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We told our children (two sons with partners) no presents this year. We need nothing and their homes are smaller than ours so items have to earn their place in their homes. Instead we (6) met in the city today and we had a lovely meal together with a good catch up. We gave each pair a cheque which we said wasn't a Christmas present but a present at Christmas as we had a recent financial windfall. They can choose how to spend it with no input from us.
The meal was so successful we may repeat a few times a year around birthdays. Great to have someone else do the shopping, cooking and washing up and everyone gets to eat what they enjoy.
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Madame No

VIP Member
AVAILABLE NOW We are three misfits looking for a chateau to stay in for room and board and a little spending money for the brocante. We offer floral arranging, ballroom dancing and curtain making. We are sensitive types that can't handle pressure so please let us work at our own pace on our projects without interference. In addition, we need lots of approval and praising. We don't do any cleaning but will occasionally help out with cooking when in the mood. We are famous YTers and Influencers so expect our phones to be in your space and face often. We need total access to your chateau for our vlogs night and day. We also need frequent times away to visit and exploit other chateau owners. Serious inquiries only please. 🏰 🕺 💐 🧵
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Karma baby!

VIP Member
What we're doing today to welcome Yule.
Lighting Santa Lucia crown candles, the homemade Advent candle, and the Hanukkah candles.
Making Hawaiian rolls to go with (fake surimi kosher) lobster salad. With plenty of minced celery, a la Mrs. Grieder's on the Vineyard.
Looking for Christmas-scented soap and body butter not tested on animals that won't make us smell like cheap candy cocktails.
Looking into the goddess Shakti and the various mother Gods -- the Shekhinah (pillar of fire), Holy Spirit, Pachamama, et al.
Thinking about the doll clothes my great grandmother sewed for my mother, and the evening dresses my grandmother sewed for my mother.

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Winter solstice is one of biggest holidays in my country… we call it Yalda and families gather and we have snacks and read poetry and play games. It goes back thousands of years.
We generally celebrate a lot of nature’s milestones. Our new year is also the Spring equinox.


Hope you all enjoy Yule, Yalda, Winter Solstice, or whatever you call it 😆
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Madame No

VIP Member
Unbelievable! It's the only word I could muster after seeing Aunt and Uncle's home. Absolutely nothing makes sense. Are they trying to be Victorian? The house isn't Victorian. Are they trying to be an antiques shop? It isn't a shop. That was absolutely the worst Christmas decor I have ever seen. Mind boggling just how ugly it is. You would need an entire room just to store all that shit. There wasn't one thing that stood out because of the clutter. No theme. It's a fire hazard. I couldn't be in there for more than a minute before I had an anxiety attack. Auntie spends all her time eating and buying junk from the looks of it. You can see where Fanny gets her inspiration. It was very depressing because it was so desperate.

BTW, something weird is going on with this site on my computer today. I am not able to leave any "likes" on posts. I'm not ignoring anyone. I do read them.
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Sasha Groves

Chatty Member
Please can someone whisper in auntie and uncles ear that as a nation we are staring down the barrel of a gun with regards to blackouts next month due to not being able to import enough gas to power our electricity needs. Some desperate households are already opting for blackouts in return for a much needed discount on their bill by their provider and to save vital electricity for those who need it more (oxygen tanks, medicine stored in fridges, etc). Those two are cleaning us out! 😡 How many f’in sets of lights?! How much consumption for two people in one small barn? Thank the Lord they are going to France soon and taking their obscene consumption and need for excess with them.

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First of all, no one’s house is perfect… Stephanie touting Amaury as a specialized builder with experience wasn’t very convincing. Just a few things that Steph chose to show us: He took single story rooms of decent height and turned them into loft areas with poor headroom and very low beams making it hard to navigate for average sized people. Maybe that wasn’t an issue for Lil’ Amaury?


The wood window trim was put in with visible screws and the herringbone flooring that he “designed” and reinstalled had crazy gaps and cuts and looked awkward.



If I paid someone to install my wood flooring and that’s how they turned out, I would be very disappointed and there would be a problem. I wouldn’t be showing it off. “Look at the half assed job my cousin Amaury did at his parents hoarding house, I can’t wait to see what he will do to Lalande. See, there’s nothing to worry about dear patrons, please send more money, Tata says Amaury is very expensive.” 🏚💩
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What is that saying, “money talks, wealth whispers.” Here are some of my experiences with this concept:

When I was in college, I worked a couple of summers at an exclusive country club to earn money for the upcoming school year ( like about 55+ hours a week , I ended up pretty much living there during those summers, filling in to work in several positions across the property). Being around and observing so many monied families in an insular setting was eye opening.

