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Poor little Mila, once again teaching Jace it's okay to violated another person's personal space. I'm sorry, but I don't care how old he is he needs teaching, it's not okay to touch someone else without their consent. Mila is too young to give consent, so as a mother Sarah should tell Jace to stop. You wouldn't allow a random stranger to go up to your son and start pulling on his ears would you lazy, you'd consider it an assault, so why are you allowing your daughter to go through it, then say it's cute no it's not cute, it's cruel she obviously doesn't like the ear pulling, but you make her go through it because it's what Jace wants. Well let's hope in a couple of months, Mila's comfort is punching her brother in the nose every time he reaches for her ears, will it still be cute then? No you'll consider it bullying, but surely it's just an eye for an eye
If it’s so cute and adorable, why doesn’t Lazy let Jace rub and pull her ears instead??
Ah yes, because it’s horrible and painful!!
But ok for Mila to endure, because neither of you appalling excuses for parents give two shits about her 😐
They are that disinterested in Mila, they think it’s totally acceptable to share her looking distressed, upset and fed up in the vlog - so god knows what she’s treated like when the cameras off ☹
Jace needs to be told to keep his hands to himself!
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Got to

Got to post about this awful tragedy, but not before she quickly brags about her receiving a message from a nursery teacher. Rather don't say anything for fucks sake, Sarah. Or wait before you post about it seconds after bragging.
Some of my children have cousins buried under rubble, one family has lost the whole family except one adult male. My God there is so much suffering. I can't cope with these selfish fuckers.
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Milas eyes say a lot. Time social services got their act together. Sarah & Chris you are disgusting, look at your babies face. 😞
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just posted this on the old thread so bringing it over
Isla: Is that strawberries,
Teacher of the year:That is not strawberries yak. it's carrots. What no that's carrots. What planet am I on.
Teacher of the year: No that is not strawberries it is tomatoes and peppers.
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Footage of the snowfall at 2am. Footage of the snow the following morning afternoon. Drone shots. Screeching. Lazy tells us the tractors have been at it all morning saving their backs as they clear the snow. She struggles to open the van door and cackles at the depth of the snow. People are sledging. Esme screeches at her not to step down into the snow. Lazy ignores her and it’s up to her knees. Jace asks if it’s just snow and starts screeching when she confirms it is. He almost hyperventilates over the tractor. Lazy screeches and cackles about the snow on top of the van. The thickness is insane. Its 18° and toasty in the van. Mila is shocked.

Creepstopher puts his shoes on. Lazy reassures Jace he can walk through the snow. He gets on the sledge. Lazy gives Babe his phone. Did she confiscate it to keep Norwegian teenage girls safe? They’re wounded as they realise they’re next to a school and the chuldren they saw sledging earlier are probably doing PE. A schoolteacher comes out and says they can join the school. Unforthcoming Isla this doesn’t mean she’s about to start getting a proper education. They walk up the hill. Jace is excited. Lazy moans about walking up the hill. Sledge footage.

A girl told Lazy that carrying skis up a hill is tiring. They have to be careful of what they film because of the schoolchuldren. Back at the van the chuldren bury each other in the snow. Jace is burying Isla. His hair looks wet and tangled. Isabelle doesn’t feel cold when it isn’t windy. She still has the tag on her coat. She didn’t want to sledge and just got photos for Instagram. The snow is always frozen so you never get wet.

Drone. Lazy cannot believe her eyes looking at the views. It’s like a dream. The snow is almost as thick as her. No cars go past for ages so Creepstopher makes her get out of the van and walk to get a shot of him driving past like a n0n€ey boy racer whilst rap music plays. Drone. More driving. They have to stop to film the view. Creepstopher is wetting himself with excitement.

A few times they have seen mounds and wonder what they are. They’re cars that people leave during the winter. Their breaths have been taken away today. Creepstopher was nearly crying over the sledging this morning because they needed to get to the fjord. Isla looks cold and only has a jumper on. Esme is getting photos for Instagram.

Back to the rap music for more driving. Another fucking fjord. Tunnel. Creepstopher gets sentimental about seeing the rock inside the mountain that the tunnel has been carved in. Cackling. More driving. Woohoo. They come out of another tunnel. Lazy is terrified. They’re skidding. Creepstopher hits the brakes. They’re going super slow. Lazy tells Babe to get in the middle of the road. It’s a 9° decline. Snow chains go on. Cars are flying past and it’s so dangerous. Lazy shows the long road they’re on on her phone. It’s much better with the chains on. No one else has snow chains on. There is a beast mountain in front of them. The road is hairpins and hairpins. They hope the town they’re heading to has shops as they need water. More banging on about the bloody road.

