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It feels like the nursing home complaints from elsewhere are meant to distract from the Patreon situation.🤷‍♀️
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Lady Avonlea

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This makes sense now… continuity problems if she’s in bed and doesn't film……cunning.
meanwhile the pair of them are getting more Grey Gardens by the minute…..driving to pick up fish cutlery and a scarf……
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Best guess - All the footage in bed complaining of a bad back simply allowed Fanny to cobble together old footage while they were really away travelling this week. She may have a dodgy back and hip and be on meds, but it’s not preventing Fanny from travelling, only from doing work.
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Marie, Marie, Marie - I have been fairly supportive of your efforts in the Lalande kitchen but enough is enough. Please, just 🛑 with the silly, pretentious, unnecessary restauranty affectations. The confit egg yolks were the last straw.

Confit yolks are meant to sit on top of a bed something else so that, when you break into the yolk, it runs into what lies beneath. They are not placed in solitary splendour on the plate.

Also, if the budget doesn’t stretch to a decent quantity of asparagus per plate, don’t undertake microsurgery to cut each spear in half lengthways. In fact, no halved anything. No turned vegetables, either. Abandon the foam thingy. Step away from pureéd anything. Forsake attempting fancy-schmancy plating up. Banish extraneous floral and/or herb garnishes on every single thing you serve.

These displays of culinary posturing are a waste of time and completely out of place. Concentrate on cooking delicious food. Let ingredients speak for themselves. Ditch the aspirations of haute cuisine, which is pure folie de grandeur.
More removal trucks to come too! That's a hell of a lot of shit to move from East Anglia to south of France! Cost an absolute fortune!!
Just a reminder of Chateau Richmond (UK edition) and a fraction of its contents:

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Jesus Christ. They’re obscene. Not only have they bought ANOTHER set of pointless china, they of course have to buy another TWO sets of charger plates to go with them.
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Seafood Brunch at Chateau Bourneau, seafood being one of the things this Region prides itself on.

I wonder what would Fanny have got Marie to serve.

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I don’t want to be a party pooper, who am I kidding of course I want, but it is strange:

Two weeks ago, another new tattler said that they are going to bring Steffi down with some evidence.

And now the whole thread turned into an uncovering of the nursery home scandals?

You folks know that you are being played again, don’t you?
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OMG..... that was the weirdest vlog yet......... I don't think Tatti and Ton were very happy to see her . At one point I thought the only person to see them was the Aunt as everyone else was gone! Poof! 🌪
As for the arrangement on the stairs ..... that was god awful !
Just toooooo much but that is the LaLaLande Way I guess ? :ROFLMAO:
Well , why tell us you can only lift a lampshade and then I could not believe my eyes :oops:when she was helping Squirrel with a marble bench top!
I guess the multitude of cobble stones Fanny walked on in Avignone jogged her bad back right into place!
I must remember that and get some cobbles put down in the backyard for when my back plays up .
Remember what Tata's place in the UK looked like inside, chock a block with stuff. Imagine having to clean all of that! Pity Tata's cleanner as I can't see her going around with polish and a duster, hope she pays well.

I did chuckle with Trixie trying to attempt to name Greek Gods, he should just give up trying to be intelligent as a bad job.

He's thick as shit and twice as sticky.
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Big Baby Snorty wasn't only angry about having to fit the Scottish munchkin into his Porsche, he was f*cking mad that he had to wait for Gerry's late plane in the first place! So was Fanny. They are used to always driving up very late to collect him, so he's there and ready.

This is how the scene went down. Fanny explained that Snorts was all glum because of the cold, rainy weather. Snorts pulled a face and said: "It's also because his plane is delayed." Fanny then replied, "Yeah. Poor thing."

The "poor thing" was not travel-weary Gerry, but Phillip himself. Insolent, childish, selfish, conceited Snorty waits for no one; and he was especially eager to get to back to his castle chateau and drool over his new pawcelain purchases. Snorty probably didn't let it go either and continually reminded Gerry that they had to wait for him for the remainder of the trip to the HMN.

After most of their family, friends, and associates have abandoned the gruesome twosome, and hopefully most of their fellow shittelaines will soon too (especially after arriving very late themselves and missing Shrek and Sara's wedding ceremony), it's high time for Gerry to wake up. Snorts -- and it seems now Fanny also -- can't stand him anymore.

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It's amazing she found someone as hideous inside as she is. I mean, what are the chances?
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Imperious Me

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A quick dip into Chateau DIY’s IG. Quite a few posts showing their current filming locations* but, quelle surprise, no sign of Lalande. Kindling Productions, just give up on the comedy chatelaine. Your programme won’t suffer and you might even fill the slot with a new chateau with owners who are actually achieving something.

