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Mrs O

Well-known member
I’ve never watched the premiers but reading responses on here... wow!!
Other chateau owners on the DIY have jobs, mainly in UK. They visited their chateau to do work during holidays etc., to do work / restoration / improvements then they return ‘home’ to work and make money for more work on their chateau. My question is why has SJ never done that. Oxford Education, contacts etc., Surely she could have a well paid city job and paid for work to be done on HER chateau. She also had somewhere to live in London. Did it ever enter her empty head to work to pay for the work? She definitely has the Maria Antoinette mindset!
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Mummy Dearest

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Marie is quite a complex character. It doesn't surprise me that she says she has experienced learning difficulties at school - she very much sticks with what she is comfortable with and seems reluctant to move out of her comfort zone as far as her floral work goes. I am not sure if she means that she has general learning difficulties or a specific learning difficulty, perhaps a dyslexia which may be having an impact on her ability to read, and/ or to write and perhaps organisational difficulties but is not necessarily a reflection on her intellectual ability. It would explain that she may have struggled to keep up with others at school. Many people with an Sp.L.D are particularly creative. There are some weaknesses in her writing but given that she is not writing in her native language, I think she does a pretty good job.
If she has a more general learning difficulty, it could likely affect her cognitive ability, perhaps with processing or retaining information and maybe problem solving and could explain her somewhat childlike or innocent demeanour. She talks about bullying and difficulties with aspects of her family life. This may affect her perception of what may have been bullying. I'm not saying that that she didn't experience bullying, far from it, but in my experience some children with learning difficulties may for instance feel that they have been bullied, eg if friends do not want to play a particular game and the child struggles to understand and feels rejected. I am really not generalising here, just trying to look at the broader picture.
She does have a degree of confidence in other areas though. She was able to move around Norway and Europe, so happy to take risks. She certainly doesn't lack body confidence and has happily posed semi-nude for those photographers and in her own Instagram picture. She is prettty fluent in a second language. She seems able to make independent travel arrangements, order her flowers, etc so I doubt this is general learning difficultles. She says that she worked as an assistant hotel manager which must have involved some administrative duties.
FRK has clearly not been as happy during her second visit to HMN. It's not hard to see that she would struggle with this rejection from "her friend." She has also shown herself to be a little sulky and petulant from time to time and this may make her difficult at times to live with. Someone suggested that she should work with another florist to develop her skills and I think that she will probably learn better this way. Her style is a preyty niche market I would think. Unfortunately though, I'm not sure that she has a real grasp of her strengths and weaknesses yet.
👏👏👏 This was a great explanation. I don’t want to speculate on what her learning disabilities/diagnosis would be, but hopefully it’s OK to make a comparison to my own experiences. I have a child with ASD, this child my oldest , not as old as Marie though. I saw a lot of similarities watching her on CD. The need for quiet time away from others. Being invited to participate in activities and declining, we are always inviting the oldest child to play cards, board games, watch movies, etc and always declines. Picky eater. Not very flexible when it comes to new ideas. Lots of ideas on where to head for a career, unfortunately a lot of them aren’t the most practical = going to be difficult to pay the bills. Social cues and expression can be difficult- comes across surly or short if stressed, mirrors others when unsure how to act in certain social situations. Isn’t concerned what others think when it comes to appearances. Very focused on the area that interests them and will learn everything about it, and it’s the main thing they talk about. Eye contact can be challenging (but that’s probably true for a lot of people). Very intelligent, but lacks confidence, needs a lot of reassurance. These are just observations from watching and I couldn’t help but notice the similarities. I‘m probably way off base, as I only see what’s on the vlogs. She might be completely different off camera. If someone shoved a camera in my face on the regular, I’d probably act just like her, so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️.

