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@Lady Avonlea I'm upset and still processing what this situation is, but on the surface I don't like the looks of it - shame on them all!

Yes exactly Shame on them all. The whole thing is nonsense all of them just playing on people’s emotions to get their greedy, filthy, thieving claws on somebody else’s money. Unfortunately the world is full of idiots who will keep on giving and never see through all the lies and deceit. It is now at a stage where even If the main players did nothing the money would keep pouring in, or if they need extra money for a little jaunt to London or Venice, then just up the anti by tugging on people‘s heartstrings. More fool them, any spare money I have goes towards my family and deserving causes, not disgusting jumped up twats who have never done an honest days work in their lives.
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Tea with lemon

VIP Member
I am as flummoxed as everybody else why FRK thinks that YET AGAIN having a floristry studio will be her saviour.
Where is she going to live and how will she support herself, $1000 a month from Patreon won't be nearly enough - end of story, especially in today's worldwide economic climate!
To be honest, none of what she has ever produced would in any way entice me into parting with my hard earned cash, and, I am not in any way blowing my own trumpet when I say, that I could achieve far better as it is not hard, is it?
Isn't there a regular market in that local village/town? Where I am sure they have plant/flower sellers who will be much cheaper than FRK - it's a given.
Has always appeared to me that she went to the Dummies School of Floristry - no aspersions cast against the weekend training course she attended in Bristol - if I remember right - happy to be corrected. But, what exactly did she expect to learn in a weekend? Ordinarily, in reality, it's an apprenticeship (just like many other trades) unless you attend a month long, 24/7 intensive course with a highly regarded professional florist which would cost a fortune.
You 100% don't learn floristry in a weekend and thereafter feel that you can market a business as a renowned florist installing yourself in a studio because you were fleetingly viewed on C4 CDIY, thereafter riding on the back of that until very recently. Totally delusional in my book.
She only did the HMN floral jam jars because she picked the flowers from the garden/surrounding area and obviously the HMN didn't have to shell out any payment for those.
Actually, SJ and PJ did an equally passable job as FRK might have done, for their past Christmas table floral decorations - my point exactly.
From memory, she did one very low key wedding based out of the HMN and obviously the "wreets" whilst in Haworth - am I missing anything else?
I am obviously forgetting of course, absolute 100% typical covert N behaviour, e.g. "If I believe I am, therefore, I am, AND nobody can tell me otherwise - OR, if they attempt to do so, then I will not listen", scenario! :rolleyes:
She went to Cozon-sur-Vauvre !!!! And she saw the potential.
For God's sake, the place has 300 inhabitants !!!!
Potential!!!! For what????
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The potential is for looking like she has a "job". When her real job seems to be fleecing people out of their money.
Even I've seen enough of the "Poor me. Buy me a life.".
At this point, I'm fairly well disgusted by the whole lot of these people.
And by that, I mean all of the la Landers. They're nothing but a bunch of scheming, fake, lazy liars, who spend a huge amount of time pretending to live a life, so they can scam money from people, instead of just living a proper life.

They really are a metaphor for these times.
Wouldn’t it be great if Channel 4 was setting up SJ for a big exposé? Once they‘ve milked all they can from the chateau storyline, Channel 4 is suddenly “shocked” to learn of the lies, deceit, and scandals at La La Lande! An entire special 2-hour episode dedicated to the grifting, shady accounting, and tax dodging! The gift that keeps on Channel 4!
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Amaury has a phone charm??? He also has a dog leash(es). Does he have his dog(s) now???

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du Fay

Well-known member
Rubbish screenshot but good to see Marie hasn't lost her touch in the kitchen. Sausages and her wonderful/incredible potatoes juxtaposed against Cyril's cooling Greekesque salad. Two seasons colliding on the same plate. Plus ça change, plus c'est lamême chose.

View attachment 1280076
Might be an unpopular/strange opinion, but I've always found the food at LL nauseating!!
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
At least now we can judge some time frames via Dan's teeth (thumb nail is new teeth, footage is old teeth):
Dan, it's not just your teeth you need to learn a lot about.

Dan looked so bewildered when Amuary was explaining how to cut the angles, like a teacher explaining maths to a kid that just doesn't get it. Amuary definitely has to babysit Dan to make sure this is done properly. I'd have more confidence if Grant were there also holding Dan's hand.

I'm also getting tired of Dan always sounding exasperated by the thought of undertaking any work - he sounds like a lazy teenager who only wants to fly his drone, .
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
well we have one gardener...i also help...and our gardens and park are much bigger than Lalandes..a good gardener makes priorities and has a plan..i dont see that in Kirsty..she fits right in there..its all smoke and mirrors...its all done for the vlog...come on..those cucumbers are one week old...we eat our own grown allready...its almost June....
So many good reasons to have a fabulous kitchen garden:
- organic food & no pesticides
- knowing where you food has come from
- freshness
- convenience
- cheaper, especially with inflation and spiraling food costs
Fanny has the space, the resources and the time to invest in a fabulous kitchen garden, but she just doesn't give a crap about gardens. Her sudden, half-assed interest in the birds, gardens & woods is all just smoke and mirrors to distract people from the lack of structural building work being done.