* including some of the old faithfuls from the original Escape to the Chateau DIY who continue to provide watchable, Interesting content in lovely surroundings.
Well that explains her claim last month she wouldn't be saving 'big' projects for Chanel 4 any more, because her YT followers deserved to see them sooner... or some such shite... They've fired her.
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Chatty Member
This says to me that Fanny was investigated for gagging patreons deleting them and encouraging bullying and she is going to have to address that
That makes sense, but I hope it also had something to do with the financial end. Either way I bet this has put some fear in her.
And just in case she reads this.... Stephanie as long as the 15 hags are around you'll always be scrutinized and exposed for the grifting, lying, manipulation and animal abuse.
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For someone who likes to act like they are loaded, Fanny just can’t help but act like the discount chatelaine that she actually is.
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Michael Petherick, the queen that got away. Poor Steph is stuck with a very bad replacement. She must be stinging with remorse and embarrassment.
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Stephanie or the dump crew screwed up and their response below as Caroline Gooder. Stephanie’s parents were in nursing homes, one after another. Stephanie and her mother bragged about the Cranford hall nursing home, then they claimed that Isabell retired in her mid-40s after the home was sold. IMHO, this wasn’t true. I believe they restored another large 7 to 8 bedroom home after they sold Cranford hall and only housed a small number of hand picked, private pay, wealthy patients. Isabell worked until she was around 62 years of age, they sold the Victorian home used as a private nursing home, and bought the small house in Framingham. It was shortly after that time or so, but Stephanie likely received a divorce settlement, and she and Baghead bought the dump, with her father, supplying the money to renovate and restore the dump. Remember Stephanie talking about helping to manage her parents nursing home in her mid to late 20s, many years after Cranford hall have been sold and supposedly Isabell had retired from nursing because of health problems? SMH, it is all intentional control by chaos, lies, and smoke and mirrors with the dump crew

Also, Stephanie didn’t live in an attic at Cransford. There was a third floor in the facility that the family may have lived in for a short period of time that was equipped with a kitchenette, bathrooms, and bedrooms. However, there was a person who had registered in this forum who spoke about the Jarvis family living in a new house built on or near the Cranford site.Did the Richmond then move in to the third-floor at Cransford? Who knows? It is alll smoke and mirrors from the Jarvis crew,

Hard to track the location of her home after they left Cransford Hall because they likely purchased the large new home under the name of a shell company. Evidently, the Jarvis family was famous for using a lot of different companies. Think about the Richmond family and how they incorporated their home in the UK . I wouldn’t be surprised if their new home in the south of France is also under the name of a company. Didn’t the puffs do the same thing with their home they purchased in France?

3 hours ago (edited)
They restored two victorian houses with Stephanie's parents while working other jobs. Stephanie's mother was a psychology department head nurse, and they ran nursing homes, one after another. Stephanie and her cousins grew up together. Stephanie lived in the attics with the large family and dreamed of her own Chateau. When Amaury was a teenager, his parents started to restore the barn property. They sold that property to buy this house. Stephanie's aunt repairs sofas, for example, as does Stephanie and Philip. You are confused by people who have worked hard their whole lives and mend things
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Just Grift Wood

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The price of yet another dinner service would have been a large chunk towards the Chapel floor. So sad really all those dinner services and no friends to eat off them. Fanny is so acquisitive. She perhaps needs to buy some hair extensions as her hair line is very odd. When she started CD she looked young for her age and bar the shark eyes she was pretty, she is looking seriously 15 years older than she is now and unrecognisable as the same woman.

The whole family has odd taste, they need to learn less is more but why have one statue when you can have six is their motto and it looks a fright. Who turns up to help their Aunt on moving say in a white dress and for him a safari romper suit they are so ridiculous and no help at all.
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Oh Pekey you have just summed up my current situation. My mum although in need of constant care refuses to leave her house and will not engage with the carers. Refusing her medication, her meals etc etc. She is extremely aggressive and nasty, particularly to me. Fire brigade havI e been twice in the last few months because she was putting food in the microwave for too long and it was catching on fire, police around because of insane phone calls, it just goes on and on. But I’ve been advised by the community psychiatric nurse that all we can do is wait for the crisis to happen. Happy day
Oh Madame Pomp.......... I so feel your pain!!!!
There is nothing you can do . Its so frustrating and so tiring as you are in a Worry all the Time!!!
I said to the bloody Geriatric doctor that her house is wooden and so are all the other houses around her and she leaves the pots on the stove and they boil dry and he said "She has a right to burn her house down" :oops:
I said "what about the other people living next to her ??" and he ignored me!
I was so glad in one respect that she did not go through Covid for I know she would NEVER let the nurses in!!!
I had to ring her up and make sure she took this one medication at night and I just hated to do this as she was so nasty to me .
I guess you have tried to get her to stay with you?
We did and it lasted about 2 months .....she hated being in my home . One time told me I was doing "elder abuse"..... only because I asked if she wanted to sit in the back room instead of her bedroom ( she was always in there) and I got that !
If the wrong person heard that ..... can you imagine what trouble I could be in !
I am sending huge vibes to you ❤❤❤
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I have located the video. Episode 162 cocktail heaven. At around 22 minutes, Fanny tells mp that the cabinet was mrs. walkers cabinet and that mrs walker must be someone her mother knew because Isabelle remarked, “oh mrs walkers cabinet.” And Fanny then stated that “Isabelle said the words with a lot of love in her heart.

There was also a video (s)where Fanny was going thru the guest rooms and remarked where the piece of furniture or object in the room came from, one being identified as a former resident.

Link to post I made about the video cocktail corner and the table .
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Just Grift Wood

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So refreshing. No airs. No hangers-on or family & odd-ball friends making up all the numbers and constituting half of the 'guests'. Catered food and simple flower arrangements. Ordered dishes from a supplier and no need for a 50 piece porcelain service. Just Anna & Phillipe comfortably hosting their patrons.

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agree and they actually put effort and consideration into it themselves and guests weren't just granted a a 10 minute audience with them, job well done
My husband has now been offered a bed in the only establishment that is suitable,and will move in to the home on Monday in ten days time. Even good clothes are desirable. I have bought him a cheap watch to wear now , it is heartbreaking as I gave him his lovely watch as an engagement present over 40 years ago.
My heart aches with sadness at him moving, but is also heavy with fear at how they will treat him.
Oh Lochness my heart literally goes out to you, you will be on hand to keep an eye on him and good carers will reassure you I am sure. A sad sad time for you and I wish it was not so.
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