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Green Fairy

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No Escape to Rural France vlog tonight because Dan's mum and Grandma turned up for a surprise visit. Arranged by Annalise.
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I was so annoyed to see him at the dinner table, while Nati was serving! It's so frustrating he is treated with such privilege by SJ, while the rest are kept in their "place" as staff... God forbid SJ has a meal with her paying guests without him there!

The flog was more enjoyable than normal IMO though, mostly because he wasn't featured too heavily.... although I don't know why she needed to include the drive to Ivo's chateau, it contributed nothing and we have already seen the place. I guess she just couldn't bear having a full video without her beloved lap dog getting some air time!
Agree. He's definitely been elevated to 'upstairs'. None more apparent when he was filming Selmar swapping mirrors in the bathroom on a patreon video posted earlier today here on Tattler (thanks poster).. 'Oh yes that looks much better, thank you'. The tone sugested he is definitely above his station. 'Bloody cheek' I thought. Who does he think he is - oh wait ..........................
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@Jeeves , I did the same .🥰 .(great minds, etc etc)
I went through all pages here since Cara's appearance on the GAG show- a labour of love, well ,just because I wanted to know whether we had indeed done some fat- shaming here.
Apart from posting the -unflattering- screenshot of the three women behind the coffee table, I did not find anything that I thought was offensive re: Cara's bodyweight. Remarks on her outfit were made, but other Tattlers came to her defence a few times.
Quite a few comments referred to the bad choice of location, the crammed set up behind the table, unfortunate camera angle, etc but these were not in any way directed at Cara. She might have taken them as a a criticism of herself ?
Below are all of the more critical comments.. Reading through them makes me cringe just a tiny bit, - but on the whole there were far more positive observations than negative ones, and even the comments below are not all negative.
Here goes:
Cara looks like Hagrids sister sitting beside SJ.

Cara has lost any sympathy I has
[sic] for her. She comes across as an unwordly, naiive, sycophant. She looked terrible on the vlog. Shd had packed nice clothes including a smart blazer - why be filmed in some tie dye aerobics gear?

It must have been really difficult to navigate filming with that pink getup and all the flesh and the gifts displayed in front of the baggy crotch of her pants. Like, possible they were counting on us to be horrible awful people for pointing it out

Whoever did the filming set up for last night's GAG was either plain dumb or deliberately set Cara up to look out of place. That camera was so low, she, dwarfed and dominated everyone and everything.

I agree, it was badly composed. Having a small low table and 3 people squashed into the frame with boxes. It did make Cara stand out far too much - and not in a flattering way.

Cara, I do respect you for your comment on Insta*gram. Well said!
Good point, especially the last one.
As for me, I stand by my statement. The way the participants were positioned on the last GAG vlog was not flattering for any plus-size person.
Here's a good example of a better camera angling for a plus-size person.

