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Aww...Gerry and her highness are going to Dubai for a weekend without PhiPhi!
A leech that he is, I have a sneaky feeling he will find a way to tag along!

Also, who holidays for three days in Dubai? The flight alone is over 7 hours.
It sounds like Dubai is going to be a side trip to some bigger trip.

"Let the castle crumble, while my brother and I travel."
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Amaury worked tirelessly in the courtyard through freezing temperatures to improve the infrastructure of Lalande,

He made the fairy lights work!!!
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I think Andrew’s mother was not happy or comfortable with the food, being filmed, all the money being splashed around, etc. She was not impressed with the overt show of wealth or pretension her son displayed in the video. She would have been much happier dining at a more casual restaurant.

When Andrew and Mom were shuffling and wheezing their way thru the streets and hallways, I was anticipating the next portion of the video to show them riding mobility scooters, one after another, with the husband trailing behind them.

The little puppy was cute and so wanted to be friends with their older puppy.
Gotta love Andrew's mum. She's so RAW!

Andrew: What do you think of Fortnam & Mason, mum?
Mum: Expensive!

Andrew: We're here finally...
Mum: All we do is drink and eat...I noticed that's all we do...
Andrew: The beautiful game birds...

Andrew: We're sharing the starters mum...
Mum: What are we having?
Andrew: That's a gourmet fish finger and that is a little bit of crab tartlet
Mum: Fat tart?

:ROFLMAO: (yes, Annie...your son is a fat tart.) ✌ ;)
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Joyeux Noël to all 15 filthy animals, hags, menopausal haters trolls and gays.
Greetings especially to @Sparrowsfart who got lost on the way to OZ and landed on my sapin de Noël (christmas tree).

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Karma baby!

VIP Member
A lot of us have grown a bit bored and weary about CD and Stephanie Jarvis’s. What about making this Chateau Diaries forum into a chateauverse forum? Would it be a good or bad thing for Stephanie? …and us? 🤷‍♀️
Great idea Jules!

I wouldn't change the name of the forum since she is the OG grifter and she has earned the right to always be in the limelight for the shit she pulls...

But I personally watch more of other channels now.
- I always watch Beau Chateau as soon as their videos come out.
- I like de la Ferte people and just want to see what else they do to their chateau.
- I also watch The Chateau Chronicles since she reminds me a lot of myself and I see myself living such a life after an early retirement... maybe not in a chateau that needs a ton of work though!
- Fleuries, at this point I only watch because it's like watching a car swerving in the snow and I'm curious to see if they hit a wall or not :LOL:
- Billy also has turned to be good fun. I really liked how he scanned the whole kitchen area today to start planning the reno, and I'm actually interested to see what he does with it.

we'll see how it goes for all of them...
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Gertrude Maud

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@Lochness Monster

I agree with your comment from the previous thread about Isobel having early signs of dementia.
A while back, I think it was @luna, who asked for 'hot takes'.
I said that I thought Isobel had early onset dementia.
Mr GM noticed it first.
It was last summer when they were outside talking around the well.
Isobel looked directly at the camera to reply to a question from Steph.
Her face was blank and so were her eyes.

Remember that time we saw Steph and Philip meet up with Isobel and Percy.
Steph kept touching and stroking Isobel.
One of my neighbours who has dementia was admitted into care last week.
His son exhibited the same stroking and touching behaviour as Steph.

In some people with dementia certain behaviours become heightened.
For instance, someone with a temper becomes more angry and short tempered . . . their filter goes.
I think this is evident in Isobel.

My comments are of course, speculation only.

Carole puts goldleaf on everything...or goldpaint...i wonder when she covers her skinny running husband with it... :rolleyes: or gives him some gold runningattire....btw...i know i sound like a nasty midleaged gossip queen.;).and i could be wrong....but i have some strange feelings about that Adrian....i have the feeling he is having some adventures whilest the bushes..with men...i cant get my finger on it...but i have that feeling...its a bit the same feeling i get with Tantinette and sticky steven...its all too perfect...
Always trust your instinct Le Comte!
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
I'm winding down too. Watching her spin wheels and hating isn't amusing.
I have found it amusing, but beginning to think what is the point of watching someone who makes me so cross and the flogs are so banal. I like renovations but literally nothing happens on that front and I certainly don't find chickens or peacocks reason enough. I loathe the pube, I see through Fanny, I find Amaury as phoney as his cousin so what is to like. I also think I am spending way too long on here, but that at least can be fun
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Definitely Maybe

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One of the reasons that I’m not so active in this thread anymore is because I can’t remember the last time I watched any of Fanny’s videos. Can’t stand them and bored of all the carrying on and corrupt shenanigans. It’s the posts and people in here who keep me entertained and amused.
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Princess Pussycat

Active member
Aww...Gerry and her highness are going to Dubai for a weekend without PhiPhi!
A leech that he is, I have a sneaky feeling he will find a way to tag along!

Also, who holidays for three days in Dubai? The flight alone is over 7 hours.
It sounds like Dubai is going to be a side trip to some bigger trip.

"Let the castle crumble, while my brother and I travel."
When flying from Aus to London I always stay 3 days in Dubai (Emerates). A halfway stopover, just long enough to relax and recover from the long flight. She is going somewhere else as well, no doubt about it. And I bet PhiPhi will be there.

