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I can't even hate watch them nor look at their socials. My own parents were very similar to them.

The only time I ever saw a dentist was the one that came to school, I was advised I needed braces but my parents didn't follow up. I didn't see the inside of a dentists office until I was 16 and took myself. It was the same for doctors. I never once had my hair cut until I got a part time job at 15 and paid for myself. In fact, my parents didn't even brush my hair unless it was a school day. Weekends and holidays my hair was left to matt. My hair was almost past my hips and you can imagine how it was, I looked like I had a beehive on my head by the end of the summer holiday. It took HOURS to get the knots out and many times I had to have the worst of them cut out. We won't talk about the nits. I needed glasses and frequently complained but once again, was ignored. My sister once got a sewing needle in her foot that broke off and it took my parents over a week to take her to the hospital. It ended in surgery because it had gone in so deep. It was also starting to rust.

The reason they eat pizza so frequently is because its cheap and feeds them all. It was the same for me. There was often no food at home. We would eat sugar sandwiches and various other things to fill us up. Frequently I'd be sent down to the chip shop for two bags of chips and buy a loaf of bread on the way home and that would be food for the five of us. If I could beg a tenner from my nan we might get a bit more but often £5 of that would have to go to the electric meter so we had some light at least. The house was fifty. My mattress, like milas was on the floor. I got a bed after a few years from my mom's work mate.

Just like for the Ingham children there was no love. No hugs, no kind words. Nothing. Actually, I was very sensitive and inquisitive and they couldn't be bothered to answer my questions so they would just switch off. My dad in particular as he was the one who had care of us the most. He is the same now, has no time for talking with me. He will tell me he is bored and says goodbye. My parents would wind me up and tease me until I snapped and then they would mock me for being upset. My nickname was sad sack. I was only sad because of them. Once my dad called me over, told me to put my hand out and he placed a very hot, metal teaspoon in my hand that had just been in boiling water. He shut my hand around it and then when I yelled because I was hurt he told me it was a "joke" and I should lighten up. My parents are the sole reason I no longer feel much. I just switched it all off.

My mother was over baring like Sarah. The atmosphere when she came home changed drastically. We barely dared to speak. My dad was only interested in his own pursuits, like Chris. He smoked 60 cigarettes a day, he'd be damned if anything got in the way of that. We didn't have gas many days because he'd prefer to buy his cigarettes. No gas, no hot water, no heating. He spent his money on various "business" ideas. They never worked. Didn't matter if we has food or not. I don't think they could have shown less interest if they tried. I failed my gcse exams, well, in my eyes I did. I got way below what my potential was and what I was predicted because I was too busy cleaning, cooking (when there was food) and caring for my siblings. Since then I have put myself through an education and I am in my third year of uni at the ripe age of 37.

Those children are in for a life long battle with depression, cptsd, feeling isolated and not having any sense of belonging. They will have strained relationships with their parents and as an extension they will have strained relationships with the rest of the family too because they, like me, rarely saw them. The sense of loss is huge. Even as a fully grown adult I get very upset sometimes. When something good/bad/exciting happens I can't pick up the phone to tell my mom. When I see other people out with their mom. Mother day. Christmas. All of it hurts and it will never get better, just easier with time. Not knowing basic things like what my parents favourite food is. It effects your every day life. I don't even have my mom's address. Visiting my dad's is a strain even after all these years. This is what they have to look forward to and I feel so bad for them. I hope they find peace when they are older.

Ps. If you made it to the end I apologise for the very long post and rant. These two fuckers have no idea what they are doing.

I can't even hate watch them nor look at their socials. My own parents were very similar to them.

The only time I ever saw a dentist was the one that came to school, I was advised I needed braces but my parents didn't follow up. I didn't see the inside of a dentists office until I was 16 and took myself. It was the same for doctors. I never once had my hair cut until I got a part time job at 15 and paid for myself. In fact, my parents didn't even brush my hair unless it was a school day. Weekends and holidays my hair was left to matt. My hair was almost past my hips and you can imagine how it was, I looked like I had a beehive on my head by the end of the summer holiday. It took HOURS to get the knots out and many times I had to have the worst of them cut out. We won't talk about the nits. I needed glasses and frequently complained but once again, was ignored. My sister once got a sewing needle in her foot that broke off and it took my parents over a week to take her to the hospital. It ended in surgery because it had gone in so deep. It was also starting to rust.

