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Congratulations to VIP Member @Marquis de Potpourri
Title Thread 52 SJ and BJJ, under the Tuscan sun. A honeymoon or a holiday?
:m :m :m :m :m :m :m :m :m :m

Double VIP members this last thread
Congradulations to @purejuice ....:m:m:m:m:m:m:m:m

Most Liked Post on 51 .....
yes the man!! the myth!!! the legend No ..
His Misses...
the joy ......

Marquis de Potpourri
VIP Member

Friday at 9:49 PM
Hey, Tattlers! The Marquis sends his apologies for his silence and missing the honor of providing a thread title.
He says Thanks to @MojoDublin, and @Jeeves.

The Marquis and I (fiancee) landed in Paris a few hours ago and went for a nice stroll and dinner before Shabbat.
We're here to go chateau hunting...and after a lengthy debate over dinner, no, we decided we're not visiting Lalande. Even though a visit there would have been amazing intel ("and a pure waste of money" to quote him), it's so far out of the way from the places we're visiting. He'll be back here tomorrow!

Have a great weekend!


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Cara seems to be suggesting that she has been the victim of trolling. I went back through the posts and as far as I can see she's had a really positive response here. So where would she get that idea from, Stephanie? I recall @Clara Burnett saying that this is Fanny's MO.

View attachment 707377
@Jeeves , I did the same .🥰 .(great minds, etc etc)
I went through all pages here since Cara's appearance on the GAG show- a labour of love, well ,just because I wanted to know whether we had indeed done some fat- shaming here.
Apart from posting the -unflattering- screenshot of the three women behind the coffee table, I did not find anything that I thought was offensive re: Cara's bodyweight. Remarks on her outfit were made, but other Tattlers came to her defence a few times.
Quite a few comments referred to the bad choice of location, the crammed set up behind the table, unfortunate camera angle, etc but these were not in any way directed at Cara. She might have taken them as a a criticism of herself ?
Below are all of the more critical comments.. Reading through them makes me cringe just a tiny bit, - but on the whole there were far more positive observations than negative ones, and even the comments below are not all negative.
Here goes:
Cara looks like Hagrids sister sitting beside SJ.

Cara has lost any sympathy I has
[sic] for her. She comes across as an unwordly, naiive, sycophant. She looked terrible on the vlog. Shd had packed nice clothes including a smart blazer - why be filmed in some tie dye aerobics gear?

It must have been really difficult to navigate filming with that pink getup and all the flesh and the gifts displayed in front of the baggy crotch of her pants. Like, possible they were counting on us to be horrible awful people for pointing it out

Whoever did the filming set up for last night's GAG was either plain dumb or deliberately set Cara up to look out of place. That camera was so low, she, dwarfed and dominated everyone and everything.

I agree, it was badly composed. Having a small low table and 3 people squashed into the frame with boxes. It did make Cara stand out far too much - and not in a flattering way.

Cara, I do respect you for your comment on Insta*gram. Well said!
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Hey, Billy, I've come up wiv a wonnerful idea!

Billy: Wot idea? D'you remember the last idea you had? That bloomin video you insisted on puttin out ... . Talk about the shit hittin the fan! Anyway, haven't you got a video to edit? Bout time you put somefin out there, innit?

Teabag: How many times can I show people how to fry an egg?

Billy: Dunno, til they get fed up wiv it I s'ppose ... Don't matta, does it? Woteva brings the dosh in ... that's all that counts, innit?

Teabag: Yeah, but I've got a betta idea, Billy ...

Billy: Wot's that then? You gonna sell some of them gold coins you been stashin away?

Teabag: What gold coins? You been lookin thru me fings, Billy?

Billy: Don't have to, mate. Everyone knows you been stashin away gold coins ... Where's all the GoFundMe money gone? Cos fack all's been done in that cottage of yours for munfs nah ...

Teabag: Neva mind all that ... I've got a betta idea ...

Billy: Well, spit it out then ... I haven't got all day ...

Teabag: Why don't well sell the Viggie Le Brune? Must be wurf a flippin fortune!

Billy: Noffin doin, mate. An anyway, it'd leave a bloomin big space on the wall. Nah, can't do it mate. You know what'd be simpler, don't ya? Get your arse back on the set and do another vlog, mate. Simple, innit? Like sellin loaves of bread, innit? An if there ain't no loaves in the shop, mate, there ain't no customers, are there?

Teabag: S'ppose you're right, Billy. I've got a few bits an pieces I could string togeva to make somefin ... Bit of old material I can cobble togeva ... Those morons will watch anyfin, won't they?

Billy: That's the spirit, Michael. Back to your old self, aren't ya?
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Marty McFly 9

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It was a horrible camera angle, and so close up.

