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Just had a look and that party in a box costs £55! It looked like a load of tat to be honest which is probably why the Inghams loved it
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Forgets my arse , he keeps this stuff in on purpose to show how much of a bitch she can be
‘Tret’ ?? For real? Is that a dialect thing or her shit grasp of language? Sounds a very lot throffy. No wonder the kids are so behind.

Although, when Isla was reading out her space facts, having managed to get a moment on camera before it went back to the toddler and his caaaas, she did pretty well. She read that there was no atmosphere on the moon. Now Sarah, the homeschooling mother (🙄) could and should have gone a little deeper.
She should have asked if Isla understood what that actually meant, and if not, looked it up to make sure she now knows.

But no, she simply said, ‘It’s true’. She has no clue. The next space fact was how long it takes Uranus to orbit the sun. When the child read out the number of years, it was met with a ‘wowwww’ from Lazy and the camera went straight back to the ‘Cleva Boyyy’.

This idiot excuse for a parent is setting them up for sibling rivalry and all sorts of issues that may come out later in life.
Showing favoritism is bad enough, but broadcasting it to the ‘whole wide world’ is horribly dangerous. It leaves the girls particularly vulnerable when they start dating. Their vulnerability & insecurity will have been well documented.

Hey Creepy & Lazy.... better slow down on the spending & start a fund for world class therapists to help heal the shit you are inflicting - every damn day.
And while you’re at it - get yourself some help. This is not said in a negative way - everyone can see that you, Sarah, are not doing so well. The lies, the shopping, the wrapping paper... get help. It’s available and worth the money you claim to have.
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Chatty Member
We all know you read here you greedy lazy bitch so have a bloody good look at what this amazing young lad has done for less fortunate kids this Christmas. Take a leaf out of his book rather than bitch and moan about your own sad pathetic life of self indulgence.


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Jace constantly asking for sweets, think he is addicted to sugar, same as Esme, you would think they had never had sweets
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MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE Sarah, you do know you're an adult? These were the same 4 words my KIDS used when they were about 4 or 5 - 'This is the best ice cream I've had in my whole entire life', this is the best day I've had in my whole entire life' etc etc - I do not know one adult that uses that phrase. Its become the new 'stunnin'
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That’s true! It still concerns me though that even though they clearly know the facts they don’t care. It’s block and delete. Her and Sarah are made for each other.
Small fry and small minded.

It's always worth contacting these businesses though, just in case it makes a difference. They won't always thank you but plenty of others will be grateful for your efforts. Keep it up, Tattlers! 👏
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Lol wait so according to Sarah she changes the time on the clock every single day because da haterzz say things like “omg you’re having breakfast at 1 in the afternoon” that is deranged lmaoo
She makes no sense... if she’d changed the time surely she would make it earlier? She said “I’m fed up of people saying omg you’re only just doing that at 1pm, it’s not 1pm I changed the time” So does that mean that they’re doing said ‘thing’ at 2-3pm so even later than the clock said? What’s she on about 😂 in yesterday’s vlog it was 10:30 on the clock when they were opening advents, I saw Sarah glance at it sheepishly a few times. But does that mean it was actually more like 11:30. She’s an idiot man.
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With all that ridiculous cacophony- all kids vying for camera time to show off their bounty, the poor dog, fully in view to the one filming, is utterly ignored, left outside. The look on her face says it all. There is noise and fun going on with her mostly absent family. Being a dog, as opposed to a cat (don’t start, I have cats, they generally don’t like screeching brats 😼😽) she wants to be part of it. What a terribly sad existence. No walks - only given ‘attention’ when needed for views & ‘engagement’ on YouTube. Oh and to sell the replica.

The Lazy one can surely see her, as can the ‘Teen Mom’ sitting right next to the door, but Prinny wasn’t scripted for that segment. Far more important to show a facial exfoliating brush that has left the teen stumped - ‘I’ll Google it later’ 🙄🤯

Lipgloss on the 8 year old again. No getting ready for school work. She went straight from opening more shit to watching TV. We know this because Lazy said she had to go to the office and left the toddler with the youngest to continue.

So you change the time on the clock because you don’t like that it’s been noted that you are a Lazy, neglectful ‘parent’? That’s as laughable and accurate as the portrayal of you on the cartoon opening. You are nothing but a shameless, compulsive liar & the only thing you are schooling your kids in is to be dishonest when the camera is out.


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Lazy clearly just went out with the girls because she wanted to stuff her gob with another McFlurry.
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I'm also a very lot confused about the moaning in tier 3. Everything open except for hospitality and indoor leisure - how often did we see them in a swimming pool (apart from holidays) or going to the cinema, bowling, soft play etc? They can still get takeaway food from the big chains and we all know the Inghams don't drink alcohol 🤣
They can meet family/friends in a park or go for a walk (oops silly me I forgot they don't have any friends and family appear to have disowned them).

