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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
if things are getting that bad in the UK.
They are certainly bad and worse for some than others. The govt are just awful. Today, ambulance workers are on strike. Nurses and postal workers are all on strike from time to time. It all has serious effects for seriously ill people, etc. You can't blame the strikers. Nurses, carers, and paramedics have extremely low pay and have been through so much during COVID. Energy prices are soaring for many different reasons (including Brexit). Everything seems to be spiralling downwards. It's hard to think how little humanity has evolved and how far we have strayed from the idealism and hope that existed many years ago.
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Le Baiseur

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I'm alone in this, but I liked Auntie's place all decked out for Xmas. It's bright, warm, and cozy; straight out of a Hallmark movie. The perfect place to be invited in to wait out the blizzard and served gingerbread and hot cocoa by a sweet woman we later find out is Mrs. Claus. I wouldn't want to live there though.
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Clara Burnett

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Considering all we have seen him do in the 3 plus weeks he’s been there is wear his sunglasses and follow SJ around repeating what she says to the camera; I can’t say I’m too surprised.
Alexander clearly didn't hit it off with Lord Snorts the way she intended for them when she said yes to Billy. The Dutch f**ker is still in her bedroom, apparently.
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Sasha Groves

Chatty Member
I’m off to bed but have just stumbled across something. The Chateau Diaries raising funds to save and renovate this Indian heritage jewel? At first I thought ‘Indian’ was a translation mistake but upon further investigation…

The chap who Fanny was apparently summons to explain her Patreon Account to is Nicholas Forissier who is in fact Deputy of INDIA President of the UDCI Group. Because I don’t speak French I’m struggling to work out where Berry comes into it and what his Group entails?


He has a YouTube page here

So, it would appear Fanny Flash is donating money to this man? According to him he first met her when she was having trouble with the lake and water police, how has this turned into her raising funds for him? Will this be disclosed on her Gift Grab bio?



Could this be you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours or simply a translation error?


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What a scripted and acted vlog that was...omg imagine to be around that bunch all Christmas...i would go mad...I think Perce had treatment thats why he looked a bit better...i wonder how long that lasts...i bet he will be as fragile when Christmas is over.. For sure mummy looked like she had driven all the way from England..i dont think thats the case..i think they came by air..there wasnt a big arrival in the courtyard was there??

where was Davy in this vlog..and Amaury?? i guess amaury was in the kitchen ...and Davy planting the Versailles tree?? :LOL: or is he gone already...also no mention of the departure of Alexander..people come and go like that place is a trainstation...:rolleyes:

Perce needed a Berlesque ballerina next to his bed....i see that pic of those three on that couch dressed as burlesque girls....Mummy where did you hide the outfit?? it must be close get some spirit into that old corps...i bet Perce is also a sneaky bugger...who like to grap the girls in the broomcloset.. the way he looks at the girls sometimes...and also at Fanny makes the mind boggle...

Tantinette and sticky steven had a moment of some intimate laugh...where they forgetting their lines??;)

I would like to be a fly on those walls when the camera isnt working...i suspect the admosphere isnt at all as they send it off to YT...

The fakeness of it all...and the indulging behaviour...yuk...and the fact her followers all believe its true..
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Tea with lemon

VIP Member
Who will explain to me, because I obviously don't understand
Why do people come to Fanny's, for example, at Christmas.
If we ignore that HMN is cold to death SJ is a bad host.
I would hate to go somewhere as a guest, and I would have to do everything myself. In that case, I will stay at my WARM house.
Fanny's casual approach to the arrival of guests drives me crazy.
I thought, and I know it's like that with most people, that when guests come, you do your best to receive them properly. Clean, fragrant beds and bathrooms and delicious food are a must for me. Especially for Christmas.
We all know that with Fanny, there is no preparation, only the acting of preparation. Fanny welcomes the guests with half an egg, old food and leftovers, and she also neatly records it all and puts it on YT.
I am interested in the following: what is wrong with the people who will come to visit her at Christmas. And they keep coming for years.
The only thing they can hope for is that they will freeze from the cold and they will most likely be hungry.
Who wants to spend their Christmas holidays like that (if they don't have to)?
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Uncle Faux Aristocrat and Auntie Social Climber's house looks like a f***king brocante.
I know there is no accounting to taste, but heck...that couple's taste is awful!
They Victorianized-Napoleonized-Empirified-Eightyfied that poor barn. I can almost hear the building say BURN ME DOWN, PLEASE!


