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shatcho shiek

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so the plaster is completed on the moonie/come underwear photoshot studio/yoga/pissup event consecrated church/chapel I am guessing it is only happening because of google and too many patreons are finding out from tattle some home truths. sadly we are burying a cousin who died suddenly at 35 and very shocked i thought he was very healthy and that chances are Id be the one to go first. So much for closure on a shit 2023 dear good please let the rest of the year with a little ease ...
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I forgot to summarize the $$ amount of current grift a stars remaining:

Constellation of Saint Aloysius $26,600.00
Constellation of Saint Henry $ 13,994.00
Constellation of Saint Charles Borromeo.$12,096.00
Constellation of Saint Felix. $9072.00

Total remaining $ 61,712.00

When the remainder of the constellation of Saint Cecelia is rebuilt, expect more stars to be grifted.
Constellation of Trip to Vienna $15,350.00 😡
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The gruesome Twosome have packed the cd comment section with dozens of store-bought, glowing, gushing, over the top comments about themselves, still pushing the concept of Stephanie as a professional presenter/reader of Wikipedia, in travel/history videos. They are tightly watching the cd comment section and swiftly deleting unfavorable comments. Gotta keep that grift going! Who else is going to pay for Ratso, auction buys, travel expenses, and sweet wine?

There are still a dozen or so comments about people having extreme reactions to the video, with people spontaneously crying nonstop and overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that Stephanie would generously share her grifted travels with the cd audience and allow them to buy stars in the deconsecrated chapel.

Lots of Dump added gushing comments to complete the canonization campaign for her favorite partners in crime and lushes, auntie and uncle.
Other comments:

1 hour ago
You wore that coat in Italy with MASON. What happened to him? Lovely coat lovely man. Watched every episode

2 hours ago
Wouldn't it be the sweetest thing, when the Chapel is restored for stephanie and Phillip to marry there

5 hours ago
What a beautiful video…I just wish Amaury was with his parents enjoying their company and having good memories with them…

🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮And they fall for it yet again………
5 hours ago
Stephanie, I have already, very happily, adopted a star in honor of my children. But, after seeing the beautiful Church, and learning from you the incredible history and courage of the Saint, I feel drawn to adopted another one. I feel honored to do so . Thank you Stephanie, and Philip for the joy you bring, Of course your Aunt and Uncle are just precious. I adore watching their . In happiness, Audri

6 hours ago
Wonderful trip. But...I kept thinking how nice it would be if Amaury and Nattie could have been with you all!

11 hours ago
What a charmed life you all lead. Enjoy!
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C'est moi

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So if I'm following correctly, this trip to Austria is the one that Stephanie's aunt and uncle got for her?
If that's the case - and even if it's not - how'd you like to be Amaury right about now? Your mom and dad would rather spend time visiting a place they've dreamed of, with your cousin and her hideously ugly, fake boyfriend, than with you and your partner..........
I expect Amaury, and Nutzi, are veritabley revelling in the absence of the gruesome twosome. It will give them a chance to savour what life could be like away from liarlande and the liars.

I think the bromance between Amaury and the vanlessdan is well and truly over. The line has been drawn in the sand and Amaury and Nutzi are team Annalise. I mentioned before that at the time of the split Nutzi and Annalise were off for a girls weekend. No doubt Annalise wanted to let off steam to someone who knew what was going on. It would appear that Nutzi and Annalise still have that friendship, note the girls night out where Despicable fanny was not invited. I doubt that there's much love lost between Nutzi, Amaury and Cat... Now the CD flog will prove me wrong!
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The vlog is no longer about the Chateau is it. She only shows about two rooms no work is being done. She is now just full time travel and shopping and wearing really twatty outfits that do her no favours. Her presenting style is pompous, pretentious and prosaic all in one. I find her so abhorrent now. When exactly is this major structural work going to happen if she is going to Venice and SA on other people's dime? Why are the patreons buying into this mindless shit and deception. How does she square her conscience? The audacity of actually expecting people to stay there and pay to be in damp rooms with mismatched decor in a falling down dump is so brass neck. Fanny ending up all alone can't come soon enough
I think the bottom line is she wanted to be on tv and her opportunity to do so was a diy show. She bullshitted her way on to the show, and voila! She was pursuing collaborations on insta (yves delorme and Potts). She was also on that B&B competition show with Isabelle. She got stuck in a lie of diy. Now she has to keep coming up with something to get to keep being on tv.
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Chatty Member
More porcelain? Is people still up for this? I can not believe people still watching these kind of videos.