Then again...
Even Dan the Gardener pointed how SJ's camera angles are so awkward most of the time.
She only makes herself look good and puts everyone else in unflattering angels.
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The only traction Cara is getting on her IG account regarding Lalande is from BJJ's friend, Maaike Hillen. Everyone else (from Lalande) has gone radio silent. The two of them have become fast friends. So, no self isolating was necessary??? No, meet and greet for Maaike over at Tess'??? Not to worry Maaike, your YT audition will be seen by Michael Morrison. He tells everyone is very connected. Good luck with that.
If the lovely Maaike Hillen has any sense, she will distance herself from that vulgar woman. I really was prepared to champion her visit. I would have been interested to see what she made of the wool. I think there was a misunderstanding. Cara thought she was coming to LaLande to feature in the vlogs as a spinner of wool etc and that would be her role. The rest of the time she would be dancing in the kitchen, mixing with the inhabitants, going on days out with them. In other words, guest treatment in return for wool treatment. Cara arrives and is given a list of jobs that take 5 hours a day and it is explained to her that other volunteers follow their own interests in their own time. Whilst they will be thrilled to show the finished wool product there is no time to vlog the process as they are all off on their holidays. When they get back, there will be a big party for SJ but Cara will not be a guest - she will be preparing for the arrival of guests, cooking, cleaning and washing up - because someone has to do it. Cara showed her disappointment and perhaps her coarser side - and bingo, she was out. In fairness to the chateau cast, this was not unreasonable expectations - guests are paying hundreds a day for the Stephanie friend experience. Someone has to do the chores. They probably spent a lot of time corresponding too and fro and answering queries and putting off other volunteers who would have understood that. Conclusion - every one is pissed and no one is speaking to her.
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I watched one of Kirsties other vlogs and it appears she's been involved/is involved with a large animal charity here called Les Amis des Animaux. They rescue and rehome animals all over France. So I feel happy that Ruby and all the other animals there will be fine and that she will keep a check on them.
She seems great, works hard, puts on no airs and graces, is very natural and likes animals. She has 3 dogs and a small flock of sheep and recently rescued a family of kittens and took them to the animal sanctuary. She also seems to know something about plants and gardening. She's an asset to La Lande and I don't think she'll be into joining the costume parties.
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Overcoming her surprise, she cautiously opened the door fully and saw...
A strange creature crouching in the corner. It was pale, with red rimmed, bulging eyes. Its skin glistened with sweat.
'Michael!" she exclaimed, taking a step back into the room. 'What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for Andrew." he whimpered. "I think we left him in the Brocante when I was looking for oil lamps. I wondered if he was trying to make his way back to Madrid and planned on stowing away in Selmar's campervan."
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SSB seemed kind but it was though she was treating her like a child! They were all overly gracious towards her (feigned interest) and I think that affected the other levels of fakeness we usually see in these terrible gift grabs. When Phyllis moaned his gratitude, his sounds got lost in the vacuum of fakery! This was a high suction vacuum day. These are not real people, (Cara excluded)!! It was like a bad mushroom trip!
In my opinion, she seemed nervous like all the others at first, then picks up on the process and cues. She did still seem nervous though. The HMN cronies clearly read here and know about 'our' concern/intrigue for Cara. Yah, kid gloves... were they trying to protect her while at the same time distancing themselves?! Because they are the in-clowns, I mean in-crowd.
Ummm, well, Dana looked gorgeous! What the hell is wrong with me haha!
Whoever did the filming set up for last night's GAG was either plain dumb or deliberately set Cara up to look out of place. That camera was so low, she, dwarfed and dominated everyone and everything.

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YES! It was good to see her not be so manic or serious (hate when she pretends to be an expert on "the finer things"), and making jokes at herself and Dan. Her shouting from her balcony and hiding from herself as Dan was the best part!

And I agree, Dana is sexy!
Dana will always remind me of a real-life Mother Gothel.

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New member
By research , I assume you mean YouTube ?? Bad idea . There’s only one way unvaccinated people will have a chance of avoiding Covid and that’s the rest of us being vaccinated ! I’m very puzzled by the sheep comparison… the anti vaccers are the ones behaving like sheep .
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Meet Jason Nash and his mother Marilyn. Jason, you and your mother have been drinking the kool-aid. You seem to have the knowledge about florals and gardens that FRK is lacking. I hope your visit with her has been enlightening. Has she asked to moved in with you yet???
from FRK's IG stories...

This is from SS's comments...

jason nash
1 week ago
Such a pleasure to be invited into the lives of success stories. An inspiration to everybody. Thankyou Marie and Sarah for an amazing channel 😊



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Success Stories
1 week ago

(This is Sarah) Wow, Thank you so much Jason! So glad you’re enjoying it , we love making it 💕




jason nash
1 week ago
@Success Stories it is always such a joy to be on this journey. It is heartwarming and inspirational to watch. The questions are perfect and Marie has a natural gift in making people at ease
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You put out anover video yet, Michael? Wot you been doin in that cottage of yours? Drinkin tea all day and polishin all that Spode you bought off eBay wiv all that money you nicked off of them grannies?

Teabag: Nah, run out o tea ... i'll have to put in anover order wiv Fortnum & Mason's ... it'll soon be time for anover Chrismas hamper ...

