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Sending lots of love to this person! Nailed it!

Michelle Willems

1 hour ago
I was just reading the comments here and I truly cannot understand how excited the commentators are. I used to love CD from the beginning now I see the content as mind numbingly boring and I’ve stopped watching. When I think about that, it’s so disappointing. I’ve wasted time from my life supporting what I see has become boring and selfish. I am quite sure these feelings/observations arose at approximately the same time as gay Phil landed and began with his “my chateau” remarks. Has he bought a share? I need to unsubscribe. The gift channel is sickening. All of those sad sycophants sending “stuff!” The money spent on gifting and postage is insane. I would prefer to support charities that help people and animals. It is not as though the chateau or its inhabitants need anything. The place must literally be busting at the seams! I don’t care if haters resent my comment. I live in a democracy and I will be out of here asap.
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This is from her last flog. It's a long read but I love the part where they say Phillip is like her nephew!

2 hours ago (edited)
☮♥☀🌹 Care About You! 🏰Stephanie, what we have to say to you, you're not going to like, but I rather tell you than not to tell you, because if we don't say anything, it's like leaving you to drown and nobody does that, only if they don't care or afraid to tell you. So here we go! It's about you and your boyfriend Philip. You guys remind us of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Everyone thought it was a beautiful love story like Charles and Diana as well. The number one reason everyone in the world says, it's because of the age difference. When you fall in love with a person that's a lot lot younger than you are, it's like buying a puppy even though you don't like dogs. So it's all infatuation and the excitement that the other person thinks they will live with you the rest of their life because they think they're in love now, but they're only thinking about now not long term, because they're too young to think that far. Not to mention women can fall in love and stay with the guy forever, but men don't think like women. 95% of men only stay deeply in love for five years or so and then the love diminishes. So the relationship is only going to crumble because the younger person's mind is not fully developed. They think their age, not five years older and beyond. We honestly think you shouldn't play this love game that you think it's going to be like a fairytale, and he's going to kiss you and you will be his forever, like the story of Snow White, because he's only in his 20's. He acts as if though you are his aunt and he's the nephew, as he goes along with any final decision you make, simply because he knows you're older and he doesn't know better! Philip acts as if though he is a genuine true friend to you, but we don't see that deep excitement, manly, forever love affair that he should be showing towards you. Even when you went on the tractor to do some tractoring work, he was no where in sight like a manly boyfriend that wants to take over and control the tractor. He wants now to paint his nails and so his fingers looks very feminine. Are you telling us you don't mind if he wears makeup? The peachy pinks that he loves, it's almost like he's going a different direction towards being a transvestite. As long as you don't mind your boyfriend to be on the feminine side, then so be it because it's only going to get worst not better, as the saying goes. Maybe you should have your mother read our message and see if she agrees with what we're saying. The same way it was with Charles and Diana. All the signs where there, but everyone covered up for Charles. But at the end of their relationship, he wanted everyone to know what he really wanted. That's how men are, they completely think not what women are thinking. Only if they're 99.9% in love with you, they will see everything your way. So if it was me in your position, I wouldn't play a gambling game with my love life. Your cards are on the table and if you don't focus and concentrate, you're not going to win this love game for the long term forever and ever. We see you guys as best friends, but unfortunately, not as husband and wife. Having a real castle like you do, you can always add and subtract, but with genuine love, you don't want to play Russian roulette with your heart by adding and subtracting since Philip is only 27. As a male, he has just started to learn mentally. So why don't you stop while you're ahead and then in ten years, see if he feels the same way about you. Then you will be on the right side of the coin and have no regrets.🌹
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Back from our visit to France. Did a lot of interviews that included some donations. Did a lot of driving. Scheduled a few more appointments for around party time. I am pretty sure SJ was alerted to our visit although we are not 100%. Next on the agenda - our guest checks in. Sorting out microphones at the moment. Can’t wait to see you SJ. We have a few questions.
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Clara Burnett