Why did Chris not take Jason, the girls and Prinny for a walk to the park? Why go after it gets dark?

I think there must be something else that's making them moan.
It does feel like something is going on.

Several times now Sarah has mentioned going to the shops but didn't vlog any of it. Previously she vlogged every shopping trip no matter how boring. It's not like they have anything else to show.

Going to the playground in the dark after being at home all day makes no sense. Other than the office and on the street near their house, and the one trip to the garden centre have the younger girls even been outside?

They complain about restrictions, but don't do anything that they can do.

Still no mention of Jane or Steve.

Lack of Christmas blankets stock, plus can't ever be bothered to pack the things that have been sold.

Why does Chris stay up till 5am "working" but then spend all day at home doing nothing. Could he not use that time to work?
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Who orders their Christmas stock at the end of November in any normal year, let alone in a pandemic when the supply chain is heavily impacted. Businesswoman of the year :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: She really couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery
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Elsa Frost 24

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Seriously, does all that woman do is shop? I’ve never know anyone who does this much shopping just for the sake of it. Was going to primark classed as essential? I also don’t think they should be allowing filming in stores either. I mean if you desperately need to go into a store then you should be in and out and not taking a leisurely stroll around touching anything and everything.
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If I was a mum I'd be mortified if strangers pointed out that my kids needed a good wash and looked disheveled. How on earth can she broadcast her kids looking like they've been dragged through a bush?
To weigh in on the roast debate,
I totally agree that fresh veg with their 'roast' would be so much better. Then even having frozen veg must be a total shock to the system for these vegetable dodgers!
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DMK 99

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For a minute there I thought they were actually going to buy some toys to donate to charity!

Not sure what I'm missing but why did they go to the toy shop, why at night and why were they pretending it was a secret and that they were going to the office. All very bizarre. They clearly didn't want or need anything. They weren't looking for secret santa gifts. Is it because they literally can't go anywhere local (in daylight) without risking confrontation? If so, thats so sad for the kids.

Also they've completely stopped making ANY reference to home schooling, wonder whats going on there.
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Before I start, I've seen the thumbnail and the first thing that comes to mind is what 15 year old want to go out in a bright pink hoodie with a cartoon of herself and her younger siblings on it?


For Elf on the Shelf today; Creepy and Lazy have wrapped loo roll around the Christmas tree. The girls come down and see the tree with Jace grabbing his recycling truck. Isabelle is out with Creepy at the opticians. Lazy woohoos. Advent calendars. Jace bang his head on the marble table near the corner, not hard but he is almost at eye level to it. Lazy tells him to watch his head.

Isabelle blends a purple grape and cucumber drink in the blender.

It's becoming a tradition to get dressed and snuggle up and watch the Grinch in the morning. Jace doesn't sit and watch many movies but he loves The Grinch. Probably because he thinks the Grinch is his Daddy, the resemblance is uncanny. Lazy is going to the office soon.

Isabelle has called the girls in for sibling Christmas baking. They're using a unicorn biscuit making kit but using Christmassy cutters. Isabelle adds the mixture and butter, mixing until it's dough. They add too much butter. They have a lunch break and Isabelle makes it. After lunch they put the biscuits in the oven. They burn the biscuits a little and decorate them.

Lazy is home and Jace is in bed. She feels like she hasn't seen the kids all week. She has a favour to ask Isabelle; does he want to come to the office in a bit? She is reluctant but then realises she can organise. Now that Isabelle is homeschooled, she spends all day with her sisters and because of covid she can't go out with her friends so Lazy thought she could spend time with Isabelle. Not that she sees any of her friends when covid wasn't around. She hasn't seen them in so long that they've probably forgotten about her. They're going to have dinner and lay is going to snuggle with the girls first though.

Lazy has been snuggling Esme and Isla. Before Lazy wakes Jace there are two packages to open. Lazy thinks they're edible so they can't wait. The packages are more biscuits to decorate. It was just the festive cheer the Inghams needed today. They need to show Creepy before they eat them. The second package is from Lazy's friend and she seems to know what it is before the box is even open but pretends to be shocked when the girls open it.

What Isabelle doesn't know is they're not going to the office; they're off for a shopping trip. Isla is going to get a charity box going and open a book.