If someone like me is not interest, who is? I mean, I like porcelain a lot, more than the average person, for eight years I ran an Etsy shop where I had thousands of sales of vintage mid century Scandinavian glass and ceramic, I know how to appreciate and identify beautiful works of porcelain, stoneware, ceramic etc… even if my interested is in modern and contemporary porcelain designers and manufacturers.

I’ve have been in sick leave for three years now and my shop has been closed since. But I keep my shop’s instagram alive with beautiful pictures of Scandinavian (and Finnish) porcelain and pottery designers I love and sold, all with proper hashtags to keep the information available for posterity. Wish I could share with you.
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Unfortunately, I think a lot of her American audience is fooled by her voice and accent because they don’t know any better. They hear Fanny’s voice and think she’s “high class” when, in reality, she’s little more than a high class hooker…prostituting her fake life on camera for a handout.
Spot. On.

She perpetuates an illusion.
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What if with Marie’s new skills, a new confidence and self worth emerges, and she finds that she has now outgrown Lalande and Fanny.
She may realize that a whole new world might open up for her if she continues to upgrade her skills and network with other like minded people. That she gets what a dead end Lalande, as well as her association with Fanny really is for her life.

I hope she has much success and gathers the strength to remove herself from the toxic dump and Fanny, for good.
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I forgot to summarize the $$ amount of current grift a stars remaining:

Constellation of Saint Aloysius $26,600.00
Constellation of Saint Henry $ 13,994.00
Constellation of Saint Charles Borromeo.$12,096.00
Constellation of Saint Felix. $9072.00

Total remaining $ 61,712.00

When the remainder of the constellation of Saint Cecelia is rebuilt, expect more stars to be grifted.
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Lady Avonlea

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She has four months until guests arrive to get work underway and like every other year she is doing fuck all. A year ago she said the place was falling down-nothing has been done and nothing will be done until the night before guests arrive and that will just be embroidering cheap towels

Gosh when she was young she had totally hooded eyelids and was really very plain

🧵Stephanie Jarvis has bigger bulges in her botoxed face than PJ has in his trousers.
Another suggestion.....
🧵Stephanie Jarvis has bigger bulges in her botoxed face than PJ has in his mother's trousers.
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Cleo's Asp

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For someone who grew up in a bi-lingual household, she appears to have very little awareness of any languages, including her mother tongue and the language of her birth country. She is well-travelled but her pronunciation of foreign names is awful. In Vienna, she mispronounced nearly all the German words and names that she used. Her pronunciation of the famous artists (Italian, etc.) was way out. People who know more than one language usually have some awareness of the sound systems of other languages but not world- traveller, Fanny. You could also tell that, when she was holding forth about the painting, she was clearly reading out parts from a text, and yet the fans lap it all up, thinking she knows all about art, history, and culture.
The loud voice, hysterical giggling, and constantly talking to camera, filming plates of food, etc., all just demonstrate her vulgarity. No wonder people look at her. It must be awful to be in a cafe sitting at a nearby table.
Talking of whether the chapel is still consecrated or not, Isabelle clearly stated only recently, that it is. If this is wrong, the star adopters have every right to be furious. I am sure many of the Catholic donors may wish to have mass when they visit their stars. If it is consecrated, she'll need to make arrangements for that and find a priest. No priest would want to go there if they knew the way she had used that place, consecrated or not, and the chalice, of course, with Potty's game clue. She is a two-face trumped up trollop.
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T Rex

VIP Member
All good points, but I don’t think they let Ratso out unless on a leash because I doubt he knows the come command. Off leash he’d probably start running and never look back. I think poor Ratso is now kept in a crate when unsupervised and Nutty and Anne Marie put him in his crate at night and went home, so that no one was at the shitto with the dog at night.
I caught that as well, and it made me really sad for the little dog- being left alone in a crate in a frigid empty large house with strange noises at night. :( What is wrong with this whole lot?!? Lancelot's water bowl even looked empty. Herr Nuti was bundled up in her office/china pantry area, but the poor dog didn't even have a jumper on. SMH.

