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I think the ratter will just piss and shit inside the Dump several times per day. The holiday from hygiene Dump crew will never notice.

I think MarIA was fed up having to play the damn piano for cd content every week, and living in the Dump bedroom with peeling wallpaper, spotty hot water, and no privacy. She was tired of having the little pink phone jammed into her face constantly, Amaury and Ñutty had moved out of the Dump, and she didn’t like Marie or Snorts.
I wonder how long before Pav packs her bags.

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I haven't watched Chateau Diaries for over two weeks because it has become just so boring. I think apathy has finally set in I have lost all interest in the fake, the fawning, faffing, futile cast members.
It gets easier, one day at a time.

I wonder if we tartlets could vote SJ off the island and make this forum about YouTube’s world of chateaux instead of technically just The Chateau Diaries? Of course we could still discuss CD, but be more open to the topic of other chateau channels. Or at the very least update this forum’s name from The Chateau Diaries to The Chateau Diaries Train Wreck? Or something like that? So much boredom & bs… everyone would see it & know exactly how we feel about it.🤷‍♀️
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If we’re lucky the entire chapel fell down - one less grifting excuse. However, we know she would just start a “Rebuild the Chapel” campaign and ask for donations which would then just go to new D&G dresses, porcelain for the Gay Twank and weed for Cuz and the lumberjack. Nothing would be built because 20 never ending surveys would be needed.
If any part of the farmhouse or chapel has collapsed, the patrons should be outraged. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have poured into Stephanie’s patron and YouTube…plus sponsorships and gifts. Countless surveys…years of time. There’s no excuse for something to crumble unexpectedly. She would HAVE to have known there was a problem and should have fixed it.
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Things are heating up in the cd community section. Enjoy:
1 hour ago
Please consider letting us know. Perhaps, since people are worrying, you could give us a brief description to put our minds at rest. I would rather it not wait for a video, unless, you are not going to share what has happened in your vlogs and it stay private.

16 replies
1 hour ago
You wont hear ...she will spin this for weeks

59 minutes ago
I thought she said they had the halloween party? I don't see how that could happen if things are so terrible for them all? Although I could have misheard and obviously hoping the people affected are okay, but I agree something should be said, there's been nothing on patreon either.

55 minutes ago
No, we don't need any descriptions. She doesn't have to share everything.

52 minutes ago
An accident occurred at LaLande involving outside contractors per Brenda Gibbons on a FB post. Vlogs are paused out of concern and respect.

50 minutes ago
There has been stuff on Patreon

42 minutes ago
@rennewman7828 It's ALL about the clickbait...try not to be so naive👌🏿

38 minutes ago
@allisonmattox7858 ahh well Brenda Gibbons has spoken. Here endeth the final lesson. Was Brenda at the Halloween party again tjis year. Did she fall off a ladder, break her reinforced bed, barf on the Toile de Jouy? They are the only people (Stephanie and Philip) who can make a personal drama out of someone else's tragedy/crisis👊🏿

38 minutes ago
It's nobody's business. These are real people with private lives. We're not entitled to demand anything.

35 minutes ago
@normareed9007 erm yes Patreons are at least entitled to an update. The Chateau would crumble even faster without our subs

33 minutes ago
Whatever happened it's such unnecessary drama, what a surprise. And for everyone saying she can keep it private... yeh she could have but she didn't though did she... hence all these cringey comments.

33 minutes ago
@TrengilderTrengilly for someone who said they were leaving, you sure have a way of finding your way around the comments section instead of unsubscribing.

31 minutes ago
@TrengilderTrengilly there's surely another platform for Patreons to make enquiries? Not everything is for public knowledge.

28 minutes ago
@abbyT2023 they are as entitled to their opinion as you are. I too am a patreon and this duo P and S were neglecting us before this crisis. I hope she usn't using this tragedy as clickbait.I smell a rat and it isn't a "Prague Ratter"either🤔🤨

25 minutes ago
@belanmoonie Then quit

24 minutes ago
@belanmoonie I never said anyone wasn’t entitled to their opinion.

2 minutes ago
@mamaahu they just renewed my sub today so I wont get it back. Thes grasping griters up up to no good I'll wager. She was seen larking around the day after the terrible accident so we can do without hers and Widow Twanky's crocodile tears.


9 minutes ago
Yada yada same old excuses 11 minutes ago
Yada yada same old excuses and exploiting a tragedy. You were seen larking around the day after said tragedy so how do you account for this Madame?


22 minutes ago
You only get to find out if you pay For Patreon,

4 hours ago
Where’s the vlogs this week? Or am I missing something?

