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Chatty Member
Big dizzy Izzy really lives a dull life dosent she
When the camera turned and she was on about not knowing what to pack in her Hello Kitty hand luggage except for a hair claw, I genuinely felt sad for her. Coming up for 19 years old, no autonomy, no idea of what to put in her bag, no concept of what she might want to take such as a book, magazine, iPad, charger, spare knickers, tooth and hair brush, and some snacks of her choice. She is experiencing a wasted life, and has no drive to do anything about it, just being manipulated day after day by that pair of users into doing what they want but thinking it’s what she wants. She is oppressed and likely depressed and has no outside influence to measure against as to whether this is the life she wants. I would hazard a guess it isn’t, and she hasn’t developed the social skills to articulate her feelings.

Humans need friends, relationships and social interaction to function. Those “parents” have failed her and I’m starting to think it’s too late for her.

Izzy, if you’re reading this, please think about what you want from life. Life can be amazing, and colourful, and the world is a vibrant, fascinating place with so many opportunities for everyone. Don’t get to 30 and still be where you are now wondering where time went. It will go quickly. There are people who will help you.
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Chatty Member
"Designer" bag 😂

Screenshot 2024-05-06 011927.png

Lazy in the coffee shop, sat at the toilets far away from the other customers, going on and on trying to get the little girl to tell her how much she loves Lazy
Creepy wasn't off somewhere with the baby. Nope. He was sat across from them directing the little girl what to say.
As you can see here she keeps checking for Creepy's instructions.

Even pointing at him while saying his name

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And then there's this gem, where Lazy tells Mila she is Jace's older sister.

No Lazy, you thick donkey. Mila isn't Jace's big sister. Yes, she is more advanced than Jace, but she isn't his big sister.

Screenshot 2024-05-06 020250.png
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Yep, definitely one of their fake accounts. They love the questioning and even the negativity, hence Sarah arguing with everyone. It’s just increases their reach and popularity on appearing on people’s feeds. The travel stuff is just a game to them to get people talking and commenting.
It’s such a pathetic way to go through life. I can’t fathom why they truly believe people are jealous of their lifestyle. Constantly on edge not knowing if someone is going to shout nonce at you in public. Constantly bragging about how much money you have to make yourself feel good. Deliberately using your own kids for financial gain. Happily being known as the scruffy family on YouTube. Faking friendships . Relying on the mentally challenged people of society. Taking advantage of the vulnerable on a daily. A shopping addiction that will never be fulfilled. Kids that all need an urgent dentist appointment. Uneducated kids that don’t stand a chance in the real world. Begging off small businesses for a few freebies on the promise of an undeclared AD. Using your nanny for an excuse to go shopping instead of spending valuable time with her off camera. Offering payment plans for pyramid schemes that only the vulnerable will buy. Putting yourself in the local press pretending you’re a victim of “trolls” after he was all over the press for being a dirty bastard. Using the autistic Ifam to fight the battles you’ve instigated. Constantly telling people they are below them. Calling themselves a G in the mirror every morning. Sitting in bushes ranting to the world because you can’t handle the backlash to the shit you put out to the world on a daily basis. Idolising Tate and buying Cameos to try and come across as popular. Burn bridges whichever way they turn. Flexing your vag issues to the world then cry like a newborn when you forgot how to lie. Thinking you’re a knight in shining armour on a stallion when it comes to young girls when the reality is you’re a a prick in tin foil on a donkey. The fuck is there to be jealous of Creepy?
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I see his idol Tate has been served with Civil Proceedings papers in Romania, on behalf of four British women. Stating he allegedly assaulted and raped them.

Imagine telling everyone that disgusting piece of shit is your idol, and who you aspire to be. And then imagine your wife and family know this, and don't see anything wrong with it.
Imagine being the wife of the man who idolises Andrew Tate. Can you imagine the conversations over the dinner table? Creepy brainwashing his daughters about how wonderful the man charged with rape is while Sarah just sits back and agrees along like the doormat she is. Young girls and teenagers should be warned to stay away from men like Andrew Tate. Most mothers would run a mile from any man who worships a man accused of rape and sex trafficking but Sarah encourages it. Creepy is obsessed with the man so much so that he’s started quoting him, acting like him, he’s changed his diet to eat what Tate eats. He basically wants to be Andrew Tate. Your husband wants to be a rich, sex trafficking, misogynist prick who moved to Romania because the police there are willing to be bribed instead of arresting you when you’ve committed a crime. Let that sink in Sarah! 🙄 Creepy is never going to be part of the 1%. He’s never going to make millions so why the fuck are you letting him dictate yours and your children’s lives. Those poor girls only have Creepy as the male influence in their life. How scary is that when you think about what creepy has done and the person he aspires to be!

I hope that this life changing thing they’re yet to announce will be that they’re heading to Romania so creepy can live in the footsteps of his idol! I hope they land in Romania on the same day Tate gets extradited to the uk! 🙄
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Esme without filters looks like a completely different person. She's going to be really pissed with Creepy for creating that thumbnail.