The reason they eat pizza so frequently is because its cheap and feeds them all. It was the same for me. There was often no food at home. We would eat sugar sandwiches and various other things to fill us up. Frequently I'd be sent down to the chip shop for two bags of chips and buy a loaf of bread on the way home and that would be food for the five of us. If I could beg a tenner from my nan we might get a bit more but often £5 of that would have to go to the electric meter so we had some light at least. The house was fifty. My mattress, like milas was on the floor. I got a bed after a few years from my mom's work mate.

Just like for the Ingham children there was no love. No hugs, no kind words. Nothing. Actually, I was very sensitive and inquisitive and they couldn't be bothered to answer my questions so they would just switch off. My dad in particular as he was the one who had care of us the most. He is the same now, has no time for talking with me. He will tell me he is bored and says goodbye. My parents would wind me up and tease me until I snapped and then they would mock me for being upset. My nickname was sad sack. I was only sad because of them. Once my dad called me over, told me to put my hand out and he placed a very hot, metal teaspoon in my hand that had just been in boiling water. He shut my hand around it and then when I yelled because I was hurt he told me it was a "joke" and I should lighten up. My parents are the sole reason I no longer feel much. I just switched it all off.

My mother was over baring like Sarah. The atmosphere when she came home changed drastically. We barely dared to speak. My dad was only interested in his own pursuits, like Chris. He smoked 60 cigarettes a day, he'd be damned if anything got in the way of that. We didn't have gas many days because he'd prefer to buy his cigarettes. No gas, no hot water, no heating. He spent his money on various "business" ideas. They never worked. Didn't matter if we had food or not. I don't think they could have shown less interest if they tried. I failed my gcse exams, well, in my eyes I did. I got way below what my potential was and what I was predicted because I was too busy cleaning, cooking (when there was food) and caring for my siblings. Since then I have put myself through an education and I am in my third year of uni at the ripe age of 37.

Those children are in for a life long battle with depression, cptsd, feeling isolated and not having any sense of belonging. They will have strained relationships with their parents and as an extension they will have strained relationships with the rest of the family too because they, like me, rarely saw them. The sense of loss is huge. Even as a fully grown adult I get very upset sometimes. When something good/bad/exciting happens I can't pick up the phone to tell my mom. When I see other people out with their mom. Mother day. Christmas. All of it hurts and it will never get better, just easier with time. Not knowing basic things like what my parents favourite food is. It effects your every day life. I don't even have my mom's address. Visiting my dad's is a strain even after all these years. This is what they have to look forward to and I feel so bad for them. I hope they find peace when they are older.

Ps. If you made it to the end I apologise for the very long post and rant. These two fuckers have no idea what they are doing.
The house was filthy* damn auto correct
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For anyone that wants to see Chris' "crash"
What a massive pansy 🤣


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Big frank

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Sorry I've been so quiet guys... I'm currently on my hols in Norway. In a van. In February. In sub zero temperatures. With a toddler and a baby. And Ian watk... I mean creepy!
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Chris let his "family man" mask slip tonight (I'm aware it was never very good on the 1st place)
But he took absolute glee in the fact he was the only one to see the Northern lights. They're all about "making memories" and that could have been a proper core memory for the kids. The excitement of being woken up at 2am, wrapping up warm and sitting watching the lights, with a mug of hot chocolate.
But no, he had to keep that for himself. Twat.
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Cockleshell Bay

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Chris Inghams idea of preparing for a trip to the Artic circle is to buy a can of de icer. You couldn’t make it up.
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FFS :mad: When will there be AN END TO THIS abuse?



That poor girl child is going to have cauliflower ears because they refuse to punish the boy from bullying her and pulling, tugging, and twisting her little ears.