Billy: You know wot I'd do if I woz you, Michael, don't ya?

Teabag: Wot's that then?

Billy: I'd get a daily goin, mate. If you wonna fleece them grannies good an proper you'll hav ta do a vlog every day, mate. Time of the munf, innit? It's when they get their state pensions, innit? Fink about it ... that's where the money is, innit?

Teabag: Yeah, but wot am I gonna film? Run out ov ideas at the minute ...

Billy: Simple, mate. You know that shato ... forgotten the name now ... oh yeah, Shato de la Ferté ... you know, the one we went to see about four years ago ... Well, mate, some fakin idiot's gone an bought it, ain't they? It's about ten minutes down the road from 'ere. I f I woz you I'd get in their quick sharpish an do a tour before someone else gets there before ya ... the grannies will luv that ... they luv a good shato tour ... they can watch you doin that in their council houses and then give you their pension money ... there's noffin like a shato tour to get a granny to part wiv her pension money ...

Teabag: That's a really good idea! Fanks mate! But wot am I gonna do after that?

Billy: You can show them grannies some of the fings in ya room, mate. Pull a few pics out that box of yours ... pics ov you when you woz a baby ... grannies luv that kina fing ... create a link wiv the viewer mate ... bring a bit ov reality into it ... a bit of emotion ... that'll open a few purses ...

Teabag: Yeah, could be right there, mate. But it means walkin up a hundred steps to the top of the tower ...

Billy: Don't exaggerate, Michael, it's ninety-seven steps and your room's not at the top ...

Teabag: That's anover fing ... isn't it about time I moved into the cottage? or at least pretended to ... . You should see wot they been sayin about me on Tattle ... that I'm just pretendin an that I live in the chato all the time ...

Well they don't know, do they mate? Just move a bit ov art stuff in there an they'll fink you live in there all the time ... It don't matta if ya don't do any art ... it's all about creatin an impression, innit?

Teabag: Wot you doin then?

Billy: More antique huntin, mate ... see if I can get me hands on anover Viggie Le Brune ...

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it’s gonna be wicked weird when they come to repossess that mixer

thought he had no money-oh its on sale and 4 payments ah yeah right then spend away on a mixer for a place you don’t live in-yep that makes perfect sense
I love his financial prowess - the stairs will have to wait until next year because they cost five thousand euros. But I have just bought an eight hundred euro mixer on credit. How does that work?
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Clara Burnett

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Isabelle Jarvis Michael Morrison I believe in the goodness of mankind, I must be right since humans have survived for millennia.
I can guarantee if you ever meet IJ in person, you will lose all faith in the goodness of mankind. How anyone would survive that kind of evil is one of the biggest mysteries tom me. Her own mother, SJ's grandmother used to warn everybody for IJ's malice.
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Chatty Member
AAAARRGHH! Teabeg is an idiot! He blames the cream for not being suitable for whipping but the dumbass whisked it for too long and turned it into butter. Moron!
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Listening to The Guess Who - Taking Care of Business - immortal lines as theme song for Marie and lalalanders:
look at me
working all the time
taking care of business
doing nothing at all
I'm busy doing nothing,
working the whole day through,
trying to find lots of things not to do,
I'm busy going nowhere
Vlogging the day through,
One of these days I might land in a town near you,
I'm busy selling concepts
The success of the Shittoos
Buy me a coffee and I'll show you how too,
I'm busy going nowhere
Vlogging the whole day through,
I'd like to be unhappy...but,
I'd have to vlog that too
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I have to admit...i like hedgehogs too...The last summers, not this one..., in The Netherlands were so warm and dry...we have lots of hedgehogs in the garden....we always make sure they have water to drink...but at one point all the water was one night...and this is true...2 hedgehogs ended up in front of the backdoor..quite we went out to see if there was any water.left.....and it was all we filled up the watersupply...and a little later they were gone..drinking at the watersupply...I thought this very moving...we never forget to fill the water up.....i was thinking..maybe i should buy a jumpsuit also..a blue one.;)...nahhhh
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