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@Clara Burnett there was speculation around the lack of dan in the chateau diaries. Do you know what is happening? Is he on his way out?
He is certainly struggling. Stephanie Jarvis has mentioned to several people that she thinks it's time for him to move on. Never a good sign when she starts referring to someone else's interest in terms like 'It would be better for him to....' and 'I would understand if he would...'
Dan however strikes me as particularly hard headed and not very good at reading a room: he will be struggling a lot longer before he sees the light. If Jarvis does want him out pronto, she'd best play her cards right with her cuz and let him do the dirty work. Knowing Stephanie Jarvis that plan has already set in motion.
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Selmar & Marie are gone. Michael Petherick is invisible. Dan will be out by Christmas 2022 and I'd put money on Cuz & Natti going by Christmas 2023 as they are becoming tired of Snorty's ever increasing 'King of the Shiteau' routine. This pending visit by Mummy & Percy to the shiteau will likely be their last. No travel vlog with Ollie. No travel vlog with Potty. Fewer visits by Scotman. When was the last time Kat visited? Appears Snorty will be the last man standing and Fanny will be stuck with him. Snorty's work will be done.
Oh but that is all okay with her because “she’s been looking for a Philip her whole life”. She wants a man who wears makeup and nail polish, who has long hair no matter the state of his thinning hair, who wears women’s clothes, who doesn’t want to have sex with her, who will take her picture and follow her around, who can sing somewhat, play the piano somewhat, who has no money so he has no power in the relationship and can’t leave her, who will set the table, carry her purse, and figure what all of the unmarked keys are for.
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I’ve been notified that the little red & green hats are in celebration of the upcoming Tartlet Days, September 6, 7 & 8 in Key West, FLorida. BYOB, RSVP ASAP. Bespoke Spode tiles have been ordered for the gift bags.
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There is something ridiculous about these periodic gatherings of chateau-owning vloggers. Are we supposed to believe they all happen to be best friends and that no-one without a chateau and/or vlog happens to be in the friend group? It's all about lazy content and trying to gain followers off each other, so we have the spectacle of four or five cameras, all filming the same thing, and let's see who gets their vlog posted first.
It all feels like incest not a great business plan. Their fake lives are off putting and these are not people you want to look at for long. The fun people won’t be back because of Snorty he is vomit. I’m not even inspired to make fun of him in squirrel form because he is so boring. The chateau use to be filled with people you want to party with now it’s the kind of people you want to avoid at the grocery store. WHERE ARE THE ACCOUNTS? WHY DID YOU KEEP THE SPODE DOG BOWL GIFTED TO DIESEL? DOES DAN PAY RENT? DID SNORTY BREAK THE SUGAR BOWL IN SOUTH AFRICA? WILL YOU TAKE POTTY BACK? DID YOU PAY IAN? NO NOT IAN, THE OTHER IAN. WE ALL KNOW HERBERT HEDGHOG IS NOT STILL AT THE VET. WHAT HAPPENED? DO YOU SECRETLY HATE VIVIAN? WERE YOU DRUNK WHEN YOU DRAINED THE LAKE?
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My point is that he contributes to nothing. Most people who work /invest in France appreciate the difficulties of social charges/impôts and are part of the greater good. Don’t be fooled.
No one likes to bash the Pethericks more than me 😆, but I feel the need to Petherfend a little bit. Gwen inherited her money (nothing wrong with that) which was made in the yeast business (bread yeast, not like Fanny yeast 😆). So, by providing this product and service, her family contributed to the greater good. Gwen bought a chateau and they’ve done a good job of restoring and preserving it (so far)…and are about to do the same with the convent. Maintaining and preserving these structures for the future could be seen as for the greater good. And they are spending money in France. Compared to Fanny who is letting her farmhouse fall to ruin, and traveling everywhere but France anytime she gets the chance. It pains me to Petherfend…they’ll probably do something boneheaded next week and I’ll change my tune! 😆
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Lady Avonlea

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The only word that comes to mind is “brutal.” Just…brutal. Dan will be next in a long line…Michael Petherick, Selmar, Marie, etc. I only wish it was Snorts or Nutty getting the boot. I hope Dan gets the picture faster than Selmar (actually, I don’t think Selmar ever “got it” that he was wanted out by SJ).
Selmar & Marie are gone. Michael Petherick is invisible. Dan will be out by Christmas 2022 and I'd put money on Cuz & Natti going by Christmas 2023 as they are becoming tired of Snorty's ever increasing 'King of the Shiteau' routine. This pending visit by Mummy & Percy to the shiteau will likely be their last. No travel vlog with Ollie. No travel vlog with Potty. Fewer visits by Scotman. When was the last time Kat visited? Appears Snorty will be the last man standing and Fanny will be stuck with him. Snorty's work will be done.
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Nobody asked but Chateau Unwrapped - ffs. I don't watch it but I do get it as a recommendation on my Youtube feed. They have not worked me out - I would sooner watch dogs shitting in public parks. I apologise - but it is obscene - the thumbnail of them all lined up holding up the spoils like Wimbledon trophies (except theirs is not earned). Can no one put a stop to this disgusting display of unnecessary, wasteful conspicuous consumption which is out of kilter with any decent persons' view of how to keep their carbon footprint to a reasonable level. Stop accepting gifts Fanny. Stop using the excuse that you are giving the proceeds of the channel to charity (LESS the import taxes) when this is itself offset by the landfill you are accumulating which is f..king up the environment. Just stop.
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Poor Phyllis - run out of boot polish that night?