2 replies
3 hours ago
If you read the description under this video, Stephanie explains. I believe there is supposed to be a video today.

1 hour ago
There will be no vlogs today...just more excuses

20 minutes ago
Yada yada same old excuses and exploiting a tragedy. You were seen larking around the day after said tragedy so how do you account for this Madame?

2 replies
10 minutes ago

3 minutes ago
@miraggg well facts is facts so deal with it. What is REALLY rude is the spinning and lying to Patreons. Perhaps tge REAL story is they have been kept up every night by the Prague Ratter and it chewed up Daddy's paintings and the Venice birdello bed something not adding up here.
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I have just watched the latest CD about stupid getting a dog .

OMG.......surely the dog breeder told them to not let that dog go outside!!!
Puppies hopefully have their first parvo injection when you buy them and when your puppy has its second injection at around 10 weeks or older then you can walk them outside !
I hope Lancy does not pick up parvo . Terrible disease . He walked outside in Paris - dog central .
The amount of food they feed that puppy on the first night was too much.
When you see Stupid walk the dog out of the kitchen in LaLaLande - notice the little dog had his tail between his legs - that is not a happy secure sign.
I feel so sorry for the dog.
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Lancelot will spend a lot of his time with cousin Molly and Amaury & Natti..too many travels to take with irresponsible to take an animal on and not commit 100%.. Dogs are like children, they need love, time, attention and teachings...the welcome committee don't appear to be big dog lovers... I'd have swept it into my arms and kissed the face off it ( Lancelot I mean ) but maybe that's just me.
MariA was not the slightest bit interested, she's have been more animated with a brace of pheasant. MariE can't even get her own life in order so she's a dead loss and Pavlina was just non committal.

Having lost both of my dogs this year, the terrible terrible loss has got no better and seeing those arseholes with this precious little dog just breaks my heart.
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Just a slight derail. We've got this heading our way looks like Brittany is getting the worst of it. That's a few of the Chateauverse area. Hope Amanda and Lincoln's Donkeys will be ok. Hoping that none of the other's sustain damage to their properties either.


It's being compared to Tempete Xynthia in 2010, which wasn't a barrel of laughs and cost the lives of 47 people.

We're already having leaks coming through our kitchen roof from the torrential rain we've already had, we believe from roof tiles displaced after the earthquake back in the summer. Just hoping as we're inland it doesn't do a repeat of 2010. There's been talk of evacuating Noirmoutier.
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Bleu Lala

Chatty Member
She isn’t doing this out of the goodness of her cold black heart. She is likely doing that for legal reasons because there will be an ongoing investigation of the incident or proceedings for compensation to the family of the deceased. Does France have a workers compensation benefit program or other benefits to persons killed in a work related incident? Could the Dump somehow be found liable or contributed to cause, create, or enhance the circumstances leading to the fall? Did they misrepresent certain aspects of the stability of the site, alter the site by excavating or moving more dirt and rocks, etc.? If so, the Dump liability insurance carrier would have been put on notice of the incident and the man’s subsequent death. The insurance company would have told the Shittelaine and the Dump crew to keep their mouths shut and only speak to investigators and insurance reps. That is why she doesn’t want viewers figuring out what happened at the Dump. Stephanfraudie is no saint, she loves to spill news about the misfortunes of others.

Who knows? Perhaps scaffolding or moving the separated parts of the facade caused the stick holding up the chapel ceiling since prior to 2005 to collapse?
Not to be cold hearted but the entire Shateau is an accident waiting to happen. It was only a matter of time before something catastrophic happened. Everywhere you turn there is neglect, literally from the ground to the roof.
A lot of the work that has been done (at least what we have witnessed) has been slip shod, done on the cheap, done by unlicensed and unskilled workers or has been simply abandoned.

It is very sad that someone lost their life and I hope that their family pursues every legal and financial avenue against the owners!
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I lost my rescue Frenchie baby a year ago this past summer. It took me several months before I would even consider adopting. Her death was the first companion loss to utterly knock my legs out from under me. I wouldn’t have adopted my little Chihuahua mix if a neighbor hadn’t introduced me to her foster. They knew I didn’t feel I was ready but decided to meddle anyway. I do wish she would tolerate other animals so I could get her a sibling but she’s queen of the castle. At six years old she’d not been spade and had a least one litter. This was taken a few days after she had her surgery to take the plumbing out and put a playroom in.😂

