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VIP Member
One of her superfans expressed their concerns that they were worried for her safety in reopening the B and B because they had been reading on that nasty site.
They should be afraid:
first thing a tattler would do
-put sugar in jaguars tank
-insulate the attic and destroy ventilation of roof
-heat the rooms above 11 degrees and harm the fabric
-free the animals
-pay volunteers
-buy some vases
-play another song than "it's raining men"
-remove the bag from Nics head
-clean Selmars leather jacket
-perform rhinoplasty on Phil
-sow all of Isabelles seeds

I am waiting for the vlog "How saved me from prison" coming up in the near future, not even Jill gave has so much advice for free than she could have found here and therefore she could adjust adapt prevent the liability, damage, injury etc......

I would love to know which money she uses for botox, is it youtube or B&B or rental income of the london pad?
all in all it doesnt add up, she pays already so many things with these 💰 that I wonder if they replicate at night
Non of all, health insurance pays for her blepharospasm 😜😁😉😂
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She put a full stop to a lot of speculation. Well done. BJJ and Nati are the new moderators, Gerry, Isabel and Percy joined the chat, thanked and greeted a lot of people, they've clearly turned a new page. I'm impressed. New moderators need to start answering also in the comment section, before Jumpsuit Jill and other guard dogs ruin it. They have good intentions, but they piss people off. Lalande needs to take command also in the comments.
The fact that she is having to put a stop to speculation is not a win for her. It is a win for Tattlers. The natives in her fan base are getting restless, they are being directed here. Maybe some are having the scales from their eyes taken off. This is not a win for SSB. This is a sticking plaster over a major wound. Dear Stephanie Jarvis. We see you. We are not fooled. 1/10 for effort. Must try harder.
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The recap post by @Frances Nicole is excellent but please pay attention to something suble but very important.

I am not out to get Stephanie and la mère Jarvis, absolutely not. (I cannot speak for anyone else but I think they are thinking as I)

If I wanted to report her, I could have, but I didn't and never will (explained in earlier post).

I am offended by excessively rich tax evaders.

French social system is based upon (and relies upon) citizens paying tax. This is how we protect the vulnerable and ourselves when we are in crisis. In a socialist system, it is really damaging to the structure of our society and other French people when you sneakily do not pay your fair share, because when there is not enough, the first people to have support reduced are children of the poorest in society, the elderly, the most marginalised. (Politicians look after themselves first)

Let us be honest, what do rich people do with the money they save on not paying tax? Oh they go to Venice, buy Fortuny fabric, or a Hermes belt. The other side of this story is an elderly lady who has worked and paid taxes all of her life has to turn off her heating during the day and wear her coat in the appartment. That is why I am offended by rich tax evaders. It does not mean I am out to get Stephanie, that makes me sound like the one who is male fide.
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Someone on the live chat today called the lower tier patrons the "Peasant Level".....I think they were including themself...LOL...No talk so far of Tattle......
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Active member
It's absolutely cringeworthy how she's telling her version of 20th century history and what a tragedy it was that the English aristocracy had to start paying inheritance tax! She didn't mention that a huge factor in the decline of the English country house was that servants who had managed to survive the horrors of World War I and returned home no longer wanted to spend their life polishing their master's shoes and found better paid jobs elsewhere. It is a real shame that many houses were demolished but a positive social change did take place.

Also hilarious that she compares La Lande to Blenheim Palace.
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New thread title:

Please add any new choice at the end and use emojis to vote! ;)

1. Like (y)
Porky mitts and porky pies

2. Love ❤
@NorrisCS @chitchatcheateaugirl
Manky mitts and pork juice mitts

3. Laugh 🤣
Welcome to the Shit-O Deception

4. Wow 😯
Welcome to our Shit Show ShitO deception

5. Sad :(
@Incognito Chatelaine
Iliberty, Inequality, and the Grifter Fraternity

6. Sick :sick:

7. Angry :mad:
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Well-known member
I’m always amazed at the amount of alcohol
SJ consumes. She can down a glass of Gin like she’s gulping water. This habit will not bode well for her. Her face will be the first to go.
We only see what they want us to see. Her fans love her drinking eating partying having a good time and spending money.

her taking big sips a handful of times in a video doesn’t mean she do it 24/7. Her taking a big sip from that gin drink doesn’t mean it’s gin . Her taking a big bite of that cake as the camera changes focus to someone else doesn’t mean she swallows it.

Just like Marie being shown in her studio hard at work. That doesn’t mean Marie is in that unheated space working hours non stop freezing her socks (gift grab provided) off She’s merely popped out quickly to provide some footage at a time that’s convenient for whoever want to film.
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Sasha Groves

Chatty Member
I’m sure I remember Marie putting something out on YouTube in the very early days saying that her dad was a alcoholic and as a result her upbringing was shambolic. It was one of the cluster of videos she later deleted. This would have a detrimental affect on her childhood.

