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Miss Tea

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A message from Madame No was left on Chateau Wrap Up comments today- thought I would share…
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Irina Muratova
11 hours ago
I think I had a deja-vu watching a part about the chapel restoration. I swear I watched the episode where the grand project to restore the chapel kicked off sometime in 2020 or 2021.
caroline gooder
10 hours ago (edited)
Sounds about right. The original project did the stain glass windows first. They are completed. The restorer who was to do the walls found the vault out of alignment, which was a new finding. So Stephanie said they have added to the structural restoration stage. A French drain, foundation strengthening, the vault realignment and the start of saving some of the plasterer. ❤
Debbie Lucey
3 hours ago
@caroline gooder Take a day off
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Lady Avonlea

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Thank you Comtesse Rose for the new thread...great work as usual!

Apologies if I'm repeating other's comments from the last thread, but like Fanny, I just got up at noon! (not really, but has been a busy day around Chateau Avonlea) in no particular order

Nobody puts Marie in the corner bread oven
FRK is clearly not pleased to be banished to the outdoor bread oven and has no intention to staying there long with no water available. I felt a flicker of a slow rage beginning to bubble up inside FRK while sitting at Amuary’s birthday lunch. The dynamics have changed at the shitoo and FRK isn’t feeling the love. How long until she blows over?😡

Escape to the Chateau – Living the Dream – that must have been one short film clip if it included all the renovations/repairs Fanny has done at the shiteau over the past 6 years :m

Fanny goes to a wedding and takes her own ugly, toy doll (just to spite Tess)

I can’t even imagine showing up anywhere and acknowledging Snorty as my boyfriend. Snorty looked like a knob in everyone of his outfits.

Annalise was there the entire day and couldn’t do Snorty’s hair? (but she did Mason's)

Still the same ole loveable idiot. While playing with the chicks I wasn’t sure if he said plumage or boobage, because the only boobage visible was Fanny in her wedding outfit

You know how bad Snorty is, when Mummy still prefers Mason was Fanny’s boyfriend 💓. Mummy laughed more with Mason in the walled garden than she has in 2.5 years with Snorty.

Who else thinks Mason & Fanny played 'hide the sausage' on the wedding weekend⁉💓

Fanny – boobage and backfat
I’m all for multi-purpose outfits – Halloween custom, wedding attire, Rapunzel coz play!:sick:

Progress appears to be slow building the room within a room. Clearly no urgency to get the heating in place before next Autumn. :rolleyes:

Thanks Papa - nothing says Happy Birthday like giving you son a breakfast beer! 🍺

Happy 36th Birthday Amuary!!! Looked like you were having fun! 🎂

Does Dana have a new squeeze ⁉ (The chap in the black shirt standing behind her in the attached pic)

Potty's Back from F1
It may have been Amuary's birthday, but Fanny & Potty celebrated with a birthday shag.
Big weekend for Fanny - it started with Mason on Friday night & finished with Potty on Monday night 🐎🐎

Honest Responses
Chatting with the wedding guests in the kitchen:
Fanny - Have you seen all the changes at the shitoo (after 6 years of work) – you walked through the woods?
Male friend – Yes, slightly better now! 🤣

Birthday exchange between cousins:
Fanny - did you have a good morning?
Amuary - amazing morning, absolutely beautiful
Fanny - you looked relax, you need these morning more often
Amuary - you can't really rock up to work at nearly midday, everday
Fanny - I reckon you could get away with it (I do)!

Molly the Dog wins the day:
Fanny - The only member of the family not pulling her weight at the moment
Molly – Have you looked in the mirror Fanny? Now *UCK YOU and leave me alone Fanny!


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Stephanie is as controlling, manipulative, and and nosy as Phi Phi. Don’t think for a moment that she doesn’t read here, and read every comment, monitor the comments, and either post or delete manipulative, nasty comments or post false info to advance some fake agenda herself, or thru one of her many Dump crew flying monkeys on all the forums that she can invade with one of her fake accounts. She isn’t some little shrinking violet orphan princess who will get her feelings hurt.

