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Caroline is definitely a woman in the know. I never knew Steph was trained in furniture restoration or that she passed on that talent. Who'd have thought it.
Lesson 1: On no account remove soiled fabric, dirt, bird shit from upholstery or furniture as you will weaken its structure and authenticity.
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Isn't is odd, that SJ needed an emergency blonding before going to Tuscany with Ruthie and Vivienne (who are both blonde). If I didn't know better, I'd think she would want to one-up them... Just my humble opinion.

Regarding Cara. Something definitely went on behind the scene. I'm not buying that "Family Emergency" excuse. She waited a year and a half to get to La Lande. No way would she turn home after a week. I bet, SJ went into Cara's ear and told her, what has been said on Tattle. On top of that, Cara probably thought that she and SJ would become best buddies - as many Tattlers have pointed out - and not be relegated to a lonesome tower like Sleeping Beauty Goblin.
Cara wants to be a fat activist, yet today she let the world know all her haters live rent free in her head, by posting that rant on Instagram.

SJ filming Phyllis and his friend was definitely a 🖕 and a power move. She is in control, and he had to be put in his place. She is the boss, and she will not let him forget it!
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Clara Burnett

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advice to Mummy-reign your daughter in ma’am-she’s running a guest house not a brothel
Don't get me wrong, I do agree. But don't expect Mummy to help, this is exactly what she raised her daughter to become. The unhealthy relationship she now has with SJ is the result of years and years of indoctrination.

i guess the real trolls were next to the shittoo...or she is using this as an excuse for things she dont want to discuss..
SJ loves Tattle, for exactly the reason Cara describes: as long as they are talking about me. The drama we invoke on her online "community", the honorary title "trolls", the narrative that we are jealous of her life style, it is all part of her game and a reason for her to drag herself out of bed despite her aversion to it. Once she realizes there is no drama but in her head and nobody actually cares, the depression will return.
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watching CD

Nati is making epanatas and cheesecake for dinner and gets razzed by SJ
Meet a short live volunteer who is leaving named. .??
Phil gets his painting from auctions
Stephanie goes out to the garden to look at veg she will never eat with Kirsty
chickens actually get a small house thanks to Kirsty no thanks to the Shitalaine who is waiting for a freebie rather than practice proper animal husbandry
SJ shows the room Nati is moving it out of earshot of Stephanie's room? There is bird shit all over the installed wardrobe. very Lalonde charm. dont clean it first...just install soiled furniture.

moar to come
And Selmar did NOT take poor Ruby with him! SJ just talked around it when Selmar hinted that surely someone would take care of the cat while he is gone? Poor cat. He has been meowing probably the whole time since Selmar left. 😣😣
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Chatty Member
Christ on a cracker, that little idgit is making jam and the necessary ingredients include champagne, gin, henny and probably gold flakes, the way he's going. Hey Patreons, how do you like filling up his liquor cabinet, because really, that's what you donated to today. I swear I could just slap him. 😤
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Isn't is odd, that SJ needed an emergency blonding before going to Tuscany with Ruthie and Vivienne (who are both blonde). If I didn't know better, I'd think she would want to one-up them... Just my humble opinion.

Regarding Cara. Something definitely went on behind the scene. I'm not buying that "Family Emergency" excuse. She waited a year and a half to get to La Lande. No way would she turn home after a week. I bet, SJ went into Cara's ear and told her, what has been said on Tattle. On top of that, Cara probably thought that she and SJ would become best buddies - as many Tattlers have pointed out - and not be relegated to a lonesome tower like Sleeping Beauty Goblin.
Cara wants to be a fat activist, yet today she let the world know all her haters live rent free in her head, by posting that rant on Instagram.

