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Let's call a spade a spade.. that truck is empty.. just discarded packing blankets and empty boxes.. probably took that little table in just to take it out again... No wonder Amaury refused to take part in it all.
That's because they didn't help.. They got some footage for her flog and went out to eat. Was that paid for by the grift as 'cost of doing business'? Because they showed up Amaury and Nattie went out so the Richmonds were down two solid workers for a few hours with so much to do too.. :(
Stephanie and Philip supposedly showed up a day late. I don’t think anyone would have waited on them to start unpacking their moving van.
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Cleo's Asp

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The price of yet another dinner service would have been a large chunk towards the Chapel floor. So sad really all those dinner services and no friends to eat off them. Fanny is so acquisitive. She perhaps needs to buy some hair extensions as her hair line is very odd. When she started CD she looked young for her age and bar the shark eyes she was pretty, she is looking seriously 15 years older than she is now and unrecognisable as the same woman.

The whole family has odd taste, they need to learn less is more but why have one statue when you can have six is their motto and it looks a fright. Who turns up to help their Aunt on moving say in a white dress and for him a safari romper suit they are so ridiculous and no help at all.
I'm beginning to wonder if there is an acquisitive gene. I am sure the impulsive spending has neurological causes and I think maybe it could be genetic. Certainly, Tante's house in Suffolk was stuffed to the brim and it looked as if people could hardly walk out of a room without having to climb over furniture. It was very similar to Fanny's rooms, maybe even worse. Fanny's spending is now not just excessive, it's completely out of control. She must surely be aware that those countless dinner services, however desirable she may consider them, are rarely, if ever, going to be used more than once or twice. That is exactly the same with the endless dresses. It really is a sign of total abandon, desperation, and unhappiness. How either she or Snorts can think their critics are jealous really shows how ignorant they are not to realise (or admit, as I think they must know they are unhappy), what a fundamentally tragic and meaningless life they are leading. No intelligent or insightful human being would envy them. As we have said before, you almost feel sorry for them but what takes away the feeling of sympathy is the fact that it is all being enabled by other people's money, people who believe they are enabling the renovation of an oid property, and therefore, it amounts to theft. Patrons are enabling a serious condition to continue untreated, as well as supporting extremely unethical behaviour. What Fanny is doing can never make her happy, despite the acting that the patrons are tricked into believing. I truly think it can only end in tragedy. If patrons want to help their idol, they need to put a stop to their donations.
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8 minutes ago
Is it my iPad or are you not translating the men working on the chapel, I thought you had just forgotten the other day, but there is no translation today either?

51 minutes ago
Ooo, captions, pleeeeease
Jackie, sweetie, she has no intention of allowing translation captions when she’s speaking with the chapel chumps. If she did it would be obvious that they are not discussing what she says they are. Also, she would have to explain why they were taking her to task over her interference and constant changes to the contract. She needs to keep you cash cows sweet and ignorance is the way to do it.
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C'est moi

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My husband has now been offered a bed in the only establishment that is suitable,and will move in to the home on Monday in ten days time. Even good clothes are desirable. I have bought him a cheap watch to wear now , it is heartbreaking as I gave him his lovely watch as an engagement present over 40 years ago.
My heart aches with sadness at him moving, but is also heavy with fear at how they will treat him.
My dear @Lochness Monster you have had a seriously tough time and I understand that this must be devastating for you but you deserve a respite too. You have all the happy times inside of you, and they will be inside your husband too. We're all here for you. Love and hugs 🫂 x
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Well-known member
A photo off Maries vlog of her room and this is the decrepit state of her window and no doubt countless others - im not following the immense expense on the chapel when the fabric of the chateau itself is still not sorted - windows - rendering - the steps etc etc


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How rotten of a dog on or do you have to be to ignore the smallest dog in the world, with the tiniest bladder in the world, wanting a vocalizing within a few inches of you in a closed car, signaling that he needs to pee or poop? they truly pay no attention to the dog.’s needs. I feel so sorry for Ratso. Forced to travel nonstop in a car in a bed that is far too small for him and he is prone to car sickness, and then the idiots. Don’t listen to him as he pleads to be let out of the car to P or poop. I bet he pooped or peed all in his new dog bed.

One of the reasons why Stephanie is the worst dog owner in the Chateauverse is after months of owning the dog, she still refuses to provide the most basic care and attention for the dog‘s needs, such as taking him to use the bathroom regularly, especially when he is whining and yapping.
Did she do this on purpose because she loves to abuse the dog on camera?