Auntie Chantie here is helping bolster her niece and warning the patrons---it's going to cost an awful lot of money to edify the grand salon.
Gird you very wide loins for a massive reno cost, and Amaury will be charging double for labor!

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That’s possible. I don’t know if he drinks heavily or not…but if he does, he’d fit right in! I really don’t have anything against Alexander. He seems nice and maybe a little quirky (but aren’t we all? 😆). I’m not sure if he has family or anywhere to go. In the US, many gay bars open their doors on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to welcome anyone and everyone, serving meals and providing company and friendship. Even today, so many LGBT people here have been disowned and rejected by their families. Many gar bars want to make sure that no one has to spend the holiday alone. ❤
One of the non-profits my mom and I regularly serve at here in NYC provides shelter, food, and warm beds for homeless LGBTQ+ youth and young adults. While some of them were kicked out and disowned by their families, many of them are run-away adventure seekers who end up jobless and homeless in a big city making them prone to abuse. I get shuffled between the mess hall (food service), the clinic, and the community closet (clothing) and the stories I get to hear from many clients (that's what shelters call them these days) are heart-wrenching. A few weeks ago, I helped a 21-year-old client put together an ensemble for a job interview at a hotel, a few days later he came back to tell me that he got the job. :love: This week we are busy with our big Christmas dinner at the shelter!

As for Alexander, if he has a loving family and a group of friends in Austria, he should go home for the holidays. He shouldn't be alone this season, but it's better still to celebrate the holidays alone than with the horrid, abusive, and selfish strangers at Lalande.
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Madame No

VIP Member
oh oh Mummy doesn't look happy to be there... can't blame her.
I'm sure Ma is pretty tired. Fanny is so clueless. I'm sure she has no idea how stressful it is for her mother to have to look after Percy. I don't know why in the hell Ma and Pa agreed to come to the shitoo. Travel, cold weather, COVID, being old with health issues. If Fanny had any concern and love at all for her parents she would have gone to England to be with them. I can overlook a lot of her selfishness, but not when it comes to taking care of parents. I hope that someone is assigned regularly to help them. They have to negotiate those damn stairs to get to Ma's apartment. I'm putting a prolonged, painful, embarrassing, explosive, horribly stinky, uncontrollable diarrhea accompanied by loud and noxious farting curse on Fanny right now that will last until January 3, 2023! 💩
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Gertrude Maud

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The Fleuries just put another Claytons vlog.
Just when you thought you couldn't see a more tackily decorated house for Christmas-Aunty seems to have out done Fanny and Snorts on the tasteless-ometer

I agree she has a real spiky bitch air about her and I am beginning to dislike Mr Smug too "all about the detail" my arse leaving the cables exposed
I'm gobsmacked.
It runs it the family.
Steph's penchant for ugly more, more, more is genetic.
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Spirit of place