Warning: these are broad generalizations and there are certainly exceptions to what I am writing her so please do not take offense.

I noticed that in general, the people from families with generations of wealth were comfortable with themselves, didn’t follow the trends, drove older cars, and were low key (there are always exceptions to this, of course… there were some old money people that were obnoxious jerks, and flaunted themselves). If you met any of these people in the local community they wouldn’t stand out or expect any special treatment.

In the new money crew, in general, there were several wives that routinely and conspicuously wore lots of flashy jewelry, new trendy expensive clothing, drove the latest highest end Range Rover, had to loudly discuss their upcoming vacations at the trendiest new in locations, the latest trainer, show off their latest luxury watch, etc. ( there were people with the new money that were fine and low key) .Some of the new money husbands would loudly brag about their latest expensive golf clubs and were always maneuvering to get into a golfing foursome with an influential club member.

They would hold weekly luncheons after tennis matches ( ironically with several of them wearing diamond tennis bracelets and Cartier bracelets stacked on their arms)and would gift each other $200 picture frames, expensive candles, spa gift certificates, etc. while many of them would be eying each other to figure out who had the latest cosmetic procedure or gossiping about who was sleeping with whom and who as rumored to getting a divorce, etc. It was a superficial cut throat environment with these ladies.

I learned a lot about the functional and dysfunctional dynamics of money and how it can affect people during those couple of summers.

When I got out of graduate school, I worked for several years for a man who had become very successful and was easily in the top 1% of earners in the state. He was an absolute cheap jerk to anyone who was not in his coveted monied social circle in which he desperately wanted to be a major player. Over the last 30+ years, he made it and is now considered an old school elite member of this group of people who attend the latest charity balls, vacation at the priciest in “dude ranch”, etc.

I observed him and his wife clawing their way up the social ladder for decades. They were worried about winning the “prettiest table” award at events, he resentfully overpaid for crappy auction items to show their “status” and to obtain invitations to certain social events, disingenuously kissed the ass of every person they thought could help them achieve their social goals only to swiftly dump them if they divorced or encountered financial hard times, and added a special wing to their house to host soirees.They were incredibly worried about outer appearances ( e.g., he leased a jaguar for their maid to drive his kids to and from their local private school) etc.

He would only help someone or make donations to charities if he got a plaque or a mention in the society page ( while behind the scenes he was scrimping on paying employees and complaining about price of writing pens going up by .50 cents). He framed and displayed photos of himself with any and every celebrity/high level society person, governor/ United States president. Incredibly shallow existence.

Once after I had earned him over $600,000 profit on a particular business situation that he thought he was going to lose his shirt on, he magnanimously told me that he was going to give me a $5,000 bonus for all my “hard work.” As he was writing out the check for his “grand gesture,” he commented that he didn’t know how he was going to be able to afford to give me the check for $5,000 (implying it was such a great burden), I noticed the next check he had waiting to be signed was for $10,000 made payable to his wife so she could purchase a new $10,000 gown for the latest disease ball gala that they were attending.

It took another couple of years, but I was so glad to quit that job. True to form, he pretty much screwed me on many career prospects thru his prominence in the the good ole boy network, and he made it to the top of the professional field, surrounded by transactional, superficial, money hungry, and self congratulatory wanna bes. I knew who he really was and he hated that. In the end, it was a big lesson I learned about money and how the love of money can really affect every part of how some people operate and you have to decide if you want to be on that ride. I did not.

As I assume is likely with most of the Tattlers in this forum, F4F ‘s grifting and posturing brings up so many issues concerning money and the love of money that we see in people we know and society in general.

Okay, rant over. Sorry to take up so much space with this rant.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
OMG so obvious that Mummy hates Tatty. Her look - causing Fanny to CUT at the point she announces that it is stuffed cabbage for dinner. (I have a sneaky feeling that Tatty makes it because Mummy hates it also). And her less than welcome to Tatty in her apartment when she arrived to enjoy an aperitif....OMG. No love lost I would say - but more Mummy than Tatty.
Spot on! Isabelle Jarvis has never been very fond of her sister, whose size makes it clear that she enjoys way life more than she will ever be able to. In Isabelle's playbook that's a huge minus as is, but the enthusiasm her daughter has taken over those habits with truly disgust her. Up until very recently it was unsure if Isabelle and Percy would join the family at all, as Isabelle tried to use Percy's frail constitution as an excuse to stay in England. Percy however likes to be love bombed by his daughter in law and loves the splurging as it frees him from the prison regime Isabel keeps him under normally. I never thought I'd say this but this family actually knows a worse actor than Philip Janssen and they would be wise to keep her role a cameo appearance, or she will give away the dirty secrets: she's that bad an actress.
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I encourage everyone on Tattle each day until Dec 25 to post a “How bad are this year’s castle Advent vlogs?” This will be our Christmas gift to the Chatelaine Dame d’ Ardwhore Floor Scrubber! I will generously start us off today with 5 examples!

