough to put you off sex for life
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I find it so so so creepy the way he filters his selfies to look younger.. Trying to look like a teenage boy with the gangster pose and showing off a beer bottle. If this doesn't raise giant red flags I don't know what does.
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Hi Creepy and Lazy (Hi Steve),

Since we've already established that you spend your time reading Tattle, let's discuss your shipping costs.

£3 shipping for a very small keyring? You do realise that you do not need to set "flat rate shipping" costs. You can set shipping costs in a "very lot of" different ways. One way you could do it is to set your shipping cost by weight. That way, you're not scamming your IFAM out of even more money than necessary. I mean, they're already paying £3 for a 1p piece of Chinese shit with your disgraceful family's name on. As if they need to pay at least a third more shipping than they need to on top of that.

Now that you are aware of the issues with your shipping costs, and how to rectify them, I very much look forward to seeing the change. You're usually quick to read here and edit things out of vlogs/delete TikToks etc. So I'm sure this little issue can be ironed out just as quickly.

As always, you're welcome! 😉


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👏I have never seen such greedy grabby bastards ! 🤮
When they were talkung about donating the eggs, Chris was advising them to donate tbe worst ones? Not being funny but the whole point of donations is to sacrafice something.
Also shows how spoilt and greedy theh are-Isla at the end would not even accept a smarties easter egg given to her. She basically refused to take it, almost threw a tantrum just receiving it. Sad. Anyone else would be grateful.

Sorry but how the bloody hell could she have got never mind just the kids eggs but the others too in an essential shop in one day!! She would have needed 2 trolleys if not 3..and all that Easter stuff? Shopping for Easter and views prioritises over the safety and lives of not only your family but everyone around you you absolute selfish cow!
(sarcasm) Dont you know she stocks up througout the year? WHY ARE THE TROLLS ASSUMING SHE BOUGHT THEM DURING SELF-ISOLATION. You need to pipe down and stop thinking about her every move. 🙄These were probably reduced down from Easter last year and defrosted. #GOTTAGETTHEMBARGAINS
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Just remember Chris has about 50 children on his Instagram writing more than 5 messages each with IFAM names to add up his actual comments, that makes him feel good, for the rest of the country his nickname is nonce, imagine that!!!!! It must be horrendous, it’s forever!!!!
I'd rather be Charles Ingram over Chris Ingham any day of the week 😂 Both are dickheads but I'd rather be known as a scammer than a perve.
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Honestly she looks like a deer in the headlights during that rant, everything ok Sarah hun? Or is it all crumbling you passive aggressive sod
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I have reported the vlog. I can’t understand why COPPA rules are not being implemented here. I don’t have a hate campaign against this family, I’m not on a one woman mission to bring them down but any human being can see that these children are being exploited and the parents know this is happening. Time stamp appeared within minutes of the vlog going up which means sicko’s must sit and wait for their content to be uploaded knowing they will get something for sure in their vlogs. It doesn’t matter if there are inappropriate hashtags or disgusting’s enough that it’s been uploaded by them, their reputation precedes them and they know comments are on and the family don’t care.
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While you are at it, you know, addressing the trolls...and the IFAM who are turning against you...any response to:

1) Your husband sexting a sixteen year old who has autism?

2) Your husband asking a young woman to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement after having sex in a hotel?

3) The fact that your Mother in Law grooms/bullies impressionable IFAM and ex IFAM

4) The fact that your Brother in Law is no longer starring on your Television Show

5) I would never say a bad word about your children... however, the diet you feed them is so unhealthy. Why?

So, next rant, please do start with these. Your YouTube engagement and MONEY will go through the roof!

Anything for views, eh Sarah love.
I'd also like a word or two on the driving ban 🙋‍♀️ (just whilst we're submitting requests 😁)
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New member
It really irritates me how Sarah is so dismissive of every criticism they get. Like don't get me wrong I bloody LIVE for those rants but it just gets to me a bit how there is not even a seconds consideration that people are ENTITLED to their opinions and, just as you are Sarah, are ENTITLED to post whatever they want online regarding you and your family.
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Sarah Ingram is a liar, liar her fat ass is on fire. It took her 3 days to find Laura’s detail, so her u grateful brat daughters could write thank you cards. Sarah you mouth has become your asshole with the amount of shit that comes out. I’m sure your best friend Victoria shortle had her details considering she brought them from there. Never bite the hands that feed you.
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Chatty Member
WHY do C & S turn themselves into martyrs for their flipping YouTube channel? ‘We do this for YOU’ - nobody ever bloody asked you to! And you DONT do this for the good of humankind (thank god) you make a shit tonne of money and get to continue sitting on your arse all day! Bore off!
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Kandy floss

Well-known member
What’s easier to cook than a joint of meat? Wrap it in foil if you don’t have a roasting pan and leave it. Check with a meat thermometer if in doubt. Or use chicken breasts roasted on a tray. It’s terrible as a Yorkshire lass she won’t be able to manage the puddings but the frozen ones aren’t too bad. What do they get? Her speciality ham and cheese bakes. It’s Easter Sunday - pathetic
I'm just loving her making out that bacon and cheese wraps are revolutionary - Greggs have been selling them for years 🙄😂
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Kandy floss

Well-known member
Screenshot 2020-04-13 at 21.06.16.png

Bet the Ingham children wouldn't be grateful with only one bunny. It's also increased to 70 donated eggs, what a woman
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Can someone fill me in as to why everyone calls Steve ‘hi steve’ , I only recently found this thread and am quite confused😂
Yes so Christopher malcolms dad is steve and Steve reads here and sends screen shots to Sarah and Chris apparently. His adorable mutton dressed as lamb grooming wife ( Christopher malcolms mum Jane) told people via private messaging Steve reads we occasionally say hi to him. Oh hi Steve for today. Your daughter in law is looking the shape of a very large Easter egg recently.
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I think I've been on here too long today. My little boy was doing a project set by school on National Trust properties 😩. He asked how to spell 'Tatton' from Tatton Park. This is how I absentmindedly spelt it for him: 'Tattle' 😂
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Never mind what will the ifam do but what will WE do if they ever did stop vlogging 😂 I’m not ashamed in saying it’s a part of my daily routine sitting there for 20 minutes slagging them off. My boyfriend even tells me to save the video to watch with him now and he joins in 😂
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