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I was thinking more about the pork “juice” that made its way onto the salt container after the rubdown, still icky though.
I am a stickler about this myself. I wash my hands every time I touch meat before I touch anything else.

I saw it straight away and realized so many people have unknowingly eaten raw meat juice over the years at the Shat-O.

I like my food the way I like my men, without diarrhea. 🤣

I really felt for her, i was bullied all through school and it has such a damaging effect. It still upsets me now 30 years later 😢
I was bullied in a very small school for 6 years. I then drew ire as well in high school. I was really skinny and awkward until I was 14, and I was a top student, a real smarty pants. Then I got braces and contacts and all the boys were after me. So a lot of girls hated me and I didn’t know why. I had something mean happen almost every day. I look at pictures now and realize how pretty I was. I have always had confidence and anxiety issues because of it. I think it always affects you, no matter how long ago it was.
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Doesn't that only serve to prove the mentality and limited intellectual capacity of these poor souls who are so slavishly devoted to the cult of Lala Land?
The kid is too young (and dumb) to understand what members of his community went though to gain respect and be able to put and end to the harassment. Much work has yet to be done, but in most areas of the world there has been a long overdue improvement. To have youngsters such as Philip, born in the internet era, toy with older, retired (in their 50s or 60s?) men, in a virtual environment where nothing is taken ‘seriously’ is simply abhorrent.
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I read the studio disruption differently. The works must have been scheduled to be completed either before Isabelle comes back or before the apartment is rented out in the spring. Also to fit in with Ian the builder's availability. Marie was supposed to have returned to the UK about now but obviously is trapped. It can't have been foreseen that she might still be wanting to use the space when works were started. It's no big deal as there are plenty of other outhouse spaces. I don't see SJ as being put out by Marie leaving. She's not the most charismatic of housemates and I suspect everyone is bored with each other and hoping either for escape or new blood.
I do think it was rude of SJ not to have discussed the issue with Marie in private. Capturing her reaction on camera didn't give M a chance to respond as she might wish.
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One almost would believe, she Nati had read through all the threads and answering all the doubts and questions we have had.
Making a water tight alibi, eh?
Tf we have receipts 🧾
SSB can’t remove the discussion
trust n believe -
my mother sat her laughing 😂 she just inquired “did someone ask to many questions??” ... and she’s never heard of tattle
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Omg anyone else catching the premier

Lotll is reworked her narrative
someone has gotten a media advisor

apparently now monies were her inheritance
Given early - how she bought the London flat

threads 🧵 have been dealt with in order
you have to hand it to her
chatelaine ..... it’s planet SSB
The early inheritance was the only new information I detected. I feel like everything else had been said before, just not as cohesively and with a tattle timeline. Nice work Steph. Here for it.
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Saved 'my' Chateau? Shouldn't that be 'our' Chateau, or does that detract from the damsel in distress persona?
If I was a co-owner I'd be a bit miffed to hear her claim sole ownership though!
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The biggest bitch slap 👋

and there was many

the highway ingorance of LOTLL

marie is trying to set up a florist
shes alluded to it for ever

bitch of all bitch slaps
I’ve hired four people in a pandemic

eh not with your own money 💰
I offered Marie a job as a cook

for the summer ....
game set match ...
Run Marie like the wind

look what she’s done with DB
your next 🙅‍♀️🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Dear Laurent : did you go and which result ?
Don't share your view : if you want theirs heads (scrougers) on the top of spears, put together a file, a thorough one with names, true - pertinent facts ... and send it to tax inquiries . For example to
Direction nationale des enquêtes fiscales
6B rue Courtois
93500 Pantin France
Dear Arthur,

I did not go and I will not go, because I would be an outcast if I did. I often visit relatives in the area and I also do not want to embarrass them.

Some of the speculation here is not complete and I was trying to bring clarity.

It is clear from the vlogs that La Lande does not fully qualify to be a bona fide foundation, and it is fraud to claim otherwise, but I do not care enough to be alienated or cause alienation to people I love.

