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I can't even hate watch them nor look at their socials. My own parents were very similar to them.

The only time I ever saw a dentist was the one that came to school, I was advised I needed braces but my parents didn't follow up. I didn't see the inside of a dentists office until I was 16 and took myself. It was the same for doctors. I never once had my hair cut until I got a part time job at 15 and paid for myself. In fact, my parents didn't even brush my hair unless it was a school day. Weekends and holidays my hair was left to matt. My hair was almost past my hips and you can imagine how it was, I looked like I had a beehive on my head by the end of the summer holiday. It took HOURS to get the knots out and many times I had to have the worst of them cut out. We won't talk about the nits. I needed glasses and frequently complained but once again, was ignored. My sister once got a sewing needle in her foot that broke off and it took my parents over a week to take her to the hospital. It ended in surgery because it had gone in so deep. It was also starting to rust.

The reason they eat pizza so frequently is because its cheap and feeds them all. It was the same for me. There was often no food at home. We would eat sugar sandwiches and various other things to fill us up. Frequently I'd be sent down to the chip shop for two bags of chips and buy a loaf of bread on the way home and that would be food for the five of us. If I could beg a tenner from my nan we might get a bit more but often £5 of that would have to go to the electric meter so we had some light at least. The house was fifty. My mattress, like milas was on the floor. I got a bed after a few years from my mom's work mate.

Just like for the Ingham children there was no love. No hugs, no kind words. Nothing. Actually, I was very sensitive and inquisitive and they couldn't be bothered to answer my questions so they would just switch off. My dad in particular as he was the one who had care of us the most. He is the same now, has no time for talking with me. He will tell me he is bored and says goodbye. My parents would wind me up and tease me until I snapped and then they would mock me for being upset. My nickname was sad sack. I was only sad because of them. Once my dad called me over, told me to put my hand out and he placed a very hot, metal teaspoon in my hand that had just been in boiling water. He shut my hand around it and then when I yelled because I was hurt he told me it was a "joke" and I should lighten up. My parents are the sole reason I no longer feel much. I just switched it all off.

My mother was over baring like Sarah. The atmosphere when she came home changed drastically. We barely dared to speak. My dad was only interested in his own pursuits, like Chris. He smoked 60 cigarettes a day, he'd be damned if anything got in the way of that. We didn't have gas many days because he'd prefer to buy his cigarettes. No gas, no hot water, no heating. He spent his money on various "business" ideas. They never worked. Didn't matter if we has food or not. I don't think they could have shown less interest if they tried. I failed my gcse exams, well, in my eyes I did. I got way below what my potential was and what I was predicted because I was too busy cleaning, cooking (when there was food) and caring for my siblings. Since then I have put myself through an education and I am in my third year of uni at the ripe age of 37.

Those children are in for a life long battle with depression, cptsd, feeling isolated and not having any sense of belonging. They will have strained relationships with their parents and as an extension they will have strained relationships with the rest of the family too because they, like me, rarely saw them. The sense of loss is huge. Even as a fully grown adult I get very upset sometimes. When something good/bad/exciting happens I can't pick up the phone to tell my mom. When I see other people out with their mom. Mother day. Christmas. All of it hurts and it will never get better, just easier with time. Not knowing basic things like what my parents favourite food is. It effects your every day life. I don't even have my mom's address. Visiting my dad's is a strain even after all these years. This is what they have to look forward to and I feel so bad for them. I hope they find peace when they are older.

Ps. If you made it to the end I apologise for the very long post and rant. These two fuckers have no idea what they are doing.