After watching her vlog, a lot makes sense now. I feel for her. I hope she finds her bliss away from HMN, and continues pursuing her dream. Not a fan of the e-begging and I agree that she’s going to need some thick skin in the social media world. With all the love and support that can come with a social media presence, the other side is critique and judgment. It’s a double edged sword I hope she’s prepared for.
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new member here, and just a few comments on loki and his comments. Its disgusting that this older man is allowed to make these over the top sexual remarks to a young person. SJ allows it as do the rest of the chat. Probably SJ is worried about alienating the chat members and losing more subs, super chat etc...... Philip is in a bad position, wanting to remain at LaLonde , and not wanting to annoy SJ. He should just stop responding to any comments from loki, SJ and the chat members should be ashamed to allow this to go on. call this what you will but its sexual abuse
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I LOVE the fact that she is actually being put to work in having to answer questions. It must really wind her up that she is having to be answerable to people. You know like someone who gets money for doing something is accountable to the person giving them the money - sort of an alien concept to her as it sounds a bit like when you have a job!! As for this -
  • Personal opinion here - I kind of love that Stephanie paid for the bulk of the renovations and is now the one raking in the $$ over Nic and Michael. ✌Girl Power ✌
It is not girl power to spend her inheritance that was earned by her father doing a job of work. Girl power is earning your own dosh & working & paying your way in the world. She's also bummed off Nic & Michael who do work as well as keep a roof over her head. So I guess if she lives there 365 days a year & they use it as a holiday home that she should pay for the bulk of the repairs? Shes just making up a backstory now and I find it funny that she must be having to sit with a list of questions being asked on here & having to invent a tale to cover what she's being getting away with for years.
heaps about that show pony are just plain wrong
in the land of SSB
she’s found a job !!!she loves ... cannot believe her luck .. her JOB brings in 40 k a month

but she’s tired - and is working
During her holiday -
advent took it out of her - back in December
when she was off for 10 days as she was tired

madame tart boudoir
nurses and doctors and carers - the police
are tired

You don’t even do cooking and cleaning
you have a cook
a cleaner
a butler
a driver
a gardener
a maintenance man

do you even wash yourself

you have NEVER held a job full time
all year for a Callander year in your life

guess you need training
working a full month no holidays
( oh wait .. in a pandemic you were away on a break - )
after all your advent work in January-
or have you forgotten already

charlatan - Petherick n Jarvis family
worked this out together - this was planned
too many people were calling them out
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VIP Member
Omg anyone else catching the premier

Lotll is reworked her narrative
someone has gotten a media advisor

apparently now monies were her inheritance
Given early - how she bought the London flat

threads 🧵 have been dealt with in order
you have to hand it to her
chatelaine ..... it’s planet SSB
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I should start a Patreon account parents' townhouse that was built by a very prominent New Yorker in 1877 needs a new security system (with the crime rate rising in the city my family needs better protection). My 'mummy' also wants to replace the countertops in the kitchen (pink marble is so 1990s, white is the new pink). The gym in the basement needs new glass doors (the old French doors made of wood and glass are a bit outdated). The sidewalk in front of the house needs to be pressure-washed. The back garden also needs to be redone (we need to get it ready for spring so my mom can celebrate her 48th birthday in the garden---she wants a waterfall).

Become my patron and help restore this amazing piece of historical property on the Upper East Side.

;) ✌
Could you do a vlog with Mummy where you allude to her mental health being affected by the reflection from the pink marble worktop? Or perhaps mention that it was your childhood dream to own a pressure washer in the hope that one day you would be able to use it to clean the sidewalk. I think dark times brought on by the fear of rising crime rate meaning your family now need bullet proof vests to sleep in so it would be absolutely dahling if you could open a parcel with some in that have been posted by Thelma in TX. Maybe a tear rolling down your cheek when you sketch the waterfall you would love to be able to give Mummy but you have to make the tough decision about what to spend your $ on. Tattinger, Moet or Bollinger? I'd go for it - where do I sign.
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New member
I think dear Laurent you might be in danger of taking this Tattle too seriously & this is said with kindness not being judgemental. I don't care about the titles (well maybe just one of them but I won't elaborate as to why!). I've personally never noticed who has 'won' the title naming. All of the suggestions that come through just make me laugh. I hope you will take this in the spirit in which it is meant.
I am a new member and I could care less how the next thread title is determined. I am just glad that there is someone in charge of it so I can keep enjoying the content. Frankly, we all have so much going on in our lives at present (like trying to keep Covid from killing us) that getting upset about the justification for or validity of the next thread title should not be paramount in our minds. That is, not paramount enough to warrant you going back into lurking mode, Laurent. I understand you questioning the process (I question almost everything, like most tattlers), but please stay the course in terms of your interaction here. I enjoy reading your comments. You bring up very interesting points.
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Well this latest little video did nothing to elevate my opinion of the aging wanna be princess, in fact it had the opposite effect. I just hope more people open their eyes and continue to apply much needed pressure. Oh does anyone know if she is requiring or has required NDA's? I don't remember if thats been asked before so apologies in advance if it has.
She never said...maybe Marie will let us know once she is back in UK and needs to increase her patreon:

