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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
I was going for a screen cap of Sara with her dark glasses and blood-red lipstick when she and Steve were speaking directly to the camera together in the field at the back of the shiteau, telling us about themselves and their plans, but I couldn’t find it—was this in the deleted CD vlog after Easter? I’m curious why that video was deleted. I did see an exchange on Sara’s Instagram where she tries to defend her decision to be in France, but her reply doesn’t make sense.
😂 a missing video between Tues & Thurs.
There is no missing video
Sun, Tues, Thurs

edit: forgot to say it's their channel :sleep: :oops:
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Maple fairy

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YT comments from the Unwrapped Chateau latest vlog.

About our Cathy Monty :

1 hour ago
Apr 20--Someone calling self "Cathy Monty" is posting videos mocking and making rude (sex) comments abt Stephanie and M Petherick....this is all shocking....were their vids hacked, how did this come about ?????????? Nati, Selmar, Philip, the Petherick mere are all belittled.

Sounds like the Pethericks themselves or Ryan. You know sorry not sorry about their sense of humour.
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Time for art: sexless face in red?

I hope she did not soak those tiles for days as she mentioned. They will take eons of time to dry out!
The thin, square tiles they found were obviously NOT floor tiles but probably wall tiles at one time.
And the green paint that BJJ found on the tiles was obviously paint that someone got on the tiles when painting a wall near the floor tiles once upon a time.
The doors he wants to use in the new apartments are in pieces!
Obviously those 2 love birds have done very little manual labor in their life. Gosh, my boys could put a roof on a house if they needed to...and they are ALL in tech or management jobs.
BJJ's grandparents must have raised him just having tea parties by the piano...which is fine ...until you go out in the real world and need to function as a contributing member of society.

Phil should get a job at a zoo....but only at the information desk. Tell the kids the names of every stuffed animal in the gift shop! Gag me! She promised another cringe worthy Woodland Watch on Tuesday. 😝😬😵
Haha, that's what I thought, too. I would tell my 11 year son to either lay the table for dinner or go out and carry those tiles upstairs. And he would not choose laying the table since it's more fun to get dirty and he would be finished till dinnertime. It's ridiculous to see them. It took them 30 min just to get the gloves. What's up with people when they don't feel embarrassed to show the world that they are useless, but even earn money with this kind of work ethic?

Anyone been watching the Mapperton Beggars? Their family motto 'After so many Shipwrecks' needs to be changed to 'After so much Begging' :ROFLMAO:
They're very good at the begging - they may have even received expert tuition at the Château de la Fleur Fanée School of Scrounging. Woodworm-infested paneling, a threadbare Aubusson carpet, leaks, and painting restoration (at £4,000 a time) all in one video... :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:

Dirty Derek's Cul & Tit Tiles...
I read somewhere that she is 10 Mill net worth and her husband 20 Mill and this even before having become Earl. But at least they keep the house and grounds in good condition. She is hyperactive though, even though doing calming yoga all day long. 😂

Anyone been watching the Mapperton Beggars? Their family motto 'After so many Shipwrecks' needs to be changed to 'After so much Begging' :ROFLMAO:
They're very good at the begging - they may have even received expert tuition at the Château de la Fleur Fanée School of Scrounging. Woodworm-infested paneling, a threadbare Aubusson carpet, leaks, and painting restoration (at £4,000 a time) all in one video... :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:

Dirty Derek's Cul & Tit Tiles...
I read somewhere that she is 10 Mill net worth and her husband 20 Mill and this even before having become Earl. But at least they keep the house and grounds in good condition. She is hyperactive though, even though doing calming yoga all day long. 😂


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Green Fairy

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I have been attempting to figure out whether this is a characterization of SJ and her father or of MPotts. I cannot figure out what her father must have been thinking when he painted this…I’d like to know what a psychologist would say.
I always understood it to be Derek and Isabelle. Not sure the significance of the thrown away condom.
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Madame No

VIP Member
—And Nati walking in in the middle of the talk telling her about the desk having arrived. As it is the most important thing which can't wait.—-

That was unbelievably rude when Nasti walked in, interrupted and blurted out about the lame desk. No Class Nasti.
SJ better watch her. Hopefully Nasti’s access to $ is nil. That is one Calculating schemer.
I've thought about someone 'working' at the shatoo embezzling all the money. It won't be Nati as she's not that clever, but I could imagine some sleazy charmer, just SJJs type, in the future sweeping her off her stilettos all the while cleaning out the bank accounts. There are so many great scenarios one could write about. Another of my favorite plots includes finding a body (you choose) decomposing in the compost bins! "Does anyone know what happened to Philip? He was supposed to be back days ago."
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@Clara Burnett I have questions regarding Ian the builder if you don't mind, as you seem to have some insight into the goings on. How long has he worked at lalande, does he go back as far as when your friends were there for instance? And what do you think he really thinks of SJ? Sometimes he seems to be smitten, other times not so much. Just wondering if he's playing the long game?
When we were talking of Ian's wife's new shop in La Chatre, we found out that he started his business in La Chatre in 2012.