The house was filthy* damn auto correct
I had a similar type of upbringing and am currently in trauma therapy and slowly making progress, so all of this is so familiar. If nobody has ever said this to you I am incredibly proud that you are in education, I am incredibly proud of how strong you are to be able to share some of your story with others here, and I am incredibly moved that you provided so much care and love for your siblings when nobody ever showed you how to care and love. I hope you have a life that is now full of kindness, care and compassion.
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If someone left their baby strapped in their pushchair or high chair all day at home and didn’t interact with them other than having their ears pulled etc, social services would be concerned no? So what’s the difference between that and being strapped in a car seat all day for days on end in a van with no interaction and stimulation and constant ear pulling? Why is this acceptable?
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I don't understand what the point of this trip is. At the beginning they were in a rush to get to the floating hotel but since then nothing.
It's all driving and not much else, yesterday there wasn't even much snow content as it was milder.
It's amazingly pointless. They're driving to the Arctic Circle just to say that they drove to the Arctic Circle, even though they have absolutely no interest in anything that Norway or Sweden have to offer. You just know that the Arctic Circle, the grand finale, the whole point of the trip, Sarah's bucket list item, is going to be more snow, coastline and pizza with a bit of 'POLAR BEAR ATE MY TRAINER' clickbait thrown in.
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I don’t watch either, but I’ve watched clips from their Instagram accounts which have been linked here - and if I was a professional who worked with children, I’d be raising serious safeguarding concerns over Mila.
Her whole demeanour is that of a traumatised child, she radiates sadness, fear and it’s genuinely concerning 😣
I’m a professional in a primary school, and unfortunately the Ingham's know exactly how to work the system.
Mila and Jace aren’t registered at nursery/preschool and don’t attend baby or toddler groups, therefore there are no professionals involved to raise safeguarding concerns. By never registering the younger two they have effectively made sure no one is aware of what is typical behaviour and appearance for those children, and no one is following up any missing from setting/education concerns. For abused children this is the absolute nightmare situation: no one is coming to rescue you and there is no one for you to make a disclosure to, or adults to notice you displaying red flags. For abusers this is the perfect situation.
I worry about the children I work with and I also worry about the Ingham children. Whilst the older girls have been in education, they were removed at a point (step dad/biological dad accused of inappropriate conduct with female minors) where if I was Designated Safeguarding Lead at their school I would have been making a referrals to outside agencies.
Unfortunately it is unlikely they meet the threshold for social services to take action. If you knew how many times we’ve reported things to them and think “finally! Something will be done for those children” for them to bat it back to us as threshold isn’t met and we are to support the family, despite the family refusing to engage with us.
This kills me, but social services are only interested after something has occurred or sexual abuse or serious drug use are an issue. Yet these children will never be in a situation for social services to intervene because no one except their parents are involved in their care.
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Malcolm Conkers

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Chris really is a truly amazing man - he crashed the snow mobile but still managed to switch off the engine first - if you look carefully the kill switch dongle is just there hanging and not attached to him at all so he would have had to kill the engine manually.

And Esme managed to stay completely upright on said snow mobile.

The more I watch it (on here and not on YouTube - no extra views for you weird pair!) the more bizarre it gets.
Esme’s face says it all. I don’t think the idea is fully-formed yet, but deep down, she is realising he is a massive twat. I think she’ll get it before Isabelle.
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Must see 😂 😂 🤣🤣

Vlog starts with Creepstopher opening the van door to a shot of some bins. He whistles at a house in the distance. Lazy is excited because they’re doing a snow mobile safari. They’re venturing through a forest and over a frozen lake. You get clothing hire with the price.

Lazy shows us her fat bowling ball head with the helmet on. King Jace says she looks like a boss. Creepstopher shows us the snowmobiles. The sledge is cute. Its an 80km safari. Lazy cackles at Isabelle and says she looks like she’s going skydiving. Isla is going in the sleigh with King Jace and Mila.

Lazy screeches that Isla, King Jace and Mila are so cute. Creepstopher asks Lazy if she’s ready set to go. She has a bitch face on until she sees the camera. Esme is unlucky enough to have drawn the short straw and is sitting behind her loser of a father. She will be picking up unpleasant smells in the wind.

