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Chatty Member
You little worthless worm! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Food you cannot eat?! How fucking generous of you!
You can't raise $24,000 a year?!!!!! You are getting $34,000 A MONTH from people, and that's not including YT income, BnB income, and all the free shit you receive... tell the grannies to just give the postage fare to charity and it'll be more than that! Or better yet, put $2,000 a month aside YOURSELVES and stop this debauchery!

There are very very few instances that I actually get angry in real life.... I am about to break my keyboard, that's how pissed off I am right now!!!
I feel the same. 😡😡😡 They are an ugly bunch, inside and out.
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I still can’t understand how SJ calls family and paid staff her f eg winds. Her only friend there was Dana. Chateau Live and M&m are not friends - their business associates.

And why is SJ telling everybody’s medical news on the internet forever, but won’t tell fans, patreons or Tattlers why she was rushed to hospital and admitted for 48 hours, then required bed rest and a holiday with Philip, approx 10 weeks after he arrived.
And why does SJ tell everybody’s relationship status or marriage breakdown news on the internet forever but didn’t tell fans, patreons or Tattlers she was “in a relationship “ with her “employee” Philip until Channel 4 “exposed” she had a Dutch boyfriend.
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"mslam4243 @Philip Janssen it was just a thank you for all your kindness. Jesus loves you !"

Yeah, but everyone else thinks you're an arsehole.
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Dawn Yockey

11 hours ago
I think the freedom trucker convoys would be the most patriotic charity to donate to. Beyond sick of hearing about the plandemic and lockdowns and the fraudulent leaders of the world harming people all over the world. The fear mongering has to stop. I have worked through the last two years, unmasked, unvaccinated and unafraid. I have unsubscribed tonight as well. I find it admirable what this channel is doing for charities, but the constant sob stories and self imposed lockdowns, in mostly the US, is enough to drive me mad. Good luck and keep up the good work! I will continue to watch the other channel, but I cannot stomach a lot of the letters any longer.
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That's the first and only time we will ever see SJ with a baby on her knee. Imagine how difficult that must have been for La Jarvis! I reckon it's Percy and Isabelle who find all these "recipients" for her, otherwise, why do they always turn up there? The children probably had nightmares after Gerry's performance.
I feel that Stephanie Jarvis, of Château de Lalande and Chateau Unwrapped, just wants her "Princess Diana" picture moment with a child!
It is just a public relations moment for her - nothing more.
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Clara Burnett

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I'm seeing numbers, such as 20K, being floated around for Stephanie Jarvis, the partial owner of Chateau de Lalande, swindler of Patreon and master manipulator behind the Chateau Unwrapped YouTube channel. I have a feeling that she paid through the roof for the Bauer stay, but this Palazzo jaunt... hmmm. I suspect a deal for publicity exposure has been made between the owner and our Don Jarvis, in exchange for a 2 hour party - I must say, nobody looked as if they were having that much fun in the candid moments captured on film. I'm not sure how others feel about freebies, personally I'm resolutely against - it sets a precedence of self entitlement, which we know Stephanie Jarvis, the partial owner of Chateau de Lalande, swindler of Patreon and master manipulator behind the Chateau Unwrapped YouTube channel, has made use of with her ever present "upgrades."

Tonight we can anticipate another Patreon video, I expect some shrieking from a gondola, Phyllis, darling, it's just a boat and no further mention of the association accounts.
For Stephanie Jarvis, the partial owner of Chateau de Lalande, swindler of Patreon and master in f'ing up relationships, this freebie was the ultimate middle finger to her American friend Anne, mother of Tess Hoffman, who payed the full rental prize for the palazzo when she was invited to join in the celebrations, but kicked out later for her sexual misconduct. She is literally shouting from that balcony: "Look! I can get it for free!"

Question especially for Clara, if permitted, if Fanny really does recognise the financial and public relations disaster she is currently facing, do you believe she will ask Nick's Marie for advice? I know she has a seriously high-powered job and is obviously well-educated and intelligent unlike just about everyone else, and she's married to 40% of the LL disaster so she's on the hook too. I'm really curious to know your opinion, if possible.
Not in this lifetime. Stephanie Jarvis loathes Marie-Carolione Laurent and all the ethical overweight she represents. She's very vocal about her dislikes of her former lovers wife, but only when they are not around and certainly not when the camera is rolling. She still fears Marie will one day take over being the true chatelaine and to be honest, many think that would be a blessing.
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Stephanie, the 50% discount Chatelaine Stephanie Jarvis of the Chateau Diaries You Tube, Chateau de LaLande, and Chateau Unwrapped. Chateau Unwrapped has all of the accounting info in her hands and has intentionally and deliberately kept the accounting info from Patreons and Youtube viewers so she can continue her scamming and not jeopardize her new travel channel and the $50,000 to $60,000.00 a month in money, tax breaks, gifts, etc. which would most likely decrease or stop completely if the truth was revealed.

