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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
is it support squirrel attempt at english humor, or is he trying to build a combative competitive banter connection the same as Dan and her have ? by throwing age snips and you look like your mother etc. What ever PHeelip its falling short and just comes off as desperate and mean . What is your deal are you that insecure and inadequate ?
He's being mean. You don't tease your lover so publicly like that on YouTube. If he's attempting English humour he's failing miserably. If my husband did that to me in front of everyone he'd get his marching orders.
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How can these people live like this ? In plain daylight ?

Even a warrant arrest with the French police ? 😱

Warrant arrest, begging, deserting etc. and still vlogging their life buying chateaux and antiques.

How can a woman accept such a situation ? And later, for her children ? With their dad's story ?

PS : the French army is pitiless for deserters.
It's a good job that he doesn't appear to have seen active service. He was clearly drawn to the pomp and pageantry. It's all show. He has some brass neck with his boasting, given his shameful history.

Does anyone remember one of Sadie's early vlogs, from the beaches of Normandy, when she paid tribute to her grandfather's wartime service? The whole time she was filming she would have known that her brother was AWOL from the same British Army that her grandfather served,
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Trina Dennewitz
1 hour ago
Just a little FYI: If you start having.....ghostly.....activity in the attic, it's because of the mirrors facing each other. They say that when two mirrors are facing each other, it opens a portal for spirits to come in and out. Just letting you know......



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Arsin Lupin
1 hour ago (edited)
and also mortals might step in back in time due to the mirror magic ...!



Yurei Tuesday
1 hour ago
Wow a free quantum physics lesson right here in the comment section



These gems in the comments👻
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Cadeaux summary: 2 peacock ornaments, liquour chocolates, ugly figurines and a big box full of someone's discarded, crap. If she doesn't throw this shit out, SJ is going to have to start renting a storage locker to keep this crap. Squirrelboy also made some references to copious amounts of drinking at the shitoo, which SJ & Natti didn't seem to appreciate.

They used Amuary as clickbait - put him in the Cadeaux picture but he wasn't in the video.

Some observant viewers and unhappy patrons following today's first Cadeaux installment. Some of the grannies don't like the 'jokes' about age - Squirrelboy needs to know his audience.

There was a comment about people sitting on the couch during Cadeaux now just looking like they have to be there - but Squirrelboy is currently online monitoring comments and it appears he's deleted this one.

Linda V

24 minutes ago
Natti and Amaury away at the same time? Is there something we should know? 🥰

Edward Kenneth
2 hours ago
Stephanie, I appreciate the funds earned from these Unwrapped Vlogs benefit charities, but you have THOUSANDS of followers Who depend on you when you say there will be a premiere Wednesday for this channel. No communication throughout the day, No premiere as stated…. No communication diaries was going to be late. Did I mention the thousands of people wondering and waiting. I gift you $240 a year for your endeavors, I am asking you to improve your communication. For myself and other patrons, and all of the thousands of other individuals who contribute to You at a lower, follow you and Watch the ads during the vlogs to support you. This is my second attempt to reach out to you.

Neiborhood Getz
2 hours ago
Wow! After watching ALL Stephanie's videos from the beginning, I found myself stopping the video... It is impossible to watch and enjoy with Philip's constant talking and snorting over the folks IN FRONT of the camera... The 'camera person' should be as quiet as possible so as not to intrude on what the viewer is watching... Philip, however, continually snorts, laughs and comments OVER what we should be able to view and hear... I am in shock... I cannot believe I actually quit watching a video put out by Stephanie, but have had it with Philip's intrusion... Maybe, Philip, you should stay in front of the camera and let someone else record!?! It would certainly be easier to watch...

Phyllis Chartrand
3 hours ago
Philip age is only a number. It’s what’s in the heart that counts. So tread carefully. Lol

Anna Lee
1 minute ago
Philip it’s not funny nor an insult to be over 40 ... just sayin
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I'm appalled by Sj's sudden outburst of "support" (more like a pr opportunity) for one of her fans, who is suffering from long covid and needs surgery. I am convinced this is in answer to the misconduct of her mother in the chat the night before, to show her fans "Look, I do care about covid! (But I still need my aunt and uncle to come to my Christmas party)".


