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Lady Avonlea

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I’ve not watched the introduction of Sir Lancelot Snortalot. As others have said, there are dog rescue charities in France. Why on earth travel to Germany to buy a puppy? Much less a breed that does not lend itself to being an accessory. Unquantifiable stupidity.

It’ll end in tears.

“A dog is for life and not just for Christmas vlog fodder”
🧵 Suggestion - A dog is for life and not just for Christmas vlog fodder
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On Repeat

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It’s something of the difference between living your experiences and documenting them on social media. I’d much rather have memories than selfies. But then I’m an aging, out of touch semi-Luddite!😂
No you are not.
I have received this week about 250 pictures on facebook from my DIL showcasing their trip to China recently. OMG they are so ridiculous. There is absolutely nothing personal, quirky or interesting in 5 photos of the same lit up buildings, 10 photos of someone's arse walking the Great Wall.
You can't beat authentic memories.

To add: this is where Stephanie Jarvis is absolutely hopeless presenting a travel show. She only presents the tried and true and monotonous travel destinations. She doesn't speak to locals, she doesn't eat at small family establishments, she doesn't shop at quirky markets, she doesn't do local transport. Stephanie Jarvis is the type of tourist I avoid like the plague.
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When did they come home? Were they home on Thursday...the day of the "accident"
Has something happened to the dog already? Is this the big tragedy?
I"m Baaaack

When I heard "tragedy" I immediatly thought a death, (I certainly hope no-one was seriously injured)
but as we all know Fanny overdramatises everything
Nutti probably got a paper cut on her tongue while licking envelopes for last years Christmas cards for the patreons (you know, the ones that got lost in the mail)
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1 hour ago
Ruby is an outdoor male cat. He can ask for food and treats and does. He likes pets only sparingly. Stephanie is allergic to him, but if he wants to live in the back hall, it would be OK. He sleeps in the workshop when he wants.❤

No words for Ms. Gooder, but a good gif can be worth a thousand...............


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That dog is nothing less than a consolation prize to a man who will never become a father, husband or homeowner if he stays with Fanny. She was already married once and has had several long term relationships. She has always stated that she did not want kids or to be tied down to any one man, and for that matter, to any one location. she talks of a commune style of living but only as a way to free herself from responsibility and work. Fanny cannot care for herself, her business, her property, or her animals - without many, many hands to help her. PhiPhi is on his own when it comes to that dog. I hope he doesn't get as easily bored of it as he did with his reupholstery projects.

For as long as he remains her employee, he will be dependent on her for money, his lodging, food, clothes, etc. Should they break up, he walks away with nothing but his porcelain and thrifted finds. If she paid for the dog, she may own it depending on how a court of law views gifts within a common law relationship. He would be smart to find employment outside his relationship, gain some financial independent, and further his education because I dont think a resume that states you’re a secondary character on a yt show, out of work actor, so-so piano player and singer in dutch will get you far. Other than bussing tables, not sure there’s a huge demand for setting tables as a profession. Outside of the Chateauverse know one knows or cares about Fanny or her cast of friends and family.

Another thought, I’m surprised that no one in Fanny’s circle has taken an interest in the business of being Fanny. Despite being on a tv series, she has not broken into mainstream, landed her own show, or any major sponsorships like the Strawbridges. Other than a couple of tv interviews, she has not successfully launched herself…or any spinoff businesses, like merch, books, appearances, etc. she‘s still small-time on YT, relatively small followings on social, she has no digital marketing skills. She's proven she has not got the magic touch to bring in a new audience or even convince her current followers to watch her do anything but provide fountain weather reports and chicken updates. He other channels , while they may pay for some of her travel, have been massive failures in terms of viewership and have done nothing to grow her brand or audience. the dog is cute though. plenty of vermin to keep it busy.
i changed peacock to chicken and it went through. Lol
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Spirit of place