I wish Cara would have been able to stay longer and enjoy herself, and also that we could have seen her personality. I bet she is a load of fun.

I'm Canadian too, and I LOVE people from Newfoundland. They are kind, warm, and know how to have a good time.
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black sheep

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watching CD

Nati is making epanatas and cheesecake for dinner and gets razzed by SJ
Meet a short live volunteer who is leaving named. .??
Phil gets his painting from auctions
Stephanie goes out to the garden to look at veg she will never eat with Kirsty
chickens actually get a small house thanks to Kirsty no thanks to the Shitalaine who is waiting for a freebie rather than practice proper animal husbandry
SJ shows the room Nati is moving it out of earshot of Stephanie's room? There is bird shit all over the installed wardrobe. very Lalonde charm. dont clean it first...just install soiled furniture.

moar to come
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I personally don't feel influenced by the Chateau Vloggers.

I am not inclined to party in Madrid with rent boys.
I don't feel the urge to buy Spode.
I am not influenced to dress in second hand brocante unwashed clothes.
I don't feel the urge to buy stuffed squirrels.

Admittedly they are a bad influence for their lifestyle of begging on the Internet for holidays and material goods...I'm not inclined to do that either.
Sadly, I find myself influenced a bit. Instead of sending them money though, when I see them buy something tatty, I buy myself something much nicer as a reward. So far I have 3 different services of Spode and a set of Sterling. Dan doesn't effect me though, as I already have a tractor and a digger.
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Marie has been reading Tattle. I see she has changed her title from "The Chateau who changed my Life" to "The Chateau that changed my life." She owes us. I wonder if she has learnt how to pronounce some of the words she gets wrong, and how about "greatful"?!
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Clara Burnett

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Probably just some weird excuse (lie) so ppl wouldn't expect to see her entrance and daily shenanigans on the vlog. Chateau reality is very different from whatever ends up on the vlogs, even the Patreon.
Phillip, practice your singing. You've been holding out on everyone.
The patreon video is exposing so many of her lies, smoke and mirrors, it's almost uncanny. She's is completely out of content ideas and is hoping the singing will keep things at bay. It won't. The farce of Snorty Snort self-isolating is even more clear now and it's taking the piss at many of her biggest fans, who are actually afraid for their health.
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I would happily pay into a Go Fund Me account for Dick and Angel to sue the backside off that scrounging little sh*t. He is the lowest of the low and I have no sympathy whatsoever for him. They happily have some traction (I quite like that phrase) to link themselves to ETTCDIY when it suits.
He needs to get off his backside, do some work and gain some self respect.
In the vlog where he stays with SJ in London he is proudly showing her the book cover he designed for D&A in a book shop - he was credited too!
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I just watched Michael's 3rd daily vlog. I didn't watch the second one yet and might not watch it at all after reading the posts about it on here...I did enjoy the tour of that chateau. I can't even imagine how much money they've already poured into the reno...and still so much more to do!!! If I was a multi-millionaire or even a billionaire I couldn't imagine buying a ruin and fixing it up. I'm too old to even THINK about something like that....but I do like watching the process. I hope they start putting up videos on Youtube since they already have a channel but no vlogs yet.
You are quit right...we ones wanted to buy a big manorhouse...wouldnt call it a was at a beautifull place next to a river...ones owned by a french senator..the picson the agents website were more then 20 years old....we visited...omg...everything was broken...all the pipes...waterdamage all over the place..all the beautifull seilings were ruined..we couldnt visit the outbuildings..wild blackerries.everywhere..they were like three meters high...we ran fast as we could....i both wish them well....and then she mentions to live in the coachhouse in winter...because otherwise the heating is too expensive...why do you want to buy a place like that in the first place....we all know those buildings are moneypitts....and it never stops...
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Love the newest title thread title! But I hope the wedding is cancelled!!
By the way. Where is @Mommydearest??????
I am missing the wit.
I am missing the recaps!
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DIO - Day 4 was alerted to the fact that MP was bleating on again about his stolen wall paper design and sure enough - showing the evidence of his work on the design. I don't think that was ever in dispute. What was in dispute was that he was paid once (and reportedly twice) for his work. So I had a look - he does not have originals, copyright is owned by D&A so legal action out of the question. Think he is trying to provoke D&A again. Not a good idea. I think he wants them to take the action, have his day in court and win. It won't work MP. All his fans are telling him to design more stuff and they will buy it - have they not learned that he does not take anything past the finishing line - they will be waiting like mugs, for their mugs for ever.
Does he ever explain why he signed the rights away for his work? Did he get paid. To my understanding he did and at that time, he was probably very happy to get paid for something he did. They did more with his designs than he probably imagined could happen. Thats business, he does not need the original print - he needs to be original again. That is what people keep telling him - D&A only have rights to ONE thing. Professionally he keeps shooting himself in the foot with injustice whingeing - nobody will be interested in hiring him.
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Synopsis on my reluctant, but necessary vlog catch up :

DIY 5&6

Pethers in 5 : looked as high as his drone. Why is he baiting D&A ?
Pethers in 6 : yes we have seen big belll peppers before get over it. Andy is hot and teaches Pethers to cook plantain.
Pethers is buying stuff on the never, never now likes it's 1999 (oh possible thread title dare I suggest).


