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Big announcement:
Finally projects finished:lake restored, boathouse, teapavillion, amphitheatre, maize, English Garden, chickenhouse, kompost, pool, rosegarden, new parking lot

(sorry, first time for me to try this photoshop app😜)


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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Quite the revelation, Sj’s latest tales, on where she stands when it comes to family, the real one vs the chosen few she pays for. Her mothers apartment is brand new and other construction work might bear priority, you would think. But it's apparently necessary to make pricely adjustments that could and should have been done when the actual construction took place. She obviously didn't have the patreon money back then and was not willing to spend her own. In comes the free money and her mother suddenly deserves to be warm now. She's not even there in winter. But so what if it involves getting Floral Road Kill's pretend flower-studio out of there, she needs to know her place anyway. Just give the favorite fallen from grace the impression she has something to say about where she's moving to and when. Celebrating Natti's birthday by doing craftwork you would do with your 8 year old niece is rather telling too, as are her shots of BJJ wearing those pants again, looking like he was wearing a diaper with a cameltoe included. SJ is clearly bored out of her wits, and there's no sign of anything real exciting to come any time soon, just more messy amateurish work. Oh dear.
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Were any of you moved emotionally by the LOTL on her latest vlog?
Were you compelled to give your monthly 'tithes' by joining Patreon?
Were you inspired by the vision SJ laid out for the future of HER castle?

Watching today's vlog was like watching a rerun of a 90s televangelist!

"Let me share a big hairy audacious goal with you...blah blah blah....."
in plain English, "Please send me more money and I'll show you more of me living my paaaarfact life!"

At least televangelists promise some form of spiritual/religious experience/teaching in return (and gifts are tax-deductible)!

What does Stephanie Jarvis offer in return? The opportunity to live vicariously through her--popping bottles of champagne, dancing the tango, eating in splendor, dressing in designer items, hosting awesome soirees, getting served breakfast by "servants"?

Woman, if you can't afford to live your dream on your own, don't make other people pay for it!

But...I think TT is rocking her boat a lot which made her feel the need to explain the "merits" of supporting her financially.

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Re- Isabelle and percys apartment / holiday accommodation .....
A wood burning stove would make more sense IMO , but when did common sense ever feature in this chateau ? If the heating system they have now doesn’t work properly it’s not going to heat 🤣 Isabelles apartment ? Crazy :rolleyes:
Thankyou all for keeping me up to speed , special thanks to the newbie French citizens , your perspective is most interesting . 😎
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Well-known member
Is it just me picturing Loki like he's the Baron Harkonnen?
They’re treading an extremely fine line between salacious and the pornographic.. If Loki was a man, directing these comments at a woman...and it was allowed...Patrons would be dropping her by the ever-so gilded Cinderella carriage-full. When was this EVER funny on a public forum? Remember the of this channel when it began?
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
More screenshots of Loki PP's interaction on the live chat.
The BJJ/Loki thing fascinates me, because of the similarities with some of my friends’ experiences. Of less actual impact but still, history can only repeat itself so many times. SJ’s been known for defying the odds though when it comes to moral safety and common sense. She clearly finds it okay to block and remove people from chats and comments who ask legitimate questions about her unethical behavior or refuse to praise her beauty and kindness, but at the same time is reluctant to do the same with people who violate common rules of decency, even though the misconduct is pointed out to her by some of her fans and even patrons. As a rule she thinks it’s all good laughter as long as it doesn’t affect her personally. Interesting to see what will happen if and when it starts to have an impact on her wallet. My bet is she will still not take any responsibility for the social hygiene of her channel, another reason why her ‘succes’ on yt won’t last.
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I really cannot abide SSB. She makes my skin crawl so I’m never going to be posting anything “nice” about her or her HMN. So this morning I gritted my teeth and ventured into the next vlog (I’m one or two behind because I find them horrendous) to watch in full. Yet again didn’t manage. Did a bit of sliding along the bar to fast forward the fast forward... which is what I did to find the raw pork/manky hands incident (she really is filthy - that alone should be cause for any licence she has to run a business involving food prep to be removed)... I heard her warbling in her best elocuted (I just made that word up) voice about The Petit Salon so I thought I’d slow down and just check out what, in her dysfunctional muddled little LaLaLand head (talk about rose coloured glasses), sort of room deserves the grand sounding name of The Petit Salon... and this mish mash of a pigs ear of total unadulterated junk is it. “The Petit Salon”.... as my brother might say in his most scathing voice... “would you ever f*#k off”...
The Petit Salon is such a grandificatiin of an area that is pretty much a glorified lay-by, with a couple,of uncomfortable sofas (one lovingly restored and upholstered by BJJ and which may or may not house Hanni within the new webbing), the cocktail cabinet (grotty cupboard given a vague up cycling) and a cocktail trolley "borrowed" from Nick's cottage, random bits of appalling art and a rug which was recently drowned in a mysterious flood.