I just hope the taxman is awake and watching.
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Another thing that struck me about the vlog is how she said "then I had completely ran out of money!" followed by a manic laugh at least twice (don't want to go back and rewatch to count). People who have really faced poverty don't laugh like that about it, even if their situation changes and they're talking about it years later.

You haven't run out of money if you own a second home in zone 1 in London. OK it's an asset and not cash but any flat in that area would sell very fast and could be made into cash within weeks.
How many people who have completely run out of money, travel and stay in the places she stays in, buy candles priced around £100; buy designer brand clothes; put on expensive parties, etc., etc. ? If the chateau meant so much to her, any repairs needed would take precedence over the "little" luxuries she allows herself. She would use anything left to go towards restoring her home, rather than expecting others to bail her out and "save her chateau", while she enjoys such a lifestyle. CdLL is nothing like any English Heritage or NT property, nor is it a historic castle, it's just a pleasure palace of a home for a faker who should be paying for its restoration herself and who has no concept of what a real job entails.
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I’m always amazed at the amount of alcohol
SJ consumes. She can down a glass of Gin like she’s gulping water. This habit will not bode well for her. Her face will be the first to go.
She was seriously dehydrated during her Grey Gardens tour. Her skin looked like it was melting around the eyes. I really wish she would retire that summer dress but as she refuses to at the very least please for the love of god wear a winter coat with a waist line. She looked like she was smuggling peacocks with that hideous scarf out in the garden.
And while I’m in rant mode why is there no tarp or warning signs on that terrace? Seriously she goes on about the torrential rains the roof can handle and then skips to the waters running right through the terrace and creating more very serious and potentially dangerous damage.
And back to the ‘poor me’ saga. I was just so poor and destitute and couldn’t finish my renovations but for some reason I had to rush back for quarantine from the other side of the world because I had on like my 7th vacation of the year.
And could someone in the UK please do the research on Mummy and Daddy’s finances? We all know they were involved in the Granny Farming but there has got to be more graft with their dementia patients. How do they go from so very impoverished to having a 7 bedroom home in the UK and the SA house (which SJ skipped over) and her various London flats? Oh and lastly comparing her literal pile of rocks in the middle of nowhere to some of GB most illustrious Manor Houses is beyond fanciful. She really is going on an all out assault on the Patrons. So calculated on getting 5 euro crowd to pony up now.
I’ll be quiet now but Mojo please get an award ready to whomever can sort the mystery of the 7 bedroom mini manor house funding!
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Marie says she doesn’t want to make the tea house and maybe she chooses to not appear as much in the vlogs,just her own. Some Statements here about her about her equal the bullying she has experienced in her life.
Yes I do not comment on Marie because I think she is fragile and has been exposed to subtle abuse.
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I absolutely see this side of it as well. My mind tends to make the spectrum association because that’s what I know. But I definitely see the other side with the 2’s company, 3’s a crowd. Many of us have probably been in similar situations. SJ controls the narrative with the editing, she does Marie dirty quite a bit. I wonder if the people in the house have any say in what‘s posted to the channel. The whole environment is toxic and unhealthy. Everyone vying for the “queen’s” attention, those that don’t constantly kiss her ring are probably shunted aside. With the editing, it seems SJ is passive-aggressively telling Marie how she feels about her. I side-eyed the truffle situation, Nati was blatantly one-upping Marie, who does that? ”Your truffles were good, but too sweet”, nice backhanded compliment there 🙄. It was obvious her feelings were hurt. I’d distance myself from these two also, SJ with the syrupy sweet insincerity and Nati‘s passive aggressiveness. I noticed that she distances herself a lot in numerous vlogs. With the cooking, didn’t Marie do a lot of the cooking from the onset?
The cooking situation just goes to show that after all this time, and being so few people in the house now, they still have communication problems.

Who cooks the same thing right after someone else did just to prove a point? Simply tell them it was too sweet/salty/fill in the blank. Aren’t they among friends? It’s simply another blatant example of passive aggressiveness they are all too accustomed to (whatever side they may be on).
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Let's hope something gets changed now...