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She should give receipts. She's probably seriously mixed her own and patron funds and now the accountants are trying to make sense to it all.
I can imagine hair being torn out by the accountant and his number-crunching sidekicks at the knotted knitting of record keeping and transactions.

If I were a Patron, there are questions I would raise in next week's Q&A even in the absence of finalised accounts which should be available to Associaition members (Patrons). In no particular order and by no means the only questions:
  1. Confirmation that Patreon funds are remitted direct to the Association bank account.
  2. If not, why not?
  3. What is the audit trail from Patreon (by whatever means - interbank transfer, PayPal, etc) to funds reaching the Associaition account, to ensure the amount received by the Association reconciles with the amount remitted by Patreon (net of their fees/charges), allowing for forex fluctuations.
  4. Salaries (not contractors) - how many, if any, are employed by the Association, what are the roles, what remuneration - i.e. does Natty undertake Associaition admin duties/record-keeping/basic book-keeping for which she is paid solely for that role, do "directors" draw salaries.
  5. If salaries are paid, presumably employer legal/tax obligations have been adhered to.
  6. Contractors: details of contractors used by the Association and a breakdown of cost of works undertaken, completed, ongoing: Digger Dan, Nick the Tree Surgeon, Builder Ian, terrace people, etc. Dan was paid by Association funds but no longer? Amaury?
  7. Professional fees: breakdown of accountancy fees billed to the Association to date, ditto legal fees, architect, surveyor (engaged to inspect the terrace and arrange repairs) [that went well], surveyor from Belgium who mapped the lake and produced detailed plans (levels) of all outside areas.
  8. What is Davey's role: is he retained by the Associatiion as a consultant for an agreed fee. He has spent a considerable amount of time producing a series of detailed plans for hard and soft landscaping of the kitchen garden, the courtyard and other areas of the grounds. And now he appears to have turned his hand to draughtsmanship amd design for the back kitchen, kitchen, etc.
  9. Has Davey provided detailed costings for every element of the garden design scheme/s, hard landscaping and planting.
  10. Is the Associaition "management" satisfied that all activities meet the critieria within the Articles of Association. Has advice been sought from a professional other than the accountant.
Stephanie says she wants everything to be transparent and clear cut. She has so little grasp of - or interest in - boring but important detail, which she thinks will all sort itself out and everything will be tickettyboo, that her idea of transparent is what anybody else would describe as black out curtains.
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Congratulations to VIP member @KyBourbon:m:m:m:m:m:m
VIP Member

Yesterday at 11:35 PM

@MojoDublin If you’re going to set up Thread #96, here’s my pick for the thread title…(if I change my mind, I’ll let you know! 😆

Christmas Nativity…The Oxymoron and the Ass (Inspired by @MojoDublin)

Or…it can be shortened to The Oxymoron and the Ass if that’s better.



VIP Member

Tuesday at 7:55 PM
Am I the only one that sees bats 🦇 when I look at Andie W.'s Lalande wrapping paper???
I know it is supposed to be holly but now I can not unsee bats.



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Monday at 9:15 PM
Maaike, the immune-suppressed friend, that wasn't meant to be mixing due to her health challenges, travels to France in the middle of increased risk due to Omicron, to spend Christmas with her "friend" and his sugar mummy? Such a fantastic idea, don't you think? That should be cosy. Perhaps they can all snuggle up together, sounds harmless! :eek:
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@Clara Burnett
VIP Member

Tuesday at 8:16 AM
Rose Cafe said:
I'll be the sole loner who thought all the fuss and details happening in the guest room was perfect. I'd love to have those thoughtful items if I was staying as a guest. I'm thinking it'll be likely the aunt and uncle will spend time on their own in such a large place like the chateau, not everyone is going to be gathered in the same rooms all the time, and maybe having hermit tendencies myself, the idea of time away in the decorated bedroom isn't unappealing at all. I loved the garland on the armoire and the chocolates . 🤷‍♀️
I would agree with you if all the decorations could disguise the smell of the sewer system in that particular room, the piled up dust under the bed, the unpleasant temperature and the dripping of the radiators. All of these 'minor' anomalies make time away in the decorated bedroom very unappealing indeed. Did I mention the stuffed hair in the shower drain?
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Tuesday at 7:39 PM
Kotare said:
Dear Lord

Can anyone find a recent Patreon count for La Jarvis?