Why do you hate her so much, Creepy and Lazy? Why?
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Contrary to what Chris and Sarah told MEN these threads are not populated by trolls. I too have had much support from them when I’ve felt able to mention things going on for me. I’ll be honest I didn’t get support elsewhere when I posted on here. I think we are all here because we care and care for those kids and the situation theyve been forced into.

Showing off.
Tattle was here for me in my saddest of times when my husband died
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The "crash" looked a lot like they were already stopped and he climbed off to gently lie down on the snow. I've climbed into bed with more force than that. Esme didn't move at all.
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Imagine thinking you‘re that cool in your George at Asda coat and rotten beanie. He makes my fanny snap shut like a Venus Fly Trap.
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I’ve cried tonight over a child that isn’t mine. But you know, we are just nasty, horrible trolls, right?
I’ve cried over Mila. The thought of such a fragile, beautiful and sensitive little soul being trapped in that horrendous family just breaks my heart. Not only that, but they drag her around the world in situations that babies shouldn’t even be in.

I’m sat here tonight, babies tucked up in bed, few of them in mine. Currently feeding the youngest, and as I am, my tears are rolling down and dropping onto their face. I can’t help but think that this should be Mila, at home, tucked up in a nice warm bed. She should be going to sleep thinking about what toys she’s going to be playing with the next day, not whether or not her brother is going to abuse her and when her next wash will be.
She’s a 1 year old child for goodness sake, no baby should be put through what she is.
Her face is full of fear (and bruises), she’s constantly unhappy and looks unwell. Do the right thing Lazy & Creepy and GO HOME, sort your 4 year old out, even shove him into a nursery for all I care, as long as he can’t hurt the poor girl, actually take care of your children and fucking WASH.
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Still waiting on them bangers from Ireland!
The only banging videos they’ve posted since lockdown are when the car broke down and he was taken in to the forecourt of dreams on the back of a recovery truck and when Kayak Paul knocked on their caravan door and told Mr Ingram that he definitely isn’t famous. It will take a lot to beat those two for me, tbf.
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Tilly Kister

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I was also wondering how they’ll get back, if/when they do actually make it to the arctic circle. I read a travel blog about someone driving up there (not in winter) and said the quickest route is through Sweden. So assume they can get back more quickly, but it must be pretty depressing thinking about having to turn around and drive all the way back.
I can't help but feel she'll be horribly disappointed if she makes it and finds out The Arctic Circle isn't actually a big ring of snowmen.
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Tattle was here for me in my saddest of times when my husband died
Mostyn 💐

same for me.
All of you kept me going when my life was falling apart, I barely posted but just reading these threads on my wedding night beside my husband on two chairs pushed together in the hospital whilst he slept and later on in the hospice and the kind words I had when the worst happened I will never forget
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Thank you for your kind words, everyone. Things are much better now, they improved as soon as I left home,and I do my best each day to live a good life.

Some good came out of it. I am a very different parent to my daughter, as my sister is to her two. I have an amazing husband and his parents are like parents to me. I love them all dearly. I wanted to home school my daughter but I knew I was ill equipped to do so, I lack the educational background to give her the quality of education she deserves so she has a normal school life. We visit fun and educational places on the weekends/holidays instead. The Ingham's could easily do so with all the money they say they make. At least the children would be on some kind of radar then.

Mostly though, I learned what not to do. I learned what unconditional love means and I intend to give my daughter just that for as long as I breathe.
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Spotted on FB this morning. Imagine chucking your entire family into the stinking can of death and driving thousands of miles to *pow* 🌟chase the northern lights🌟, when this person just got these incredible shots just minding their own business, sitting on a flight out of Manchester 🤣
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Chris has had to have emergency dental surgery today, and the vlogs been uploading for 2 hours
'Emergency dental surgery on his mouth' I'm glad it wasn't emergency dental surgery on his foot, Mrs HomeSkool.

Why is she so angry? This is hilarious!

(Can someone please screen record it, it really is a banger)
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