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As cats seem to be order of the day I have updated my picture to my names sake, meet Pyke my best boy Ragdoll returned to breeder by owners who had a baby and no longer wanted him, God help their child.
hugo fence.jpg
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I want to reiterate my earlier comment, and agree with subsequent ones, that "tragic accident" during which no Lalander wants to be filmed, means Stephanie Jarvis is worried about an injured worker's insurance company inspection of the site. She is hiding big time and setting up the argument that whatever happened was in fact an "accident".
I'd like to point out a year ago I was writing here that a year previously, ie., 2021, a commenter with standing of Dan's had noted in one of his drone shots of the chapel that the keystone over the door had dropped precipitously. That the chapel restorer or the stained glass window woman did not inform Isabelle and Stephanie Jarvis that this there were serious structural problems is absolutely inconceivable.
I’m having difficulty posting…..i don't see any flags or warnings. I promise I've been good!
Maybe the system didn't like my post. Fanny, did u get a job at Tattle ?
That dog is nothing less than a consolation prize to a man who will never become a father, husband or homeowner if he stays with Fanny. She was already married once and has had several long term relationships. She has always stated that she did not want kids or to be tied down to any one man, and for that matter, to any one location. she talks of a commune style of living but only as a way to free herself from responsibility and work. Fanny cannot care for herself, her business, her property, or her animals - without many, many hands to help her. PhiPhi is on his own when it comes to that dog. I hope he doesn't get as easily bored of it as he did with his reupholstery projects.

For as long as he remains her employee, he will be dependent on her for money, his lodging, food, clothes, etc. Should they break up, he walks away with nothing but his porcelain and thrifted finds. If she paid for the dog, she may own it depending on how a court of law views gifts within a common law relationship. He would be smart to find employment outside his relationship, gain some financial independent, and further his education because I dont think a resume that states you’re a secondary character on a yt show, out of work actor, so-so piano player and singer in dutch will get you far. Other than bussing tables, not sure there’s a huge demand for setting tables as a profession. Outside of the Chateauverse know one knows or cares about Fanny or her cast of friends and family.

Another thought, I’m surprised that no one in Fanny’s circle has taken an interest in the business of being Fanny. Despite being on a tv series, she has not broken into mainstream, landed her own show, or any major sponsorships like the Strawbridges. Other than a couple of tv interviews, she has not successfully launched herself…or any spinoff businesses, like merch, books, appearances, etc. she‘s still small-time on YT, relatively small followings on social, she has no digital marketing skills. She's proven she has not got the magic touch to bring in a new audience or even convince her current followers to watch her do anything but provide fountain weather reports and chicken updates. He other channels , while they may pay for some of her travel, have been massive failures in terms of viewership and have done nothing to grow her brand or audience. the dog is cute though. plenty of vermin to keep it busy.
i changed peacock to chicken and it went through. Lol
Yes, one of the most frustrating things about her is her pissing away her good fortune. Failure to get a grant from the French Heritage Society after her Zoom job interview in an 80s cocktail dress was the first clue. Any four-year-old on the normie scale could and would have done a better job renovating, investing in long-term income-producing projects like professionally-rented out gites (our dear @Comte of Monte Cristo had real brass tacks facts on the gite business: Get a pool), conference- and event-venue, etc. She doesn't work commercials. She does a piss-poor job on the travel channel -- long videos about free accommodation would literally be the ethical kiss of death for employers, if she thought she was auditioning for professional TV travel show. Not to mention Egypt with a TB carrier and a wannabee Pharoah channeller, wtf. All her enterprises are catastrophically bad.
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I hate anyone who buys an animal. I know…..quit a few of you have. I don’t know you so don’t take it personally. I just don’t understand why people buy pets. There are so many out there dumped and abandoned. Adopt don’t Shop. All my animals are rescues. They are the best.

I must say I’m coming to the end of my animal companion days. They are hard work! Work those two lazy ones won’t be putting in. I’m constantly cleaning after them. The house is permanently covered in fur. But i love them still. We can’t go away too often as pet care is an issue too.

Both my animals are past 10. They don’t have long but i will give them the best and most comfortable life i can. Then it’s all about mememe. Not having to constantly worry about them. (I sound like Fanny there). I decided if i then need the company of animals i will foster for short term.
I feel much the same these days. when I see the amount that are abandoned, especially around summer holiday time. Only last week one of the local rescues had a carrier bag of new born puppies bought to them that had been chucked in ditch. So far two have died and fingers crossed for the rest.
One of my Weimaranas I bought as a puppy as someone had backed out and I knew the breeder very well. The second Weimarana was related to the first but I took her on as a rescue because she's been given to a shit breeder as a payment for stud fees. He didn't want her as she had eye and hip problems so was of ot breeding use. Drove all the way from Surrey to deepest Derbyshire to collect her, she was in terrible conditions as unwanted but was the sweetest dog ever.
My two here were from my neighbour, the usual had a female unspayed, left chained up outside and a local stray got her she had 13 puppies. Even the 4 cats are all strays that just turned up never to leave again.

