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I can say as a nurse there are good and bad people like anywhere. I spent 39 years caring for the elderly, was not easy. People can be nasty, aggressive and rude. Hit, bite ,punch and kick... it is hard to be kind, compassionate and caring. But everyone deserves respect. I pray for care givers everywhere to keep calm and try to understand what others are going through
I really understand LittleMore Cottage........ my mother had dementia and her personality changed to aggressive , especially towards me who helped her all her life and we got on so well .
It was so difficult and she would not go into a nursing home so care ( when she was not in hospital and that was multiple times as she had very high BP and heart failure) had to come to her home as it was a hour drive to her home but I did it to make sure she was taking her medicine when the nurses were having a hard time.
There were great nurses like you said and sadly Mum had a bad doctor at the hospital that would not sign off on a nursing home . I argued with him so much as Mum had short term memory loss and at night she had "sundowning " and would call me on the phone in the hospital telling me off with the Police etc. - all the nurses knew this but that doctor stood firm.
I even lined up a nice place for Mum to go and stay and she sort of agreed but he cancelled it!
So we took Mum back to her home and the next day I got a call from the care nurse .... Mum was not opening the door to her and she must leave.
I drove over and used my spare key that my Mother did not know I had and she was dead on the floor.
That has been nearly 5 years and I still feel angry at times about that doctor and sad as Mum did not deserve this way to go.
It was very hard to deal with and I do know what care givers go through as I was doing this for years.
Everyone out there that are care givers I send you my love as its so , so hard at times. ❤
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That is excellent advice @Beachgirl, especially about varying visiting times.
I worked for years on a memory care unit, in a skilled nursing facility. I had great aides some from Romania were the most attentive, and super hard workers. I do say the people.who had regular visitors, were up washed and dressed before others, their rooms were more tidy and aides were there faster. Sad but true.... The ones who never got visitors I used to take out for a drive and ice cream a few times a week, after my shift. Made us both happy.
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Any discussion of the missing Patreon video anywhere else? It really adds believability to some tattle theories floating around.🤔
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Lady Avonlea

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ComtesseRose - as always, a big thank you for launching our new thread ❤, and thank you to all my fellow tattlers whose depths of knowledge, common-sense, skills of observation and devilish senses of humour help inspire thread titles.

I'm rather shocked after watching that CD video, and that's saying something after the crap we've all watched over the years.

Shek's Wedding - no more mention of the Shrek's wedding. Why did they even attend? After the wedding did Fanny & Snorty really return back north to their shitoo only to drive back south, or did they just continue on their Antique Roadtrip.

Fanny's Back - there is nothing wrong with the lazy cow's back. It was just an excuse to cobble together random bits of old footage, because nothing is happening at the shitoo and a cover up for them leaving the shitoo earlier in the week. Fanny also skipped back to the shitoo after visiting the chapel. Anyone with a serious back problem would not willingly sit in a car for 6.5 hours.
Crozon sur Vauvre - Lyon = 4 hours
Lyon to Avignon = 2.5 hours

Chapel Restorers Hate Fanny & her Pink Camera
Sebastien - When Fanny walked out to the chapel and called out to Sebastien you could see his body language drop. He seemed to be thinking, "Jesus Christ, here she comes again. I was hoping she had left already for the SOF". When Fanny told him she didn't like the new ugly drains he could not have cared less. I think he installed the white plastic tubes purpose.
Benoit - has hired additional painters. I think he wants to get the job done and get out of there

Why does Fanny's son need more cutlery?


Old Lady Scarf
Fanny you look chunky in that dress (especially through the mid-section) and that Hermes scarf your son used his allowance to buy you for Christmas is overpriced. I've seen prices ranging from $450.00 - $1,150.

Two rooms..... €700 each
One deluxe room for Fanny & Ratso and another deluxe room for Snorty???


Who washes their dog in the sink of a 5* hotel? Poor Ratso must have thrown up again, hopefully all over Fanny & Snorty now that's he's sitting between them in the car. Think I'll send that pic to the Hotel GM. I don't think hotel mgmt will be impressed and hopefully ban them from future stays.

That Child Does not have a Milk Allergy!
I'd be so embarassed to enter a 5* hotel in the SOF with Snorty wearing that damn knit beanie on a hot June day.
Eating a double ice-cream cone 8 minutes for dinner +polishing off a tub of Ben & Jerry's before bed. I hope Snorty had the shits all night.