Isabell says she trusts Lazy but to go faster. Snowmobile footage. Esme doesn’t have the visor down on her helmet. Screeching. Esme seems to be leaning backwards on the seat. Creepstopher writes ‘Me and Esme went slightly off the path intosome deeper snow. When one side of the snow bank collapsed under the right side of the snow mobile…’. Creepstopher stages falling off the snowmobile. I’m pretty sure he hits the breaks before doing so as it stops beforehand. He does his audition for Casualty. Creepstopher writes that no one knew they were missing. Esme tells him he’s such an idiot. They get back on the road. They had to ‘stomp it’ for a long time before catching up with everyone. Another reminder no one knew they were missing. Drone.

Lazy says they’ve made a quick stop. They’re off into the mountain. Isla loved the first part of the ride. Lazy’s size 16 stomach dropped when they went over the lake. More snowmobile footage. They stop to change over and Isla is going on the back of Lazy’s mobile. Lazy seems to be trying to catch her breath in the background. Esme is still with Creepstopher so Isabelle is in the sledge with King Jace and Mila. Another replay of the ‘crash’. Drone.

Creepstopher tells Lazy that was the bossiest thing they’ve ever done. They’ve made so many memories. Lazy is ready to go home now but then remembers she hasn’t seen the northern lights. That was the funnest thing she’s done in her whole life. It was so freeing. She was worried about falling backwards and the snowmobile falling on top of her. They went past the slopes they skied on yesterday. All Lazy could hear was Isla squealing. Esme screeches that her arms flew out. Creepstopher giggles that they turned their snowmobile off eco mode and put it on sport mode. The handle bars burn as they’re so hot. Lazy had to turn them down. This will be an annual holiday now. They will be buying a jet ski for summer and snowmobile for winter. Lazy cannot believe how powerful they are. The ice on the river is 1 metre deep with snow on top. They often open rivers and lakes for lorries to drive over. It’s the national river.

Creepstopher is paying. Lazy shows us the tour guide’s home and the guesthouse. There are guards on the roof to stop the snow from falling down. It’s so cute. Isabelle is still stuck on the sleigh with King Jace and Mila. Lazy tells her they’re off to a cabin now for lunch and to light a fire. Drone.

Creepstopher shows us the gorgeous cabin in the middle of the forest. He tells us to look at how cute King Jace and Mila are in their sleigh. Lazy waddles out of the cabin. Creepstopher shows the insane scenery. They’re getting cups of tea and coffee by filling the kettle up with snow like Creepstopher did the other night to do the washing up. Lazy waddles along the path. Footage of King Jace and Mila. Lazy says you walk normally and suddenly one leg will be knee deep in snow. Creepstopher tells King Jace they might not be able to find him if he falls in the snow. The kids watch the fire. Lazy says the girls are on their third bowls of food. Jace is waiting to eat the broccoli out of Lazy’s.

Creepstopher tells Isabelle this is the last point she can get out of this. He asks if she wants to ride on the back of his bike. She tells him he’s an idiot. It’s a big ride back. She gets on the snowmobile. In the next shot Isabelle is in the driving seat. One of the instructors shows her what to do. Snow mobile footage. Lazy stands up as she rides past the camera.

Creepstopher opens the van doors. It’s dark. He shows us his secret wood stash. They’re at their resting ground for tonight and have lit a fire. Lazy cannot lie; they went to the supermarket to get marshmallows to toast. It’s too hot to toast them right now but Jace cannot wait and is already eating one. Today is up there with Lazy’s favourite days. Nothing can prepare you for it. You have to experience it in your lifetime. This was reasonable in cost. They booked with Sorsele “soro-cell” Snowmobile Tours. Lazy always worries about prices but when you break it down per person it’s a good price. The tour guide was good with the filming and drone. Princess Christine crashed his drone into a tree and went looking for it in knee high snow in the woods. The tour guide went a picked him up. He was trying to swim in the snow. They found out the recipe of the food they had. They did loads of research about the Swedish way of life before the trip and it was good to talk to the tour guide about what they knew. They’re at a campsite.