“How bad are this year’s castle Advent vlogs?”

1. This year’s castle Advent vlogs are so bad they make me want to watch Shrek’s wife make a pillow or tablecloth!

2. This year’s castle Advent vlogs are so bad even the Gay Twink’s parents won’t appear in them!

3. This year’s castle Advent vlogs are so bad the peacocks sh*t on them!

4. This year’s castle Advent vlogs are so bad even Brenda has a hard time watching them!

5. This year’s castle Advent vlogs are so bad Chateau Strife called and they want their boredom back!
1. This years castle Advent vlogs are so bad I had more fun watching the video from my sinus probe last week.

2. This years castle Advent vlogs are so bad Fanny is being deported.

3. This years castle Advent vlogs are so bad YouTube will not longer let them put the word Christmas in the title unless three people are in the thumbnail with their mouth open.

4. This years castle Advent vlogs are so bad that Billy and his dudes checking sink traps is more entertaining.

5. This years castle Advent vlogs are so bad that the Smuglies have offered to develop a new logo and candle for viewers to ease their pain. Free shipping within Europe only.
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T Rex

VIP Member
I think you are right ! Its Mummy who is looking tired and very old .

This is why they get along ..... both kids that have never grown up .
Good morning, my beloved @Pekey! Funny you mention this (Fanny and Snorts still acting like children)- I wondered at the dynamic between Fanny and Tatinette and Tonton Steven, as it is much more loving and authentic- whereas Fanny just tries to do her best to get under Mummy's skin to annoy her, and now it makes perfect sense. Chantal and Steven treat Fanny like a child, and Isabel just wants her to grow the hell up and act like an adult. Fanny is 47 going on 4.
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bingo is right, Clara, Here is what I was going to post earlier:

Everything about the Shittelaine is sketchy and messy. . Her “business” and “personal” relationships routinely overlap in a personal, financial, and legally incestuous manner and she is always on the lookout for free/cut rate/ grifted help from any person she encounters

I was always under the impression that nosy Sir Snorts a Lot knew about many of her nefarious dealings (had the dirt on her) and now we discover the father of Snorts is advising or handling F4F’s tax issues/business issues.

It makes sense now why F4F has to feature PhiPhi so much, is resentful of him in some ways, why Anne Marie and Śir Chamberpottie tolerate him, Auntie and Uncle have to publicly claim to “love him”, why he thinks he owns the Dump, butts into every conversation or video with his personal opinions and suggestions, makes unilateral decisions about the Dump and takes actions without consulting F4F and the other owners, walks through out the Dump freely, and is controlling, has a sense of entitlement, and is perpetually trying to force himself into the center of all the Dump/YouTube decisions or dealings. Phi Phi, her personal support squirrel, beard or front for her sexual liaisons, and decorator/shopping addict, has her boxed in a corner, she cannot get rid of him, without exposing herself and her questionable tax and business practices.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Why does Snorts insist on putting his shitty personal stamp of tastelessness on every corner of the Dump?
Marking his territory is why. Just thank God you don't have to watch him urinating everywhere.
re arranging Isabelle's apartment was so intrusive
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I wasn't going to watch he video but couldn't resist. I had to keep reminding myself that this wasn't real life, we don't know how many takes it took to produce the scene where Isabelle walks into HER apartment to discover that Phillipa et al have been invading HER space and re-arranging Her things the way the THEY wanted. What's the bet that Isabelle walked in, saw what had been going on and then promptly punched Phillipa?
I thought it was very wise of Auntie to plan the food. I don't see her allowing the sort of meals that get served there when they are on their own. I still shudder from the fried brussel sprouts.
When I was growing up my Mother had cabbage plates but they were strictly for summer lunch al fresco, not a dinner party.
I've noticed that Armoire seems to make himself scarce when his parents are around. Maybe he was filming the feeding of the grifters...
Lastly, what the hell has Strep done to her face? If her skin gets any tighter it will split and she wont be able to close her eyes if she wants to go too sleep.
In order to reduce my blood pressure and get some sanity back into my life I'm off to watch Family Guy. It's tame compared to this bunch.
If F4F posted a video with Mummy delivering a swift hard punch to Snorts’ pretentious smarmy face, it would probably be the most popular CD video ever posted.
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My local supermarkets have full shelves, I just can’t afford it all. Also our petrol prices have come down by about 40p per litre from the high of a few months ago. The area I live in is still fairly safe but I can imagine if you have heating oil and woodpiles they would be a target at the moment. Every part I know buy for my car is now worth more than my car but I agree that the used car market is really expensive at the moment. I just hope my car gets through its MOT next month with minimal cost or I wont have a car to use. Everything else strike and energy wise problems are country wide and worrying. Rather a dismal outlook here at the moment . @T Rex I’m not surprised your mother decided to leave he UK.
I am one of the lucky few. I don't own a car or drive, I live within walking distance of my work place and the town centre. I use public transportation when I have to, be it buses, trains or coaches.
I use the supermakerts' home delivery services for my groceries shop, I have had no issues with getting produce so far. My electric + gas bill is £74 a month as I live in a flat where I am not able to give meter readings so I pay a fixed amount every month. My flat is also sandwiched in between 2 other flats so temperature wise we get fairly toasty. I do rent however, so no huge increase in mortgage payments issues here.
I have no children or people depending on me so my income is all spent on my needs alone.
I'm also lucky to be fairly young and healthy.
I have no debts to pay. I don't dare take out loans for anything, precisely in case hard times like these might hit me. As such if I require a big purchase, I save up money. If I don't have it, I don't make the purchase.

