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Nati has aged a lot recently!
Not Natifending but imagine having to open box after box of crap, cataloguing it, labelling it, and then repacking it so that her highness can do her hysterical shtick of setting her eyes on it for the "first time". Imagine the hundreds of emails she has to read each day from the wackapalooza fans, saying that they want to volunteer or move in permanently or have tea with the shatoolaine. I am sure there is worse stuff. Then there's having to work as closely as she does with SJ. I suspect that, like the reno work, SJ interferes and changes her mind about decisions every ten minutes. And then not being able to hide from FRK and BJJ? Add to that, having those 2 newly-minted grifters around all the livelong day? Perhaps she began as a motivated employee, but the life has been sucked out of her. I would be a burned out shell of my former self. Or maybe she is just not well. All this being said, she could leave at any time, find another situation? Now that more travel is permitted, perhaps a trip to Paris on her own is in order?
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Tatyana Valda Belinda Hill sounds like two names rolled together. A stage name and who she is when on the sofa in her jim-jams. Been reading and liking the posts on here for a while after initially enjoying the Shat-o Diatribes during lock-down and now feeling irritated by the focus on the golden geese of superfans, patreons and gift-grabbing that goes on. I salute you guys for holding up the mirror to it all. Selmar seems to be quite vulnerable to flattery. Just hope, if he ever leaves that someone looks after the lovely - previously ignored - Ruby.
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I've noticed that they take their time to answer in the comments section under their vlog and according to my good lady wife also on Instagram.
I thought the section where Benoit was answering about his fan base was hilarious.
No snorts(proper attitude of a camera person) and fast forward through the work/boring bits...Selmar should take note!
The paper is nice. I would buy that. Steph should have consulted her for the Shitoo. That awful paper in the pretentious salon, would have been better suited elsewhere. They really have no idea about dressing a room.
You are so right. Consulting Anna for advice would have ensured that the correct size of pattern and colour palette for each room. She could have ordered from companies that Anna could have recommended and listened to her advice about selecting a Fortuny paper. She could also have commissioned Anna to make papers for one or two of her rooms and taken some interior design advice from her generally. Anna's chateau is very distinct - emphasis on wood, luxury but simplicity. Stephanie need not go for the same look - a patina style can look less formal and very homely. But, it is a much harder style to pull off and takes an expert eye, or at least one with an eye for period, style and taste. It is also far more expensive to maintain and clean (and it has to be spotless at all times to look good). Most important of all, once you have the look, adding to it has to be resisted, unless it is classy pieces replacing something else. The one way to ruin it, is to have masses of GAG tat cluttering up the place.
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Clara Burnett

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At 53, Selmar is running out of time to make money to last long enough. This is not the age to take risks and lose money, if you are not in a profession or investment situation where you can make a lot of money fast. Could SJ have put him up to thinking he can/should get a chateau? What SJ was able to pull off with her income is rare. There is no indication that Selmar has the charisma and video skills to do what SJ did. He should certainly be aware of the costs of fixing and maintaining a chateau. He is delusional. He should find a job that pays decently, and live in his camper, and save save save. Don't get into the money pit of a big building. Find some less risky way to make money with patrons where you can bank the bucks you make, not spend them.
I really hope Selmar gets out before it’s too late. Of course it was SJ who set him up for that shittoo dream: her shit is contagious. Not even looking at the money (he will most certainly not pull off what she did, griftwise there’s no other champion than SJ), he would soon be miserable, living that empty lifestyle she’s promoting by faking love and laughter when there is none. When my friends realised they couldn’t stay at her shittoo much longer, they at first seriously planned to buy a huge old place in the area too. There’s many beautiful ones. We now know what they ended up with buying, the pink schuttered cottage around the corner of the HMN (so their own HMN 😂) they instantly started calling their anti-chateau. As I understood it back then, that choice wasn’t about what they could afford, but about a lifestyle that suits them better. (Although I suspect if they had enough money laying around they would have fallen for that large property too, it’s seemed tempting in all its charms. Glad they didn’t though, much more interesting to see them happy without the need of faking it).
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Madame No