I do feel it’s ‘two’s company, three’s a crowd’ and with SJ’s dominance and Natti being her right hand admin/camera/everything inbetween fav there is possibly little space for Marie. Marie appeared upset that Natti’s almost identical truffles (cooked after Marie’s) were preferred over hers on last nights blogs, a telling insight into what she deems as favouritism. We all saw SJ coercively controlling the flowers on the breakfast tray, asking what Marie thought but with no intention of doing anything other than what SHE wanted, another example of Marie providing something but not having any real control. Cooking seems to Marie’s place this time around, the unenviable task of navigating multiple allergies, food type intolerance and veggie/vegan. Im sure that’s not what she envisaged her return would be.
Add in the boy child who falls over himself trying to crawl up SJ’s arse and demand her constant attention - what a unhealthy mix! Especially for someone with fragile mental health. When the UK comes out of lockdown and she doesn’t have to self isolate in a hotel at her own cost she’ll be gone, blink and she’ll be packed and crossing the channel breathing a hugh sigh of relief.

@MojoDublin - I’m dyspraxic so can relate to you on a level. I struggle with coordination and dexterity meaning when writing I have to try very hard to type my sentences with the words in the correct order. Usually everything is back to front and very sporadic 🥴 We contribute though regardless and that’s all that counts hey?! 😊
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VIP Member
Sorry Mojo Dublin if I got this wrong. It was meant as an observation not a criticism, your message is clear even if the system picks the wrong word. I love your humour and skill at IT that is far beyond my capability.
I'm impressed that you were able to quote Airbnb from last year.
I have been watching the times when posts are more busy/quiet with curiosity as to where in the world fellow Tattlers are or if we are all insomniacs.
were grand I’ve lost my freedom - not my sence of humour (TF)

last April we had fantasy pics of where we’d stay when we got out ( shows you how little we knew back then ) I’d picked there just a mad coincidence is all

current obsession on what’s app is now called house porn -
mainly features homes in France 🇫🇷
Stockholm and the Hamptons ....

you have to keep dreaming 💭
Plus we’re very nosey
and completely rip the back off them if they have no taste in furniture

who has matching wallpaper and bedspreads ... oh. Steph sorry bud 😜
fyi I can’t spell to save my life .. I’ve no shame in it - its called dyslexia

so I freely admit I tend to spell fineticly

I apologise to one n all
but I built a bridge over it years ago
and got over it 😇

had some funny work emails in my day
thankfully I laughed my way out of it !!! 🤣🤣🥰
I promise you it’s all good 🥰🍸🍸🍸🍸
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Well-known member
OMG, she is obviously distributing some goodies. In every travel guide it is written that you should bring heaps of pens, sweets, even batteries, etc to give to kids.
And Scotman trying to say it like she is magnetic and draws people to her like she's the next blinkin' Messiah.... yep, a bag of sweets and a head of peroxide yellow rats tails will get you all the attention you crave! Bless him, he's such a numpty.
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VIP Member
Yup, I definitely see a hierarchy here. I have been lurking since the beginning and then Oct/20 became a member who does not say much. Certain Tattlers-are appreciated more than others, the way of the world! But we are a friendly bunch who appreciate wit, banter, research, our agents, and thoughtful discourse. I myself can only try for one of those things not being as talented as many others here! 😄
I don't see a hierarchy at all - maybe I am just oblivious but I couldn't begin to make a guess as to who the hierarchy would be! I know that I started to recognise that some posters could regularly make me laugh and some cheer me up after a trying day, with their quips. Some will astound me with their sharp, analytical minds or intrigue me with their nuggets of information. Others express their views in such an articulate fashion that leave me thinking that I wish that I'd said that and some remain calm and reasoned when it is clear that someone is trying to rattle them and yes, one or two have pushed my buttons and make my hackles rise with their abrasive posts. A few are the workhorses that keep everything ticking over and let the rest of us dip in and out at will and I am grateful for that. I don't honestly see that as a hierarchy though. The glossary and daily round up came about as others requested it and @MojoDublin and @Frances Nicole kindly stepped up to offer to help. A new title and a thread appears as if by magic overnight when needed. (I though it was the Thread Fairy! 🧚‍♀️)
At the end of the day, none of us know each other, although we are sometimes misled into thinking that we guess the identity behind the name. In the great scheme of thing, does it really matter though? When it stops being fun, that's the time to leave.