Fanny is more interested in installing a pretty fountain than food in the walled garden. Heck, Fanny can't even be bothered to finish to pergola in the walled garden.

Cyril - not sure I'd be scraping the moss of those back steps mate as it's the only thing holding the decrepit structure together.
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She went to Cozon-sur-Vauvre !!!! And she saw the potential.
For God's sake, the place has 300 inhabitants !!!!
Potential!!!! For what????
Marie will purchase cheap flowers with her Patreon money, then everyday each of the 300 inhabitants of Cozon-sur-Vauvre will buy 1 flower for $1, that’s $300 a day! $300x365=$109,500 a year! Marie is a financial and business genius.
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du Fay

Well-known member
To be fair to Fanny, she has only made three mistakes in 17 years: what she says, what she does and what she thinks!

Or, to put the trinity in another way, and with lots of mixed metaphors:

1. She is clasping a viper to her bosom (Snorts) and he is going to bite her in the ass! And not in a good way! He is so using her, and when she is tired of him she will discover what a limpet he really is. I bet she never discloses how much Patreon money he costs to remove!

2. She has invited a cuckoo into the nest (FRK) and she is going to milk Fanny for all the fame and money she can get! The natural consequence of Fanny's own lovebombing of a delusional depressive.

3. Lastly, she has provided the taxman with actual evidence of her own financial mismanagement and comingling of gifted and earned income, ultimately proving her incompetence and outright greed when faced with almost limitless sources of income (and her stupidity in vlogging in such detail)!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Wow they must feel very comfortable with money
rolling in that they sit back and do nothing.
So do they think Annmarie is going to inherit the place from SJ or did SJ pledge (not donate) her share to Annmarie? Is Annmarie drinking because of the pressure to deliver and finish things?
From his level of carpentry skills I judge he's used to the pressure of delivering and finishing things. My bet is he's drinking because of the ongoing drama (on a daily basis) caused by his bullying Argentinian girlfriend Nutty and his mad cousin Stephanie Jarvis.
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I thought her story was that the reason the sluice was opened was because Fanny was at the chateau alone, was bullied by visiting officials and had no opportunity to take advice from anyone. Now, it appears that Potty and Larkin did this? Are they all really so stupid that none of them thought, "Let's get some legal advice before we do this?" or "Shall we wait until we receive some written command from an appropriate authority to do this?" It beggars belief. I thought the success of her Patron account rested on the fact that her original narrative made her seem vulnerable, alone and misled. Now it appears, Patron is paying for the error of all of the owners, not just hers.
Absolutely she tells that tale : in her THE MYSTERY OF THE CHATEAU'S MISSING LAKE!!! vlog
"No longer a lake it is now a wetland just a few years after I'd moved in the French water police came to visit me and delivered some shocking news
I had to drain the lack or risk a massive fine because of new EU regulations.
They tricked me into emptying it by scaring me when I was alone at the Chateau and had absolutely no money. "
This is a huge step for me, and I want to thank everyone who watches this vlog for your incredible emotional support, and a huge thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. I only launched our Patreon page 1 week ago and we already have over 100 patrons! Because of you I'll be able to commission a survey (costing several thousand euros), which is the first step in getting the lake back. YAY! It looks as though the dream of getting our lake back looks as though it could become a reality. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will flourish because of you, thank you!!!
Liar lair fanny no pants on fire if Potts & Larkin were there eh?
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Helloooo I’m here. Thanks for thinking of me Comtesse. I’ve been traveling in South Africa so have only lurked a bit. Unfortunately I have been unable to avoid the footsteps of Stephanie Jarvis’ South African adventure. I passed a hideous Villiotti display the other day. Thank goodness I did not see the man himself. Ardmore pieces have been haunting me but luckily I found an amazing substitute at a fraction of the price and less garish. I met the artist who gets 100% of the sales. Luckily I did not bump into Isabelle and Percy even though I was in their neighborhood. I also went to some charity and antique shops and manage not to walk out with Waterford crystal nor did I drink that awful Olde brown sherry.
Does this mean, Spero Villiotti did not pack this 👇 dress in the grocery cart???