VIP Member
I am really beginning to believe that the Shrekkers are much more devious than I thought. They are totally scamming Fanny. They are staying at the shatoo for free explaining their existence on the lockdown and Steve trading rent for work. All the while, they are figuring out ways to latch on to Fanny's fans like the parasites that they are. They are trying and perhaps succeeding, on roping in other hangers on to do workshops at their mirage of a chateau. I wonder if the feckless Marie has given them any money to hold a workshop date? They remind me so much of old-fashion con artists using made up words to confuse and/or seek to impress fools. Steve is way too "charming" to be believed. Any one who constantly smiles, no matter what is said or going on, is either an idiot, a psychopath, or a con. They both could be psychopaths and cons.
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I have one year of experience of sewing face masks together, even the more fancy ones! During the first weeks of pandemic I went into massproduction to supply family and friends and local kidergardens.
I also taught my son to do it so I could actually give workshops, too? What should I call myself?
Responsible! You wouldn't fit in at Lalande.
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Madame No

VIP Member
At 53, Selmar is running out of time to make money to last long enough. This is not the age to take risks and lose money, if you are not in a profession or investment situation where you can make a lot of money fast. Could SJ have put him up to thinking he can/should get a chateau? What SJ was able to pull off with her income is rare. There is no indication that Selmar has the charisma and video skills to do what SJ did. He should certainly be aware of the costs of fixing and maintaining a chateau. He is delusional. He should find a job that pays decently, and live in his camper, and save save save. Don't get into the money pit of a big building. Find some less risky way to make money with patrons where you can bank the bucks you make, not spend them.
Absolutely agree! Unless he's got something coming in monthly for the rest of his life and a stash of dough or healthy portfolio, unlikely since he doesn't even have a credit card, he needs to be very careful. I'm sure selfish SJ is always going on an on to her subordinates to do what she has done. It's an ego trip for her. First it was Tomaz, complete fail. Then Marie, still free falling. Stephan and Sara, heading for the cliff. Philippa, pondering the idea but not ready to test the waters. Selmar, along with the black widow spider Tatayana, taking him down the rabbit hole.

...comments have the resident experts chiming in...
Jacqueline Reynolds and Real Aiglon

n g
I'm confused, I thought Steve and Sarah bought a chateau? Did that fall thru? When he first came to Lalande he was helping you with editing. Does he still do that? Are they volunteers or guest?



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Julia Brook
1 week ago
They are staying at Lalande while they purchase a chateau.



n g
1 week ago
@Julia Brook So are they guest or volunteers?



Philip Janssen
Philip Janssen
1 week ago
@n g A bit of both!



n g
1 week ago
@Philip Janssen Thank you for the reply. Their presence at Lalande seems self serving so I hope for Stephanie's sake that they are paying to stay in the Marquis' apartment. I do wish them luck because it is time for them to move on. Unless of course they offer some added value that we viewers are not aware of.


Jacqueline Reynolds
6 days ago
@n g the finacial arrangements are none of our business and its not up to you to decide when they move on. If you watched the vlogs you would see that Steve is helping Stephanie with various projects including digitising Stephanie's Father's artwork for the tiles to go in the kitchen


n g
6 days ago
@Jacqueline Reynolds Thank you. Yes you are correct. Steve also digitized Derek Jarvis' art for wrapping paper. This process can be done anywhere. As Steve stated the tiles are a large job and will take time. He first came to Lalande to help with editing but that didn't work out. They are launching their own business off the success of Lalande. That is self serving... they are off putting.

Next up...

Steph M.

6 days ago
Love Chateau Diaries but I don't understand who are Steve and his wife ? Do they live permanently at Lalande ? Are they employees / volunteers ?


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Jacqueline Reynolds
6 days ago
They are staying there while they look for their own Chateau which had to hold off because of this last lockdown. Steve is helping Stephanie with various projects while they are there.

