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How does Caroline know "the colors and forms are brilliant in the painting"? Has Caroline seen the paintings in person?
I've thought Caroline was Phillip, but would he spell ....colors or colours?
I've never thought Caroline Good-Gooder-Goodest is either a member of the Lalande inner circle or an outsider/fan answering comments with the blessing of SJ. I feel she's Caroline Gooder of whichever Carolina who has made it her mission to be an expert on all things Lalande. It's her specialist subject in a weird YT version of Mastermind. I just don't think anybody under the Lalande umbrella would have the time, imagination and patience to throw in these lengthy contributions (which are often out of date and very "do keep up, Caroline" or she gets the right end of the stick). She occasionally adds to a reply with some tenuous personal experience - when someone commented on the long-running nonsense of the plans and delays in decision-making by the authorities, it inspired Caroline to create a hugely long and involved missive about the planning application process and the problems experienced by her cousin (?) following hurricane damage. It was so detailed with specifics (and entirely irrelevant as the planning application process in France is not the same as in the USA) that I simply couldn't see anyone in Stephanie's orbit spending ages creating such twaddle.

I think Caroline just has a lot of time on her hands and devotes hours of her days updating myriad spreadsheets. Not to mention that she, according to her, a photographic memory. She's Lalande's self-appointed archivist. Poor creature.
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Sooooo SJ makes us watch her commercial about being able to identify plants in bedroom but then she does not use that ability in the garden? Why would anyone use it if she cannot even use it? Dumb, dumb and dumb. Next she will try to sell Pepsi while drinking a coke.
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The problem is, none of them were ever in that circle. The rich tend to marry other rich of their own type. Fanny would never have passed muster. She's too loud and crass and she doesn't know the hidden curriculum, neither did her parents. Looks are never enough nor is going to the 'right' school. Your parents need to know each other. You need to have the right pedigree. No high-falutin future mother-in-law would have allowed her to taint the gene pool. She's way too embarrassing!
I doubt that they understand the concept of U versus non-U. Fanny is most definitely NOKD. If she’d a large enough fortune she might’ve been able to catch a desperate baronet but most likely it would’ve been a nobody scholarship student. And I’m not being snobby, it is simply the way that layer of “society” works.

From vlog100 Fanny tells us Gerry met her parents when he was 12….. he then moved with them to Suffolk when he was 16 or 17….
Fannys Lies begin about the restoration of the chapel.
And where was Stephanie born that Gerry would be pushing her in her pram aged ??? And was Gerry just babysitting when he was 16/17 or did he work at the care home?
I wonder how long it will be before Stephony invests in a green screen so she can fake even more timelines while she travels. With enough stock footage she could never return and still vlog like she’s back at her building site.
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The problem is, none of them were ever in that circle. The rich tend to marry other rich of their own type. Fanny would never have passed muster. She's too loud and crass and she doesn't know the hidden curriculum, neither did her parents. Looks are never enough nor is going to the 'right' school. Your parents need to know each other. You need to have the right pedigree. No high-falutin future mother-in-law would have allowed her to taint the gene pool. She's way too embarrassing!
You're right. None of them were, but I think that's why the Jarvises sent their only daughter to Oxford where the chances of rubbing shoulders with the upper classes are much higher than at the University of East London or some nursing school in Ipswich. I have a cousin studying at Oxford who's dating a girl from an aristocratic family he met at a Christmas formal last year. My cousin had no clue until he got invited to her dad's birthday dinner where guests referred to her dad as Lord. :ROFLMAO:

Luckily, with your theory playing out well, SJ didn't find a noble dude to marry but instead flocked together with birds of the same feather--a bunch of trying-hard social climbers who desired nothing more than to own a run-down chateau or a magical modernist mansion.
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All the best for you all in 2023!!! good health and fortune!!

I love to see a pair of nice gates..but i cant stand those grifters...but i had to take a look..

By the look of it the posts are nice...they fit in.. the house is just missing a part... :rolleyes: its not symetrical and that always should annoy me...i bet they feel the same lol.. i guess putting the missing part up again...will be the next project...:LOL: i know i am giving them ideas...scum grifters..

so the gate will be electric..with an intercomsystem...well they for sure feel threatened...who do they think they are?? the duke and duchess of Normandie??

They talk about the gates....that handmade design will for sure cost a fortune...there are ready made available...but i guess thats not good enough for Madame et Monsieur...

All in all...i have the feeling those gates with posts, installation etc..will be around 50.000 euro..maybe even more..

Its a real shame those of patreons money...buying everything the best.... like they are Bill Gates....spitting on their b and b adventure...omg i allready regret i watched makes me sick..
What I noticed about the gates is that the fence doesn’t surround the property? What’s the point of gates? The dog or the children can just go around the posts? There’s also got to be another entrance because no big equipment can get through there. What are they going to do when a digger shows up to put the pool in? 🤣
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i once had a conversation about this with my fathers sister, who lived in a convent..,i said to her, did you know these things happened...yes she said... those priests just went to another place...where the abuse for sure continued...and nobody even mentioned it.. :eek: even the parents kept silent about it...she also meantioned a priest who made a girl pregnant..the priest bought the family a farm in another part of the country..
I was sent to boarding school aged 6yrs and 10 weeks. Catholic Nuns in junior school and Jesuit priests at college. No abuse happened to me.
Years later my 1st Cousin married a guy who had been through the same process as me, we were friends at school.. He had by then inherited from his father and was an English Lord. He told me that Catholic priests who were accused of molestation were forbidden to defend themselves. This meant that though there were obviously the genuine cases which we all find deplorable and revolting, some of the priests were subject to malicious and untruthful allegations from which they were unable to defend themselves.
I have been through the system personally. I never saw anything until a former favourite priest who taught me, was my dormitory master was accused of molestation. He was unable to defend himself in court. He was subsequently sent to prison. We both knew the accuser and both knew that he held a grudge against this particular priest who was otherwise very popular with the boys.
In the interest of balance and fairness, I'd like to acknowledge that not ALL the allegations were real. This is not intended to diminish the legitimate claims of real victims of which there are many. Merely to show that there were also victimised priests who were innocent.
And now everyone will hate me but I'm just showing a different view.
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I thought you all would like to see this reply to a comment I made on Our French Chateau’s most recent vlog. Amanda is the best!
View attachment 1847318
Seems like Amanda and Lincoln have their heads firmly on their shoulders. Not only do they do good work, they’re sensible and hard working. And you've got to admire folks that go out of their way to rescue animals.
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Madame No