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Alexander is very fey, sashaying from one chateau doing f-all. Billy said he was often unwell to add to the mixture. On arrival at LaLa he drank his way through the night, passive & entitled - hey there's yalready one of those at the Shitoo, so no room at the inn for him at xmas, not even the stable. I would have thought he was better matched to the M&M place with Sarah & her textiles but maybe she had first refusal. Anyway Billy took him all the way (5 hrs?) before dumping him, more vlog content natch.
Missed a few pages so the Paris visit has probably been picked over with a fine tooth comb...but those close-ups of Beanie and neck beard were just awful. Great combo with Madame in her elegantissimo coat. He has also seriously planned a china pantry just like the one in the museum but he hadn't even seen it. What a genius !
Andrew seems to be the Royal Caterer Extraordinaire to the whole Jarvis clan - there he was again hosting what must have been an expensive evening - for what? He doesn't even have a vlog.
Have to say I was fascinated by the Camondo family & did a search on them. - Sephardic jews expelled from Venice to Constantinople where they became wealthy bankers & built grandiose properties only for tragedy to strike when the son & heir died. The family then left for Paris, recreating the opulence in their mansions & art collections, some which went to the Louvre. In the end however the family was annihiliated by the horrific effects of 2 world wars. All that for nothing, pause for thought...
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This is just so sad! Not a single candle burning in that room. Guess they can’t afford to buy even their own candles. Too expensive. 😂 😂 😂

I wonder how many Charlie got as a thank you
going away gift????????
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Is this the same guy the Pethericks dumped off at the shitoo?
If so, Tattle is calling you....come to us Alexander and receive a warm embrace🫂 from the 15 or so menapausal trolling hags😉
How very Christmasy!


Poor Alexander.

Stephanie couldn't even spare him a stable and a support ass!

welcome to lalande1.png

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So Andrew & Ricardo paid for that group of greedy grabbers. Just surprised Potty didn’t hot foot it from Amsterdam to get in on the act. What idiots, albeit extremely rich idiots, why are they sucking up to new flues Fanny what’s in it for them?

New plans for the location of the China pantry that has been in the planning stage for so long that they have mislaid the expensive cabinet that they bought from the hotel that was closing down in the south of France. Now smugmug wants cupboards around the room with glass doors as he has brilliantly deduced you will then be able to see the porcelain in them. No shit Sherlock and Fanny’s gleefully exclaiming that the proposed room at the shittoo is the same size as the one in the museum, my arse it is. They are utterly delusional always comparing everything to LaLande, NO Fanny your grand salon even with the panelling installed will never look like the grand salon you were just in as your ceiling is almost on the fucking floor. And that’s without the rotten beams coming into play, once they give way it will be completely on the floor for good.

Why weren’t mummy dear, Percy and Scottish gnome at the bit of a do in Paris? They are all going to be at the shittoo for Christmas so why didn’t they travel over together. That doesn’t make any sense as they all live close together in the UK.

Way too much of smugmug tonight, knowing everything, loving everything and wanting everything. He really is an intolerable little shit who has found his pot of gold and there is no way he is giving all this up. It is beyond painful to watch him smugly strutting around, enjoying the high life, eating and drinking to excess, never lifting a finger to do anything that he doesn’t want to and all on someone else’s money.
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Madame No

VIP Member
⚠ WARNING ⚠ Do not, I repeat do not, read FRKs whining and begging intro to her YT videos, nor any of the comments posted by her mentally unstable fans. It will only raise your blood pressure to an unhealthy level. You may even feel the need to act out in an unflattering manner. Fortunately, I was able to escape without injury or embarrassing myself and my blood pressure has returned to its normal level. Takeaways include spending the last year battling mental demons, (really, just the last year?) needing everything from money, to well wishes, to beanies from Amazon and, of course, "Watch the Ads in my videos (this helps me A LOT)!" 💰 🎁 🧞‍♂️ Like A LOT!
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
I agree with the comments about the lack of manners in some young people. Children often don't know how to hold cutlery and how to behave at a table. I also think mobiles should be switched off when eating. The other thing that really annoys me is the lack of gratitude. I have sent presents every birthday and Christmas to an old friend's daughter who is now nearly 40. She has never once thanked me for any of these. Her mother does this on her behalf. I know youngsters don't write letters these days but they all use computers and mobiles and even a short text message would be better than nothing. Am I just a grumpy old woman?!
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