2 minutes ago
Lancelot may need to go pee when he whines and yaps

They still have not cut the dogs nails, they are beginning to turn under. Ratso looks like he is wearing stilettos with those long nails. They never took the dog to the vet last week. A vet would’ve trim the dogs nails. They are incredibly tacky, bathing their dog in a five-star hotel. People who can afford to stay in a five-star hotel would’ve asked the concierge to arrange for a dog groomer to bathe the dog and trim his nails. The gruesome twosome are a couple of cheap nasty, fake pretenders spending ebegged money.

The car seat or bed that they purchased for the dog is far too small, crammed with toys, and should never be crammed between two front seats of an SUV. They are so incredibly reckless with the dog.



Why should anyone pay money to restore the Dump when she cannot stand living at the dump for even 5 to 7 days per month 6 to 7 months per year?
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I don’t know how accurate this is, but I looked up the top 1000 acounts on Patreon a few minutes ago. The Château diaries account was supposedly ranked 372 within the past 30 days And Stephanie continuously brags about how her Patreon account has always been ranked in the top 400 accounts on Patreon for several years. However, when I looked up the 1000 top Patreon account a few minutes ago, she’s not listed. Take a look at the second link below she is not listed at 372 ranking or any other ranking at this time.

In the info on today’s cd video:
A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!”

Patreon page about section: what CAL she describes the Patreon account in this paragraph. Do you think you’re giving money for her to spend on a luxury lifestyle? Or rather on dump renovation and restoration. How is leading is this intro?…..

Welcome to the Chateau de Lalande's Patreon page!
Thank you for following our story and caring about this magnificent 16th century French chateau. Together we can breathe life back into these ancient walls, and make this historic building more beautiful than ever before.
If you're looking for a community of people who love chateaux, French living, beauty and history - you've found us and we're looking forward to welcoming you!

Lalande has been through turbulent times - she's already survived the French revolution and a devastating fire, yet even though her beauty has been tarnished, she still captivates the hearts of all who see her. Buildings like this need us to save them. I'm devoting myself to the Chateau de Lalande and won't rest until I've saved what remains, replaced what has been lost, and added what's needed to bring her into the 21st century. But it's a long journey and I can't describe how much I need and appreciate your support. I hope you join me on this exciting adventure!

Stephanie x

5,180 Total members
3,788 Paid members
318 Posts
$30,610 Per month
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
If she continues to whine and complain about the added chapel costs or any work such as the ventilation shafts completed by the 'Notre Dame' restorers, I hope Sebastien, Benoit et al pack their kit and walk off the job.
I wouldn't be suprised if the chapel restoration builders have decided not to proceed with the terrace or Grand Salon. Once the chapel is finished they are going to pick up sticks and move on. They aren't short of potential work elsewhere and they've figured out Fanny is a nutter.
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Just Grift Wood

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I am staggered that guests bring wine. Any reputable B N B would give the guests a bottle of Champagne for their Birthday as it is good business to get repeat bookings. It is so embarrassing bringing gifts when she is charging them an arm and a leg to stay in a dirty, cold building site. By showing the dress and the shirt she is openly telling other guests to bring her presents it is so awful.
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Just Grift Wood

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The irony so much money on plates and so little money on food and no friends and hardly any paying guests to eat off them-meanwhile the house is a mouldy rotting building site stuffed with detritus
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Just Grift Wood

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56 minutes ago
Stephanie, should Philip ever relinquish the filming and editing, am happy to take over the role, as the wages and travelling and shopping are brilliant! Like the Goyard bag! Is the patreon video delayed?

1 hour ago
Sooo...dynasty porcelain with five star menu selections all prepared by Marie surrounded by old tacky cupboards...makes no sense in its ugliness while owner prances around European hotels in grandeur.

2 hours ago
The content of the chateau has changed lately there is no renovation in the castle, there is a lot of Philips in vlogs, which I quite understand, A lot of travels of Stephany and Philip, excuse me, I am sorry but he starts to behave himself like the owner of the castle, which I quite understand, but do not like at all. That's my oppinion


1 hour ago
By definition, Chateau de Lalande is not a castle. What do you think is happening to the chapel, if not renovations? Last week, the schedule of work and priorities were explained. In any case, it was never simply a renovation channel. It was always about Stephanie's life in general at the chateau, including her travels and friends. There are 51, 000,000 YouTube channels, so I'll never understand why people like you choose to watch a channel and then make childish complaints about the people and content. It's impossible to please everyone, and nothing remains the same.
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Just Grift Wood

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7 minutes ago
Any update on filling the lake up, as its been a very long time, the powers that be are well bang out of order taking so long when it was their fault.
2 hours ago
How are Stefanie and Gerry related? Just curious..