It always surprises me that SJ doesn't trill about the Salon d'hiver....sounds much more chateauesque than Winter Salon.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I could be wrong, but nothing said here qualifies for cancelling from my perspective.
I’m sure SJ shares your wishful thinking, but I doubt she feels as confident as you. Why else would she be removing each and every comment on her vlogs that isn’t 100% praising her qualities? She doesn’t trust her own fans to think for themselves and weigh the facts about her little scheme. I don’t blame her, they probably won’t. But her spring cleaning her closets did not rid her of the skeletons she has build up in them and the number of people capable of exposing those dirty little secrets keeps growing, because she relies on others to provide her with the content for her vlogs. As she herself explained to CNN: "You know, I can wake up in the morning and I'm going to wander around. I'll ask Marie what she's doing, I'll ask Selmar what he's doing, I'll ask Dan the gardener what he's doing, and then I have the videos.”
Before Covid it was Potty who would wheel in new people to replenish her shrinking entourage. That source seems to have dried now and so has the workaway website.
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Sasha Groves

Chatty Member
I honestly find this particular comment alarming. I hadn’t realised Loki was a older male (multiple suggestions in previous comments he’s in his 60’s) lusting after a 24 year old. Discussing his erotic fantasies, making sexual innuendos and commenting on Phillips anatomy on a open live chat is 100% not acceptable for a plethora of reasons.

What really makes me think that these people are seriously unhinged is that the whole situ is being encouraged and most comments welcomed by Phillip. I really can’t comprehend this, have they no decency and common sense?! There is no part of me that can fathom out how any one, especially the owner of the chat is allowing this over sexualised behaviour towards her staff/friend.

I suppose they’ll say “it’s just banter” and frankly they’ll revel in the attention and admiration (even when it’s lurid). The bottom line is a much older man is sexually fantasising over someone in their early twenties and discussing sexualised feelings and fantasies on SJ’s platform.

Ps, thank you @Geordieboy71 for the time taken to share all of the comments. It certainly builds a bigger picture.


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Finally caught up with the gift grab.

Whilst I like to idea of the moderators - good move, they have to be effective. Loki seemed to behave himself on the main "YTSMC" Vlog but he was his usual OTT and sexually inappropriate in the gift grab one.

Or was he.

Could he and PP be in the throws of a new relationship hence the declarations of love.

Loki admits he loves PP, has stalked him and PP has reciprocated with the same.

Even Sir Trotter came in for some of the attention.


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👏👏👏 This was a great explanation. I don’t want to speculate on what her learning disabilities/diagnosis would be, but hopefully it’s OK to make a comparison to my own experiences. I have a child with ASD, this child my oldest , not as old as Marie though. I saw a lot of similarities watching her on CD. The need for quiet time away from others. Being invited to participate in activities and declining, we are always inviting the oldest child to play cards, board games, watch movies, etc and always declines. Picky eater. Not very flexible when it comes to new ideas. Lots of ideas on where to head for a career, unfortunately a lot of them aren’t the most practical = going to be difficult to pay the bills. Social cues and expression can be difficult- comes across surly or short if stressed, mirrors others when unsure how to act in certain social situations. Isn’t concerned what others think when it comes to appearances. Very focused on the area that interests them and will learn everything about it, and it’s the main thing they talk about. Eye contact can be challenging (but that’s probably true for a lot of people). Very intelligent, but lacks confidence, needs a lot of reassurance. These are just observations from watching and I couldn’t help but notice the similarities. I‘m probably way off base, as I only see what’s on the vlogs. She might be completely different off camera. If someone shoved a camera in my face on the regular, I’d probably act just like her, so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️.

After watching her vlog, a lot makes sense now. I feel for her. I hope she finds her bliss away from HMN, and continues pursuing her dream. Not a fan of the e-begging and I agree that she’s going to need some thick skin in the social media world. With all the love and support that can come with a social media presence, the other side is critique and judgment. It’s a double edged sword I hope she’s prepared for.
We only get to see the filtered version through video editing eyes. However, I'll just share a thought regarding ‘declining invitations’. It is common practice for people with SJ's and Nati’s personalities to do the following when dealing with another woman that for some reason doesn’t see eye to eye with them:

  • An issue comes up.
  • One side feels wronged.
  • Immediately the other side asks them to join them in whatever activity (this has to happen in the company of others).
  • 'Wronged' side declines the invitation since it is not authentic.
  • Others see them distancing for no apparent reason therefore something is up with them.
  • Manipulative side is off the hook.
To what extent this may apply in this situation we don't know, but it sure looks like textbook behaviour.
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—After his successful fusion with the château, Master of Tassels is now ready to greet the guests after lockdown—

Ꮂ Château de la Lande's Welcoming Committee Ꮂ
“Exclusively welcoming all lunatics and perverts met during the pandemic since 2020"

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VIP Member
I don't care about the title, I care about the votes, and the hierarchy I see in this thread. I have read the other threads and titles: grifter, tart, deceiver, all harsh but probably not far from the truth, so I am confused that the above is offensive, but okay is it not for the tattlers to decide?
I liked the suggestion 'Maquiller le Cochon' when it was first posted, very close to the start of the thread but I also went on to like several newer suggestions as they appeared. I t stands to reason that the earlier a post appears in the thread, the more like it is likely to get lots of likes. If you post very close to the end (say past the 1000 post mark) you are less likely to get so many likes as less people will see it before the thread closes.
Additionally, many of us would need to google translate the title, not a big deal, but it is easier to have a title that we can all read without too much effort. It's very similar to a few other sayings in use here - "Fur coat and no knickers" and "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."
I'm just glad someone takes the trouble to set up a new thread. I notice this is almost always in the wee small hours when most of us couldn't be bothered, even if we could do it!
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The glossary and daily round up came about as others requested it and @MojoDublin and @Frances Nicole kindly stepped up to offer to help. A new title and a thread appears as if by magic overnight when needed. (I though it was the Thread Fairy! 🧚‍♀️)
Yes I started doing the round ups just over a week ago because it was requested from tattlers who work all day. In no way are they to be taken as doctrine lol I too believed in the Thread Fairy cause I still can't for the life of me figure out to start a new one.
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Another thing that struck me about the vlog is how she said "then I had completely ran out of money!" followed by a manic laugh at least twice (don't want to go back and rewatch to count). People who have really faced poverty don't laugh like that about it, even if their situation changes and they're talking about it years later.

You haven't run out of money if you own a second home in zone 1 in London. OK it's an asset and not cash but any flat in that area would sell very fast and could be made into cash within weeks.
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The biggest bitch slap 👋

and there was many

the highway ingorance of LOTLL

marie is trying to set up a florist
shes alluded to it for ever

bitch of all bitch slaps
I’ve hired four people in a pandemic

eh not with your own money 💰
I offered Marie a job as a cook

for the summer ....
game set match ...
Run Marie like the wind

look what she’s done with DB
your next 🙅‍♀️🥺🥺🥺🥺
What's performance SWSFTB ... Oscar nomination from TL! I nearly believed her...really, had too pinch myself to remember what a professionall bullshitter she is!
She bought the Chateau to ' Be close to nature! '😂😂😂fell of chair!,
Put all her £300.000 inheritance in, plus a little pad In UK.. no mention of all Niks handouts when her money ran out!
No suggestion of a JOB! Says she's a perfectionist! 😂😂😂😂 chair moment again!! Mentioned her loyal friends, picure of..wait for it DANA! I could go on, but seriously! Hope you've enjoyed your time on TL SWSFTB! It's made you a lot more money... good luck with all your Patreon only 'B n B guests!' 🦄🦄🦄🍷🍸🍹🍾 Still shaking head, Need alcohol
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Hercule P

Well-known member
Hello, I am new here. All the e-begging and scrounging got on my nerves and, thanks to MK P sobbing vlog, I searched and found Tattle.
Tattle should charge la Jarvis and send her a substancial invoice for marketing consultancy as she has used all the tattle comments to make her last video. She is appalling. But it was pretty obvious that at the beginning she was not very comfortable at all; forced smile and laugh worse than usual.
Blenheim, Chatsworth, la lande, between us you know..... 🙄
Her B&B is going to be members only, so chic :p She is taking a risk as some people might see what is really going on :giggle:
And her outfit :eek: She struck again. The summer dirndl underneath the summer dress (ideal to look fatter) with those boots and the coat. She is an absolute mess. Spending so much money coming from her hard work :LOL: to look so hideous. Maybe we should start a gofundme to send her to a "how to dress well" course.
Still plenty of travels, expensive clothes works to do 🤑🤑🤑 What a terrible life.
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Those comments between Loki and BJJ are sickening, both are complicit in my view and the while thing should be shut down pronto. It's just plain wrong, particularly in public view on the wide open and forever there www. Ref to Sadie for extremely poor judgement in posting certain comments that WILL be found and come back to bite you.
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