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@ComtesseRose have I told you lately what a star you are. Thank you @Lady Avonlea for the nom and also @StephaniesSupportConsort

Isn't it a bummer she's got away with it again.

Just look at her gambol across the lawn after almost being a cripple, it's a true miracle. A larger team at the chapel, is it a. they just want out so get as many in there to get the sodding thing done, or b. bigger workforce more $$$$$$ on the invoice.

She's gone off you now Sebastien for drilling the holes, count it as a blessing.

Pompous shit on leaving Trixie saying to Grunt to get some construciton work done, that wanker is unbelievable with his sense of entitlement.

More fucking auctions, all the way to Lyon for fish knives, who uses those these days 🤦‍♀️

Avignon for a Hermes scarf and a hint hint on a convertable car. Andrew, they're certainly clocking up the mileage and possible scratches on your car that she doesn't really want.

One night in a posh Hotel with stinky sweaty Trixie in his shetland wool jumper with beanie :sick:, a real life Pepe le Pew and of course they're going to be given a choice being internet stars that they are. Surprise she takes the bigger room.

I wonder if they have :poop: bags with them walking around town for the dog. The bad back and clapped out hip are holding up remarkably well.

Look at their meals, his main, the duck, was a La Lande serving for three people!

Why are they washing the dog in the hotel room WTF

Obviously Trixie must need a good clear out then the amount of ice cream he's stuffed in his gob.

Oh how they love spending the Patreons money, laughing in the face of them all that they fucking got away with it.......again

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Just took a look at their YouTube page. They’ve removed every video published prior to the vlog with the ridiculous nouveau bust staircase finial. So somewhere between six months and a year’s worth of vlogs taken down. Voluntarily or…
They can run, but they can't hide from my archive....

Wow.....this is the most interesting bit about Stephanie, other than the recent Patreon glitch, I've seen in a while.
Imagine that! Ollie & Camilla removed vlogs with Stephanie in them? Wonder what in the world happened there!
Guess that means Stephanie and Philip can't decorate their own room in the Manse then, huh?

Well, GOOD. If it's true that they've cut ties, GOOD. That's all I can say.
This must mean Travels With My Idiot Friend is dead in the water too...
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Gertrude Maud

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Remember the recent vlogger who titled her brocante vlog, can you spot Philip and Stephanie . . . and we couldn't see them. Well, I left a message to say I couldn't and could they leave a time stamp. This is her response.

Highlighted reply

9 minutes ago
Unfortunately due to the bad weather we lost a lot of footage at this brocante…

Two words . . . clickbait wanker.
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Lady Avonlea

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Pointing Percy at the porcelain.

On that topic, I wonder if PhiPhi still sits on the throne to have a wee? I can just picture him on the pot with his little shorts around his ankles. "Grandpa, I'm finished!" :ROFLMAO:
I found the Chateau DIY bathroom project Fanny is installing for Snorty.
Fanny & Snorty couldn't decide which colour they preferred, so instead they purchased 4 of them in different colours, and were gifted the 5th toilet for free.
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More questions. (It's an inquisitive type of day 🤔 ). Does anyone here think FanFan may have had a patreon alert just before M&M wedding? They were late, (not unusual), Steph's hair straggly (not unusual), she seemed extremely rattled. Some of you wondered if she and Ponce had a tiff, especially when she looked a little tearful at being alone after the wedding but using the excuse that she left the paahty due to her editing diligence. Because Ed and Candace had not supplied the horrid boy with a vat of champers in their room - he'd scarpered back to the festivities.

i'm useless at guessing the timey wimey crap but didn't they return to Lieland after the wedding where she had a two day breakdown? Was the paint stripping channel 4 thing a completely different week but served as the excuse for delaying car trip south? She can run in stilettos but can't stand and strip paint for 10 minutes, until Gerry is called in to finish her work.

Of course, Pheef saved ALL his pocket money for a year to cheer up the grifty grabber, with just a bit left over to buy mountains of ice cream. Do you think they stayed 2 nights? Hotel doesn't sell Ben & Jerry's - where did that come from?