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Chris sharing crap again on Instagram
Mate, you’re by the bogs outside of the North terminal in Gatwick. Seriously do you realise how many people do that same journey up to the departure gates everyday? Pipe yourself down 😂

And why is Sarah high fiving Isabelle and swinging her hair like she is 18? 😂
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Yeah, Saz. The lights look pretty and all that but what are these bits? Don't tell me that's the overhead gantry of the M180! Is it? Surely not! 😱🤭🤣

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Big frank

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At this point you have to ask why lazy is bothering... her comments section is a carcrash and is embarrassing to watch when she thinks she's outwitting people clearly much more intelligent than she is. She thinks she's clever but in reality it's like watching a 12 year old thinking sass wins an argument.
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If they come to the US I am contacting the media, wherever they are going it seem to be for quite some time so even if they get through customs I will be determined to inform the public that a groomer of young girls is in our country
It’s my duty to protect the our children
I don’t care what it takes
If they come to the US I am contacting the media, wherever they are going it seem to be for quite some time so even if they get through customs I will be determined to inform the public that a groomer of young girls is in our country
It’s my duty to protect our children
I don’t care what it takes
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Oh these next few weeks are going to be EPIC.I think America road trip. Part RV and part Airbnb’s. I also think Disney but not Florida… California,so he will attempt to be a smug barsteward and say “ told you Id go back to Disney”. We are going to get Creepy in his beanie, white sweat stained T’s and his uv long sleeves. Size 18/20… oops I mean size 14 Saz thinking she’s Kim K with her MK hand bag full of used nappies. Izzy Flexing the Whatever the fuck that tat is thinking she a boss babe eye rolling anyone that walks past. Esme, the pouting, entitled brat TikToking her holiday away for the sake of a load of pre teens declaring their admiration for her brows. Jason the king of manhood trying to string a sentence together whilst dipping MIla’s head under the pool water and getting a high five from his enablers. Poor Mila not getting the same attention as her godly brother. Isla, making most of the huge portion sizes because that’s all she knows since her parents let her down. And poor Aura looking round whilst left on the beach whilst they all go swimming and wondering what sort of chav family she’s been birthed into. Either way… it’s gonna be a BANGER!
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Destination - most likely Dubai again!! From the vlog tonight she said your allowed 25kg when weighing Esme’s bag not many allow 25kg from the UK, quick google looks like a rerun of last years sweating. Who the hell has gifted them this holiday this time!! Must be free they wouldn’t be taking so many suitcases if it wasn’t.


Seriously how much shit are they taking with them?? Esme wants to take her light up mirror!! Izzy is taking a pillow.

Creepy’s nose stud- who the hell does he think he is!! Wrinkly old prick is 40 in a few weeks time looks ridiculous!
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Chatty Member
Tomorrow's going to be a banger. Some of their suitcases are a couple of kilos over the weight limit. Tune in at 5pm to find out whether they pay for extra baggage or if they all wear three outfits on the plane.
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And this is someone who had the benefit of most of their life being in education, imagine how much worse the others could turn out.
Yep we may joke and take the piss out of Sarah and her poor grasp of phonics, but the reality is she could easily end up with 3 illiterate and innumerate children. 😢
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Malcolm Conkers

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Is there a chance one of his many meetings was with the police or a solicitor asking if the bigger boys in America would let him over to play with no issues???
No way - he can’t even admit to himself he committed a child sex crime, let alone make it real by asking professionals for advice about it.
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It is strange at about Isabells age Sarah has a relationship and was pregnant wasn't she a single mother at 19?
I'm not suggesting Isabelle should be pregnant by now but just pointing out at that age Sarah was living a life away from parents but she daughter seems so far away from being allowed or even able to be independent in any way
I think she hated not being tied to A Man (not that Chris qualifies but I’ll leave that for another post) and independent so she sees nothing strange about it. She thinks her children are living The Dream because this was hers and, with all the immaturity that comes with that.

If YouTube got rid of all their non active subscribers (across all accounts, and kids accounts) they’d not be able to get any of the deals they do. I’ve seen on another account I watch vlogs have gone up about accounts being removed as deemed inactive (they know because people have complained, sometimes people don’t watch the day something goes up) and comments being deleted by algorithm, it’s time this started happening to the Ingham Family.
No way - he can’t even admit to himself he committed a child sex crime, let alone make it real by asking professionals for advice about it.
Can you imagine how that conversation would even go?

“Well there’s these haterz man on a big dusty website and they keep telling people about this thing that didn’t happen”
“What thing?”
“It’s all lies made up to destroy me”
“What thing Mr Ingham?”
“That’s not the point”
“You mean sending graphic texts to underage ..”
“Nooooo it’s lies all lies, I know you’re on that dusty website too!!!!”
“We need a look at your devices...”
“They got stolen all of ‘em”
“Crime number?”
“I didn’t report it”
“Didn’t wanna”

In short impossible without incriminating himself.

Ps obviously the Chris bits are gradually getting higher pitched and Whiny.
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Creepy saying the vlogs have been boring lately, but will be interesting very soon.

He's been saying that for years...
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Her hand luggage packing was absolutely ridiculous when you think about it. There was no Calpol or ibuprofen for the little ones, no painkillers for the older ones either. No changes of clothes or underwear for the little ones. If Jace throws up or Mila wet herself again, it’s hard luck. She‘s got reusable nappies, but no nappy sacks, the same for her disposable nappies, are they just going straight in the bin. She has no sanitary products, I know the girls might have some, but most women always carry something in their handbag. I do and I haven’t had a period for a year. She might have wanted some immodium after eating all those sugar free sweets too.

She‘s got zero common sense. It’s all “look at me, I can buy loads of shit from the shop but can’t actually provide anything that my children actually might need”.
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