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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member wont be enough...Fanny isnt even 50..never worked so not much pension etc i guess...she has to make plans otherwise she can sit behind the cashregister in a supermarket when she is 70...She has a very expensive lifestyle..shoppingaddiction....she needs a lott of money to keep her lifestyle in tact into her old days...also people like her are a good prey for predators...when she is getting older..i dont forsee a very bright future for her...see what happened to the duchess of windsor..not that i want to compare those two..but it happens a lott...thats why i am keeping a close eye on my aunt..and still sometimes something happens i didnt forsaw..
At her age & stage Fanny should be shopping for a wealthy, senior Sugar Daddy not a penniless, pubescent Toy Boy.
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The Simple Life

Well-known member
Her mum & dad ran a business which ultimately appeared to be profitable. Not sure if it's been said about her father inheriting £ which funded the purchase of the care home. How Mummy is implies to me that she treated those who worked FOR her as servants. Fanny given all the chances to get a good education & does nothing with it. The pseudo aristocrat with her eloquotion lessons to make her speak 'posh' who has actually a trade background & has lived off her parent's work just jars with me. I do have issues that she's never had a traditional job when she then uses people as workaways without payment whilst she has numerous holidays. That she has pleaded poverty (hot water bottle strapped to herself to keep warm) when she has plenty of £$ but is just too stingey to pay out for boring things when there are holidays to go on. I don't have a problem with people owning businesses & having staff as long as they put in a day's work too. She doesn't. It seems that for her fans they're muddled that because she lives in a chateau she is in some way an aristocrat - she's not, she's 'trade' , lazy & a bum 🤣
She's the more hilarious because she comes from a working class background and god knows how those two nurses came to accumulate all that money from a nursing home. Grifters as well maybe. Rich old people with no family leaving them their money and properties? But, as all snobs who are social climbers, she tries to mimic what she thinks are the manners of the nobility and high upper class, but to no use, poor thing. She lacks the basics.
Do you remember when she went to the Venetian palace on the Grand Canal and took a tour with the fascinating owner? OMG the ignorance she exuded, the poor figure! Well, that family is one of the oldest and more nobel families in Venice, and you could see the style of that man. Yet they work hard to mantain the palace and all their other properties in pristine conditions.
So, yes, she's just a poor little, frustrated woman with no other ability in life than exploit others. Everything is so cheap about her and her life.
And may I say one thing? Her crumbling abode is so ugly, depressing, cheap, unkept and dilapidated that it is no wonder everybody there gets mental issues, even if they didn't have any before.
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john eccles

Well-known member
I am currently listening to my radio station and there's a report of a womans experience of having cosmetic surgery in Turkey! I will not go into the gory details, but all I will say is that people who want these fixes should get them carried out in their own country. I know people can save a fortune by going abroad, but the risks are terrifying.
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What was up with SJ telling Dan that Phi Phi Big boy pants thought that Dan looked like a stock photo of the perfect boyfriend now ( like the pics you find inside a newly purchased frame)...and Dan said something like, " Oh yeah, like for him right?" And Fanny laughed and agreed.
Did I hear that right?
Did I misunderstand what was said?
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She went to Cozon-sur-Vauvre !!!! And she saw the potential.
For God's sake, the place has 300 inhabitants !!!!
Potential!!!! For what????
The potential is for looking like she has a "job". When her real job seems to be fleecing people out of their money.
Even I've seen enough of the "Poor me. Buy me a life.".
At this point, I'm fairly well disgusted by the whole lot of these people.
And by that, I mean all of the la Landers. They're nothing but a bunch of scheming, fake, lazy liars, who spend a huge amount of time pretending to live a life, so they can scam money from people, instead of just living a proper life.

They really are a metaphor for these times.
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Uh oh, St. Kathy of Lidl, FKA Queen Kathy's gone off on one again...

Dan's given into the American ideal of beauty... Kathy's pissed
View attachment 1279125

"Bollocks and fuck...." sounds like a good Thursday night in for me....
Dan wanted his teeth fixed. It’s all good.
He looks so much better. He’s happy with his new teef.

Go eat something. Find a friend you can talk to.
Play with your grandchildren. Get off YouTube.
Reach out FRK and have tea with her!

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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
After watching today's vlog -
  • Imagine how dirty the kitchen sinks were that the first thing FRK did was to bleach them - I can hardly wait until Mummy returns and see's the state of the dump - get your popcorn ready! 🍿
  • Fanny the idiot asking stupid question to Nic the Tree Surgeon - 'did you have all your tattoo's done in one go?' 😭
  • The Jardin Anglais looks dry, wilted and dying🥀
  • Snorty - you lazy git - do some real work 😴
  • Both Philip the Geranium and Philip the Man are underperforming!🤣
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john eccles

Well-known member
To sort out the truth from Fanny Fiction, I think is quite simple. Listen and note the statements she makes and then take a total opposite to what she says. "My back was hurting" -- she was legless drunk. "They bullied me" -- she ballsed up etc, etc. That way it makes it easier to recognize the utter cunning and at the same time complete stupidity of this part farmhouse owner.
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