The DIS Unplugged #11 We're still exactly the same. Maybe worse, actually

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Pete was right for what he always said about Craig, a face for radio, and a voice for silent films.
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God willing every single one of them goes bankrupt over this. Silence is compliance. They all waked around holier than though pushing political agendas when it benefited them, all the while ignoring the abuses Pete committed. May it all burn down
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Don't you remember? They "can't wait" to tell their side of the story.

They just can't because of reasons....

In truth not one of them - Corey, Craig or Ryno - are willing to just against the mighty John Magi. Them talking hurts the value of Dreams Unlimited Travel and if that happens, John can't get what he thinks he is "owed" on a sale and go crusing for the rest of his life.
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Funny thing is that while Craig & Ryno may be afraid of rocking the boat with John, he won't hesitate to sell Dreams and leave them all unemployed. John & Kevin are for John & Kevin.
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Kevin would sell Ryno out for a purse any day of the week. Also these people are all awful
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... Them talking hurts the value of Dreams Unlimited Travel and if that happens, John can't get what he thinks he is "owed" on a sale and go crusing for the rest of his life.
Pete mentioned in a Patreon solo show quite some time ago (yes, I was once a subscriber) that they had entertained the idea of selling Dreams when some entity made an inquiry, but ultimately he and John (and presumably the silent partner) thought the offer was too low. I am laughing knowing Pete was already sinking the ship via his gambling pursuits. Wonder what John thinks now - with $1M in AmEx debt looming. Whatever that other company was, they dodged a bullet in not picking up this operation!

Also adding, when the AmEx news first hit the fan - John wanted to communicate to customers that the agency didn't hold any funds, they all went directly to the vacation destination. This is true. They do not hold the money. But that they don't have a distribution list is shocking for a company in 2024. Instead they relied on a board post and individual agents emailing their clients. Who is looking to buy them now???????????
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It’s poetic F’n Justice.

Let’s say they manage to sell for $5M = $1.65 apiece among the three owners.
(Maybe they could've demanded a higher selling price before Pete took a big steamy public shit on the brand name, but not now).

After taxes, Pete walks with $1.08 million.

After AMEX gets its share = $218,000.

Let’s conservatively add another $50,000 in legal fees, and Pete is left with $165,000, also known as two months of online gaming losses in the Werner Media accounting system, or six months of Virgina Slims.

Ever wonder why his fiancé jumped out the bedroom window and sequestered himself in Boston?
Wonder no more: Pete barely has enough left to pay off Walter’s house, let alone to continue playing sugar daddy to vulnerable young men.

But honestly, who will buy this dumpster fire? Anyone who performs a modicum of due diligence will run for the hills before writing a seven-figure check to these three obese Gucci-clad SNL characters bumping into walls and doorways on their electric scooters. The remaining managing partner, John, has proven to be a reckless owner willing to put his company and employees in jeopardy by turning a blind eye to the clear and visible patterns of employee abuse - sexual and otherwise. Who would want to risk their hard-earned capital to acquire a company with such a troubling past, which continues to rear its head to this day? It’s natural to assume more revelations (and possible lawsuits) are still on the horizon.

ANY potential buyer would demand a huge discount from such a sad and tarnished brand. (BTW, Pete didn't just cost DU $900,000 in gambling debt. His deplorable behavior cost it millions by downgrading the company's value in the eyes of a potential buyer).

But there is no buyer, and there never will be. There is just sinking revenue and mounting debt.

It’s not often Karma strikes back so perfectly, but it is truly satisfying when it does, right?

Pete and John are both despicable in their own ways, and it’s great to see them get what’s coming.