In the caaa, Lazy moans that it's pouring with rain. She's jealous of everyone who has snow. Lazy tells Isabelle they're going shopping because the White Rose is open until midnight. Isabelle does her usual fake surprise reaction. Someone on the Facebook group that Primark is open until midnight. Isabelle runs in the house to get a different facemask. Lazy says Isabelle deserves a shopping trip because she doesn't spend a lot of time with her friends. It's important to send 1:1 time with children. Lazy is guilty about leaving the other 3 behind. Creepy comes and gives them a credit card.

Time lapse of driving. First stop is a beauty home section. The first thing they get is Harry Potter pencil cases for Isabelle and Isla. Teeny tiny miniatures for travelling are so adorable. It's all about Harry Potter this year and Lazy finds pens for the younger girls but there's no Gryffindor. Isabelle finds Harry Potter keyrings.

Onto the clothes and Lazy says they can be tins but Isabelle isn't so sure. A lot of the clothes have fluff inside and Lazy loves oversized. Isabelle finds a jumper but Lazy says it is three sizes too big for Isabelle. More Harry Potter, socks this time. I thought this was a shopping trip for Isabelle? They don't have Esme's size buts he will grow into them. Isabelle finds a bead bag and thought it was a bubble wrap bag. She want a beige coat and Lazy says beige is coming back into fashion. They get more wrapping paper. Then they look at more clothes.

They're going to pay, get a Mcflurry and Big Mac before heading home and pretending they've worked hard at the office. No other shops in the White Rose are open but they've sent £147 in Primark. Creepy will go mad. Isabelle is carrying the big bag and Lazy has the little one. She shows us the Christmas lights.

McDonalds time. Isabelle moan about her face. They get lattes and Mcflurries but I bet they went around again after the camera cut. Then Lazy and Isabelle compare faces. Taste test of the Mcflurry. Lazy didn't realise they came in small size. The camera battery is flashing.

Isabelle says the weirdest thing just happened. They were sat eating the ice cream and a caaa went past with loud music on and it stopped across from them. Someone was getting out of the caaa and the police came around. A guy came and told them to open the window. He had a McDonalds top on so Lazy wound down the window. The guy asked if Daz was sat in the back of the caaa. Lazy said no, shut the window and got out of there. Maybe he actually said 'Dad' and it's another of Creepy's long lost children.

Creepy is sat upstairs with the younger children and Prinny. They're having a snack in the cinema room. Jace's face is covered in chocolate from his crepe and Creepy tells him he doesn't want chocolate on his top. Now Jace is eating a candy cane nd jumps off the sofa. The office is doing a collection for the Salvation Army and other charities so the Inghams have put a box together of toys/books/clothes. They have 4 huge boxes and more downstairs. Now Isla is going to read them a book and then they're going to watch a movie.

End of vlog.
🤦‍♀️ One day she will realise the 'Merry and Bright' and deer are upside down, and so the mask is too
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Footage of the elves sat on top of the oven extractor fan. There are those annoying tiny foam tube things scattered everywhere as snowflakes and a sign telling the girls to make snow angels. Jace trips over the mannequin in Isabelle's bedroom. Lazy says they're waiting for Isabelle to get her lazy head out of bed.

The girls go into the kitchen and Isla makes a snow angel. The 'elves' have answered Isla's questions from yesterday. For once it is actually the morning and time to open advent calendars. Creepy asks if the bath bomb advent calendars are meant to encourage the girls to have a bath every day. Creepy helps Jace open his advent calendar. Lazy asks Jace what he says and he snorts.

Jace is pushing his wooden pram around. The girls are doing schoolwork and Lazy is about to empty the dinning rom because they're putting the second tree up. Creepy is going to clean the kitchen. They have big plans for the dinning room. They're putting the sofa in there in the garage and Creepy is renting a van to take boxes to the dump at the weekend. The colourful Christmas decorations Lazy had including the one she had as a memory of her mum and the baubles from the girls' first Christmas have gone because Creepy got a company in to take boxes to the skip last year, and they think they accidentally took that box of baubles too. Why didn't they double check before they were taken? Creepy brushes it off with an 'it is what it is' but Lazy says it still hurts as it did a year ago. All of Lazy's Disneyland baubles are gone but she's not going to talk about it because she will kill Creepy. He doesn't give a shit and says they can start afresh. I feel quite bad for Lazy being left with this apathetic scrote. Why was he not more careful with the precious memories of his wife's mother? Creepy says he flashed his yoga pants when he shows the tree in the box and Lazy cackles that he's never done yoga in his life.

Lazy wonders why someone invented Christmas trees where to attach baubles one by one. Footage of the decorated tree. Isabelle makes a coffee.

Isabelle says good morning. She's about to straighten her hair because she thinks her hair is naturally curly. She want to talk about the books she was sent and pretend cries about the ending. Isabelle has never cried about a book before. She gives spoilers and tries to make herself cry. There are two more books and she needs to read the next one.

