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C'est moi

VIP Member
Chateau Wrap Up... way to go! Finally got to listen to your latest podcast. Excellent. Good to know that you're OK @Karma baby! Thank you for your talk through of the channels. I'll eat my hat if fanny takes your advice. She should but she probably won't. Or she'll pick at it piecemeal and none of it will work for her.

Great job hags. How do you put up with all the shite in the comments? Looking forward to the next...
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Spirit of place

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So Mason's back & after months (or years) of seeing that rat-tailed Entitler mincing about it was good to see his exact opposite - a hulking sporty guy who doesn't give a shit about anything. Am I the only one who doesn't think he's a weirdo for sun-gazing?He can afford to what he wants - & anything's better than running after hedgehogs or trawling through brocantes for forks. Steph seemed to be on a roller-coaster when she was with him, teasing and laughing and out of her depth (see skiing holiday) but ALIVE and EXCITED. Past her prime she's settled for a bag carrier & surrogate son who is getting WEIRDER by the day.
poor. Cinderella Marie in the sooty bread oven room with no water.☹
Yet again she's fallen into victim mode, not yet blubbing but sulking and silent. I do not pity her at all bc her motives for being back are to give a boost to her channel and leach the visibility off the various channels. Her flowers are no better than Pavlina's and as for her cooking....well, no fireworks there. Skulking round the back weeding & lazy silent videos - get a grip Marie AND stop mirroring yourself filming. Does all this add up to a new Renault van Tattlers?🤔
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I’m sure this was mentioned before, Stephameeee is technically old enough to have given birth to Philip! Many people his age are still just finishing up Uni and finding a place in this world. Even though he is a bit much, As a mom I cant help being sad for him as his life is being stunted. If he is behind all the nasty accounts and part of the grift, who taught him he was what 22/23 when he arrived and never left? As a mom I’d have dragged my son away from that harpi in a second! How does anyone think this is appropriate? How do the patrons not see the weirdness the absurdity of it all? Old boyfriends coming and going et. It’s all very sorrid! And sad!!
I loved hearing Percy’s wife say THIS PLACE NEEDS MANAGED
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A comment on Chateau Wrap up posted by Scotchette in the last 12 hours noticed something in Amaury’s shocking birthday video:

“I also saw a big yellow sticker on one of the boxes at the Grabeaux, saying in French: Taxes à percevoir. Meaning: La Poste is collecting taxes now. So that's why they will stop grabeaux. I think the Pethericks had the same problem”

Could the French postal service have put F4F on their radar as evading taxes on the thousands of presents she has received at the Dump and stupidly making a YouTube channel devoted to flouting her blatant disregard of the gift tax in France? I believe I read here that they were receIving so many packages that the French postal service pretty much had a truckload of packages, gifts, etc, to deliver to the Dump weekly. Nutty would tell gift givers how to evade taxes by writing certain notations on their packages, We have seen hundreds of boxes discarded in the outer buildings and trash.

Is that one reason why F4F is stopping the opening of presents on her YouTube channel to stop the publication of such gifts that were not taxed but still try to evade the gift tax and receive tax free gifts by secretly opening them in private?

Even if they say the gift was non taxable,Stephanie still is obligated to perform certain tasks with the French government. In the event of a manual donation, the beneficiary must send a completed and signed form N ° 11278 (Form 2735 from the tax authorities) to the tax office to register the donation, regardless of the fact the gift might be an exemption of tax rules. Who thinks F4F has ever done this with any of the thousand+ gifts she has received from fans, Patrons, or viewers?

Hmm, was this delegated to Ñutty, the woman who refuses to answer the phone or emails, and still has not sent post cards to all the Patrons?
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Hope Teabag gets his greenhouse glass, the prints are a great idea and his vlog had some of the old magic. Many Tattlers are hoping Michael has turned a corner, we are on his side when he delivers and have been highly critical but want to see him succeed as the talent is there. Keep going Michael and well done for the DS dig.
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Gertrude Maud

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Boyfriend what a cringeworthy term for a 50 year old woman
Philip wore the same short sleeved shirt and drawstring pants from when Stephanie said . . . have you seen the bath . . . again all through the next day and then again on into dinner with guests.