Which is nothing.
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Burger King Taco Bell or Starbucks where do you see Ryno excelling?
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Let’s conservatively add another $50,000 in legal fees, and Pete is left with $165,000, also known as two months of online gaming losses in the Werner Media accounting system, or six months of Virgina Slims.
He has another $35,000 of debt on a personal Amex so it's even less. And there's probably more debt that we don't know about. The karma is quite satisfying!!
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Here are the current viewing figures of the some of latest Disney blogs on Youtube:

TPMvids 'Top 10 Disney Fails & Animatronic Malfunctions Pt 19' (after 6 days) 395,000

Weekly news episode (after 1 week): 100,814

Mickey Views
Weekly news episode (after 5 days) 66,000

The Trackers
, walking around Epcot in the rain (after 17 hours): 43,675

WDW News Today
(after 1 day) 38,114
Park wander (after 1 day) 21,823

The Dis Unlimited
Weekly news episode (after 11 days): 13,379

WDW Radio Show with Lou Mongello
(after two weeks): 181

I have a feeling that The Dis Unlimited may be heading the way of poor old Lou Mongello, who was up there 10-15 years ago as one of the go-to places for WDW fans. His highest viewed video was 216,000 from 2013, it is now 181. You have to wonder why he bothers anymore in such a crowded marketplace.

The Dis Unplugged was easily hitting 50,000+ viewers as recently as two years ago (78,000 when Chapek was fired), the viewership has plunged since Pete left & accelerated after last August, they now average about 16,000 views after 2-3 months. Although he turned out to be a monster, Pete was the reason people watched - he had a personality & you looked forward to his sassy/sarcastic reactions to park news. How do they come back from this?
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The Pete factor is definitely a thing ... although more channels have hopped aboard the "honest review" train and the candid/straight-talk reviews are more common these days. The DIS and DIS Unplugged were among the first to market but they've failed to keep up and instead of evolving and remaining at the front of the pack, have just continued with the same formula. And that doesn't work anymore with so many other options out there. There's also basic effort - they released a Flower and Garden shopping video a few days ago. The festival started 2/28 and at this point I've already seen it covered by multiple other channels - I'm no longer interested. I had some hope when Corey and Craig were talking about all the ideas they had but nothing has happened in that regard and I don't think it will. They're just doing the same old same old and relying on their existing audience.
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Well, when you have this kind of response from the lead lazy motherfucker:

DIS Unlimited Podcast

And then there are these steaming pile of shit responses to a perfectly honest criticism of further laziness on the part of the crack DUT cruise line team:

Small nitpick and correction for the DCL Podcast

Basically, it's "We're really good at our job so it's not our fault that we put out shitty, outdated information. It's Disney's fault, plus you morons should know when we say "buffet", we don't REALLY mean "buffet" in the traditional sense and context that every other breathing human being uses".

The stupid twat, DreamsElaine, goes on a serious whine-fest in post #20. Craig weighs in in post #18, explaining why he is consistently useless across several of their online offerings.
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Pete was a dirty scumbag but Pete was the show. Their best bet is to find another loud mouth to replace him but it won’t be easy. I’m sure he watches the new shows whenever he needs an ego boost. They’re drowning without him.
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DreamsElaine finished with 'Thanks for watching & happy cruising' but I read it as 'f*** off and I hope your boat sinks.' Her thin-skinned response putting the OP in her place was so typical of many I've read from seething lower-managers who have spent a whole afternoon on a rebuttal email. Then the OP says 'I may have crossed the line' and 'Next time, if I feel something needs to be clarified, I won't make assumptions and just post the clarification without commentary. Keep up the great work on the show.' It is Elaine who should be apologizing, she gave out incorrect information! Her response to the criticism was ' If we do not make something clear or misspeak on something, it is because we are humans and it happens.' Oh, that's OK then, what a very reassuring response from a professional travel agent. And bizarrely she blames the post-pandemic transition period for not being familiar with the product she sells. Didn't that recovery start about three years ago? Any company still blaming COVID-19 for anything is probably not one that you should do business with.
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DreamsElaine's attitude is the same smarmy attitude Kevin and John use whenever they are confronted on something they do.

It is ingrained in the company's and channel's culture. You are there to worship at their altar and if you don't agree with them, they will tell you not to watch.

Well, it does look like poeple are taking their advice about something - their numbers are way down.
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