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It’s criminal really. Most people (myself included) don’t have more kids for fear of things like the constantly changing (horrendous) world we live in, global warming, all manner of non practical reasons then consideration of all the practicalities of life like money, childcare, work etc. but these chavs just breed like cockroaches. I just cannot fathom producing children with no intentions to provide a good life which involves education and provision of health services and socialisation. Not one person on this earth can convince me being in that family is a one way to ticket to a good life. Nope
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Doesn't she (Esme) need to sit exams, in order to get a job? Or is she under the delusion that she's an influencer 🤦🏼‍♀️
Both her and Esme think they're Influencers. Influencers with not one brand deal between them. Let's be honest, they both think copying trends in tik tok makes them important and not silly, bog-standard kids with crap parents. All of them are going to find life hard.
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Sarah, if your husband is earning £10k a week why are you putting them up for public scrutiny?
One reason could be that he does indeed earn £40k a month and you just like being infamous or (more likely) you earn money by exploiting your children.
Think about it. This won't last forever and where are you and six kids going to live because Chris will be off once the money dries up. Get your house in order, you're all a laughing stock and heading for obscurity. None of your children have the skills to navigate what's coming and it's going to be just you and them in private rentals with the kids snapping at you because there's no money and they realise what was taken from them.
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If it's left up to Lazy and Creepy the only letters Jace will known is going to be B,M and G.

They are neglecting their kids, the only reason that it's not being chased by authorities is that other kids out there are suffering physical and sexual abuse from parents and guardians. All these services are drowning, they are lacking staff and resources to protect all the kids that need it and can only get to the most extreme cases, we are then left with generational trauma and families repeating the same cycles over and over again. It will only be a matter of time before the Ingham kids are grown and raising their kids in the same manner, so the cycle continues. The only way that cycle breaks is if you have a strong enough child to break away from the family (but that leaves them vulnerable to other predators that will appear loving at first) and someone with the professional skills and that cares enough to help them get restarted in life. All the Ingham kids are being neglected educationally, medically and emotionally but nothing will be done. I would also placed good money that Creepy has loans out in both Sarah and Isabelle's names that they know nothing about.
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It’s probably a porn related search term that gets more hits. Fred & Rose Ingham love associating their children with the seedy side of the web
I know it’s not funny, I know it’s not, but I can’t stop laughing at Fred and rose Ingham.
It really suits them, although to give them their proper titles, Fredabelle and Rosabelle 😂🙈
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Tilly Kister

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Poor thing has Lazy’s big eye little eye
Yes it's a sign of Lazy Eye. My son has it and his was never ignored. He had his first glasses before he was a year old but at 27 there is still an obvious size difference in his eyes, especially when he isn't using visual aids like glasses or lenses. The muscle is weakened in that eye and so they haven't developed at the same rate.

It's hardly a major disfigurement, though the way some of the little arseholes & their bastard parents he went to school with carried on about it, one could have been excused for thinking he had a horn growing out of his face. He has severe self confidence issues about it to this day. Even when performing (he's a singer) he will keep his head down or turned to the side because he's so self conscious about it. There are still a lot of folk find it necessary to make bloody rude and cruel remarks pertaining to its effect on his appearance.

As far as I'm concerned the very least appalling thing about Sarah is one eye being microscopically larger than the other. Just as her fat arse & curdled thighs wouldn't be an issue for me if she didn't perpetually fuck up her daughters' body image by lying about her own size. If I honestly thought that an arse that big was a genuine size 14 I'd have been starving myself too. Just as Izzy is doing - or perhaps binge eating as Isla does, without recognising that my weight was becoming an adverse factor because her mother who is thrice her size is contantly having them all assure her that she is svelte and stylish.
Hope auroras had an hearing test
Yes I'd be getting a hearing test for sure but they never do the babbling thing with her. No "bub. bub. bub" or "mum, mum, mum" or "la-la-la-la-las" No raspberries. No singing to her. They never carry her about pointing at objects and naming them. They never show her herself in a mirror saying "BABY!" and pointing to "eyes, nose, mouth!"