Clara's friends left the chateau in 2017. He might have met them at Lalande.
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
It's a pity Dan isn't consistent posting his cooking videos, would have thought this channel could have legs for him and generate an honest income after a while

although .. :unsure: is Dan just taking the p*** out of SSB with his vlogging

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-So nice that Nic, Marie and Antoine made it after all-

Virgin poster. Found this site after getting gang banged in YT comments.

Weak Marie needs to extricate her son from this freak show. He is slowly being corrupted. SJ is making bank, and will clearly continue to make millions. Time to give ole Nic an ultimatum. Steph buys him out and they move on. If he refuses, well, she knows her place in the hierarchy. Either way: Control your life Marie, stop indulging Nic, protect your son, grow a pair and stay away from this perverse environment.

Oh, and Please Stop cooking for SJ, Stop providing nibbles and drinks. Stop being her bitch.
Welcome, virgin and gang bang in one sentence? What a start! 👍👌 Gang banged on you tube?😂 Someone must come up with a thread title, please!

Just goes to prove, Nuti really is just as stupid as we feared.
Just wait, people will send her now the right ones.
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Getting a life?

Oooh, more delicious life experiences to collect with the charismatic Steve? Wishing adieu to your 52 subscribers on YT?

“My people”? "I hope...I fear...their tiny world." Delusions of grandeur much? She wishes she were interesting enough to be 'ripped apart,' then she could be the tragic, romantic heroine she has always dreamed of becoming! Another attention-seeking twit in the mix. 🥱 Between the narcissistic shitelaine, starring in nightly and matinée performances of The Vagina Monologues (good one, mojo!), and Beatrix Cheeksucker, capitalizing on his ‘victimhood’ in the Four Seasons Hotel, Sara has chosen her role models well. Maybe her first vlog could be a DIY where she turns Steve's bowling shoes into garden planters.
Oh wow. Maybe that's why she was just sitting there silent & looking depressed as they all enjoyed chocolates on today's ep. 😬
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We have a medieval village near us and they do the same thing, the costumes are amazing. No matter how elaborate, you notice the attention to detail in every piece. Not a cheap simplicity pattern with crappy fabric. Nice job Sarah!:sick:
I used to go to the Renaissance Fairs in Florida and I made my own was fun and I learned a lot about period costumes.
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Just watched Marie’s new promo video. She looked better. Can they not drop the stupid annoying giggles. Now I’m not sure which is worse constant forced giggles or constant forced snorts.
It always amazes me just how hilarious people think they are. I watched that video...forgot the name of it, Mappleton or something like that, and the MAN started forced laughing before they even started! He giggled throughout! Amazing. And people laugh throughout so many of the videos that I watch. I wish they'd just get on with the talking and stop the giggles!!!

No, nobody requested this...
What the actual HELL!!!...Why would she post those pictures???...I understand being proud of weight loss but she could have done CLOTHED pictures!!!...Oh each their own I guess.
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Apologies, Gibson, he just always used Eric and is always referred to as Eric in books and I admit I didn't know his first name was Arthur. He may have had a questionable private life but he, unlike DJ was a very talented artist and sculptor.
Absolutely no need to apologise, I made a similar statement, I had been on night shift and hadn't thought it through with a detailed answer. It was from memory and after googling, I realised how I had read about him.He was talented, but his private life was exceptionally screwed up and that was shown in his work.
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Chatty Member
There are probably still a few old properties in the UK that have lead pipes inside the property. But these are being replaced as the properties are sold to new owners, or updated. Where I live all replaced by water authority or local council over the last thirty years or so.
I definitely know there are still some in the centre of Paris. I stayed with some friends - French - fabulous apartment - few years ago - and I was staggered when I saw the pipes in kitchen & bathroom(s). They didn’t seem very concerned at all !
Bizarre as all the old lead pipes were replaced in Paris a good 40 years ago.
Are you sure it was lead ?

For the rest of France, lead pipes have been progressively replaced over the years.
Some remote places might still have lead pipes rural châteaux ! 😉

But Stephanie said that they changed all the pipes at the chateau when they arrived 16 years ago.
Or am I wrong ? 🤔
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