...and then there's more...
Layla Wright
1 week ago
She says she has 3,000 patrons if they just put in £5 a month that equals £15,000 a month WOW I think I would put up with alot for that kind of money 🤑



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Jacqueline Reynolds
6 days ago Its over $29,500 at present. But that can only be spent on restoring the Chateau including paying for Dan and Selmar. The Youtube income pays for everything else including Nati, Philip and Mary Poppins. So its not as simple as people are saying oh we dont mind only 1 vlog a week. Stephanie needs the Revenue stream not to decrease


Layla Wright
6 days ago @Jacqueline Reynolds you must agree it's amazing amount of money for just filming your life


Real Aiglon
Real Aiglon
6 days ago
@Layla Wright Why don’t you “just” start filming yours, then, and earn the same?

And then...

The Nod
1 week ago
Yeah...It's not about the Chateau anymore. It's about producing content and feeding the money train.



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Jacqueline Reynolds
6 days ago (edited)
The money train is needed for the Chateau. Youtube is paying for everything that the Patreon money cant be used for including 3 peoples salaries



Real Aiglon
Real Aiglon
6 days ago
“Feeding the money train” is also called working. Yes, most people who aren’t retired, rich already or on the dole have to do that to earn a living.

there's more...

Pat Powers
1 week ago
I guess I didn't realize Ian was living there and has been there from the beginning, any insight?


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Jacqueline Reynolds
6 days ago (edited)
He comes and goes. He was a volunteer.

Lastly Kym wants to know where David is...

Kym McBride
1 week ago
What ever happened to David? He was so big a part of early blogs, but he never visits. I know the COVID thing, but others have come.


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Jacqueline Reynolds
6 days ago
There have been so many lockdowns in both France and England thats its not been possible. Many would have returned otherwise, especially for Christmas and Easter
It amazes me how the rabid fans think they know everything going on behind the scenes. They act like they are there and involved in making decisions. They defend anything posted that even remotely questions who, what, when or why at the shatoo. People wonder how Hitler and other fascist dictators ever got into control? I don't! Just read these insane and delusional comments. They are completely brainwashed into thinking that anything and everything SJ does is god like. The groveling is disgusting.
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Stephanie uses Tattle as a kind of checklist for what's to be done at the Chateau
I expect her to show us the cold larder room, without the rotting food next week.

Why don’t you “just” start filming yours, then, and earn the same?
Oh Real Aiglon, maybe you should start filming yours, be like Donna Davis Art... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

“Feeding the money train” is also called working. Yes, most people who aren’t retired, rich already or on the dole have to do that to earn a living.
Clearly, you are on the dole Real Aiglon. No hobbies to fill the void in your life?
Just being a Shitelaine's guard dog - and we all know how much she likes dogs - I pity you.
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If SJ is there, BJJ is most likely there with her. Just not in the same room as Trotter.
BJJ just isn't "cute" enough for Teabag Trotter's IG stories! Those two have always considered each other abrasive.
They both think of themselves as experts in cutlery, crockery, painting/art, music and upholstery...They're in serious competition at kissing SJ's butt! They can't be in the same room together! Their combined gay power would emanate gay energy so strong either one of them are able to withstand. It could only result in a gay catfight.

At last 😈

Something I’d have genuinely PAID
To see 😈😈😈😈😈

My money 💰 is on trotter

Enunciates his English parrrfect
BJJ is just a complete and utter desperate disaster
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Clara Burnett

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Side note... Brenda Gibbons was a top level patron in the early days. My guess is now she's in on the grift, no need to keep being a patron. Mason is still listed as a Count.
BG explained her leaving the patronage of the HMN in a facebook post by claiming she only wanted to help get SJ back on her feet and now that she is, she'd rather help somebody else. But I agree with you: that woman is not to be trusted. I find it highly suspicious that she has bend over backwards trying to incriminate the Trotter clan, but still has nothing to say about the grifting going on at the HMN. I mean, if she's so keen on doing things right and cares about helping people, she should have used the information she has been getting here to put SJ to shame. The only reason she hasn't done this, I'm quite sure, is that she's fist deep in the scheme of robbing innocent people out of their pensions. We see you, Brenda, and we don't like it one little bit...
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I must admit Steve and sewist wife have certainly had some traction from discussions on here. Should we charge a percentage for our professional opinions?

