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funny you mention that but the bio on the frugality page is, “Because we’re all living on some sort of a budget”. Beautifully vague 👏

I’m glad she’s separated the two, tbh. Her page was all over the place and increasingly less about the brand and more about Peggy/whatever else took her fancy. She’s been criticised for that on here. Having the clear division between the two makes more sense; family & personal content on her page, blog/brand content on the work page. I wonder if she’ll still do ads and #sponcon on her personal page?
I thought that too....some sort of a budget 🤷🏻‍♀️
I reckon she’ll still do the ads but is opening herself up to more now as can go for things that maybe didn’t fit with the old page
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Marketing spend is usually low in January, she probably knew there wouldn’t be much money to be made.

She does post a lot of boring Peggy content nowadays, doesn’t she? Does she want to get into instamum territory? I can’t see her fashion followers being that interested in her sprog... I have kids myself but I follow her for house and fashion stuff mainly. Hovering over the unfollow!
Her content became so random. I have friends who still follow her and comment on how she claims to be frugal when she buys such high end stuff that most can’t afford.

I didn’t enjoy the child content either. I’m a mum but love to dress my kids in nice gender specific items so the stuff she tags the kiddie wearing isn’t my cup of tea.

She’s too “recycling ”for my liking with kids clothes and her own wardrobe.
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Vincent van Gogh rolling in his grave. I know this is art blah blah but damn, I wouldn't have released it. I'd have thought Peggy drew it
Totally agree. I believe she has a talent but seems that she decided to produce work that sells well, and caters to particular popular instagram aesthetic. And since she has connections, the business is blooming. Selling art is a funny business. General rule in the art world seems to be: start selling at higher price, and people will be willing to pay thinking it’s more professional and has real value.
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She refuses to acknowledge how her freebies mean she need to be truly ‘frugal’.

Being gifted clothes, home wear, beauty products and food means that she has additional budget to others. And if you are being ‘treated’ to luxury skinny for free (such a Elizabeth Arden) then it makes the trips to budget supermarkets a bit more palatable.

What Alex has never had to do is live frugally for years, and within than having minimal treats and certainly nothing luxurious. Being frugal and then still only being able to get supermarket shower gel despite working hard to budget is what I’m talking about.

Lecturing the masses on saving but getting a free fruit and veg box and a free holiday is laughable
(y) (y) 🙌🙌🙌 like them all, telling us how to budget blah blah but getting sent Hello Fresh/ veg box for free....
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After her loss last year, it must have been so stressful for Alex to be in the early stages of pregnancy when the virus began to ramp up. I understand Instagram content wouldn’t have been her priority.

I’ve followed her for years, well before they bought the current house, but my finger hovered over unfollow after the recent Gap advertising where all the clothes she was advertising were wrinkled!

Ironically, I think today might be the day to unfollow after a story about ironing baby flannels. 😑

Her fashion content used to be top class. It’s circling the bottom of the drain right now.
I thought the skirt and shirt combo looked odd as well as wrinkled. Reminded me of something Meghan Markle might wear. I do not like her perpetual orangey lipstick either.
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I’m not sure why she goes on about pregnancy skin...she really is not glowing and she has a lot of foundation on so you can’t really see her actual skin. The last time she said this about her skin and had no foundation on, it looked dehydrated and so many lines for someone in her 20s, she just looks old!
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When we were childfree we would cook based on working so things would be convenient, we would equally eat out or order in. Once we had children our cooking and eating habits changed; we can’t necessarily eat as a family every night (after schools clubs, hubbys working hours etc) but cooking is very much a thing in our house, food is a sociable part of family life here, we have basic meals but also enjoy splashing out and eating expensive dinners with pricier cuts, as we aren’t eating out the same right now eating needs to be even more luxurious. I’m not sure what she’s teaching her children by living under such a tight budget.
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Frugal stemmed I think from her always buying mid range clothes - she’s be aware that say a pleated skirt was item to have for winter and would suss out the best to be had at a reasonable price. Or she’d save for something she really wanted, sell stuff at car boot sales and so on.

The actual house renovations do seem to have been done on a budget and very piecemeal but her furnishings are less frugal as there’s a lot of gifted items and discounts.

She was someone I followed for years but time to unfollow as there’s no lightness to any of her posts now. Maybe she’s just not in a good place now for whatever reason and needs a break from it all.
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She won’t recommend because they were pretty expensive for aluminium 😂

she’ll say because they had bad service or some crap.

She’s not transparent if she’s not getting something out of it. They’d weren’t gifted, she’s not getting paid to recommend the company and were so expensive she will be rinced for it.

It’s like just say where you got them from and let others make their own decision or not to use the same company if the reason is you had a bad experience?!
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Slip slip knit

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We viewed a house a couple of months ago that had a toilet and a bike shed in the kitchen! Like properly built a huge bike shed not just a box to put bikes in. People are strange
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Thank you - wow, I hadn't even considered that. I guess having childcare in your home is strictly allowed as they are working for you, but it doesn't really seem right. But maybe not much different to a cleaner being in your home when you aren't there. Re Alex & hubby specifically, I feel like she would have mentioned if they had had a family member join their bubble.
I know it wasn’t allowed at lockdown and they spoke about stopping it again but then so many people who are reliant on childcare from family or childminders rather than nursery then said they’d have to stop working and they were worried about the impact on the economy so allowed it this time.....personally I wouldn’t be happy about my child going to nursery and then to grandparents, I’d be too worried they’d pass covid onto my parents and I’d be devastated all because I wanted a night out....that’s just me though, I know people have different ideas
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God that bread! I buy it for my kids as they won’t eat nicer (granary/seaded) stuff and it has a bit of wholemeal in it but never touch it myself 😷

And yeah agreed about the mattress. God knows how much on hand wash and wallpaper but a second hand mattress for their toddler 🤷🏼‍♀️

Edited as I’ve just looked again and it’s not the 50/50 bread as I originally thought but the proper shitty white stuff! 😂
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It’s fine to reflect her style but yes, that room is all about her and trying soo hard to be alternative. There’s a reason little kids toys and decor is bunnies, cartoons, teddies, princesses or fire trucks. Because they like them!
i agree, it’s all so try hard
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That sink looks awful too. Really impractical. The loo just looks like a public loo and looks really cold to me.
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Almost seems like they never even look after Peggy. She’s with the grandparents 2 days a week and nursery 3 days a week. Shock to the system if they have another little one and there’s another lockdown. Everyone says this is such a nice time to spend together but we all know those who say that are covering their bullsh*t and they’re the one struggling the most!
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Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not :D but yes, I'm sure it's just part of their MO. Houses in that area were going for around £700k at the time they bought theirs (I think someone mentioned this earlier upthread) and they've invested quite a bit doing it up so far. People who are skint don't buy furniture from Habitat and Loaf, don't go on several holidays a year, don't paint their walls with F&B and don't buy houses in that price range. Not criticising them for it and maybe they're feeling the pinch a little at present but I think it's obvious they're not poor.
Sorry, I was being genuine 😂
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I still can’t believe she posted herself wearing that very mismatched wrinkled skirt and shirt old Gap outfit.
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