I get like that, I also have arthritis in my hands and obvs need glasses at times.
I find it difficult to edit past posts when I notice typos or the lay
Bane of my life - so much easier to correct using a red pen! 😁
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okay i fell down a rabbit hole
:m :m :m
I am premising this with a load of caution ...
whilst very presentable -
I do believe a lot of media damage is been presented
as in DB with some helpful commenters hosted a conversation
much like going into witness protection here

however the WITCH that spent a week reading threads 1 -16
ah sorry HI YA babes..... I found you :love:💫💫💫💫

ill not remove the jet or pilot as you did thrawl threw
tattle  ..whey whey whey.png

deleted threads  - fake profiles.png
nice summary :m:m:m:m

deleted threads  - fake profiles.png
nice summary :m:m:m:m


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History... Marie Antoinette welcome by a Lalande owner ? Don't make me laugh about this please (when you know how these sort of ceremonies were organised and why at that time).
Oh, and just to everyone for context, the Nadaillacs (because they are the ‘family of marquis’ that she speaks of in the intro) did not own the Château at the time of Marie-Antoinette coming to France. Apologies, I have not checked the exact dates before writing this, but she may have already been beheaded (or close to, anyway) at the time of the Nadaillacs arrival to La Lande. Could well be that the Nadaillacs moved to a remote part of France (La Lande) for safety. Being an aristocrat at the end of the 18th century wasn’t exactly fashionable in this moment of French history. So, to anyone who had a picture of a marquis leaving La Lande before meeting Marie-Antoinette, that is not what happened (more likely lived and left from Versailles).
Not saying that this is what is claimed in the introduction of the videos, but there is a portrait of Marie-Antoinette in the intro, despite there being no link whatsoever between the beheaded queen and the Château.
I can understand that not everyone is as keen on French grammar as I am (Lalande / La Lande), but misrepresenting French history, when one’s claim to fame is to ‘live in a historic home’?
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Quite some years ago, when I worked in hospitals, a junior doctor was overheard making a comment about a student nurse in a hospital corridor. Compared to the comments made on the live feed about Philip, it was fairly innocuous, along the lines of appreciation of the way she walked. The girl did not make a complaint but it became a disciplinary action because it happened on hospital premises and the young man in question was removed from that rotation.
I cannot see how this isn't being addressed and it beggars belief that these women are actively encouraging these inappropriate remarks. Is this really how these old girls are getting their thrills now?
There really are no morals with SJ when it comes to sexual innuendo. One of her guests once tried to actually rape her and The Elusive came to her rescue and insisted that this guest would be removed from the shit-show-shat-o instantly. SJ however pleaded for the guy to be able to stay and finish his visit as planned, saying she just wouldn't invite him again. This nis the standard that applies not just to herself but to all people under her roof. Talk about a safe living and working environment...
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Whenever she talks about buying the shato she makes it sound as if she bought her share with her own money, which clearly isn't the case as she's never worked. She said that she sold her flat in London to buy her share, but presumably her father bought the flat for her. She now seems to have another flat in London, so where did the money come from for that? A spoiled only child who seems to be handicapped ... except when it comes to ripping people off and grabbing loads of money off gullible twats.
It also seems very strange that she should suddenly mention the inheritance and that she spent it all on the initial renovations. She has never mentioned it before and clearly this sudden declaration, some time after starting her Patreon account, etc., reveals that she is just trying to cover herself after crticism about begging and using other people's money to restore her own home. Surely, she should have told everyone all the facts at the start. Presumably, as a result of using all that money, she must now have a bigger stake in it than the other two owners. And if she spent the whole inheritance on the chateau, where did the money for travel, hotels, restaurants, porcelain, clothes, etc. come from?
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New member
So homophobia is now just labelled as ‘something stupid’ happening to all of us? And asking your friends (yes, friendship came first) to help take care of your home so you don’t have to, makes you their boss, new privileges and all? What an interesting take on events passed! I’m sure SJ would completely agree with you.
In my book shaming people who had the courage to speak up into ‘get over it, you are an adult now’ is exactly the kind of misconduct driving people here.
Thank you @Clare burnett - for really making me step back and think. I'm a woman who was born in the 60s, I got an accountancy degree, did my best to 'break' the glass ceiling, became a business owner, working mother etc. I was subjected to sexual abuse but it was SO normal that although I fought against it, I never viewed it as 'abusive'. I have developed the view 'oh toughen up, I've had guys grab my pussy, I'm fine '. But, thank you, it's not acceptable, I don't want my daughter or granddaughter to be subjected to that shit. or anyone for that matter.
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Omg anyone else catching the premier

Lotll is reworked her narrative
someone has gotten a media advisor

apparently now monies were her inheritance
Given early - how she bought the London flat

threads 🧵 have been dealt with in order
you have to hand it to her
chatelaine ..... it’s planet SSB
One almost would believe, she Nati had read through all the threads and answering all the doubts and questions we have had.
Making a water tight alibi, eh?
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Mummy Dearest

Well-known member
How sensible of her not to want to join in building a child's toy tea room! Bravo Marie!
I’m hoping that after Marie leaves she pulls a “Why I left Buzzfeed” type video. “Why I left La Lande”, it could start a whole wave of fascinating content from the various comers and goers. That‘ll get her views! Spill your secrets, Marie!
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