Thanks for the info. But cooking and waitressing is a demanding job, too. Bad working hours. 🤔🤔
Such a mature comment. As a patreon and YT commentor I've also been attacked for raising such concerns. Comment to SJ, as I continue to say imagine the comments directed to a female character in your vlogs. Your encouragement of such disgusting banter towards an employee is a breach of health and safety, let alone common sense. In some countries this comment would be deemed a threat. Think about that as you plan for thousands more in your donations.
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I have zero sympathy for Marie. Today I tried to watch her latest on YT and found it calculating in the most boring way possible. I am sure she is very aware of all the concern for her well being and has now resorted to tugging at heartstrings while holding a tin cup. I do believe she has been depressed but only since her floral creations & provocative poses haven't turned her into an internet sensation. Marie has had the wherewithal to master a 2nd language, traveled abroad, started a YT channel & apprenticed with a master con artist. I'm probably in the minority with my opinions but I just don't buy what she's selling and would not throw a dime at any of these grifters & cons.
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It also seems very strange that she should suddenly mention the inheritance and that she spent it all on the initial renovations. She has never mentioned it before and clearly this sudden declaration, some time after starting her Patreon account, etc., reveals that she is just trying to cover herself after crticism about begging and using other people's money to restore her own home. Surely, she should have told everyone all the facts at the start. Presumably, as a result of using all that money, she must now have a bigger stake in it than the other two owners. And if she spent the whole inheritance on the chateau, where did the money for travel, hotels, restaurants, porcelain, clothes, etc. come from?
To be fair I have heard that before.

Being Devil's advocate:

It was interesting that she is giving interviews on how to obtain money (which lets face it is legitimate, questions regarding morals are all good and proper)

I was having a think because I didn't really understand patreon and have now likened it in my mind to English heritage or the National Trust. I think people see it as that (although the historical value is a moot point)

I also think she answered a lot of questions and accounts will be published. People have asked and questioned on here and I think that's good accountability. Her own personal finance, obviously is private (she funded her own hols beforehand and has her own tastes in clothes)

Further points ( I'm not saying I agree):YouTube, is a relatively new medium for this kind of platform. It will take a while to get to grips with the legalities of the finance and how patreon works. A year is a short time to change business plans. I should know on that score as mine changes a lot. If you factor Covid into the situation and the popularity of ETTCDIY, it would have been remiss of them to not capitalise on that. In fact I would suggest they had advice from the show that their businesses would improve as a quid pro quo thing for their participation in the show.

As you all know I loathe the Cadeau one. She thinks she has found a solution and I would hope it dies a death. Others have voiced opinions that the co owners should also have a say, yet SJ is the front of the publicity side and they have shown a reluctance and aren't involved. They also have a lot to be grateful for as they now have to work less to support the Chateau (I believe Nick's work kept general expenses covered as did the flat) I personally would like to see more input from them.

SJ lifestyle- well that's a mixed bag. We can knock the privilege and benefit from receiving such wealth. She is what she is and has what she has. Vlogging is now her job, the world has changed considerably. So has committed to delivery, until she no longer does anymore.

Moving beyond things...I agree re grifting and jumping on the bandwagon. The others I suspect will fall through the net. Personality and resilience on those mediums are definitely the key. Some are lacking, glaringly so on that front.

Also, where would we all be without the shows to Tattle about?
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Just checked LOTLL patreon account. Following last nights "story" her account has increased by £490.50 and 80 contributors. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
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Well-known member
I absolutely see this side of it as well. My mind tends to make the spectrum association because that’s what I know. But I definitely see the other side with the 2’s company, 3’s a crowd. Many of us have probably been in similar situations. SJ controls the narrative with the editing, she does Marie dirty quite a bit. I wonder if the people in the house have any say in what‘s posted to the channel. The whole environment is toxic and unhealthy. Everyone vying for the “queen’s” attention, those that don’t constantly kiss her ring are probably shunted aside. With the editing, it seems SJ is passive-aggressively telling Marie how she feels about her. I side-eyed the truffle situation, Nati was blatantly one-upping Marie, who does that? ”Your truffles were good, but too sweet”, nice backhanded compliment there 🙄. It was obvious her feelings were hurt. I’d distance myself from these two also, SJ with the syrupy sweet insincerity and Nati‘s passive aggressiveness. I noticed that she distances herself a lot in numerous vlogs. With the cooking, didn’t Marie do a lot of the cooking from the onset?
My theory is