SJ filming Phyllis and his friend was definitely a 🖕 and a power move. She is in control, and he had to be put in his place. She is the boss, and she will not let him forget it!
There was a derogatory comment re Cara's size on the CAC vlog. There have been no derogatory comments re her size here just concern re her mental health and treatment at La La. I believe she has left early as there is no-one there but Nati. Where were they keeping the mysterious fleece she was cleaning and spinning? NEVER MENTIONED IN 2 YEARS OF VLOGS.
SJ filming BJJ's friend was unnecessary. A show the girl existed and was no competition. Amazing how she can hide dutch people at Christmas, and Ruthie and Nic, but not BJJ's friend.
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Exciting-est vlog ever. DIO.
Opening sentences: "Today we are going to go to the supermarket. Not to any supermarket, but MY favourite supermarket."
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I fell asleep 😴 during the patrons video - guess she bought the rest of the life size figures for the nativity scene

She must be going to charge into the chapel 💒 to see the baby Jeebus
( another source of cash 💰 for cocktails corner )

Then there’s the glass ware situation
Needs gold goblets to celebrate 🎉 hitting the million cash raised in two years

Then there’s the fabric shopping 🛍
For the walls ….

But like Dan The Man 👨
She will only vlog for 5 mins a day in December……

Now why are you talking about dec in august - on holiday!!!!

Because if you record enough now … you can pop off on holiday for most of December

Covid has been such a drag 🐽🐖🦂

For clarity on the million

Patron - 490 k
YouTube 340 k
Cash 💰. 43k. Dads paper n premier
Gifts 🎁. 174k
B & b. 34k

Better than winning the lotto
Tax free
Don’t start me on FRK -
she’s close to 93 k with all her grifting

😈😈 tax time is upon us again 😈
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Putting a wardrobe up..with shit on cannot make it up....and the closet is to undeep to put hangers on...well surely have a nice boudoir....just under the roof.i bet its freaking hot ...the shit will dry and make a nice old feature...dont ever take it off.its a part of the history of lalande.....for future generations to enjoy...
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😆 :m 😆 :m
Infiltrated. Love that! Thanks, @MojoDublin !

Story Time, Tattlers!
To anyone new here, I joined Tattle Life after MPK's first woe-is-me vlog! Before that, I was a super fan and supporter and Patreon. Long before discovering the chateauverse on YouTube or becoming a patron, my fiancee and I have always wanted to invest in a vacation home in France, preferably a manoir or a chateau that can double as a business that someone else could eventually manage/run for us. It was that desire that led us to discover the "chateauverse" on YouTube! When MPK mentioned about the website where people "write nasty things" about chateau owners on his woe-is-me vlog, I searched for the said site and found it (obviously)! Reading the discussions here made me question the integrity of these chatelaines. The more I read, the more I grew indignant over the grifting. Soon after joining Tattle, I jumped into the discussion actively. To this day, I am still indignant towards grifters because I was a victim of scroungers!

My fiancee and I are almost in our mid-20s, and our dream to have a vacation house in France hasn't changed. We are treating it as how anyone would buying a house anywhere else. We are fully vaccinated, allowed to travel, and we follow protocols to a tee (my fiancee is a medical professional). In fact, I'm surprised how open it is here in Paris than it is in NYC. So, until I start grifting, no one has the right to dress me down for pursuing my dream.

Fin. Carry on.
Go on and make your dreams come true..we have a house in France..not always easy.and also not cheap...but we enjoy it..not as much as i would like..still working a bit...but in the future we will stay there all the time...we have a couple who are running the place for us..we also rent it i said it isnt what you like...i wont judge you for coming to France..just enjoy your time...both of you..and the weather is getting more like a Fench summer and enjoy life!!!
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Well-known member
Just a thought 💭

But every chef 👩‍🍳 cooking 🥘

Has brought Their cooking utensils with them ….

So apart from a banging range cooker

They chose NOT to use the chat000
Pots n pans …..
Guess student living really dosent cover it ….

Dana’s food looked interesting!!!
A special pot for snorts - I hope he pays towards his dietry requirements

Or are guest supplementing the food bill 💵
Makes a mockery of FRK charging
50 yo-yos for her beige bulge ..😈
Dana is certainly hot stuff in heels and in the kitchen , but once again the hygiene at the LaLa Diner could do with looking at.
Here we see the chef touching her face, then moments later, plating up salad with the same unwashed hands.


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Marie's Interview:

Welcome Miss Wiik do sit down. I see from your resume that you have several successful business ventures. Tell me about them.