At the end of the day, despite Fanny living a luxury lifestyle on someone else's dime, the dogs of the 15 Tattler hags on here live a far better lifestyle than hers! My ungrateful pack of tiny terrors go on holiday with their humans, hang out on the beach, go sailing, have an active social life with their other little dog mates on walks and playdates, unrestricted access to the house, sunbathe on the chaises by the pool, sleep with their humans (where they magically morph from small dogs into Great Danes in the middle of the night), hundreds of toys, a water bowl inside and one on the lanai (which get cleaned and replenished twice a day with filtered water- and I carry a dog water bottle for them on hikes) and are pretty much catered to 24/7. Granted, there are things that the pups do not appreciate- nail trimming, trips to the vet, baths, teeth brushing, preventatives, having their bottoms wiped after pooing...
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Well….I’ll tell you….Camilla, put a STOP to your husband’s fixation on his old friend Stephanie. You and YOUR husband have created such lovely and informative vlogs that are an organic, relaxed pleasure to watch. You both are lovely and natural together- it feels good. Let’s take the Horny out of ADHD.

I do not blame Amaury

When one ‘ACTS’, one must project…Stephanie has become an insufferable cartoon of herself. What show is she auditioning for anyway? It’s really weird.
I think she imagines herself and her coterie as comparable to the cast of characters in Four Weddings and a Funeral. I have no idea whether that movie was accurate or twee. I’m a stupid American. (I suspect twee). She has herself described Potts as Daniel and Baghead as Mr Darcy from Bridget Jones Diary. Maybe she thinks she’s Bridget? It’s really just pitiful.

She is a 50 year old child who lives in her parent’s house, never had a job, and travels 180 days a year, and once made some curtains. The main items on her calendar are parties she made up a reason for, in the middle of nowhere, so she can dress up. Her main function in life is to look at things or buy them. With all this time on her hands she chooses to be inebriated or asleep.

I don’t think you could write an entertaining movie about all of this, unless it ended with her going to jail.
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Over on the shitoo FB page as usual the Lemmings are all telling how deserving she is the this trip.

The Gibbon is doing Fanny’s advertising for her by pushing Nord VPN, sick fucks.
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Haw! Haw! I'll just leave this here.
Sparrowdean formerly Rosie Hugh. Aka Michael Potts.
I have a feeling Tonton wouldn't be looking at a young lady;) Although he does give off a creepy old man vibe. Revolting old man.

Imagine a swish night out at the opera when you would be dressed up to the nines and excited, to come across that debauched foursome in the foyer. The old man fondling a breast, the kid looking weak and pathetic, the aunt looking like a letter-box, and Stephanie Jarvis like a slut. I can hear the sniffs from here!
But did they go to the opera? Or did they pop in for a photo op on their way to or from an expensive dinner ? That foyer was empty apart from them.
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Karma baby!

VIP Member
Today's Patreon video:

- The ever so poor grifter announces her "winter of culture";
- We're told the destitute grifter is going to watch Puccini at the Opera - where Sissi went too (ofcourse);
- They visit the imperial treasury (;
- The grifter's uncle buys some clothes;
- The poor things have a lunch in their hotel room, which according to the uncle is reminiscent of the Henley Regatta (seriously dude??).

Riveting stuff, as per ushe.

View attachment 2704702
You angel! Thank you! ❤

I have a question for Euro tattlers... isn't everything in Europe a stone throw away? (At least compared to the vastness of nothing in North America)... How can Tan live her life in France, one country away from Austria and wanting to go there "all her life"? it's not she has been lacking in the budget department!

I have to say, I own a couple of fur pieces.. a hat and a long coat, but I have inherited them from my Grandma and she bought them in - I think- 1940s or 50s. Those animals are long dead and by owning antique fur, I am not hurting anyone. But I do have to say, I barley ever wear them. It just feels wrong in this time and day.

And finally, I must make a confession... I think there's a chance I would like to have PhiPhi as my personal shopping assistance. The twank does provide a good service and feedback whilst shopping. 😅
Please don't banish me from tattle.. I promise I will say something mean about him in my next post. 😂😂
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