My story sofar and how I returned pennyless:
I can't say a name but my former bossfriend didn't pay me just because I refused to use the thermomix.
I won't name the place, I can only say so much: it looks like a castle, but only french.
I was really mistreated : though it was freezing cold they forced me to pose naked in front of a oneglazed window.
I arranged flowers all day long but they wouldn't even give me vases, I had to use empty milk bottles from my glutenfree milk which I had to buy myself.
I can't tell her name but her mother wanted to beat me just because I hit her Jaguar.
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They bypassed social media with their house because they had a whole channel behind them. They created the chateau grift culture though, they just didn't need to make their own channel to do it.
Dick was a TV presenter on programme called Scrapheap Challenge. Angel had a business & had been on Dragons Den (Shark Tank) & got funding to expand her business. She is a qualified accountant & has been a stylist too. They both had the same agent and that is where they met each other. So they probably pitched the idea to Channel 4 or had contacts who suggested that it could be a project which they have approached in a business like way. Channel 4 ended up with the Chateau brand with the resulting spin offs of the DIY & Make Do & Mend programmes so it was a win win situation. Sean Doyle, Deputy Head of Features & Formats at Channel 4 comments: 'Angel and Dick are hugely popular as was seen by the reaction to Make, Do and Mend and the record breaking figures for Escape to the Chateau at the end of 2020. They are jewels in the Channel 4 crown and it’s been an exhilarating ride helping them grow over the last 2 years.'
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Lady C

New member
Wow, you know when you have made a spectacularly bad investment when your property is still worth the same 14 years later after sinking the best part of £1million into it. Shouldn't this be ringing alarm bells with the patrons especially as she could sell her London flat and pay for everything that is needed without holding out the begging cup.
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VIP Member
Omg anyone else catching the premier

Lotll is reworked her narrative
someone has gotten a media advisor

apparently now monies were her inheritance
Given early - how she bought the London flat

threads 🧵 have been dealt with in order
you have to hand it to her
chatelaine ..... it’s planet SSB
She put a full stop to a lot of speculation. Well done. BJJ and Nati are the new moderators, Gerry, Isabel and Percy joined the chat, thanked and greeted a lot of people, they've clearly turned a new page. I'm impressed. New moderators need to start answering also in the comment section, before Jumpsuit Jill and other guard dogs ruin it. They have good intentions, but they piss people off. Lalande needs to take command also in the comments.
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Yeah, Loki Cleveland, if you're reading this: You're still a creep. No, I'm not homophobic. You're just a sexual predator, the kind of person we warn children about.
I'm a member of the alphabet mafia (LGBTQ+) and even I'm skeeved out. His comments are more suited for Grindr rather then YouTube chats. I should I know, I have encountered the type more times then I can count.

As a fellow Midwesterner, I do not claim Loki Cleveland as my own. Haha
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Chatty Member
My first post here, I admit I loved ETTC when I first found it. I'm an American and dreamed of living in France and it all looked so wonderful. Angela gave me a creepy vibe and I don't love all of her ideas. I started watching SJ and at first it was interesting, some of the workers/slaves were so annoying (Tomaz), but Phillip is just so annoying I can't watch anything he is in. But what has been the biggest turn off is just the blatant GREED! I agree with so many here, the shutters are hanging on for dear life, the walls are damp, you have no heating, but yet you buy art, clothes and things you really do not need! I watched the gift videos before, what a waste! Why are people sending these grifters all of this stuff??? Wake up people, most of it will end up at the local charity shop! Also, my last rant, why is she comparing her shitoo to the grand houses of England??? Seriously delusional! Thanks for letting me vent, I feel better now. :)
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Has non-profit status been confirmed (to cover up tax evasion)? It's not a monument historique in a state of ruin that is in desperate need of restoration; she lives in the château and any improvements made will improve her cadre de vie and augment the château's value. If/when it is sold she (and the two co-owners) will benefit from any profit made. How can that be non-profit? It's utterly ridiculous! Every château owner in France could do that and then not pay a penny in tax. Doesn't make any sense. There are many unanswered questions: is the YT/Patreon money declared? Has income from the flat in London been declared? Have any accounts abroad been declared?