Creepstopher explains what happened with the drone. He forgot the side sensors don’t work when he’s doing spin around shots. It was low and the next thing he knew it was on the ground. Lazy says he went crying to her and said “Babe my drone just crashed”. It was easy to find as it pings but getting there was difficult. It was a swim through the snow. The snow was up to his moobs. He claim he and Esme rolled the snowmobile. The snow mobile remained upstanding and Creepstopher faked his accident. Lazy nearly rolled the snowmobile during the test drive. They feel like they’re easy to roll. Creepstopher and Esme kept winding in and out of the snow, being generally reckless. They were going 65kmph. Something even more crazy is happening tomorrow.

End of vlog

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Chris, I know you love to have a little read here and I want to ask you a serious question

How do the ratings on 'Park for night' work?

You like to state that you chose to stay on 5* 'park for night'

I am well aware how hotels rate from 1* to 5* (and above in Dubai)

It's all to do with accommodation, services, food etc

So, in all honestly I want to know, what rates a car park or lay over 1* or 5*???

Is it better car park bay markings?

Is it better car park lighting?

Is it later store openings?

Is it better 'wild toileting'?

Is it better 'dogging'?

Please let me know on one of your future vlogs (perhaps Wednesday).
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She’s rattled isn’t she? If Mila’s face is bright red because of the light, why isn’t everyone else’s? Stupid cow.
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Looking back when they first started vlogging and they lived in a small, comfortable, cosy house - Lazy cooked proper meals and the girls ate a LOT of vege’s.
The girls didn’t have huge rooms, and they didn’t have tons of stuff, but they seemed happy with that they did have.
Both Creepy and Lazy (for the most part) seemed to genuinely dote on them and they made time for each child for special treat days.
The girls seemed happy and did a wide range of groups and clubs.
They had friends and saw family.
But as soon as that money started coming in - both those giant arseholes put the money and “fame” over their children. Look at the fucking state the kids exist in now 😞
They’re filthy dirty, they wear dirty clothes, have no access to proper toileting or washing facilities and exist on pure crap.
They are isolated, clearly suffering mentally and emotionally and are neglected, with the youngest being openly rough housed.
They’ve ruined those kids childhoods and potentially later life, for their own selfish wants!!!
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Stacey Solomon's new babys called belle. Rose and Belle, is she coming for the manor next?
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Chris really is a truly amazing man - he crashed the snow mobile but still managed to switch off the engine first - if you look carefully the kill switch dongle is just there hanging and not attached to him at all so he would have had to kill the engine manually.

And Esme managed to stay completely upright on said snow mobile.

The more I watch it (on here and not on YouTube - no extra views for you weird pair!) the more bizarre it gets.
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Chatty Member
They posted that video of Mila so everyone gets a close up of Mila's face for everyone thinking that her face looks sore.
Yeah she’s been on Tattle again.

Hi Sarah. 👋

Your kid still looks frost nipped.

Instead of trying to “prove all the haters wrong” how about you parent your damn kids and buy some hats and face coverings for the little ones!
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You can just imagine izzy sitting up front with Chris trying to have a convo, and jabba the hutt butting in shouting from the back with her big brass chavvy voice.
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Thought you'd all like to see this. She's just posted a reply in a group I'm in where someone has asked if family travel bloggers can make a living by travelling and blogging
If that is true, there is no way lazy would be shopping in b&m and the kids wearing SHEIN clothes… lazy is a massive show off, just look at how full of it they were when they got ugg boots a few weeks ago and with the macs.

If they were earning the ‘higher end’ of 5 figures a month she’d be at least be in Next and Waitrose instead of homebargains and Lidl.
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Chatty Member
When she had Jace and Mila sitting at the bottom of the slope it was a near miss with the skier that went past at a fast rate it even made Jace jump, what mother plonks there children on the snow at the bottom of a ski slope shes a compete idiot 😡
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Lazy's throwing around 'five figures' again.
She claims they earn big money and he claims they are skint and can't afford to pay for the privacy screening done properly, so someone is lying.

Good idea boasting about your sooper dooper wow pow mega set for life YouTube channel when the views are low and the content is dire.
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