Despite my sending out digital squirrel hunters and sticking pins in anything vaguely Snorty like it looks like her count is up. The new batch of devotees must see the Tuliptopian invader as just part of her brand rather than a reason to demonetise and unsubscribe.
Any idea on strategy to rid the chateau of his table laying, his honking, his lisping interrupting and his inane Little Lord Fauntleroy presence. View attachment 924235
I just canceled my 5 bucks from patron. I've been here lurking pretty much, for about a month. I could tell things were off. This place just helped me see the error of my ways.

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How silently….. how silently goes thy patron

Not even .5% could be bothered 😕 to watch or even comment

Update from Lalande & Janssen's Temptation!

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2 of 42

2022 is shaping up to be a very good year
Glad she admitted SA was still in the cards 💳

Only don’t think patrons will pay for it 😶

Buried on last thread 🧵

Omg 😳 superb IMHO

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Today at 1:16 AM
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KiKiGee said:

Kim Martin
14 minutes ago
Be careful Phillip with age jokes or Stephanie may have no need for the mistletoe
John Charles
19 minutes ago
Absolutely loving the advent vlogs 🙏Phillip, why all the disparaging comments towards Stephanie though? It’s not a good look and spoiling my festive buzz :(

24 minutes ago
Phllip is getting coal in his stocking for the age joke..... and I mean Steph is going to put a rock in a sock and beat the shyt out of him in the middle of the night...... I think that is what that means....

Mary Hollenbach
1 hour ago
Phillip, you would be wise not to even kid around about older and younger ages. Good thing Stephanie has a good sense of humor.


Jon 832
59 minutes ago
She took it well but.........not a good idea Philip.

Info by Jack Dotson
1 hour ago
I think Phillips becoming a little bit too familiar, calling our beautiful Stephanie ancient why i

Jon 832
1 hour ago
They are an item - which makes it worse imo.

Alison Petersen
54 minutes ago

Sandi Foster
17 minutes ago
she handled it well, but that remark was hurtful
Click to expand...
He’s an asshole on top of being gauche, rude, a know-it-all who knows nothing, and a pansy. He’s the adult version of the weird little boys who smelled like cheese. I think he downs her all the time to screw with her confidence in an effort to control her, because he has no control in this situation.

Girl, you in danger. Drop that little pansy asap. Do as Dan has suggested and purchase your own three legged Phi Phi that doesn’t snort. Buy a vibrator. You can afford a really good one now. You don’t need him and actually he is making you look a fool. Yet again. You must not have very high standards if that little creep makes you happy. Anne Marie get her a puppy. Only if you promise to be its back up Daddy, will I allow it, but for chrissakes she needs to cuddle in bed with a dog. Get her a Papillion like Madame de Pompadour.
Haha Haha Report
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Don't worry everybody!! Omicron is mild and nothing to be concerned about!

Percy said so.

Everyone at, and going to, lalaland is also specially special and there is no need for concern, at all, none whatsoever.

And if you are still concerned after all those reassurances then you must be jealous, sad, and living a very lonely life.
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France announcing that UK people should stay away has two major reasons.
France has high numbers of Omicron
Britain has had two days with their highest ever Covid 19 positive results (today exceeding yesterday) >80k
France wants to be sure of enough hospital space for their own and not be swamped by sick Brits.