There's a whole network of scroungers - Scrounger Jarvis, the High Priestess of Greed, who's never worked and has been scrounging since the day she was born, Get-on-Your Wiik Marie, the obsequious know-it-all Dan the Gardener, the Petherpricks, and BuyMeaCoffee No-Life Ryan (and many others) - who need to be investigated for tax evasion.
I don't post often, I like to just observe, but this message from @TheTaxInspector is an important one.

I will tell you why. In a previous thread a fan (spy?) told me to go to the local authorities about the mother and daughter Jarvis, if I had proof (sarcastically). What naivete is this. I am not alone believing their good connection with famille de Nadaillac protects them. A lot.

In this part of France, who you know is everything. Look what happened to the foreigners in Le Berry, they have no one to protect them, they understand nothing about how it is. Without contacts, you are naked. Honour is no shield from adversity, contacts are. This is why the above post is so important because it is the ONLY time when contacts cannot help you, nothing can help you from the taxman.

The mother and daughter Jarvis are miserly (except to themselves), calculating and malignantly narcissistic. Who does not see this is a fool or is blind.
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VIP Member
Wow, you know when you have made a spectacularly bad investment when your property is still worth the same 14 years later after sinking the best part of £1million into it. Shouldn't this be ringing alarm bells with the patrons especially as she could sell her London flat and pay for everything that is needed without holding out the begging cup.
The patreon money support her as a content creator. The targets are fictive, she proclaimed she will use the money for the chateau, but she does not need to. With one patreon video a week she is already doing her part.
Also even if she does some repairs you never know how much they were exactly.
For example back then when she said that a Canadian designer made the plans for the fountain plants, I had the impression they were a gift from a fan. Later she said those cost 1000 Euros.

In the end it was nothing spectacular, a rose in each corner and lavender. You can see those at any Aldi parking lot. Dan could have easily designed something like this for free. Definitely not worth 1000 Euro. But she was happy that someone took action and believed it was a bargain. If she really sent this designer 1000 Euro she was actually screwed.

She just needs someone to come along and act as a catalysator to get things started. She doesn't double-check or look for a better option.
Someone sends her a design she takes it.
Hash knows some carpenter across Europe , she orders panels for all rooms as if there is no carpenter in France.
Waterpolice comes and she drains the lake.
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Well-known member
Wow, you know when you have made a spectacularly bad investment when your property is still worth the same 14 years later after sinking the best part of £1million into it. Shouldn't this be ringing alarm bells with the patrons especially as she could sell her London flat and pay for everything that is needed without holding out the begging cup.
Why the f*#k would she sell her London flat to pay for everything when she can get the gobshite patrons (not including our Tattle E5.00 patrons for research purposes in that...) to hand over their hard earned pensions into her greedy filthy (we know this now - #rawporkmaulinggate) hands. Can you just imagine her every morning waking up and I bet the first thing she does is grab her laptop to check how much money she has in her patron account and her youtube account - googley eyes greedily lapping it up as she sinks back down into her Yves Delorme (free sheets that she scammed) for her second sleep because it's really the middle of the night for her at 10am... wallowing in how much free money she is continuing to scam from all those sad fanatics who honestly believe she gives a shit about them... who are so deluded that they think they have a relationship with her. Don't they know she would rather wipe Donald Trumps arse than spend one moment with any of them... - you can tell I'm her biggest fan. :sick:
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I have to disagree with you on this. The original Chateau had all toilet waste going into the moat! They have brought the original structure back to life and within it adapted rooms. This was a hunting lodge or something not Versailles. The staircase they restored including sourcing similar red carpet. They restored the kitchen gardens. The stables they reconfigured to an appartment as they don't have horses. It had no ballroom or library. They restored the orangery, twice. What would you have liked to be done?
And they installed a massive professional catering kitchen where they can practice safe and hygienic food preparation - unlike mankey mits SJ with her pork juice hands mauling everything in that hole of a kitchen where everything gets dumped on the table that they prepare food on and eat at...
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First, Phillip's deep breathing throughout the whole filming annoyed me. You have ONE job, young man. One job! At one stage he sounded as if he was snoring.

Second, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Stefanie is opening up bookings for patreons and fans of her vlog only? From Thursday to Monday? Plus two dinners with the gang? Oh my god, that's going to be hilarious as the likes of Loki and Brenda decent on LaLande!!
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