it’s filmed to seem like they are followed around all day and then she spends hours thrashing through hours of footage to edit it into a half hour video to upload.

Perhaps when she started it was like that.

I suspect and they would be stupid if they don’t have meetings to brainstorm / a big white ideas board. People writing scripts it’s all acted out.

I mean look at the gift openings. Would they really do one gift opening only on a day. Or would they film it. Quick break people change and film another one and then another..

So when super fans get all defensive because stefniii is so tired. She’s either not used to work or she isn’t clever enough to speed things up. After all the least footage the quicker to do a video. Also anyone bringing in 40k a month would be clever enough to pay someone by now to edit the videos rather than pay someone to run a non existing b&b
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Now I have stopped lurking I want to say something else which I do not agree with (I have gotten confidence now so pride comes before a fall!) :eek:😂

Please realise that for me democracy is very important. I read (lurk) other threads too but I have to say something about this thread. I ask here is this thread a democracy or monarchy? Other threads have votes for thread titles etc. Recently I saw a perfect title, one that strikes at the heart of a French speaking woman, words equivalent to a cold bucket of ice over the head of a vain women. Yet another thread title was chosen.

Okay, I did not think much about it, I thought probably the same amount of votes, but when I looked, my favourite title had 42 votes and the other (very good) title had 14 - but here is where the fan of democracy is woken from her slumber - someone, a new member, decided that the one with least votes should be chosen. This was supported by two other members.

Now, I am confused, because on Tattle, it is cast by a democratic vote, so explain to me why one new member and two other members have a stronger vote than 42 members? Are these 42 members less than the 3 members who made the decision? The title is not relevant but the taking of liberties is (for me). So this thread does has a sort of hierarchy with some posters very active but I don't understand a new member (who blocks views of their contribution) over-riding the votes of so many other members, some here for many threads.

I hope this is makeing sense, I am not telling people what to do, just wondering why bother with votes if they are ignored? Just say X is the boss and decides titles Just be honest.
People are still liking posts on earlier threads and suggestions still gain votes. This title had the most votes when I established it. Could you @Laurent organize a proper vote from now on? We've talked about it, but everybody's too lazy (me included) to do anything :D Collect 7 most liked suggestions to one post in the end and we can vote by using the emojis? Would you do it? Or are you just complaining for the sake of it? And also create the new thread? Personally, I couldn't care less which title gets chosen, I'm not that competitive or serious about winning an 'honorary mention', it's not that you win anything, this is just Tattle ;)
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Don't you worry, they will use the fast electric underfloor heating which is extra expensive when installing and when heating 😜 usually used only for small areas like a bathroom or a kitchen, but for Mummy of course also in a whole apartment, no problem
I guess when Mummy holds the purse strings then Mummy gets what Mummy wants.

I have to disagree with you on this. The original Chateau had all toilet waste going into the moat! They have brought the original structure back to life and within it adapted rooms. This was a hunting lodge or something not Versailles. The staircase they restored including sourcing similar red carpet. They restored the kitchen gardens. The stables they reconfigured to an appartment as they don't have horses. It had no ballroom or library. They restored the orangery, twice. What would you have liked to be done?
Plus the lift in the tower which was a great piece of engineering. The re-vamping of the old van into a lovely bar was clever too. I see that things are done properly at their chateau - probably because they have children they are extra careful about what they do to keep them safe. Dick has been a good source of advice for the other chateau owners as well. I know which place I'd rather stay at & it isn't Madame de Pompadour's pad!
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