She is hard nosed, cheap, mean, jealous, nosy, greedy, and manipulative. She treats others poorly and takes everything she can from others and leaves them worse off. She hides behind fake accounts to do her nasty work ( and uses her flying monkeys to help) and will do anything to keep the money rolling in for herself as will all of the Dump crew surrounding her. She wants others to be the face of her “ dirty work” so she can evade accountability and responsibility for her actions. It is the way she has always lived her life. Her nefarious selfish actions are now just executed on larger scale. Narcs never ever change.

She is jealous and controlling of any person who has a YouTube or Patreon account that has ever been associated in any way with the Dump. She and Phi Phi ( and Potts, etc.) crawl all over other youtube channel accounts, patrolling and policing info on channel comment sections that aren’t owned by them.

IMHO, I think Mummy is rightfully frustrated with F4F’s expansive garden plans which will fall into ruin as soon as the money flow drops. She knows that Fanny is creating an even larger disaster zone for neglect at the Dump and Mummy can do nothing about it. Mummy has lost control as Fanny doesn’t need her for cash at the moment. Mummy created the selfish entitled monster that is Stephanie Jarvis, so not a lot of sympathy for Mummy. Isabelle’s mother lived into her 90’s. I think Isabelle could easily do the same. She is tired of having to deal with her daughter’s messes.
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you know hags, fags and trolls - whenever you’re having a bad day, things aren’t going well and you feel the world is conspiring against you - just remember you’re not “sharing a bed” in a fake relationship with Phyllis the sexual deviant. you’re not constantly being called dahhhhrling by a frizzy rodent and nor are you being forced to hire a prostitute as your companion. i thought about that today as i opened a parking fine and everything just seemed significantly lighter.
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Stephanie has Philip (and only Philip) keep the same clothes on for filming continuity. Then of course he changes into other clean clothes between shots. Why did Philip have the same shirt on, but different pants & hairstyles. Oh I know, because Stephanie’s mouth was moving as she was typing that BS answer & Philip is gross.
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Imperious Me

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Oh nooo!!!! GROSS.... She combed his chest and face hair with a kitchen brush, THEN PUT IT BACK ON THE SHELF!!!!! How disgusting... what a PIG.. seriously... ugh.
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Imperious Me

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This morning, I watched the episode where they visited Simon & Viv. I don't think I could stomach an entire vlog of Philip antique shopping, so I'm going to have to wait a bit on that one.

I thought this was great and it made me snicker: they get up the next morning, after a beautiful dinner, and remark "why don't we eat breakfast like this at home?"

I'll tell you why, Stephanie. Because it requires care, planning and, most importantly, class! You have no class....or, shall I say Klass, with a "K"??

I really don't know how she goes to other people's homes, constantly remarks about how beautiful everything is and then returns to her own place which is run down, full of crap (literal and figural crap) and keeps doing it over and over again! It just boggles my mind! At this stage, she has the money.....FIX YOUR BUILDING!
View attachment 2234805
Viv cleaned her own house when she had guests coming, she cooked the food, she laid the table, Simon was busy putting up tents and moving furniture, he'd mowed the property while Viv made sure the pool was aired and windows opened... then when the guests arrived Viv was out front to greet them... Simon bbq'd the fish... everything was bought out by Viv and Simon... They also had to film and edit their content for YT.. How can Fanny possibly say she's busy??
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I’m not a psychiatrist (but I play one on TV). In addition to Fanny’s narcissism or histrionic personality disorder, I really believe she also suffers from an anxiety disorder. Even though she hosts large gatherings, it’s been reported many times that she keeps to herself and retires from parties early. She gets very manic in some of her videos (especially when she tries to “explain things away”). She seems to depend on Snorts for support and for making decisions. She seems to need constant reassurance. And I’m sure the pressure of her “success” (money and fans) has added to pressure to keep it up (which is why her personality has changed from the early videos where there wasn’t the same stress). Not trying to excuse her grifting and all the smoke and mirrors…just an observation from an armchair psychiatrist. 😄
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Dan , if you are reading this, keep up with featuring Nick on your channel. He has a wealth of knowledge to share with your audience, real life sweat equity and experience to back it up and he is truly passionate about his profession. Nick the tree guy kicks the porcelain fondler’s ass when it comes to creating interesting content for a YouTube channel. I bet Nick doesn’t have a favorite gravy boat. Huzzah!
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Lady Avonlea