The Park for the Night spots are killing the Inghams. They pull up. Some people will 100% understand why Lazy is scared of being parked near water in case the van was to slip back into the water. She has an irrational fear when she’s sleeping. They argue about it on every van trip. There was a big argument. How lovely for the chuldren and not distressing at all for their parents to be arguing in the middle of god knows where. Creepstopher assured Lazy he has bought a big shovel but it looks like a bucket and spade. Lazy’s hand is bigger than the shovel. He is digging so he can park the van the other way. He is making mountains out of molehills and doing more work than needed. Lazy cannot trust the van. The van is moved.

Lazy shows photos she took on her phone. It’s like a Coca Cola advert for Christmas. Babe screeches that she’s off to make dinner. Isla comes outside wearing only her jumper again.

Creepstopher is helping Lazy cool the eggs down by rubbing his disgusting fingers all over them and then putting them in snow. Jace and Mila eat gingerbread. They remind Lazy of Christmas biscuits. Jace talks about the thing on the chimney that stops birds flying into the house. Creepstopher says they have to tell birdies to go. By 1pm so Lazy doesn’t catch you with them when she rises from her pit. Santa can get down the chimney with magic dust.

Lazy cannot cope with Creepstopher. The pipes are frozen. They have something that insulates the pipes and stops them freezing bit with the temperatures they’re experiencing it’s not working. Tonight Creepstopher is filling up a pan of snow to boil on the hob and wash up with. He shows us the cutlery he’s washing. Next they’ll do the plates and pan.

The night is ending with Creepstopher talking a walk with Isabelle, who is wearing a wanket. The place they’re at is listed as a beach. The fjord is one of the biggest in Norway.

End of vlog
Creepstopher Grylls
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Malcolm Conkers

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I love that even in the middle of all this, he still has to wet shave every couple of hours, just to prevent any tell-tale ginger hairs from giving away his ‘big secret’.

I wonder if he dyes ‘downstairs’, or keeps that hairless too? Left it’s natural shade, it would look like Pinocchio had joined The Proclaimers.
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Seeing Mila’s face at the start was so sad - she was not happy but it’s almost as if she knows now that nothing will be done so is putting up with it :( how can anyone not pick up on that unless they are deleting comments because he really was quite rough with her in that segment whilst Sarah was cooing over him. He’s 4 in a couple of months time isn’t he? Sort it out Sarah, a lot of his behaviours started to become unacceptable as he moves out of his toddler/preschool years. You’d be called in for a chat if he was doing this in a preschool/school settinf
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Granny Pat

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Big sarah making out its all fun and games. They must be miserable! They need those kids removed from their care. Pair of selfish neglectful cunts
Big sarah making out its all fun and games. They must be miserable! They need those kids removed from their care. Pair of selfish neglectful cunts
As soon as they arrive back in this country (UK) the authorities should be there to check on the childrens’ health, personal hygiene, state of their clothes, education standards, van safety and their mental health.
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That creepy idiot drove his children to Norway to go to the Arctic Circle. They’re on a dangerous looking road, high up, no sides or railings and mother of the year Sarah Ingham is giggling away to her thirteen and seventeen year olds because Chris has shit himself, told them all he’s putting them in danger and left them parked in the middle of the road and had to leave the van because he’s panicking. He’s right down the end of the road and Sarah is sat in the van telling the camera it’s irrational fear and he’s not putting them in danger. She goes on to say it’s like when she was worrying that the van would slide into the water but it was never going to happen.

What the fuck are these people on! The roads will only get worst and they’re so unprepared. Do they not get that the roads are hazardous if you’re inexperienced? When they saw cars and vans at the side of the road buried in snow on a previous vlog, they we’re laughing that people leave their cars parked at the sides of the road for the winter when in reality they could end up buried under there in an avalanche and I’ve seen a vlogger who’s van was almost blown into the water during the night so yes Sarah you can end up in the river. This “holiday” they’ve taken their children on is risky for adults so to risk the lives of their 5 children for views is disgusting. If he’s leaving them parked at the side of a dangerous road while he gets out to panic then Sarah needs to tell him to turn around and go home. Fuck knows how he’ll keep up with a winter convoy when he gets to the top. They’ll probably turn him around anyway when they see he’s risking his kids life. 🙄
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Betty Bujo

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For this week's Memory Monday, we go back to June 2019 and remember all the drama with Nuby, where Creepy behaved appallingly.