Awkward hug between Stefaneeeee & Daveeee. Even the 100 Stars Venice Gown didn't prodice a flicker of passion with Daveeee. Flattery will get you no-where and every where with Daveeee Stefaneeeee.
It was a back to the future from then on. Confused, we will be.
Cara seemed sweet. Stuart not so much. She's from Texas she told us. Yes, we knew that before you arrived then left. But they've both gone already ??????
Nati cooks and shrieks and gushes about it. And does lots of chipmonk impersonations. Cheesecake looks good. Lots of empanadas left. I noticed. I hope they freeze them for another day and not leave them out on the table all night for all sorts of 'visitors' to feast on 🤷‍♀️
Nati's new bedroom is shite. Who's was it before?? Get a hanging rail in that wardrobe pronto - Nati's wardrobe is evolving. Get that bird shite off the mirror before you vlog too fgs.
Italy, Italy, Italy - quel surprise Stefaneeeee NOT.
Selmar is threatening to bring back Tatiana as a 'volunteer'. It;s official, she's his Girlfriend. When he gets back from his hols, there will be an opening ceremony wiwth ribbon on the legendary downstairs loo. Seeing is believing
Phillip looked genuinely upset to leave Stefaneeeeee as he left with his best friend. Sorry, but that was odd. Feeling a tadge sorry for him - buy why 🤔

Escape to Rural France Ep 64

I liked the music. Kirstie loves the frame thrower. More shite in the moat - should they get all the ivy out of there? More drone bin shots. Dan goes home.

On the red Bordooooooooooo

Bonsoir tout le monde 🥰
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Marie and her not so succesfull stories...when i see her sitting like that in that eye keeps attracted to her legs..she may be a vegetarian...put she really has porkslegs... :rolleyes: ..
She's definitely into SJ's style; the dress in tonight's SS vlog was far too short and the top was revealing: there seemed to be a gap as well as if a button was undone. I had to brace myself to watch the vlog. She is so irritating and a dreadful interviewer. She is clearly out of her depth and her comfort zone. She is not anywhere near the same league as the people she interviews who keep it going despite her presence. She is very awkward and self-conscious and she needed some kind of training before launching into this channel. She constantly looks at the camera when she's reacting to what Anna says. She opens her mouth wide and grins at, and talks to the camera instead of the person; it's almost as if she's interviewing the camera! She still laughs when there's nothing funny, and still just uses "Wow"", "Amazing" and "On my gosh" all the time. She speaks so slowly and that's even more apparent when she's interviewing a highly articulate and poised woman like Anna. There are gaps between each word Marie utters and the whole thing slows right down when she is speaking. She also doesn't know about English word stress and so she uses strong stress on "a" which actually has weak stress; it's the most common sound in English and using the wrong stress sounds very awkward. I know English is not her first language but I would expect someone conducting an interview to be more aware. It indicates that she doesn't really listen to native speakers when they speak. She also sometimes gives the interviewee optional answers while she's asking a question and occasionally asks more than one question at a time. If her interviewees were less confident, the whole thing would be a disaster. Marie is still always fiddling with her hair, touching her face and neck, and tonight, she was tugging at the hem of her dress as if she knew it was too short! She has listened to what we have said as Anna is "a friend", rather than a "a dear friend" but she said they had met over the internet 2 years ago and Anna said it was during the first lockdown, so really it was just over a year ago. Anna looked beautiful and spoke very well. In comparison, Marie looked far less professional because of the way she was dressed. I think she needs to improve her fluency and learn some more reaction phrases, and listen to people speaking but she also needs to learn about body language and to look at the person, rather than the camera when she is reacting. It's her manner and annoying habits that make it so hard to watch! Sorry, long rant! CD was so much more watchable tonight than FRK!
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Why not...because those childhood vaccines had gone through testing. Enough said. Maybe people should do a little research instead of being sheep.
Covid-19 is in the same family as the flu: coronavirus. It was very easy for the scientists to identify it and use all the years of data and knowledge they have when making the flu vaccine to come up with Covid-19 vaccines. I mean, they are not stupid.
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