Major sports events have had to be cancelled due to positive team members.
Even the Queen has cancelled a pre Christmas family meal.
Cop on Percy and IJ
Schools have already been advised that plans for provision of online teaching need to be in place for January - and Wales are delaying the return to school after Christmas for two days, to prepare. The governments are worried. Perhaps they should be looking to Percy for their advice.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
So many ornaments arrive broken. Yet they don't put them in the bin, Squirrel boy mends them. Are they serious? If it was a very valuable Ming piece you would get it restored by a professional perhaps? Anything else will have lost any value it may have had. She must have broken china pieces all over the chateau with the amateur glue job by squirrel. What a load of tat! Tempting to smash up a lot of crockery, shovel it into a jiffy bag, and send it to la lande. I am not mean or childish though, so I won't,
Smoke and mirrors, my dear. You should train yourself a little more strict in watching these vlogs, but I'm sure at some point you will see through even these attempts to fade reality. Squirrel boy mends nothing for real, just on camera. After this the tat will still end up in the bin with the rest of the unwanted (because less valuable) gifts.
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I am amazed that she gets away with these Patreon "updates" without more questions and criticisms. Nothing ever changes! Of course, it's great if Amoury and Dan do complete the downstairs loo. It's necessary if she continues to run the B & B and workshops, but in the grand scheme of renovating the chateau, it's just a miniscule part. A great deal of celebratory fuss will be made when it is finished but surely she needs to prove that progress is actually being achieved in other major areas. I still don't understand why so many projects are ongoing at the same time and why they can't just concentrate on one project at a time and get it finished. The heating thing is just plain ridiculous; there is no reason why she can't get that done. As has been mentioned, she could pay for that with one month's Patreon money. It really makes me wonder if she is sitting on so much money in her account or whether she has actually managed to get rid of/fritter away hundreds of thousands on other things. Patrons are never given any figures. If I had given money, I would insist on knowing what she has done with it. I know interest rates are low but if she is hoarding all that in the bank, she'll be getting a fair bit of interest as she's not using the money. It all seems extremely suspicious to me. With her lack of impulse control, I reckon she's quite capable of spending hundreds of thousands in a very short time, on travel and luxuries. If she has done that, she must surely be desperately worried that she'll be found out. It's also clear that the chapel restorer is never going to come back, now his trailer has broken down! He could borrow one or she could buy or rent one, that's easily solved. One wonders what the next disaster will be for him. He clearly does not want to do the job and may be regretting that he said he would not charge her.

She really needs to get rid of Selmar. He is definitely redundant. Amaury and Dan have demonstrated that they can achieve just about anything very rapidly. She should increase Dan's hours and employ him as a gardener/handyman, and possibly employ a separate expert Head Gardener. She will be paying Selmar for next to nothing if he is allowed to stay. Tatti may be useful as a cook but there are no guests in the winter and SJ and Nati should be able to cope without any volunteers at this time of year. She is wasting patrons' money if she continues to employ Selmar. What a complete shambles everything is; I really don't understand how she manages to get away with it all. She can have no shame at all!
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I go out to meet my friend, whom I haven't seen for 2 years because of COVID, and I come back to all this goz! And lovely to see some old timers back. 🥰
I am still missing @Marten. @ProfessorPlum I see you ❤ my posts, hope real life is keeping you busy, since you don't post anymore. 😁

LOL, IJ being a COVID denier, didn't we name her Nurse Ratchet once? She has more than earned that nickname.
Numbers of infected with Omikron is constantly rising here in Denmark, however no deaths have been reported. It doesn't give an illusion of it being milder, but more contagious.
That being said, many have been vaccinated. Those who are not by now, are those who declined the vaccine. Boosters are also being given out.

I do not understand the friendship between Florian and Pathetick, are they work-out buddies?! (I'm looking for their common connection, other than living in the same area)

Jeeves, I'm still working on #77. I'm on page 38 out of 52 - It's coming...

@Reader's digest thanks for the screenshot. He reminds me of Gertrud from The Julekalender, LOL, Scandinavians may understand...
BJJ in a robe.png

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CD's day 16 comments...

3 hours ago (edited)
Thanks god! for Curtis and his husband to make things fun, Phillip is a bore, he tries too hard to be pretentious and sophisticated, his experience is only his grandparents basic china and polishing plates and glass with a dry cloth, he tries way to hard to be a snob. With his tucked in sweaters and lady pins, and wool hats, can he STOP snorting on camera, it’s hard to focus on the fun people. I won’t comment on his best friends hair? Really? Yikes! not many straight men have platonic female best friends GF…
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@MojoDublin (am sure you've seen this by now - from patreon vlog)

<img src="" data-url="" class="bbImage" data-zoom-target="1" alt="accountant.jpg" style="width: 721px" />

@Ann G. My way of asking was direct :unsure: Thank you for answering though.