But like I said, I'm one of the lucky few.
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john eccles

Well-known member
Well I watched ETTC"s final fling, all I took from it was, has Dick and Angela ever realised the number of financial bloodsuckers they have unleashed on the world? My period must be coming, but, something that totally continues to piss me of is, Amuary, even if he has to change a toilet roll in the shithouse, he appears in pristine grey fleece and work trousers. In my experience, when you see a worker looking so neat and clean, it only means one thing.......... he does fuck all.
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Where has @Summerbaby gone since our middle of the night handbags at dawn @KyBourbon do you know?
@Just Grift Wood Just saw that, too…I have no idea! Very strange…it’s as if that entire exchange never happened. Maybe a mod stepped in and removed? One thing I’ve learned over the years….given enough time, people always reveal their true selves. We’ve all seen it here time and again on Tattle. A member feigning 100% agreement and then attacking at the drop of a hat, or flying monkeys only wanting to disrupt and derail. We see it in the Chateauverse, too …most of us were “taken in” at first by Fanny, Michael Petherick, and others. But the facade they carefully construct falls apart as we watch, and we see what lies underneath. The problem is they can’t keep up the fakery and eventually it crumbles.
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Somebody pointed out to me Charles Spencer has a YT i watched it this between collecting logs for the fires..its very different in the way that American viscountess does it...oh what a vulgar woman that is...but anyway...Charles and also his wifes take on things are worth watching..i especially enjoyed the vlog where they discuss with their tennants how to use the soil, better...for organic farming...we also do the same here..we stop plowing the soil...because it disturbes the soil and all the life in it too much..all the canals wurms and roots leave behind stay your soil is better prepared for wet times...and also it brings water up when its dry...I never once heard his wife Karen speak about her that other viscountess does..those vlogs are very refreshing to me...and also very interesting..

Have to say i always had a bit of a problem with the way..he in my opinion exploited his sisters death..but at least the estate is thriving..and thats always a good stays british...otherwise it would end up in the hands of a russian or a saudi .and no i am no racist...but some things need to stay in the hands they always have me a snob..i dont care....
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I noticed when I was being masochistic and watched the vlog last night about the Aunties' barn conversion that it took six months of surveys before they raised the barn on hydraulics.... surveys are much loved by this family.

Let's hope so but we don't know that and of course they don't scream it but I am not convinced anyone is looking at her yet but let's hope so. If she has still failed to submit any accounts it will be a matter of time you can't not file
Fanny needs to be very very careful about the accounts that she submits, they MUST be accurate because they will be used against her.
I'm in the middle of preparing a defense in a huge tax case (I'm part of a team) and the authorities are being very very specific. Remember, a comma in the wrong place can change the meaning of a sentence so one has to be precise. If her bitch Phillipa's Father is tied up in the preparation of these accounts he needs to watch it as well. As will anyone who can be deemed to be complicit. The Patreon account and he change of wording is going to be a bit of a headache for her. But let's see. The only way that we'll know that the noose is tightening is that she will appear more frazzled and more frazzled with every episode. Then when the game is nearly up her bitch Phillipa will skedaddle clutching it's plates.
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