The tree is done and Lazy is off to the office. When it's dark they're going to switch the tree lights on.

Esme has seen a Tik Tok of someone drawing an eye and gives it a go. She shows some of her other drawings and says she wants art stuff for Christmas.

Isla ran into the living room crying because one of the elves had disappeared but it has moved into the blender.

Dinner is finished and Creepy and Lazy have been telling each other funny stories from when they were younger to the girls for an hour. Lazy has got out more decorations. Creepy knocks his head on the lightshade as Lazy shows us more decorations. Jace is still in his pajamas and Lazy just realised. Light turn on. Esme is filming it for Tik Tok. Lazy says to looks enchanting and Jace is trying to blow the lights out. Everyone cheers as he blows and Creepy turns the lights off. Lazy wants a fat garland to go all the way around but she can't find one.

Time to open today's advent book. Isabelle reads it. Creepy says he didn't get Lazy an advent calendar because he hasn't been anywhere. There were none on Amazon a couple of night before the 1st. Something online earlier had him howling so he's going to try and replicate it. He has a print out advent calendar and a box of 24 Ferrero Rochers. He cuts the numbers out and sticks them on the top of the box. Didn't Ladbaby do this one year? He says to tell him it's not genius. Isla says wow and that Lazy will love it. Creepy tell her to keep her mouth closed. Lazy says he never gets him an advent calendar. She opens her eyes and Creepy says she can open two at one and give one to him. Creepy tells Lazy he stole the idea but executed it better than he saw online. She says it's the best advent calendar in the world. Lazy says Creepy isn't getting one. Jace wants one.

Creepy says he hopes we enjoyed vlogmas day 2 but Lazy tells him it's day. On the way to the office they had the music paying that would be played at Disneyland Paris. It would be their third day at Disneyland right now and Creepy had a massive lump in his throat walking into the office. Lazy says he made her turn it off because he was crying. They've only missed Disneyland one year because they were trolled a lot. Creepy imagined Jace running down Main Street in his fluffy coat and next year will be the perfect age. Creepy knows there are bigger things in the world but it would've been the last stop on their roadtrip and they had something no caravan planned. Whether the caaa would've made it there or not is a matter of opinion. Lazy says it is what it is and they have mega plan for next year. Creepy won't justify why he feels sad because real people feel sad when they don't get to do what they wanted to do. Creepy loves us all.

Isabelle walks up the stairs and Esme poars a glass of water on her head.

End of vlog

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VIP Member
Seriously, does all that woman do is shop? I’ve never know anyone who does this much shopping just for the sake of it. Was going to primark classed as essential? I also don’t think they should be allowing filming in stores either. I mean if you desperately need to go into a store then you should be in and out and not taking a leisurely stroll around touching anything and everything.
Let’s face it their content is shit
It’s like PTWM and Hinch if they didn’t have a toddler what would they go on about?

Lazy and PTWM def popped one out for more content which they then expect their older children to look after whilst they lounge around doing apparently fuck all

When you think of all the people desperate for a child it has to be nature’s sick joke that these absolute morons can procreate

Miserable looking parents who are always professing their dying love for their children but most of the time looked bored shitless by them

Fed up looking kids with weird as shit childhoods, cameras shoved in their faces 24/7, growing up with an overwhelming sense of entitlement

I don’t know about people trying to get tattle shut down something should be done about what amounts to Instagram child abuse by these money grabbing weirdos
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Granny Pat

Well-known member
Bet Smyths staff loved all that high pitched screaming. Also what sort of parent lets their kid finger all the books in the middle of a pandemic? Absolute tramps
Their behaviour was awful, running about, screeching, touching books and toys gifts. They ran straight past the sanitiser on their way in. Smyths must be made aware of the Inghams visit and the filming. I thought Isla was into saving the planet but oh yes more plastic finds its way home never to be seen again.
Then to McDonald’s for more sugar.
The clock in the hall say 8.35pm as they were leaving the house, bed time for normal children but not for Isla and Esme. Sorry I forgot no formal school and definitely no homeschooling so let them play, lie in, eat rubbish.
Such awful parenting!
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I always believed in Father Christmas, and for longer than I should have, because I knew there was no way my parents could afford to buy us all what he did. I only found out as an adult that my mum was out at night working four waitressing jobs to do it.

I’m glad she didn’t feel the need to take the credit. She gets it now though.
My eldest son said he was shocked how hard it must have been for me as a single mum to make their Christmases as good as I did and gave the credit to Santa. He said how much he appreciated the effort I made to make it magical as have my other children when the got older.
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