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I’ve always been rather taken aback at the “shock” and “surprise” when the catholic church’s abuse history was made globally public. I’m not catholic though I’ve dated some who were. It was always local knowledge which priests to avoid and which laymen were enablers here. Being that Louisiana is rife with catholic clergy you can’t throw, well, anything without hitting a church, orphanage, convent or retreat house. It was general knowledge that it was a problem that kept getting swept under the rug. As for public perception I can’t tell you how many borscht belt comics I’ve heard tell jokes about priests and altar boys. Entire comedy routines were built around clergy abuse and the church’s response. Yet the world recoiled in horrified shock as if the church would never condone such an action. For pity’s sake, they’ve been sending children and wives back directly into the hands of abusers for centuries. And allowing a diocese to file bankruptcy protection for it’s assets instead of appropriately compensating its victims isn’t just shameful, it’s criminal in my opinion. Personally I think any and all enablers who assisted in the abuse and/or resulting coverup should find themselves permanently imprisoned. Or facing capital punishment. And there is no mea culpa that can void the sins committed against children, period! No discussion, no debate and definitely no forgiveness. There is no good deed that can negate these events. Apologies for the rant. I’ll step down off my high horse now…
I was raised Catholic and when the exposure of abuse started coming out my mother asked both my brothers, who had been alter boys, if they had any untoward experiences with any of the priest, which I'm sure was extremely difficult for her, thankfully they had not. It was unconscionable that the church tried to dismiss it. They still haven't come clean about it. Many priests have just been shuffled around or stuffed away somewhere.
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oh my...Fannies boxingdayvlog....

mummy isnt too pleased to see Fanny entering her appartement...while they discuss Fannies madness with Potty.... discussing mummy always wanted to travel with a donkey?? who is the donkey??

she is bringing snort a breakfast with leftovers from the night before??? :sick: oh my goodness...left over parsnips on an empty stomage...

her timeline is mixed up again...going with the fairylights in the courtyard...will there be a super trouperspotlight on Fannies shoutout window?? i guess she needs it....

i dont know if its only me...but those two puffs with their puggs really annoy me..:eek: what a bunch of twats..fits parfeectly at lalande..

Fanny is displaying some death plants...i thought for what....and yes the rabbit got out of the hat...a sponsored video...:rolleyes: i guess Madame has never enough...what a greedy bitch...i hope those pugs pissed and shit on all her all her fake salons...btw its nice to have an app to remember when was the last time her punami has had some attention...talking about a dead plant....or is it a cactus..? maybe a flesh eating plant??

wasnt boxingday...pizzas in the old breadoven?? now its bbq?? that meat...and Danas, i touch my nose and wrap some burgers...i find that woman most unhygienic....i dont know why...just a feeling..

Fanny doesnt know how a parsnip looks like when in the ground?? didnt they all went for a parsnipharvest at mr beans Chateau??:rolleyes: i guess Fannie mind really is affected with all that booze...she doesnt see the difference between a turnip and a parsnip..omg..looks like parsnips are the boxingdaybbq...just like the courgettes were in summer...

the bbq...burned parsnips and burned bread...and the meat out of the oven?? i bet they all were fueled up by the time the bbq was was all so paarfect...yeah right..

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Madame No

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Slightly off topic but I started watching a series on Amazon called The Little Paris Kitchen with Rachel Khoo. It's about a young woman from England that attended Le Cordon Bleu and now is a food writer and cook. She cooks in her really tiny little Parisian apartment kitchen. She also uses her apartment as a little restaurant. She goes out into the markets and food shops all over Paris showcasing the fabulous food and people of that glorious city. She works hard and makes do with what she has. I think Stew-It! could learn a few lessons from her.
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Dear Fanny,

This is what the restoration of a farmhouse looks like. It's what you do before renovating/decorating.


Your poisonous little troll,

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It’s such a shame Fanny has become so tired and burned out from doing her videos. It’s also a shame that in three years she’s not any faster at doing them either. Billy is leaving her in the dust with his channel. He’s up to 241k subscribers. By putting out a video every day he’s going to just keep climbing. He’s got a very big and interesting project too.

Beau Chateau is also just about perfect with what they are doing and they have very big brands renting the chateau. Louis Vuitton just filmed and did a photo shoot there. They are at 40k ish and I’ll bet they will keep growing with weekly videos and the restoration of their huge garden.

With Billy’s people will be excited to see big areas done and then further see what the place turns into. Not to mention the eventual involvement with the community for events and the like. He’s doing everything right as far as growing a channel and keeping his content quality up.

Poor Fanny better get used to eating dust. I don’t think people want to watch her party and travel and she’ll not gain followers at the rate of the others. She better get some diy going or she will sit stagnant and the algorithm will bury her videos. She didn’t even get her fall planting done if I remember correctly. If she did she’s saving the footage for when she’s gone.
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