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I’ve been missing from Tattle for a few weeks because life has a way of changing. My partner’s mother had her annual mammogram on July 1. The image showed something “odd” so a biopsy was performed. It had some markers for cancer, but not all…so the surgeon decided to treat it as if it was cancer. She had a lumpectomy and the doctor discovered the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. Additional scans were done and we learned the cancer had spread to her bones…spine, ribs, pelvis, and skull. The cancer was very aggressive…in a matter of weeks, she went from a strong, active, independent woman to needing a cane, then a walker, then a wheelchair…until she was completely bedridden. The pain was excruciating. Even the strongest IV pain medication had little effect. She passed away on August 28, less than two months after her routine mammogram. She was 70 years old.

She wasn’t a queen or a fairytale princess living in a castle. She was an ordinary person. Her illness and death was so unfair. She was so kind and compassionate, a mom and nana who was devoted to her sons and her grandson. My partner and I have been together for 20 years and she always treated me as if I were her own son. She volunteered at a community center and spent hours caring for home bound seniors. She loved to garden. She didn’t have a lot of money but would give her last dollar to someone in need.

There’s no need to respond to this message. I just wanted to say a few words about her life. In my eyes, this humble woman who passed away was a greater person than SJ, with all her grifting and fakery, could ever hope to be.
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I know I’m disappointed that there weren’t any big kaboom moments during Stephanie’s Patron Days. At least it seemed like it was kind of crappy, just as expected. Although, I would have been impressed if Stephanie had gone all out and given her patrons a really special couple days, but she didn’t. So here we are, let’s keep on doing what we do here. We know what’s really going on at the Chateau de Lalande and everyday more and more people are realizing it too. Let’s get back to being the snarky bitches that we are and never give up the search for truth, transparency and the mo-foing missing accounts.❤
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I’ve just read a YouTube community post by a fellow tartlet from Lidl, that she is no longer able to share her thoughts here with us and it is not by her choice.
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A lovely tribute from President Macron:

"To you she was "our Queen. To us, she was "THE Queen."
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It's my understanding that the recording of the Argentinian Bully losing herself completely was not played at any of the days. When I asked about it, the reason given was that it would not have made much difference with this crowd and to be honest, I agree. These people were not open to anything even slightly critical and the rather small crowd left no openings for more secret gatherings. But fear not, the recordings will find their way out at some point, I'm sure.
I offer up the services of an up & coming YouTube channel to share “the recording” in the top secret hot chateau gossip portion of their next video. It would be referred to as coming from an anonymous little birdie and to take it for what it’s worth. I also know of one or two other channels that would probably also be interested in sharing.
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Madame No

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I questioned @Isabelle6541 quite a few threads back and got pounced on. It seemed so foundation-less and I hope I am wrong, but it did appear very amateurish thus my "famous five" comment which would be in line with Fanny'scharacter. So we enjoy the banter or we plan something solid, or we just wait and watch for to to die a natural death, which ultimately it will. I do still muse on whether we are as sad as the cult followers, sure I enjoy the chat but we are just as obsessed by her- but not making any real difference?
There are several camps here. I'm here for entertainment purposes only. I have no grand scheme to bring Fanny and Co. down. They are not that big in the world, small potatoes really. I don't live in France, I don't know tax or labor laws, and I don't care. I'm sure the French government, like most western modern institutions, are very busy with bigger fish than Fanny and her shitshow. I know some here are out for blood, good luck. This is just a gossip forum, not a court of law. I scroll by all the legal mumble jumble posted here as I have never thought it would go anywhere, and I still don't. I have serious doubts about Isabella or Clara doing anything, it would have been too easy for Fanny's watchdogs to just run them of the property, even call the police for trespassing and being threatening. The fans aren't going to change, how long has all this been going on? Years! If the bloody fans want to send her money and gifts, well that's their business. As far as I know, they're all adults, and it's legal. Like so many have said over and over, if they weren't drooling over Fanny, it would be someone else. Cons and victims come and go and exist everywhere. I've probably upset a few tattlers, but this is still a place where people are free to express their opinions without slandering anyone. Now, I'm going to look for some entertaining comments!
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So going back down that rabbit hole for me : Aug 14 I said in response to Isabelle basically giving away all the Patron plans..
Isabelle6541 said:
You are correct. Also it is not just a few of us going. It is our intention to speak to other people attending. As many as are willing. I don’t think SJ will change either. She is what she is. I still have doubts she will actually move forward with the event and I suspect (if it happens) before the event she will have a very comprehensive video with regard to the first two years and address the big questions/concerns.
Ok - at the risk of a pile on I absolutely think that you have played right into her hands then. You've told her your plan. You know she is unlikely to answer questions at the time & you will be seen as the villains for 'spoiling' a lovely day for those who may have travelled a long way to see the stars & location of their favourite show. Not just fans but people who've stumped up hard cash for her & $$ to get there. Not sure they will be receptive at that event to people telling them she's a con woman.
The cross fertilisation that you are Tattlers as well as disgruntled patrons will be used to bring you into disrepute. WE know that we are a worldwide group who whilst we bitch & critique Fanny & her clan we are at heart decent, honest people who cannot bear her lies, financial mismanagement & the big deception that her aim to restore her historical building when really it is to feather her own nest.

