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I feel really bad for Issy, public schools put kids under a lot of pressure as it it so private schools are much worse as they are even more grade orientated to keep their league tables up. Any child her age is under enough pressure without having no free time to study, I imagine she must get stressed she has no time to do her work.
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To be fair, you could have worded your message a bit more politely too. "I honestly hope you haven't gifted the Ingham family their latest holiday!" might not have been the best opening line; sounds accusatory and is likely to make them defensive.

No offence.
I agree it didn’t come across very informative.
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My friends who are there today went to a nearly identical inflatable water course that they had when they went to the lake..wonder if they will repeat it after go pro fiasco 🤣
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Strange that whenever the Ingham’s have had these holidays gifted to them the company never have a clue as to who they are.
Often all you need to do to apply for gifted or sponsored ops is fill in a simple form online with your social media details, and viewer stats then you receive tickets/vouchers. Little or no vetting goes into it
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No, don't be silly.

The muffin was breakfast and the ice cream was lunch. They didn't show dinner as they had it at gone 11pm when Creepy returned. I think they had pot noodles. Jace chose Beef & Tomato.
lol!! The last bit has got me pissing myself laughing
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You're right. Hopefully they'll give him some nutritious bits to munch on though. But I can see it now "6 month olds first Mcdonalds!"

My eldest showed no interest whatsoever until 9 months. You got to go with the kid.
A quick google search and this is what I found. It is still recommended to breastfeed till six months,however you can safely offer things like rice cereal to start with. I can’t see Lazy pureeing nutritious food for cheeky boi, it will all be out of a jar or pouch 🤭


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Chatty Member
Notice how she got herself 3 scoops and a special cone too. Whilst the girls slummed it with 2 😉🐖
To be fair she did have to share it with Jace. 🍦👶 🙄[/QUOTE]

Year 3 wow!!! My son has just finished year 3. Not being nasty but she seems miles behind the year 3s i know!! Thought she was about year 1 going to 2.
I thought in an earlier vlog Sarah said Isla is getting the same teacher next year. Could it be Isla has to repeat a level? I am not British, so please educate me if I have misspoken,

So he says that day in Amsterdam was the "best day ever". That whole making memories speil is such bullshit.
He went all that way and spent hours on his bike to skate on some rails?? Probably could have done that where we was already...... Also why would you only show videos of you falling over whilst skating and not the ones of him nailing it? The type of person he is you would think the first thing he would want to do is show off his skillz.
Falling off the rails is his skill.
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Yep, what time do you call this? You been out all day! Whats that funky smelling stuff you brought back from amsterdam!
Yes and "why have you got changed"! Possibly, why didn't you bring back pizza?

Just noticed this on that Duinrell chat page. From the earlier conversations posted. I'm guessing this particular neighbour wasn't out waving flags when Lazy passed her test then.
She needs to read tattle 😂
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There awful that’s what I thought with money they have that be the first thing I would have done😂 when you look back at her in old vlogs there not that bad it seems as time goes on her appearance has got so much worst

We go with Eurocamp every year I hope it’s not been gifted to them 😡
That awful posh voice she puts on, she’s gone from talking like her sister to trying to sound posh, she’s even got the kids doing it, when they think the camera is off you can hear the kids voices change. Chris is annoying the way he says BUT. I feel sorry for the kids they obviously can’t be themselves when the camera is on.
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To be fair she did have to share it with Jace. 🍦👶 🙄

I thought in an earlier vlog Sarah said Isla is getting the same teacher next year. Could it be Isla has to repeat a level? I am not British, so please educate me if I have misspoken,

Sometimes the teachers move around especially in primsry schools, so one year they may teach year 2 but the next yesr 3 which would mean the teacher moves with them to the next year. Its very rare in the UK (in my experience) that children repeat a year. My son had the same teacher 2 years running years 1 and 2.
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As you lot haven’t heard it yet today..... goooooooood morning littul man!

I literally got very a lot tears 😭 hearing you say that 😂😂😂

I've just watched a bit of surprising our girls with baby brother and fuck me she has put on sooo much weight since she had that baby, I'm actually shocked 😲

When you sit on your arse all day stuffing sugary shit down your throat, no amount of breastfeeding 🤱 no putting littleeee mannnn/cheekyyyy boiiiii in his pram and walking, is gonna shift that shit!🤭
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That had to be the weirdest vlog. I'm not sure a cheese stick is the best first food for a 5 month old. The drawn on eyebrows for the girls at the end was odd and not funny.

Nice to see Chris actually blurred it when Islas skirt came up after she went down the slide.

Does Chris only own them two tye dye tops? 😂

No helmets again for the girls on the bikes.
Well, the SacconeJolys feed their babies McDonald's, this might be the slightly healthier option. Maybe. LOL.
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Why the hell would you let one of your kids sleep on the floor for a week when there’s a perfectly good bedroom with bunk beds. I know they tried to explain it but it’s just nonsense. Give the two little ones the bunk beds and Isabelle her own room like at home.

Chris is sleeping in the other room is my guess.

After they’ve been carted round in that tin I just find it appalling that ones now having to sleep on the floor
Or if Chris is sleeping in the other room give Isla the top bunk and let Esme and Isabelle have the twin room
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