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Each to his own viewing. Re the chateaux, once I've seen inside them in various states of disrepair I don't need to see them again or the laborious attempts at DIY grifting. What I'm attracted to are the inmates people inside, the more the merrier & the odder the better. Hence my initial attachment to the CD's with the constant stream of guests/volunteers who rocked up there and I found entertaining during that dull post Covid period. Cue to Olly in the'spa' with Tomaz, Teabag's hilarious Advent vlogs with the Shitoolaine, Mummy on the lawnmower, Diesel in any moment, Selmar sometimes, Cyril (who?) cooking, ditto David Young, Mason the eccentric....etc, loved them all. For me the rot set in with the arrival of the Twat with him constantly there centre stage, useless with his porcelain piling up etc etc. I don't share the anxiety of 'what will happen to him if he stays there'. So what? In the meantime he has amassed clothes, tat, free use of credit cards ( what happened to the term 'gigolo?), travelled worldwide in exchange for carrying the souleido bag, & not had to lift a finger. And now a dog. It couldn't be a rescue bc it had to be unlike a dog as poss. = tiny, no bark, not much fur, maybe a tamagochi would have suited better.
As for the other chateau bods, unless they do something extravagant, they're just a big yawn, except Pa Petherick & even Sadie who has stopped talking about her make-up & shows her hard work & care for horses. Oh & Dan, teetering about in his ruin bc he has never grifted on camera for subs or money, except for Movember. As I said, each to his own.
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I feel sorry for the dog as those two selfish creatures will probably leave the poor baby behind with whoever is in charge at the shitoo… but I must say that he is a cutie. Look at that cute face.

Wishing him luck. You will need luck little one.
When grown, the dog would likely weigh 25 to 30% of what Thor weighs and will likely weigh the same or less than the peahens. A dog that small can easily be captured and eaten by a fox, kicked or stomped by the sheep, gored or butted by a wild boar ( if it wanders into the woods), etc. Can it even walk up the Dump steps?

I hope the puppy takes a shit in every pair of designer stilettos and purse owned by Frankenfraudie.
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Congratulations @Jules100 for naming the thread. Had to do some creative writing to make it fit.

Most Liked Posts from the previous thread


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Friday at 7:57 PM
New thread 🧵 name suggestion:

Stephanie Jarvis finally figured how to stop the hate site, she’s boring us to death

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Karma baby!

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Oct 19, 2023
Freesia54 said:
Has anyone heard how @Karma baby! is doing? I think her last post was September? Hope she's ok 💜
Luna20 said:
Karma is taking a break from chateau verse and tattle and focusing on her job. Can't blame her to be honest. She can return in a year or two and ask sooo what happened? and we might be able to say: the works on the GS and chapel started, but there was HUUUUUGE SET BACK so they are still working on it.
I knew there was a reason my ears were burning today 😂

Thank you all you lovelies who asked about me. I’m doing well, making some changes in the company to reduce my workload, so I can pack my bags and go somewhere that doesn’t rain 10 days straight! ☔

I have not watched a single episode of CD, just occasionally clicked on a Dan video… and you see one of those, you’ve seen like, 90% of them 🤷🏻‍♀️
But seems like I have missed literally not a thing! 😂

Keep on carrying on you fabulous tattlers… I’ll be back in my cave and occasionally observing from shadows

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Marquis de Potpourri

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Monday at 8:52 PM
Madame de Pompanddoodoo said:
If the @Marquis de Potpourri wife is reading here please let us know how he is.
Thank God, he is safe and sound. Thank you for asking.
More than 200,000 civilians have been displaced and are living in temporary shelters.
Part of my husband's role is to help provide aid to displaced civilians. He finished his shift about an hour ago, and is "very tired."

Spoiler: he says hello
Sorry for the derail. Carry on Tattling.

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Thursday at 3:37 PM
I spoke too soon, Mr Spratt's just got home with another injury. This time a jigsaw cut to a finger. 🙄 🤬

He's so busy and tiredness is getting the better of him.

This is the bathroom he's working on for todays injury (obviously not finished yet).


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Oct 19, 2023
I asked AI (artificial intelligence) to render a photographic image of Fanny’s lake when it’s finished. The parameters I input were simply “Fanny’s lake.” The result is absolutely stunning. The attention to detail is amazing! I especially appreciate the full bush…bushes.


And if you see anything else…I can’t help you. 😆

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Lochness Monster

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Oct 19, 2023
This is a late reply but thank you to Hedda for your kind words and thoughts.
I am using CD which is such a fantasy world for all the wrong reasons, as a form of escapism as life as become pretty intolerable.
The options at the moment involve me leaving the home and garden I have made and loved for 30 years to try and allow my sanity to return.
Caring 24/7 for loved ones. is exhausting and many other things. Money cannot buy everything even if it can help smooth some paths.
The observations, book recommendations many laughs that I can enjoy here whilst all around me is chaos is very beneficial . Thanks one and all.

Anyone else that needs this , it comes with love.

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Tuesday at 10:50 AM
I had forgotten that Fanny had split her patreon video in two parts this time. Here is the second part, which is Snorts free - hooray.

