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Sami Lee

VIP Member
Me either. It changed everything. My sis lives in the States (at that time Long Island) and she knew people affected, connected to the Fire Brigade. I had returned from a Rome trip - on days off but the property I lived on had no TV - I had dial up internet and was reading (on a forum) what was happening. In shock - I drove to my brothers place and saw the footage. Devastated for NYC - scared what it would mean for aviation. It had been used as a weapon. It changed everything for me - in Dec that year - after flying a few months post 9/11. I put in for voluntary redundancy. Flying I loved (17 years) but it was clear everything had changed and I had moved to Tas (commuting to Sydney to work). It seemed to be the right time to embrace the change fully. It was a good decision. Still, I was so sad at how that decision came about and how it affected so many lives in a far worse way than mine. Now we have Covid, causing so much pain. Shheesh - feeling reflective today x
Yes, it changed everything and not for the good. Impacted negatively on my business and many people's businesses here in the UK. Especially when the Bliar started spending taxpayer £billions on military operations. Like you, I diversified in other directions but overall as a nation we never really recovered.

One of my young teenagers developed serious heart palps watching the news that day and still has them. We could say a lot more about the whole business of generating fear for purposes we're still not clear about. The world is a completely different place from how it was on 10th September 2001. Everything has gone downhill at an accelerating pace. I feel very sad for young people who've never known any different.

I have an American friend whose step-mother was killed in the towers and an American colleague who lost a family member there too. It was many years before I saw my family in the US again. It deeply touched all of us personally one way or another.
RIP all those who lost their lives as a result of what happened that day....
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Green Fairy

VIP Member
I really really don't want Marie Roadkill to go back to Lalande. The thought of seeing her sour face, floppy boobs, beige food and passive aggressive attitude on the vlogs, is an awful prospect.
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Chatty Member
And what a dump that is ...
I always have the feeling that Nati does NOT like that future space. She can decide on nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if she calls it quits in the coming months, before having to move in. I don't see that she will be able to put up with the antics of her boss for much longer.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
My life is quite difficult and has been much curtailed since the start of this pandemic but I love to see others having fun. Sorry.
You don't have to be sorry. There's obviously something good to be found in escapism, otherwise there wouldn't be a crowd for it. What keeps bothering me is that the fun they have is paid for by people who don't know the half of who they are and what their intentions are. It's never just having fun, it's always a smack in the face of someone else, always at someone else's expense, literally.
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VIP Member
I really really don't want Marie Roadkill to go back to Lalande. The thought of seeing her sour face, floppy boobs, beige food and passive aggressive attitude on the vlogs, is an awful prospect.
Now, now...she doesn't like being told what to do. We have to let them make decisions for themselves, it's what proper grown ups do.
Stand on your own two feet Marie. Remember to present yourself as a professional and always think support garments are your friend.
PS: Emergency funds don't manifest, they are built up over time.
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Yes, this seems VERY careless! I honestly can't believe she would write something so unprofessional and callous publicly! Why would she every use the phrase "blew" most of my money when her only income is through the generosity of her viewers and "fans".
Very careless, indeed.
This gives away her whole attitude toward money.
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Beau Monde

VIP Member
I started liking Anna. It took me a while to get over her 1980s shit-too décor. She has genuine talent as a floral designer (unlike MW). Why she is hitching her wagon to Metherick now is a good question. As the Shit-too Turns.
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Dan's latest vlogs.

The lords of the Manor are gone to Barbados and New York and... everybody else works so hard ! Stricking...

Shocking to see Cat and the new volonteer (don't remember he name, sorry) looking so tired in the kitchen.

And when Dan filmed Cat sitting on the terrace, she was a different Cat, no energy except when she realised she was filmed and hop ! she played her role of "funny Cat" again for the public. At the end of the vlog in the kitchen, the same. :oops:

Nice to see Dan and Amaury the Cousin working together. And working hard !

Can't bear to see Philip and Steph so relax and all "pinky" in their luxury vacations after having seen this. :sick:
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Still counting her thumbs down... I know I know... 😅

The Behind the scene at Christie's vlog has now 123 dislikes (6.3K likes)

The Exile in Barbados got 145 dislikes (6.4K likes)

The Gucci in Florence vlog got 201 dislikes (5.2K likes)

Is it me or the number of dislikes is growing vlog after vlog since she has left Lalande to travel around the world in luxurious places ??
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I don't understand why she lies when those lies can be so easily proved. It really is never mind the plebs won't know will they attitude?
Even though she lies constantly, there's a lot of people (even here) that take her baloney very serious. She comes up with the weirdest stories about projects and plans, usually with some sort of base in the truth to make it look authentic, but always with a made up twist that favors herself. People just believe her, God knows why. Once thy realize what a serial liar she is, they are often ashamed for not noticing before so they keep quiet instead of confronting her. Narcissism one o one, that's what it is.
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Excellent point. Billy's explanation of Boy Meth-rick helping at another chateau was correct then but a: why didn't Michael post once he got home? b: why hasn't he posted this week?

He knows he can't do another sob story, eyes flickering left and right video.

I can't wait to see how many patreons he's lost.

My theory is that SJ will try her 'you are my new best friend' act on Tatty but will be jealous of her getting Selmar's attention. It will be interesting to see what she is volunteering to help with at the Shitsho. The animals (free sheep!)? Cooking vegan food? Can't wait, especially as we'd have 3 other vloggers at Lalaland beside SJ, so we get behind the scenes of the interactions.
It was the flickering eyes that told so much in that train wreck vlog. Even though (at first) I was taken in by his first crying vlog (they stole my pictures mommy) the 2nd crying vlog was the final straw for me. In the little pocket of YT that these grifters work in - I started to look closely at their collective incomes and couldn't believe it. I think that is how they get away with it, donors should take a look. Critical thinking is required, even if something is entertaining - YT rev ad watching is enough for a vlogger to glean for their hobby. It gets very weird when people want to finance a private property (bloody Chateau) by donation. (Gofundme) I hope it is opening their eyes (patter-ons) because these creators clearly do not even respect that this kind of exchange has taken place. Off my soap box and into the day - see ya later!
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If anyone has the time, you can provide timestamps of all the instances that he called people mentally ill (and there are many), and report the video for harassment or bullying content. Reports do add up and can lead to account termination.

View attachment 756219
@52:24 reported for harassment and bullying 😈

named ppl who had nothing to do with his vile statements

as stated previously … police 👮‍♀️ must have visited …. 😈
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Chatty Member
So many questions! Did you meet him? Does he let you call him Nick? Did you fall asleep mid-conversation? 😄
Lol 😂 his new video came up on my feed. Had a watch and nearly fell off my seat when I realised where he lives ! I’ll report back if I ever meet him !
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I think Fanny was being bitchy when she responded that she blew it all on Barbados.
Since SHE paid for this gig supposedly...she had no expenses paid at all...
And she is pissed that WE are calling her out on all her lies and her spending gross amounts of money that is Patreon money on fancy high end trips , food and booze.

StephenMe....we are watching your birthday bash for your sad little Nutkins too. $$$$$$$
I hope your faithful cohorts finally see what you are doing with their money.
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Hee hee hee
Jill Waddell, with all her skills, credentials, and track record, who isn't used to internet trolling, has been tarnished by association with SJ. Having chosen to connect and collaborate with a famous grifter, she'll now have to get used to living with trolls.
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