Screenshot 2022-07-13 at 11.30.24.png

Screenshot 2022-07-13 at 00.43.17.png

A new dress Stephanie? And no heating or electrical rewiring, no restoration of the chapel, lake façades, terraces, window replacements, etc…
The dress is from Alexander McQueen Resort 2020. I present to you look 16…

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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
They've been friends for decades, still Fanny has a very superficial connection with them.
Stephanie Jarvis has a very superficial connection with all but herself. She is incapable of making meaningful connections with others, which is why she feels most comfortable safely tucked away in her own boudoir. Even before her rise to YouTube fame this was her modus operandi, but her current life style choices and everything that entails has made connections to others become even more stressful and threatening. She could be exposed as the imposter she knows she is at any given minute.

Any news on the latest patreon video? Secret projects my ass!
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@Jules100 Did a fab job with your the square jaw line. @Jules100 Did you do yours?
When I’m done with the rest of the cheesy bootleg Daddy’s tile rip offs, I want to make a special Christmas wine coaster with mine or retile my kitchen backsplash.
@Jules100 You've made quite a positive contribution to the Tattle CD thread, further uniting members who appreciate each other and share a common distain for Heir Grifter Stephonie Jarslut. I would be honored to down a ML with you some day in the future! Throwin respect your way, Goddess! 🥰 🥰 🥰
I love Tattle CD, probably too much. Cheers!
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Hi! I finally made a profile after lurking here for over a month. I stumbled upon the tattle site after googling a discrepancy in one of Fannys videos and to my delight, I found a whole community that calls her out on her shit and what my intuition was telling me about her! I have laughed and laughed at some of your responses and been amazed by the “receipts” you guys bring to the discussion at hand! Bravo! I had started watching CD at the very beginning of the pandemic and went back and watched some of her older videos (which I can’t find now) that showed her in New York with some long haired American guy. She said they were just “friends” but we all know what that means with her. Sorry if this has been discussed here before but I can’t find the videos and was wondering who this man was because I’ve never seen him again (at least I don’t think so because my memory is shit) I was hoping someone else remembers him and that I’m not crazy!
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The gag popped up ...i skipped through it...Davy was there sitting like...yes like what...that guy is so akward..why is she putting him there?
Nutty was showing her always....i guess her compuerskills are more limited...
Gerry was there because channel four was there...well...i guess i dont like tartan..i am dutch...not fond of that fake clown either..
Snort painted his nails white...i guess he is still a virgin..
that other woman..last year a guest now a volunteer...strange...i never felt the earge to do the dishes in the restaurant i ate the week before...
All in all..a waste of time...and all Fanny does is reading out letters about how she kept the world sane while covid hit us...that woman is totally matter what other people tell her..
Not meantioning all the crap she got...i went through that vlog in one minute was quite enough...
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My South African friend is currently in Paris and it didn’t take long at all to get the visa. They are stalling.

I'm from the UK, and I got my visa done at the French embassy in an hour, after scheduling an appointment I am already in the Schengen Zone though.
According to travelstart:

Fortunately, the system has been upgraded substantially and South African passport holders can now see their short-stay Schengen visa ready within 48 hours. That is 2 business days from the time the application is lodged until the passport is made available for collection.

So yet again more BS from Stephanie. Percy is married to a Schengen Visa resident so he will get automatic preferential treatment and he isn't working so he doesn't need to apply for a working visa - which I did (the paperwork FML my cortisone levels went through the roof - screw Brexit).
Racist Percy and Mummy can't handle being around the gruesome twosome - that's the answer.
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Can you imagine, writing half an hour on a post with your concerns, and with just a click that post gets deleted and you get blocked..
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