Aren't you glad you didn't, for 800 + euros per night rent their room the following day? Obviously something had gone on AFTER dinner with Ratso. Left (a lot) alone in the hotel room and having a festival of excrement? Why would anyone stagger back from a 3 course dinner plus martini and wine and decide to wash to dog??????

My god, the sun has reappeared after 2 weeks of cloud and rain - back to my real life!☀ Feel free to answer any and all questions :geek::cool:😁
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My husband has now been offered a bed in the only establishment that is suitable,and will move in to the home on Monday in ten days time. Even good clothes are desirable. I have bought him a cheap watch to wear now , it is heartbreaking as I gave him his lovely watch as an engagement present over 40 years ago.
My heart aches with sadness at him moving, but is also heavy with fear at how they will treat him.
You are doing the best you can for your husband.❤
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Just Grift Wood

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The notion that Phillip the jobless nonce treated them to that hotel stay is just laughable. He is a minimum wager at best, what does he actually do work one 1 hour three times week setting the table. Someone in his demographic and wage bracket tends to say at a hostel.
Opioids and alcohol are not a good idea.
Snorts beard grows quickly or they stayed more than one night in the hotel.
Those tea knives Fanny said were butter knives, no.
Fannysplaining about the silver marks but got them wrong…
Watch out for Snorts hunting for a paucillin bread basket now.

Fish knives and forks only twelve…why bother ,one mouthful and the fish portion they serve is devoured.
More things for dishcloth Dave to hand wash.

Who uses hotel towels to dry the dog.

My doggie has his own weekend bag with all the things he needs in it from his brush to his towel.

Bread plate bath blah bread plate blah blah. Again Fanny you don’t know how to lay a table, provide good food or use the cutlery correctly and worse have no manners.
she's a pleb


1 minute ago
Lovely a nice wet dog in the hotel room. Storage on those auction lots must cost a fortune.
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Just Grift Wood

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Old Fanny never does anything original everything is a re run- re run hotels, re run lovers re run content. She only feels safe with the familiar and always has to go back to try and recreate times she has built up as happy in her twisted little mind.

I don't think the Chapel Restorers will do the Grand Salon or the terrace they look so over it all.

I actually found the two of them so disgusting in that flog. Imagine the idiocy of driving to collect fish knives and a scarf- auction houses will arrange for such small items to be delivered. Fanny the patronising twat explaining what a fish knife looks like, she really thinks no one else has lived or had an education. Then she went on to say there are normally more than twelve at dinner-when Fanny when?

They forgot in their fake romance trope that after such a short time together they should still be in the passion stage-Snorts like a bloody Grubby slob in that robe ice cream on his pot belly- well that is enough to get the pulse racing-NOT. They should be still can;t keep their hands off each other phase. How rude to have the dog on the bed and washed in the bathroom and put on towels- imagine how she would react if someone did that at her house. They have no style, no manners and are utterly disgusting.

If Fanny wants us to believe she has still not bought the car what a bitch she is she must have put about 10,000 miles on the clock.

They really are greedy aren't they- look at them both. Oh and Snorts I told you years ago Luneville china would be far more stylish and in keeping with the Chateau and a lovely white linen cloth. Seen it for yourself now.

I am surprised Grant hasn't decked the twat yet. Nasty Fanny intimating that something is going on with Grunt and Marie she is a snide botch

About to stop ranting but just to tell Fanny to look back at the flog of when she went there with Hanna and Mummy and the only thing that has changed is your pumped up face please stop with the fillers your face is unrecognisable you look just like Madonna now on her latest tour and that is not a compliment. Fanny has also had an eye lift procedure since that flog which is why she looks perpetually startled.
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Hands up everyone who decides to put off bathing their pooch until they are in a bathroom in a luxury hotel! Maybe Ratso was sick in the car again. That car must stink to high Heaven.

Here's a sight to get your pulses racing! Does he keep his socks on in bed? 🤮

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 00.50.29.png
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I did not cry at Shrek and Sara's Wedding BUT I could have cried at the state of the pair of them, the clothes were not the worst of it but the lack of effort they put into themselves, Sara hair could have been styled into an up do and Steves washed at least. Where was her bouquet of flowers ? I am sure Viv would have helped improve things. The Guests made so little effort, I wear and look better dressed going to supermarket for the weekly shop. Anyway I wish them well as a married couple as long as they enjoyed THEIR DAY.
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