I am interested in the diversity of TCD's audience, patrons and tattlers.
Fair play to ya
I stopped reading 📖

The chat 💬 is around various hypotheses

1- they recon SSB used a couple of grand to widen the lower base as the top two slots 🎰 have cleared out 15-20%

2- there are genuine concerns that SSB belives this to be a rolling funding possibly 5 years or more .
Despite Covid there was ample time to get works done & completed .
Funding was listed for certain distinct projects .. lake .. rendering .. fabric of the building .
Nothing achieved in 2 years !!!

It’s a very moot point

3- the additional apartments
- were supposed to be self funded .
It now appears they are not .
There is a current estimate of 100-140 k per apartment . That is the entire budget for year one of funding .

4- the repeated delays and failure to complete the detailed drawings for the Marie of her village - is seen as a deliberate ploy- And failure to get the permits to start .
Major doubt on any realisation of the works .
Simply not interested in a 5 year plan .

5- it direct response to How SSB has maintained her love of travel 🧳
they feel - it’s an imposition on them … they’d like to see her achieve a watertight usable 365/24-7 property

How she furnished it once completed - but not at their expense

In relation to snort snort they could care less whom she throws her leg over …. As long as their not paying for it as well .

Over reaching and underperforming
Genuinely - it was Covid … it was a buzz 📱
Their Moving on now ….

She’s blown it with the smoke n mirrors 🪞
Buying patrons and subscribers - they can see it

There’s zero interaction with the community- and the social media retorts … vile ..

There is no yellow brick road for this Edna Blyton actress …
( best line ever 😂)

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I have to agree that BJJ has Natti in his sights. Apart from Amaury (family), she is the last person totally dependent on SJ and living at La La. I am sure he will start talking up Miracle Meike's english and education. She could do the admin and social media.
My theory is Amaury has committed a year of his time to earn good money, help his cousin and explore relationship with Natti. I can't see him staying beyond that. And let's not forget his dogs. Now that Miracle and the Pharoh have bought their "fur babbies" why can't his dogs be there?
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France has just announced that from Saturday it will not allow non resident UK citizens into the country
Well there goes the only interesting guests for Xmas. At least they won't have to eat the dirty sweets in the over decorated room.🎄
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
her last vlog was a mix between Fan and Dan...Dans way of filming and music..all she did was playing the fool..if i was that woman in that cheeseshop. :D .i bet she had something to talk about later in the day...she managed to keep her face straight..and thought about her cashregister...
If she's taking people to that cheese-shop again pretending she just learned about it and not realizing that she has already showed it on her vlogs (and there is a much closer normal shop from the same company in La Chatre and the local market in Aigurande was on Friday too, featuring that cheese van), it tells me she's running out of ideas for the daily advent vlogs. And still expecting the arrival of her aunt and uncle! Today, the Dutch government is changing the selective lockdown into a full one without pre-warning people so they can stock up, that's how fast they think this new variant will spread and will overcrowd healthcare institutes. France is usually not far behind with extra measures. Yet the Jarvis family must celebrate Christmas together, right?

I noticed Isabelle Jarvis is on facebook posting about why the vlog is late. I guess the old bag doesn't have anything better to do with her time.
IJ was asked not to be as involved for a while after her unfortunate outburst that showed the world her true face. But clearly wild horses can't keep her out of the money making machine her daughter is running, telling the true story just how involved she actually is.

Warm welcome to new posters. @HannahBow what a lovely way to describe the disappointment we have all felt after watching the early vlogs "...fell like I lost a friend.".
Or: realize she was not the friend I thought she was.

I don’t know about the UK, but desertion in the US is a really serious offense. And definitely a disgrace. I guess they thought since it had been so long, and he now has children, they would let it go. I just think it’s a slap in the face for those who serve honorably that there was no consequence at all…except embarrassment. I think our Billy has a lot in common with Jane Austen’s character, Mr. Wickham.
I'm sure Gwen was happy to pay his fine. She's also not as nice as people think she is.
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