As I said as I am not a patron I guess my opinion on your planned actions has less weight but I would have got the jump on her if it was me.
Put out videos before she does. List of questions you want answered, paper documentation of emails sent & unanswered, incorrect news articles, lists of gift grab items & their values, list of works promised & not completed. It could be a series of videos each one on a different topic.

Literally this has kept me awake last night & for the sake of own sanity & at the risk of announcing a 'flounce' if Fanny triumphs this time then that will be it for me.

Like many I had my doubts - others were more trusting but in the main I think Isabelle did a good con. When we got nothing from her as promised I started to look at her posts to see if I could see who they might be if they were a chateau member..then I found the almost identical post on here as her response to Annalise on Dan's break up video..I had a name..
So the next day with nothing I think I asked Isabelle on here when we could expect something & when nothing was forthcoming I started to look more at Nicole who might be Isabelle. They are following lots of chateau clan accounts on IG - they were posting on their business blog on a daily basis - from the not in France. Oh and they have a dog called ...Isabelle...
I waited - lots were posting that we had to be patient that they might be travelling etc...and I thought maybe they have a business associate who is posting on the blog. But still nothing. So my point now is this is a pretty convoluted ruse for an individual with no apparent links to anyone in the chateau to do.
Now is Nicole a patron? Has she been approached by the chateau to cause a rumpus here with a nice donation to a doggy charity perhaps?
I miss the old days when threads were slower & there were fewer spurious accounts coming in causing discord but there you have it. I have been suspicious of accounts who come in hard and heavy posting drivel just in order to get to the magic 1000 posts & VIP status. Thinking that they may be chateau inhabitants who get some sort of staff bonus if they manage to reach the finishing line.
So if this open day con was chateau led then fair play to Stephanie Jarvis & your bunch of sycophants - you conned a lot of Tattlers & raised expectations of you being challenged.
I suppose if anything is to come out of this the sheer effort it is now taking for them to keep up with us must mean we are a constant thorn in their side.
And if, as I believe is the case Fanny's star is in the descent by not being featured anymore in the Ch 4 programmes then that may be enough of a blow for her ego & finances to think that she's only ever now going to be an ageing irrelevant Z list Youtuber.
Anyway - not doing a flounce - just think I'm spending too much time on Tattle now - so maybe a little break might be in order to get my head settled.
Sorry for the long post ❤
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Granola Chic

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Stephanie Jarvis's lavish lifestyle:

How Stephanie Jarvis treats the people who make that lavish lifestyle possible:
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I’ve just read a YouTube community post by a fellow tartlet from Lidl, that she is no longer able to share her thoughts here with us and it is not by her choice.