This delightful and high quality offering allows us to see the brilliant goings on at the ever so significant and beautifully restored Chateau de la Lande: blurry cheese flowers, Marie's wardrobe malfunctions, Maria giving Chloe a low effort send off and being relieved she is gone, Amaury being bothered by Fanny trying to love bomb him, and Permasmile putting her finger up Philip's skirt. Feel the jealousy you peasants. (Just kidding ❤)


Stephanie Jarvis is a con artist. The Chateau Diaries is a scam.

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As always: Drama, Drama, Drama with little Orphanie. I guess all there is to say is: To Be Continued...

Pink button is the wiki and Happy Tattling.
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Poor pup, no one will ever trim his puppy nails. It’s not in style at Lalande.
…and they’re all lazy pieces of shit.
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or there is ongoing investigation. meanwhile in brenda's group people are sending condolences and T+P to lalande. why them?!
😆 When I saw “T+P” at first I thought you meant people are sending TP…toilet paper…as in Fanny’s shitting a brick because she’s worried she’ll be sued for everything she’s got!

Sorry to be cynical but my guess is that Fanny isn’t giving any details about the tragedy because an attorney has advised that anything she says could be used against her in court. Her silence probably has nothing to do with any kind of respect for the deceased man’s family. She’s only trying to protect herself. Yes Fanny…it’s all “live, laugh, love” and shits and giggles until someone gets killed. You’d be surprised how fast your frivolous spending money dries up after that…you REALLY might be crying poor and bumming euros from Teabag.
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Will we ever know what happened? I am sick about it.
I'm feeling really sick about it too. At this moment I am not sure if I want to know exactly what happened, or if I even want to carry on watching any of these stupid grifters. It doesn't feel like fun anymore. :(

For anyone else feeling the same:

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Just Grift Wood

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I haven't watched Chateau Diaries for over two weeks because it has become just so boring. I think apathy has finally set in I have lost all interest in the fake, the fawning, faffing, futile cast members.
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Maybe I’m over thinking this, but will the pup will be used as a realistic scalp base for Philip’s new bespoke toupee or a full coverage wig? Poor lil pup was chosen because of his natural coloring.
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Amaury's demeanor in the poorly spliced together vlog seems to indicate the accident was with Nathan's crew. Knowing how the timeline is skewed, this may explain why Amaury did not do the Movember fundraiser with Dan. Btw the electrical tape bandage also reveals how poorly equipped the B&B farmhouse is equipped for first aid.
Electrical tape or duct tape is an artisans staple if you've cut yourself, holds the plasters on much better and is waterproof. Mr Spratt was wearing quite a lot of it last week with his various cuts.
Interestingly, this CD from September 2022 popped up and it's Nathan installing the woodburners on Snorty's birthday!

In 2022, Nathan was working at the shitoo installing piping and wood burners in mid-September. It was sunny and dry. There was no concern with work being done during the B&B season, but this year Fanny pushed the remaining work off until the end of the B&B season because she didn't want to 'disturb' weekend guests.

End of October and a colder, rainy day - per the video of Fanny picking up Gerry and visiting the grocery store. Perhaps it wasn't raining at the shitoo, but that would make working up on the roof more uncomfortable, slippery and dangerous.
Makes me laugh, she didn't care about disturbing the guests when they were throwing those skanky mattresses out of the window and some guests were sitting by the fountain.
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I was happy that she stayed vague and specifically asked to not speculate in the comments as it could be upsetting for the family. If she had come out with any sort of details, it would have made it really easy to find information and ultimately the person who passed away. Speculating here is fine (imo), but some people are dumb and would start trying to find them, leave messages on the company business page, etc. My take is that the family asked for privacy from her vlog, and for once, I think she conveyed the message well.
She isn’t doing this out of the goodness of her cold black heart. She is likely doing that for legal reasons because there will be an ongoing investigation of the incident or proceedings for compensation to the family of the deceased. Does France have a workers compensation benefit program or other benefits to persons killed in a work related incident? Could the Dump somehow be found liable or contributed to cause, create, or enhance the circumstances leading to the fall? Did they misrepresent certain aspects of the stability of the site, alter the site by excavating or moving more dirt and rocks, etc.? If so, the Dump liability insurance carrier would have been put on notice of the incident and the man’s subsequent death. The insurance company would have told the Shittelaine and the Dump crew to keep their mouths shut and only speak to investigators and insurance reps. That is why she doesn’t want viewers figuring out what happened at the Dump. Stephanfraudie is no saint, she loves to spill news about the misfortunes of others.

Who knows? Perhaps scaffolding or moving the separated parts of the facade caused the stick holding up the chapel ceiling since prior to 2005 to collapse?
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