1 hour ago
They're not related. Her parents employed him from a teenager and he went to Framlingham with them to set up their business, so he's been with the family since she was a baby. They've stayed close.
4 hours ago
I need a gay husband


1 hour ago
@Themagicalmanifestinggarden He's a feral cat who lives his own life and always has. We can't ask him whether he wants to be somebody's property. Taking an animal and forcing it to live a life it hasn't grown up with is cruel. He has company - when he wants it, not because you want it.

1 hour ago
@Themagicalmanifestinggarden He's a feral cat who lives his own life and always has. We can't ask him whether he wants to be somebody's property. Taking an animal and forcing it to live a life it hasn't grown up with is cruel. He has company - when he wants it, not because you want it.


1 hour ago
@LaReynedEpee no! he was the caretakers cat . He was not feral get your facts right and do not tell me what I can and cannot think. He is not feral. I run a cat rescue and he is not feral. How dare you try and stop me having an opinion to look after a cat.


1 hour ago
@Themagicalmanifestinggarden Who's stopping you from saying anything? But you clearly can't take it when others counter your opinions. So he was somebody else's cat, who abandoned him? Go get the police on them, then! And stop trying to imply these people are being somehow cruel. Cats go to people who look after them. If he was neglected, as sanctimonious characters like you continually try to imply, he'd find another home for himself.


1 hour ago
@LaReynedEpee who said anything about being cruel, I said I understand that steph has allergies, she's not a five year old she doesn't need you to stick up for her. I'm not attacking her. I'm just saying that Ruby clearly has needs to be wanting to come into the kitchen and in "steal" don't call me sanctimonious because I'm asking about the welfare of a cat, you're making a lot of assumptions I didn't say she was cruel I just said the cat needs a worming tablet, or a cuddle or even better a loving home where he will be cuddled and loved like he was when the caretakers had him don't you dare call me sanctimonious and don't you dare say that I called them cruel when I did not, I'm not in the mood.


56 minutes ago (edited)
@Themagicalmanifestinggarden You seem to ignore that he's regularly well-fed. He's greedy. Some animals are, just like humans. You're happy to take a pop at others, but can't cope with anyone responding. Grow up. It's an open forum, others can express opinions, yours aren't sacrosanct and beyond rebuke.


1 hour ago
They're in the middle of the guest season, so you get what's happening at the time. They're not going to do serious work with all the racket and mess that entails while guests are around.
LaReynedEpee is very reminiscent of the Baconeater so aggressive and unpleasant and all over the comments I think it is Isabelle
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Scraping the barrel for content, 5 min into a 15 min video and so far an add and then more fucking shopping at the Bernadaud outlet!

Letting the crazies know how much she's coughing up in bills she's got to pay. Poor love, just don't know how she manages with her jaunts to the UK, SOF, auction houses and porcelain factory outlets. Not to mention clocking up even more mileage on a Porsche she allegedly can't decide if she actually wants. I won't count the wedding as she was only there for a nano second, too boring for one who needs to be the center of attention.

Collecting the Scottish contingency, plane delayed nuff said. Shock horror Natti is having to start laying the table :eek:

Did Gerry let the cat out of the bag, they've been decorating Chambre Chapel:unsure:

There's a joke there many people does it take to wash a dinner service......poor Dishpan Dave.

Travelling for 5 hours+, then runs upstairs to just change clothes :sick: , no shower. Instead take Gerry to see the Chapel, why right then, why not the next day? Snorts a quick respray on the hairsystem.

Sorry Marie your starter, just looking at it would make me gag. Guests bringing their favourite wine from Venice, as if she couldn't share her own seeing as they're paying over the odds for their ration book dinner. More frigging mash potatoe. Obviously Fanny's most excited about the wine.
Dessert was oK, still an over priced meal sorry

There you have it, rinse and repeat.
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Gertrude Maud

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Reminder to Philip . . . give your jumper an iron after it's washed . . . there are hanger marks/peg marks in the car close ups. Scruffy boy.

She says of the Porsche . . . we are considering buying this car.

Can anyone find the price of the room . . . it was deluxe.

The concierge was so disdainful . . . Philip was intimidated.

Washing Lancelot in the bathroom basin, no accounting for bogans.
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