1. Adapted website suggestions for a more realistic pricing in really WTF
2. Suggestions of a more sensible moniker than sewist?
3. Actually having a venue
4. Not hiring a dead flower artiste
5. Feeding your guests
6. Getting real and not pretending to be something you aren't -as in talented.
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Bored Mermaid CC

VIP Member
I do laugh at Manor & Maker‘s website having a page titled “Propose Your Workshop”

so their business plan is
  1. send us all your ideas which we will then use as our own to create Manor & Maker Workshops
  2. if you want to do your ideas you do all the work
  3. we dont do any of the work to create an experience for you this includes
    1. no food,
    2. no activities,
    3. no supplies,
    4. no nothing
  4. but we do have picture of a couch on our website so this indicates or abilities to be innkeepers
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Years ago, the not-so-elusive Nic’s best friend from his Eton years, who is called (believe it or not) Alastair Dick and is married to his wife Marie’s best friend, together with other friends in that group seriously warned SJ not to hang out as much with Ruth, who they thought to be a bad influence. SJ obviously didn’t listen. I find it ironic and hilarious to see the not-so-elusive Nic and his wife now meekly obey SJ’s marching orders to perform in whatever vlog she wants to put out, while the subject of their disdain hides from being portrayed. Very well played, Ruthie!
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Chatty Member
So Selmars Patreon Site is up and running. I was saddened to read...." While I remain happily employed at Stephanie’s château for the near future, I have a growing aspiration to begin focusing on my own projects " Near future is short term. :(
Selmar has been at Lalaland for over a year and he will never have more than a parking place there. It's about time to move on.
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Madame No

VIP Member
They already have workshops on the calendar. Sewing with Sarah 2500 flowers and wellness with Marie Wilk 995... Ok...
It just keeps getting better and better! Well, all I can say is that the world is full of idiots. I can just imagine the rabid fans figuring out how they can get their sorry asses to France, raid their piggy banks, and squeal with delight at the possibility of being ripped off by these scammers and amateurs. If I feel the need to up my "wellness" game, I'll go spend a few bucks at my local flower stand. They will arrange the flowers beautifully and artistically. Next I will grab a baguette and some brie along with a nice but reasonably priced wine from the Burgundy region. Finally, I will don my most comfortable, but clean and well maintained jeans and button down cotton shirt and sit on my deck overlooking my garden, all for less than 100 euros. I will feel very well indeed! BTW you and 3 others can join me all expenses paid by yourself in advance. Sorry, no cancellations as this is a very exclusive offer.
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Comments for Selmar's latest flog 👑


Tatyana Valda Belinda Hill
Tatyana Valda Belinda Hill
4 hours agoThis makes me smile the biggest smile! I loved watching you open it, darling. xxxx❤xxxx....So, now you know I wasn't really planning to knit you a hat when I asked for your head measurement some months ago. 😸



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Selmar Duin

Selmar Duin

35 minutes ago
Yes I though about that. Knit me a head??!!! But did. The most beautiful loving present I have ever received. I am verry proud to wearing it and you as my Queen at my side. Love U beautiful X

Reminder of who she thinks she is. This is her bio on YT...

Tatyana Valda Belinda Hill
36 subscribers
Independent Producer/ Indie TV Presenter/ Content Producer of Television Programing(Factual)
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@Gibson Forgive me 😈😈😈

Image was ThE most

Realist... 😈

actually it’s an OLYMPIC diaper moment .... in moments of 2021 😎
You're forgiven 🙂

We forgot the most important one:


Had a lot of fun with this. Enjoyed my Sunday night ...much more entertaining than watching the CD.

Break over. :)

Antonio Banderas <sigh> no comparison is there?
Mrs G's favourite go to as well. Shame I only do dad dancing, but I did surprise her one wedding anniversary by learning a routine with some mates. All of our other halves were shocked. The kids were mortified...job done :)
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Chatty Member
That’s simply obscene, the way that woman unwrappes all her tat on camera, but doesn’t show what she’s giving him. Probably nothing then, no surprise.
Stefanny bought Selmar a cake! ☝

Only because she wanted the cake. She alredy knew Selmar was baking himself an apple pie. Really shows how generous Stefanny is with those she thinks are below her.
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