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I believe from watching their vlogs that, Vivian and Simon come from a monied background, they owned a much larger chateau and decided to downsize to this “smaller” chateau. Lots of money spent and Vivian is very good at projects and is artistic. I have warmed up to them since Vivian had a health scare around Christmas last year and she’s less on, although I haven’t seen the latest offering. I’d much rather stay at chateau love than at the crapeau any day
Simon is a successful business professional and I recall Vivian had her own business or some such, but I don't recall the details. I'm sure Simon wonders why they're spending time with some of these chateauverse folks, especially Snorty. Simon & Viv can't have anything in common with Snorty, Fanny or Manor & Maker, but Simon loves his wife and indulges Vivien's 'Chateau Love' enthusiasm.

Simon let it slip that Fanny & Snorty's visit was a surprise, so likely arranged last minute. That's why Simon was out in the garden putting up the gazebo and Viv was busy getting ready, although their beautiful home needs little prep to welcome guests.

The difference is striking:
Simon is a successful businessman who owns a chateau & a flat in Paris and can actually afford to buy an antique Austin Healey convertible. Snorty is a pretender who is a below average waiter and a cheap, man-child gigolo who depends on his fake girlfriend for a weekly allowance, room & board.

Mummy expected her daughter to marry a Simon, but instead she's almost 50 and babysitting a Snorty.
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I’m not a psychiatrist (but I play one on TV). In addition to Fanny’s narcissism or histrionic personality disorder, I really believe she also suffers from an anxiety disorder. Even though she hosts large gatherings, it’s been reported many times that she keeps to herself and retires from parties early. She gets very manic in some of her videos (especially when she tries to “explain things away”). She seems to depend on Snorts for support and for making decisions. She seems to need constant reassurance. And I’m sure the pressure of her “success” (money and fans) has added to pressure to keep it up (which is why her personality has changed from the early videos where there wasn’t the same stress). Not trying to excuse her grifting and all the smoke and mirrors…just an observation from an armchair psychiatrist. 😄
My personal view on the subject which is 100% not educated but an opinion alone.

Mommy has been and still is overpowering. She left SJ to her own resources without leading her into adulthood. Sending her away on her own to south of France, or Hong kong at the tender age of 12 with friends. Living in the attic where she had to play alone, because her parents were working. Her father took puber Fanny to auctions and porcelain factory shops. This was probably the time she enjoyed the most because she had a parent who kept her company and they had an outing.
She never learned anything, her parents did it for her. It was quicker than to teach puber Fanny.
She strongly favoured her father over her mother, he did these little trips with her/bond with her.
In her adult life they kept providing for her.
Fanny never grew out from her late teenage/early tweties fase. When you have money, spend it. That's what young adults do when they get their first income, clothes, cosmetics, city trips etc.

She doesn't need a gay twank, what SJ needs is an alpha male, taking care of the project management, admin, fixing stuff and at the same time giving her the 'security' he will take care of her. If this alpha male looks like young Marlon Brando or Clint eastwood, it would be a pleasure to watch him chopping firewood 🤣
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Thank you for answering!
It's sad to watch him, he wants to bloom, but still spend his time in Fanny's bed!

I get that it's probably not a very scary place if you still are in the closet. But he must be like the rest of us.. looking at Anmari 😁
Whether he actually spends any time in SJs bed is highly debatable. More likely he sleeps in his ‘study’. He’s Fanny’s support butler, the same as a support dog, but with less hair
and not as cute.
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So, I always thought that Mason was the best looking of all Fanny’s exes. But, he also gave me the weirdo vibe. When she went to visit him I was creeped out by him. Can’t say exactly why. That’s when I still kinda liked Fanny and I thought she made a huge mistake being alone in a seemingly secluded area with him. I guess nothing happened to her, she’s still here.
Mason was never a fan of the pink phone being shoved in his face so Stephanie found a dancing monkey instead who consumes all of the oxygen in the room.
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Was Pavlina ever registered as an asylum seeker refuge in France? Has she been seeking refuge from the Ukraine in France for over a year?

According to NoGooder Pavlina was registered with the appropriate authorities. Now, if you believe that, I’ve got some ocean front property in Switzerland that I’ll let you have for a steal!😉
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