How the hell is she meant to pick up language if no one ever bothers doing those most basic things with her? She's fed, changed and stuck in a car seat most of her life.
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The health kick will last 5 minutes. Chris is now on a full fledged carnivore diet according to his IG 🤣🤣

They do this quite often with diets and health kicks. Remember Chris rode his electric bike once when dropping one of the vehicles off somewhere. And he said he would make it a daily thing for fitness.

Never again did we see him riding the bike anywhere.
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Why were they the only family in the secret garden restaurant 🤔 that place is usually mobbed. Gifted 😡
Nah she said on the vlog they couldn’t get a table until 8:30 because she hadn’t tried to book until on the day and it was all that was left. More like she’s disorganised and didn’t even book her own daughters birthday meal and everyone else had finished - who eats at 9pm with toddlers and a baby they should be in bed
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Mila rating Sarah’s love level towards her at 4 yet rates her love for Sarah at 10 is telling.
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This is the pinnacle of Esme's life. She will never be so 'relevant' and 'famous' as she is now. Its all downhill and disappointment after this in a world where she has no skills. Her parents are a disgrace.
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Esme says she already had a bag of those crisps earlier. Now she's having all of those? Ick. No wonder these children always look so ill.

That video was insufferable. I think i make the right choice by never watching their content. Their voices are like nails on a black board, and Esme's exaggerated facial expressions are awful. What a horrible, smug little girl. Such a shame. She used to come across as quite a nice kid. Definitely her parents' child.
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Don’t be silly she’s not iddy biddy Isla anymore they clearly don’t care about her just for the views. It’s so sad to see
I know it's Lazy (as in Sarah) but I've made a cookie cake for a birthday using a really easy and tasty Millies cookie cheat recipe, half the price and better quality ingredients and no need to rush to the shops. She's bone, bone idle. Not one personal touch for her children. Ever. Simple gestures mean nothing to Chris and Sarah but would mean everything to Isla.
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Feeling sorry for myself today, spoke to my cancer nurse yesterday and even though they only had the ct scan results back so far it looks likes the cancer has spread into a few pelvic lymph nodes which is gutting to be honest 😢. They will know more once I they have my mri results next week and I’ve been referred for my PET scan. They said it treatable and they will throw everything at it I’m just so upset. Still not sure when treatment will start but hoping maybe 1st week of at the earliest but I’m also worried it might spread more by then ☹

My parents want to take me away for the weekend once I finish treatment and all I could think about was how I’d rather stay home incase I ended up bumping into the minghams 😅
I know this is beyond terrifying right now. There is nothing anyone can say to make you feel any brighter. Patronising as it might sound try to keep in the day and be good to yourself. It will likely feel worse before you can feel brighter. Lean on us tattlers. We’ve broad shoulders and kind hearts.
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What ever happened to the massive change after Christmas - don’t tell me it was just Chris getting false teeth 😬
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I mean big shaz thinks she’s clever but there is more brain cells in a chocolate teapot. Directing people to tattle will only work in tattles favour 😂
Which will also prove her to be a massive liar. I have never seen a single comment here saying someone desererved to die of cancer. I’m guessing shes been reading here and seen posters health updates and that’s what came to HER mind. We all know she likes to project and she’s proven to be a horrible human in the face of others tragedies
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Good point, why does she even need them? I use mine when commuting to and from work, when walking my dog, when going to the shops or walking to an exercise class….Lazy does none of those things, does she want them for around the house? If that’s the case then those kids are more unsupervised than I though
My thoughts exactly. I was thinking when I tend to wear mine:

Travel to and from work - not relevant
Out for a walk - not relevant
Chores around the house like hoovering - not relevant
Drying my hair after washing it - definitely not relevant

I don’t earn £10k a day (don’t judge me please) but my daughter lost hers the other week (she’d had them for years) and we just replaced them. We are lucky in that we do have disposable income but FFS Sarah it’s hardly a sign of huge affluence.

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