When she says have you seen the bath . . . of course he hadn't . . . he's sleeping in the other room.
Are we expected to believe he hasn't used the loo since they arrived . . . which is immediately to the left of the door . . . of course he hadn't . . . he's sleeping in the other room.
Do they share hairbrushes etc . . . only her's were out . . . of course they don't . . . his are in his own bathroom.
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john eccles

Well-known member
Just saw in the British press today that the Strawbridge's are no longer opening their chateau to the great unwashed for weddings, parties etc. They have submitted a winding down of their business to Companies House. But, the most interesting part of the article is the change in Channel 4's policy with regard to the use of production companies that supply them with content. Previously if something iffy happened, Channel 4's attitude was.......nothing to do with us, the programme was made by an outside production company. Now its all changed, C4 now state that they hold these companies responsible and will keep more of an eye on any wrong doing. So......... I wonder what they now make of certain contributors lying and stiffing their audience?
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When Snorts suggested storing his new set of china in Mummy’s apartment, I could feel Mummy’s frustration and anger. He is getting more and more bold expressing condescending and dismissive behavior towards Mummy. He has rummaged thru every item in her apartment. He goes out of his way to create situations to piss her off or demean her. He is more deplorable than F4F at times.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Yes doctor!

I need this little piece of dark web to keep me going throughout the day.
Others read news, check social media while working. My breaks are on tattle. The people here make me laugh or sent me through a rabbit hole. We get less new members now, and often it takes a while for them to join the fun.
More than I want to know who Clara is, I want to know where @Le Comte de Monte Cristo @Aquablue are, if the 16th troll on here @Headhunter will ever return from not hunting heads. also noticed @Just Grift Wood posting less. The threads slowed down, what do I do with all the time I have now, since I can just read a post or 2 after an hours work?

South african perhaps? Just nieuwsgierig 🤣
Hey I am still here, I have actually been working hard lately (I know God darn) but also I vacillate between being incandescent with impotent rage with the old Flappy Fanny to being utterly bored by her inane content. Sometimes I watch and think to myself why are you tuning into to this garbage it is so poor, my life has more love, life and laughter- my friends are funnier. She is so odious to me on every level I am struggling to even watch at all. I love it on here though because of my funny virtual friends.

Where is @Yebo too.

Fanny's dress at the wedding was hideous ill fitting and needed hoiking up.Snorts once again doing his Max Wall tribute. Tess of the wire wool hair, well either show leg or cleavage-not both and certainly not on your wedding day. Fanny with the hessian sack belt and the hideous Pepto Bismol shoes was so wrong on every level. Poor cow is clueless. As for bird shit laden Mason I have no words that was just grotesque does bird shite not bother any of them?
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The latest griftgrab was conducted in the Marquis sitting room which sports, paneling and a hidden door by Amaury courtesy of Patreon. Additional crown mouldings, a wood burner, a painting, thousands of dollars/eoros of wallpaper, the nasty antique couch, and various tables , chairs, and other. Trinkets purchased with ebegged funds, They sat at an ebegged table covered with an ebegged table cloth to open several thousand dollars of ebegged gifts. I believe Fanny was wearing a very low cut sleeveless summer dress paid for with ebegged funds. The grift is real, y’all.Fanny and phi phi.may have been day drinking grifted liquor before the video.

Fanny added a Whheeeee 30 seconds into the video for no reason.!Maria the cook is now opening the grift grab packages now and leaves notes for F4F . One present was addressed to Stephanie and Phillip JARVIS.

Fanny and the Douche Lorde were again orgasmic over hedgehog and peacock gifts. I guess they might as well orgasm during grift grab since the gruesome twosome definitely have 0 sexual chemistry and separate bedrooms.

WARNING SINGING by Fanny and Snorts twice during the grift grab.
1. Mummy was talking about standing on a stool to do something in her apartment. When Fanny started mocking Mummy for standing onthe stool and not calling upon Fanny for help, Isabelle replied that Stephanie was mountains and valleys away from the Dump ( on a vacatoon). F4F immediately starts singing ” Ain’t no mountain high enough…..” Snorts joined in.

2. When Fanny tries on the brown wig, she and phi phi sing a song from greasel Take a look at the video below. It is cued up to start when Fanny is wearing the brown wig.Make her remove the extremely blue fake contact lens, Fanny looks like Gerry’s long lost twin.

11:45 in the. video, Snorts claims that he loves mother of pearl or it is his favorite. Percy shoots a quick WTF look at Snorts. Percy is not a phi phi fan. Phi Phi later grabs a bag of the grifted liquorice for himself.

Percy opens a squirrel figurine and makes it dance while saying Phillip, phillip, phillip….

Fanny receives over 300+ dollars on eyeshadow kits and multiple pieces of jewelry

15:55 Perry sports a green turban minutes after he modeled a fake hair bun on the back of his head,

Percy indeed identified a peacock as a penguin, wore a turban, a baseball hat.
Fanny receives another TIARA.

Fanny as Gerry in a turban. Click the video to see the best depiction of Gerry.

Tabitha Jones
6 hours ago
This is so vaporous! And to think people are paying you $36,000 a month for this.