It all started when Nuby gifted them a breast pump and dummy steriliser. They hadn't researched who they were gifting to and didn't know about Creepy's grooming of teenage fans.

When told about what he had done by tattlers, Nuby apologised and said that they would not have anything to do with the family from then on. They were officially on the Shit Midas List but things got even worse for them, particularly for one of their members of staff.

Lazy posted an Instagram story that spoke directly to a young woman who had contacted Nuby and filled them in on Creepy's behaviour with young teenagers. The young woman was just trying to let Nuby know that they were working with a proven groomer and should definitely rethink working with the family. Lazy told the young woman that the police had all her personal details and that a company (which turned out to be Nuby) had passed them on.

Just after this, Creepy messaged the young woman on Facebook. He sent two screenshots. The first was a a screenshot of the message that the woman had sent to Nuby and the second was a threatening piece about malicious communications. He wrote underneath that the police now had all her social media and personal details 😐.

The woman confirmed that the only way that Creepy could have seen the message that she had sent to Nuby was if Nuby had passed it on to him (she hadn't shared it anywhere else). This meant that Nuby had breached the privacy laws by passing this woman's personal details to Creepy and that was of course, an extremely serious matter.

When the incident was investigated by the management at Nuby, it was found that Creepy had been manipulative and had lied to a member of staff. He had told her that there was a police investigation taking place (about the 'harrassment from haters' that his family were experiencing) and that the police had asked him to ask companies to pass on the details of anyone who had tried to contact them about Creepy's past behaviour.

The unfortunate member of staff who was manipulated and lied to by Creepy was then disciplined and then probably went on to lose her job 😔. It was awful for that woman and also awful for the woman who got threatened by Creepy.

It turned out, after the police had been contacted that there never had been a harrassment case, the police had never been sent the Nuby message and Creepy had been doing a very lot of lying.
This is the type of good investigative journalism that we need in the tabloids. Calmly relayed, facts. Not the sensationalist bollocks the tabloids print
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So your face was stinging with the cold Sarah what about beautiful little mila wonder how she feels with no gloves on and being laid in the packed snow! Wait until you get to the artic if you find it cold now how do you think that poor little girl is going to feel in the minus weather ! Feel so sorry for that little girl I honestly do 🥺
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He probably was nervous, but as everyone says it was lazy going on and on and on about how dangerous the road was, how there was no barrier, the drop, how it was scary. I mean she was probably chirping on and on and his nerves got the better of him and he got out the van to get away from her. Personally, I'd have pushed her out and over the side, the no barrier would have been the added bonus. The night before she was going on and on about going into the lake. It's a wonder those kids aren't on their last nerves. It's honestly like she's pushing for one of them to break, great for the views I guess. I mean who in their right mind goes on and on about constant danger in front of their kids while laughing like a manic?

As for the kids not being strapped in, did we ever think any of them were? Definitely not the older 3 but I think it just goes to show the total lack of disregard they have for their kids safety and wellbeing.

Also I found it odd when he got back in the van, lazy goes me and Isabelle have had a talk with him. Why would a child be talking to him about anything. Surely it's for his wife to check on him and for him to reassure the kids that everything is okay and that if lazy could keep her mouth shut with comments about the road, drop and barriers everything is hunky Dory. I find the whole family dynamics odd.
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it’s in the sun and mirror lol
No dickheads, yous get abuse because you Chris are a dirty grooming cheating bastard, and together the pair of you are disgraceful and selfish parents. The cheek to go moaning to the papers to get your views up. Pathetic.
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Just here to remind everyone about all the farts zinging around that van after Mexican rice the other night and cheesy beans on toast tonight. I wonder if they’re lighting them to keep warm?
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I'm sure the scenery is stunning, but the whole experience, the way they are doing it, is just my idea of hell. It doesn't look enjoyable at all.
My kids love it when it snows. They get all excited. They will play in it for a little while and then it's back inside to get all cosy and warm again. And then the novelty has pretty much worn off.
How are they keeping the kids warm and dry? I dread to think how damp it is in that tin can.
This whole holiday is just a dangerous accident waiting to happen.
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