Kathy's Flog in France.4 hours ago
Dear Tattlers, I have tried several ways to pass the message below from Francoise Moulin. I was moderated several times and WILL BITCH ABOUT THE MODERATORS ON MY CHANNEL! This morning after carefully writing yet another post about this (she is/was a patron and am sure you have her now deleted comments there somewhere) I have been BANNED. Françoise Moulin • 14 hours ago Hello Kathy, Maybe it's not the right place but I was banned from Escape to the Chateau de La Lande and more and also from Tattle life because they thought I was a flying monkey. I'm a bit disappointed by the Patreons' day. Clara or Carla can't remember her name doesn't say much about it and Isabelle something who was supposed to be there didn't comment on Tattle life yet. The shitelaine is making more money than ever. The forum Tattle life Chateau Diaries is on since September 2020, we are September 2022 and I don't see any result. I was surprised to see Stephanie Jarvis commenting few seconds after I posted my comments on Escape to the Chateau de La Lande and more. All my comments were deleted. I feel Tattle life Chateau Diaries is, as we say in French: "Un coup d'épée dans l'eau".
Screenshot 2022-09-10 at 12.40.33.png

Who banned Kathy @Mme Flog ? I too am beginning to think we have been taken for fools by certain Tartlets claiming to have intelligence - which is truly sad because at the end of the day most of us were taken advantage of by Stephanie Jarvis via Patreon and wish to see her tyranny come to an end. If someone is playing games with us they are just as bad as Stephanie Jarvis, if not worse.
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Clara Burnett

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I guess I’m confused too. What happened to playing the recording of Nati, shoving a camera in SJ’s face, buying microphones so they could record everything, and questioning her? I guess if Clara and Isabelle really did go they just enjoyed their day since it seems they didn’t do anything else.
I share in the confusion and even more in the disappointment, obviously I had higher expectations too, but have some patience, please. If I learned one thing from wasting my time there, it has got to be the importance of gathering information before spilling it all. I did not enjoy myself, I can tell you that much. I hated every second there, having to pretend we were at some high brow event. It's my understanding that the recording of the Argentinian Bully losing herself completely was not played at any of the days. When I asked about it, the reason given was that it would not have made much difference with this crowd and to be honest, I agree. These people were not open to anything even slightly critical and the rather small crowd left no openings for more secret gatherings. But fear not, the recordings will find their way out at some point, I'm sure.
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Isabelle6541 was studious at teasing, chiming in. And just when we thought she was out and about in her camo, just when we’d fuss a little wishing her well - she’d jump in again. Nothing wrong in posting a picture, offering another tease WHILST SHE OR HE WAS THERE. But that didn’t happen. Travel has nothing to do with it, she could have zinged a snappy picture or two or way. It is wholly unlike her, as she was so game to tease - and I repeat, as many of us did - you have a team on the ground, going in - your mouth is shut, until after. But Isabelle6541 could not wait to roll it all out.
Clara on the other hand has a credible writing style, very good with words and leads - has a few tricks in her bag, and staunch comments. But there are times that I could play Clara as well, and store the pot. I know Clara is a folk hero here. And maybe that’s part of the game as well.
Anyway. . . . . . .

If I'm honest I'm doubting ALL the alleged intelligence coming in about the HMN. A lot doesn't add up. Lots of crumbs dropped, but as of the last few months very little connects into solid evidence. It's all so deflating. I truly thought it was her time up, Stephanie Jarvis would be exposed as the fraud she is with a camera rammed in her face, wrinkles and all, scrambling for excuses etc.... We have no word from our reporter team claiming to be on the ground and no definite evidence that Clara was there during the Patron days. Does a recording really exist? Who records during an argument?... stuff from movies. Phyllis is meant to have been involved with something concerned with an age of consent. Phyllis is getting kicked out the HMN at the earliest opportunity. Next, Phyllis is engaged to Stephanie....??? Nick is selling up? Who do you believe when there is no concrete evidence for anything? I think it's also telling much like the HMN and Stephanie's pre-Covid 19 friends not returning many of the Tartlet OG's have left. I wonder why?
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Honestly, I didn’t expect anything to happen regardless of what was being said. However, I think even if there had been a reveal or confrontation or whatever….it’s doubtful it would have made a difference. In my humble opinion, there is a shocking lack of common sense in the world today. People don’t want to see things how they are. They only care about their emotions and how something makes them feel. So, I think she will continue to get away with it for a lot longer. She will lose a few patrons and viewers but I think this is going to continue on for a while. People don’t want to see behind the curtain, so to speak. They want to go on believing the story that makes them feel good. We are so hard wired to be repulsed when we see someone getting away with bad acts. We want justice. That is something that is becoming harder to get in life. I can only speak for myself. I like hanging out here, but I no longer expect anything to happen. If it does, great.
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I agree. It happens to me too. I think you generally need to wait a little while until someone else makes a post in between, well that is what I have come to accept.