M. Well (up hahaha) I am a florist artist with over 20k followers.
I. What do you mean?
M. Well I do flower arranging and take pictures, you know, like wild flowers and foraged materials and then allow them to come together aesthetically in a way that pleases me. People pay me money for it and buy me coffee. I bought a van from coffee hahaha.
I. Oh right...perhaps you can explain what Success stories are?
M. Well I use my interview skills in an informal style, we have a few drinks and some nibbles and I ask questions and allow them to tell me why they are successful. I get paid for it.
I. Oh, and what other skills do you have ?
M. I manifest things and I have good music.
I. Tell me what skills can you bring to the company?
M. Well, I am good at crying on camera. I have an aesthetic which my followers love. I am good at foraging and I have a lot of contacts through YouTube.
I. Miss Wiik we are a funeral company .
M. Oh well, lol, my flowers will be a perfect arrangement...
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What Instagram rant, this one, where she describes once again falling apart en route?
No, the one where she proudly proclaims to be fat, and everybody just has to deal with it.
Purejuice, you can read my posts. I've been a very vocal anti-Cara camper.
Not because I dislike her, although I did peg her as a problematic modern "inclusive" feminist (It seems I wasn't wrong it that regard!), but she did come across as likeable in the vlogs, I agree on that.
Regarding that rant you've posted. I question her cognitive abilities. If you are getting anxiety from travelling, then why do it? Or at least why don't you do what you can beforehand to prevent most of the anxieties, that might trigger you during travel. She can't be that worldly naïve as to not know, how things work, she is not 5.
I agree with Wilhelm, there seems to be much drama circulating Cara, and she is creating it on her Instagram. She is poking the bear. Why? Since people at the HMN didn't give her the attention, nor the experience she wanted. What better way to stir something up, than to rant on about how some strangers are mean.
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Double congrats to the Marquis (and his Marchioness)! Thank you Mojo, as always.
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DIY just uploaded. Counting steps as he goes upstairs to rummage for art materials…..really?
That just reminded me of an old nursery rhyme.
1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a Trotter live,
6,7,8,9,10 then I put it back again
Why did you let it go
Because his vlogging was so low
Which vlog made you sad
Take your pick they're all so bad
When do you think he'll go
Only when he's paid his Ho
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Various Brendas have been very active on the live chats. Never DB, at least as far as I can look back. On the whole, no point in dwelling on that. A few terrible "vlogs", cobbled together from her "Chateau reconnaisance" trip in the middle of the pandemic. She runs 3 facebook groups with an iron fist.. Domineering, and opinionated beyond belief, best ignored. Till the end of time. That said, if you really want to know more Enjoy!:sleep:
I really upset her by commenting on a post she put up making fun of a greek lady - I told her how unkind she was considering she had previously made a big fuss of not likely her picture being taken as she didn't like what she saw - think I may of called her a hypocrite! She chucked me off the fb page but not before I'd caused a few disciples to question her as well - job well done I thought 🤣
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Maple fairy

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Firstly I am not defending Cara or some of her behaviour. I thought she should have kept her discourse with her husband private. TMI! Maybe she doesn’t have a great data plan who knows. She does like some level of exhibitionism.
I believe yes she was guilty of falling for the whole Lalande bs. I find it interesting that Cara’s fall from grace seems somewhat orchestrated. As I had suggested earlier I thought perhaps comments had been deleted. SJ as has been discussed here is truly the mean girl using other people to effect the desired goal. We have to take into account that she had been conversing with these characters for two years and I don’t believe for one minute SJ didn’t know what she was all about. I think the rules of the game changed from the time of contact to the actual visit. Also we were quick to condemn her believing she was not vaccinated. I am in agreement that she was probably referring to Twitter, however who knows! I do believe she sadly was duped and deluded. Most comedians are wounded humans.
Originally weren’t we treated to what seemed like a bohemian artistic community not predicated on $$$$. I believe Cara and others went there, to yes showcase their talents, but also contributing to what they were led to believe Lalande was all about. She continuously showcased the opera workshops taking place, rehabbing furniture etc. Look what happened to that Australian couple going there to help with furniture and were ushered quickly to the kitchen to make dinner. The wife certainly made it clear through her social media without verbalizing how their visit went. If we’re just Cara that appeared to have less than a desirable outcome well then…
Obviously there is a communication problem. Is it bait and switch?
If we fight amongst ourselves than they have won by dividing and conquering.
Just saying my opinion only!
Let’s get back to the unprecedented wit and humour on here. Not speaking of the bikist again 🤐
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