We're having a break, it may even be a permanent thing as losing Bert and Daisy this year has broken us, more so than any others.

I can't say Snorts looked that excited, the reality sinking in that she will do absolutely zilch as far as that dog is concerned perhaps. They need to get it to the vet, full health check, vaccines booked and he needs to be chipped.
From the Shitoo FB page, that will be deleted.

Debs, are you here if not you should be.

Debra Young
Two spoiled rotten self indulgent brats have to now share the limelight with a puppy? Can’t see that ending well
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I can hear it now - "we are so upset that we have had to make the difficult decision of letting Lancelot go. Philip and I have come to the realisation that the Chateau, with all of the works to be done here, is not condusive with having such a small dog around. So it is with a heavy heart that i have to tell you he will now be going to live with Philip's parents. Philip of course will be making regular trips to see him and I have said he can go when he likes for however long he needs to stay there." She will then give herself a pat on the back and say it is well deserving of a good cup of Fortnum and Mason tea with biscuits the fact she has been so thoughful and considerate.

Tis but a dream this will happen and that we don't find out he's attacked the chickens, Ruby or that he's run out of the door and can't be found or that he gets run over by either themselves, guests or workmen.

A dog that doesn't bark? They'll never friggin find it if it goes AWOL and gets trapped. It just made my heart sink when I watched that last night as you know she hates the very thought of it being there, she barely tolerates Molly and conveniently forgets Ruby is even there.

Evil witch.
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If she wants to redeem herself in tomorrow’s vlog she will:
1. Explain the “tragedy” in full.
2. Explain why it was necessary to go to Germany to get a dog.
3. Tell us the exact cost of PatreonPup.
4. Outline the Grand Salon project with timelines and costs with a promise it will not stop until finished.
5. Explain what has delayed and dragged on the heating project all these months.
6. Promise she will not travel again until the Grand Salon is completed, the Chapel is restored and the Lake is restored and the terrace is replaced.
7. Promise to not buy another dress until said work is completed.
8. Promise not to shop for antiques or attend any auctions in person or online until said work is completed.
9. Make the Gay Twank get a job.
10. Confess that she and the Twank are shopping friends only and have never had sex because he is gay.
11. Tell us she has deleted her travel channel because it was only a way to write off new clothing and travel.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
🧵 Suggestion

🧵It's all life, love & laughter....until it's not 🧵

I think it's time she reviewed this channel and wind it up.
The place will never be renovated, they will just continue to stick a plaster over the festering scab.
Fanny, it's been quite the year for you (and it's not over yet). Mmakhotso Moloi's death, concealing infectious TB until Percy was hospitalized, and now a contractor has died and another injured. How fortunate for you though Fanny; you greedy, self-centered, narcissistic grifter, that none of the Lalanders was involved.

🧵 Stephanie, it's time to STOP before another is injured, hospitalized or dies!
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A dog is for life not just for vlogs 🤬
YES! I had a crazy as hell dog! German Short Haired Pointer. She was NUTS! She broke my front two teeth, gave three black eyes, more bruises than I could count, did not understand NO or Come Here until she was twelve. She got loose three times and made me run blocks to catch her. She had a urinary deformity the vet didn’t find for three years and she peed in her crate every day (I cleaned it up every day) until it was fixed. I also became very allergic to her (red nose!) the last few years of her life. Her last year and a half she lost full use of her legs. She couldn’t do stairs. I carried her outside (she weighed 50 lbs) (I only weigh 125) multiple times a day to go potty. She had accidents all the time the last bit and I bathed her and cleaned her blankets nearly every day. My husband could not bear to put her down, but he wasn’t taking care of her (he has two broken ankles full of rods and pins) and didn’t see all her difficulty. I had to put my foot down because she started losing a lot of weight. She made it to fourteen. That dog drove me crazy. She was sweet, but a total doofus. She probably found a way to cause me physical pain nearly every day (she liked to take off running from the top of my bare foot) or whack me in the face with her head.

But that dog became mine the day she came home and she was my responsibility until the day she died. There’s no other way. You have to train it, see to it’s health, keep it safe, make sure they are never lost, nurse them in their old age, and help them die when it is their time. All of it. Even if you chose wrong. Even if you couldn’t train. Even if your partner drops the ball.

These two idiots can’t even keep a plant alive without help.
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