I just want to say that I am personally finding it rather difficult to come to terms with the news regarding QEII, not that I ever met her, of course! I felt exactly the same when Diana died - never met her either but, both events caused devastatingly total sadness for me. Especially, even more so in the light of all the media tributes today - totally appreciated but, still so extremely sad. I honestly thought that QEII would live to at least 100 - it was in her genes. I always feel most sad for those that are left behind no matter what connection to me, if any.

I appreciate that death comes to us all eventually, but in view of everything that the entire world has been through in the past few years, it seems to have had a heightened impact on me. I lost very close family members during the Pandemic and it wasn't made any easier with the Gov restrictions either, actually, far worse!

It just feels to me like the world has been relentlessly turned upside down in recent years and everything that was once considered to be a "constant stablishing influence" in our lives has been totally ripped apart - yet again!

And, I too was 100% embarrassed by SJ's last minute cobbled together attempt at a tribute to QEII in her vlog last night - it was just so cringeworthy and disrespectful. I switched off within a second. PJ/Percy looked particularly uncomfortable, imho!

Apologies for ranting here but I just needed to get the above off my chest. God alone knows what I will be like on the actual day of her funeral.
I mentioned yesterday that my son had been asked if he was available for security over the next 12 days. His first reaction was he couldn’t get time off from his main job, however he is determined to do his bit and will hopefully doing it between his main shifts. He does 4 on then 4 off. This found me late last night trying to find a very large black suit jacket. He is a front row rugby player. Feeling very proud of him for wanting to do his bit.
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Clara Burnett

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Despite what people might think of my missions these past days, I'm happy to report at least one of them was a big succes: I did leave the charlataine a not-to-be-misunderstood message on one of her overly expensive yet amateurish pasted wallpapers. I was going to take a picture and post it here, but that would just direct her to the scene of my crime, wouldn't it? Even if I will be forever the only one knowing the what and where, it was worth the anxiety I felt when I was doing it.
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Clara Burnett

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If you have evidence of criminal activity you ought to publish it or take it to law enforcement agencies because going by Sunday's video of the Patron Days she yet again created a warm communal energy that swelled her initial fanbase and it'll have a positive effect once more on her donation numbers, thereby continuing her grifting and further financial deception.
I have reported several things to the correct authorities, thank you very much. The wheels on those mills just tumble very very slow and even then you don't know if complaints are being followed up. Her initial fanbase swells with whatever she does and has nothing to do with communal energy. Inviting the mayor or a member of the French senate doesn't buy her any love locally, pretend like she may. The community she portrays is mostly a community in her head and she knows this.

Nothing of serious consequence has been achieved, you say. I beg to differ. We used to be a group of the 15 we still joke about. Today many many more are in the know about what a con she is. Contrary to what you think, I know this truly hurts the ever expanding ego of the charlataine, who can only endure love and laughter, remember? We have achieved lots for the forum we are, which is a place to gossip ffs, not a forum of criminal justice and law enforcement.
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Remember the $6,000 secretary desk from the Givenchy auction that Stephanie bought herself for her birthday?

I wonder if Steve paid a local brocante $6,000 for the secretary desk he bought for Sara’s birthday? Probably not.


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