6 hours ago (edited)
The Dominique cosmetics is one of my favorites, not that exact palette but I love her formula. The Vise art palette is $78 just so you know
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Imperious Me

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OK, 7 minutes in... she's had her phone out in poor Vivienne's face the whole time, they are trying to entertain her but she's filming every word... so fucking RUDE!!!!!
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Aug 9, 2022
Yvonne Sullivan
9 hours ago
Does Pavlina get paid any wages?




The Chateau Diaries

6 hours ago
At first she was with us as a refugee, and didn’t have to help with anything, but she always insisted on working in order to keep busy. She was so incredibly helpful that I offered her a job, and she’s now employed as gardener.

Well I’ve never known a gardener do so much painting as Pavlina does, (or flower arrangements) which is strange because the amount of grounds around the shittoo would warrant at least one full time gardener preferably more. And neither Pavlina or Kirstie are in the garden full time.
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Hi. My name is Gay Twank and I am a shopping addict.

View attachment 2233913
He’s beyond a chronic fucktard. Never seen a more idiotic purchase. K for katastrophic, K for adds nothing to CLL, K for disfriggingrespectful to my fave Isabelle and finally K for stupid, daft kunt. A superfluous waiter who never changes or launders his Emmaus clothes, has a bad hair dye job and sports a man bun to hide his chrome dome. A poor excuse for a gigolo to France’s most shameless cougar.
What’s to like?
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And why with him? Of all the side kicks in the world.... he is
Honestly, Michael Petherick acts 100 times straighter than PhiPhi has ever acted, even on his best day. Teabag could really pass for Stephanie’s boyfriend…PhiPhi doesn’t.
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Chatty Member
So Mason's back & after months (or years) of seeing that rat-tailed Entitler mincing about it was good to see his exact opposite - a hulking sporty guy who doesn't give a shit about anything. Am I the only one who doesn't think he's a weirdo for sun-gazing?He can afford to what he wants - & anything's better than running after hedgehogs or trawling through brocantes for forks. Steph seemed to be on a roller-coaster when she was with him, teasing and laughing and out of her depth (see skiing holiday) but ALIVE and EXCITED. Past her prime she's settled for a bag carrier & surrogate son who is getting WEIRDER by the day.
poor. Cinderella Marie in the sooty bread oven room with no water.☹
Yet again she's fallen into victim mode, not yet blubbing but sulking and silent. I do not pity her at all bc her motives for being back are to give a boost to her channel and leach the visibility off the various channels. Her flowers are no better than Pavlina's and as for her cooking....well, no fireworks there. Skulking round the back weeding & lazy silent videos - get a grip Marie AND stop mirroring yourself filming. Does all this add up to a new Renault van Tattlers?🤔
So, I always thought that Mason was the best looking of all Fanny’s exes. But, he also gave me the weirdo vibe. When she went to visit him I was creeped out by him. Can’t say exactly why. That’s when I still kinda liked Fanny and I thought she made a huge mistake being alone in a seemingly secluded area with him. I guess nothing happened to her, she’s still here.
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Cleo's Asp

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Isabelle is so fed up with Snorts. He was also making snarky comments to her, a woman 50+ years older than himself. What would his grandfather say about his disrespectful behavior?
She can see that all the money she leaves Fanny will soon disappear in no time with the two of them indulging their shopping habits. Yes, he has never shown any respect for her. He answers back very rudely and also goes through her wardrobe and personal possessions. I would be infuriated by him. He is also completely lacking in charm which, if he had any, is something that might allow him to get away with some of his despicable behaviour. No women would ever be charmed by him or forgive him for being so self-indulgent and an arrogant little prick. Fanny is the only one who tolerates him because she is also lacking in manners and respect for others, and he encourages her narcissism and acquisitiveness. They will both eventually be each other's downfall.
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The Chateau Diaries

7 hours ago
In the last month I've posted over 20 videos, filmed new videos in the Loire, Venice and England, hosted four guest weekends, moved forward with the heating installation, had meetings with the architect re the chapel and grand salon, filmed two renovation projects for UK TV, employed everyone at the chateau and found time for my family and friends. I'd love to do more, but I seem to have mislaid my superpowers
In the past month I have answered at least 3000 emails, had 60 meetings, did 8 trainings, draw up a plan, visited 3 countries.

She prefilmed her video's for the channel fucking up with my friend they don't count, did 12 video's patreon and yt. Filming for diy, isn't work she get's in while they film and get's out. It's Annmarie who does the work and she makes appearances.
The heating is done by Annmarie & how is employing people work? She doesn't manage them. Fucking looser.
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