I noticed Dan wasn't wearing his paper crown at the table and not laughing with the rest of them. Does he really enjoy partaking in these shenanigans or is he just so lonely that he'll put up with this circus? I bet he's missing his kids and family life this year. Dan, if you read here please note, these are not friends, these are misfits and users. AnnMarie is not you buddy. He'll turn on you if the family does. Nick the Treeman seems honest and trustworthy, cultivate a nice friendship with him. Billy P. may be okay, I don't follow him, so really no opinion other than what people here say about him. Stay clear of Ryan - loose canon that one. But whatever you do, please no more children until you are financially secure and can take care of the ones you have. One more thing, get a proper job with benefits. You're not getting any younger. You're going to need all the financial help you can get when and if you get old. The ruin is a hobby not a job.
And Dan, please stop your boys from sucking dummies! They are too old to continue that habit.
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I noticed Dan wasn't wearing his paper crown at the table and not laughing with the rest of them. Does he really enjoy partaking in these shenanigans or is he just so lonely that he'll put up with this circus? I bet he's missing his kids and family life this year. Dan, if you read here please note, these are not friends, these are misfits and users. AnnMarie is not you buddy. He'll turn on you if the family does. Nick the Treeman seems honest and trustworthy, cultivate a nice friendship with him. Billy P. may be okay, I don't follow him, so really no opinion other than what people here say about him. Stay clear of Ryan - loose canon that one. But whatever you do, please no more children until you are financially secure and can take care of the ones you have. One more thing, get a proper job with benefits. You're not getting any younger. You're going to need all the financial help you can get when and if you get old. The ruin is a hobby not a job.
Ok, I don’t like Dan the gardener. I agree with others who have posted this already, he must be living at the chateau again. He was there Christmas Eve, Christmas morning and into the night. I’m glad he’s prioritizing the important things in his life for everyone to see. He’s a piece of crap. 🕶💩
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A lot of us have grown a bit bored and weary about CD and Stephanie Jarvis’s. What about making this Chateau Diaries forum into a chateauverse forum? Would it be a good or bad thing for Stephanie? …and us? 🤷‍♀️
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Gertrude Maud

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Yes, but whether the money Dick and Angel spent came from their chateau business or wherever else, they spent £280,000 on renovations and it really shows. Actually, based on the amount of work they’ve done, I’m surprised they didn’t spend more. Fanny’s raked in at least that much money on Patreon, the money is supposed to 100% go to restoration, and her place looks like crap. If that doesn’t open eyes, I don’t know what will. I don’t know…either Fanny’s hoarding the money, committing fraud, or completely incompetent when it comes to project management….maybe all of the above!
Yes I agree the Strawbridges have spent a lot of money on their chateau.
They have actually restored the chateau.
Future owners can move in knowing the structure is sound and safe, and possibly make changes to the interiors if they so wish.
Or maybe not, if they like Angel's taste.

Steph on the other hand has done the exact opposite to Angel and Dick.
She has taken a band aid approach.
She hasn't touched the structure, in fact she has possibly exacerbated problems.
Then she has covered these up with wallpaper, and a mishmash of furniture.

The Strawbridges are canny enough to have used the chateau as a vehicle to create future business and wealth.
The chateau has enabled them to create a homewares range.
They make television appearances, and in 2023 they are touring Australia which will probably be filmed.
If they move onto another renovation project for television I won't be surprised.

Steph can hoard or commit fraud as much as she wants but in the long run it's the Strawbridges who are laughing all the way to the bank.
They played the long game and it was 280 000 pounds well spent.
When people tire of the chateauverse it will be the Strawbridges who will come out on top, not Stephameme.
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Woooow, I thought the list to do things was already impressive, but I forget the Porno tiles, pool table, raised beds, her study, the van, The stool in the twirl room!

Btw have you noticed anything which was done this year the majority of the work was done by Annmarie?!
The painting of the tower, wallpapering of the loo, wallpapering Marquis salon took what 3weeks in total ( I give them extra time because they are slow)

What on earth apart from the 180 days away from the chateau have they collectively been doing?

The 1200 plants which got delivered and everyone chipped in was planted in a couple of days. Imagine if they put this kind of team spirit towards the chateau, how fast things would get done!
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I do believe that the bleached blonde woman in the red dress is Natti’s Mom. I recall from bbq pictures when Natti took Cuz to see her family - she had t-shirt and jeans on, and I thought “who is that tough looking number”.
Maybe KiKi Gee can look/see and issue an opinion?
Here you go, Nutti's brother, mother and sister...

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JP in SC

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Let’s focus on the positive, we witnessed a Christmas miracle - Fanny was desperately ill, then magically all better for the party.
I think Dan is doing Dana.
I think Dan might have done Kat and Fanny.
I think the kiss was fake, because as Fanny stated early on - she likes to keep her private life private - now Mr. Twinkie Phi is thrown in our face constantly.
Have you noticed in every vlog, his accent changes. he’s so busy emulating different intonations - he’s trying to lean towards upper crust something and he’s just failing - but it’s funny, all his vocal mood swings.
I do think Isabelle has a screw loose. I don’t think Isabelle and her sister get along. I think Fanny plays Auntie for sympathy, and adoration. I’m hoping Auntie wises up.
Repeat after me - THEY ARE ALL WHITE TRASH.
And the song WHO LET THE DOGS OUT just popped into my head.
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WHAT?!? Dick and Angel are selling Chateau-de-la-Motte Husson?!? It's actually a good deal, considering it is worth £2M! They did A LOT of work, including a new roof, repointing and rendering the facade, a professional chef's kitchen AND it has heat!

Per the article, “Back in 2019, Dick estimated they had spent £280,000 on renovations.” What??? Fanny’s pulled in that much money (or more) and has virtually nothing to show for it!!! Unbelievable. 🤢
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