She already has the information, as Clara has indicated, and she has to file her taxes in a timely manner. She is getting approximately $10,000 to $11,000+ a month in her pocket from the Chateau Diaries channel. She is getting $32,000+ a month from Patreon follows, and many thousands of dollars donated through her Patreon chats. She gets approximately $8,000 + and thousands of gifts a year through the Chateau Unwrapped channel. And most likely thousands of dollar in gifts, services, etc. from Patreon guests at the B&B, other guests at the B &B, and most likely hides or does not reveal very expenses gifts she receives and does not talk about. A 6 month delay in showing her accounts ensures that she receives $300,000+ in money, gifts, etc.

She gets the monthly Unwrapped channel tax benefits which help her personally to reduce her taxable income and she usually has a pay to play situation set up with the charity chosen, so she receives gifts or benefits in exchange for the donation. Phi Phi is paid his salary through the Unwrapped channel so it doesn’t come out of her pocket and she has her own concubine and 24/7 flying monkey paid for by youtube viewers.

Each month she doesn’t produce and explain her accounting records, is one more month that she rakes in $50,000+ in money and benefits to line her pockets. And that's only the money and gifts we actually know about.

If she was truthful, all of the money, gifts, and benefits would be in jeopardy, and she would lose a big % of it and her channels, lifestyles, etc. would crumble and she would be exposed as the grifting fraud that she it.

Stephanfraudie is a grifter She has intentionally manipulated, erased, and falsified youtube comments, etc. in order to make sure her money grab was not impacted by the truth, or her greed, narcissism, etc was revealed. If she had not intentionally blocked all of these comments questioning her actions, etc, over the past 2.5 years, she would not have received the 1 million dollars + in money, gifts and benefits.

She knows exactly what she is doing and she always has know what she was going. A grifter going to grift. It’s who they are. They can do it with a smile no their face, singing a song, maniacally laughing all the way to the bank on the backs of people they have fooled.
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Fanny reveals other people's dating status, medical information and divorce info for a couple of reasons. 1. She doesn't give a shit about anyone else and how the release of the info will affect them. 2. It is a "look over there not over here" tactic meaning when Fanny reveals about a man's divorce, she hope people will start talking and thinking about that rather than focusing their attention in Fanny's backyard with all her buried accountants and chapel restorers. Its a way to shift attention and accountability for her actions to a different topic.
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That old hag Isabelle Jarvis putting her glasses on that poor baby's face. There's an image I will not easily be able to erase from my retina. If you haven't watched the vlog, don't. It's vomit inducing.
I couldn’t watch that video, and I didn’t watch it. It’s the first time I’ve done that. The thumbnail alone was enough to make me sick. Several years ago, I volunteered at an orphanage with several friends. I painted two rooms and helped fix a few things. But we were never near any of the children. I didn’t even see any of them. Many times, the children are traumatized or came from a traumatic situation. Having strangers come in and out of their world (even with the best intentions) can be re-traumatizing. Just seeing the thumbnail on her video was vomit inducing to me.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Oh, she's going to donate other peoples money to a country under attack, without even informing herself and specifying which charity? And she expects to erase that image of grifter galore children hater taking a poor black orphan on her lap not to soothe or comfort the baby, but to exploit the image? New lows, even for her. She really, truly should be hold accountable.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Very professionally handled...

View attachment 1094725
Stephanie Jarvis, when you're done scraping all that sh*t out of your boyfriend Philip Janssen's ass with which he seems to be talking 99% of the time, maybe you should try to imagine it's not the opening of gifts people are revolting against but it's the lies you tell while doing so. The only charity you are serving is called Stephanie Jarvis and the saddest thing about that is that you will never receive even enough to buy the other half of the dump you seem to call your 'living' home. It's not yours by a long shot, only half and even that part you have ruined with you preference for fake and ugly decorations.
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I think this particular vlog requires drastic action. (And it wasn’t me, damn it!) Maybe at least one person will see the light! And, you know Steph doesn’t really have to send money to Ukraine. She just has to say she is. 😡 She’s good at that game.
I agree with you. However, we can also view this as her not 'reading the room' as another poster pointed out.
After all it has come out of their mouths, a parsimonious comment below saying yes they will donate, could, as you rightly point out, just mean lip service.
I feel this will have far reaching effects. People are already commenting re the Venice Vlog and her argument that her vlogs are of love, beauty and art, really doesn't help people.
I cannot imagine some poor soul stuck in the middle of the atrocities in Ukraine,saying they were saved by watching her eat cake and prance around in a corset, showing her pushed up boobs.
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Granola Chic

Well-known member
The woman who receives over $30,000 a month in charity, is giving away a few thousand dollars to charity.
She then has the audacity to make a big show about the donations. It's not a "tricky" situation. It's vulgar.

Stephanie Jarvis, why don't you tell your viewers to stop sending you gifts? Stop opening gifts in vlogs. STOP giving the gift-givers attention and instead put a normal Monday vlog out with the proceeds going to charity.

BTY Your patrons are still wondering when you are going to make a big show about the accounts. Where have you been spending the hard-earned granny money?
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I would really like to know whether Stephanie Jarvis has ever in her life given any of her own money to charity.

When the UK Govt, were discussing possible refugees from Ukraine, some Tory MP said that they could "come and pick fruit". I imagine that SJ's response to the suggestion of having some refugees at LL would be similar.
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Sadie is obsessed by her weight and her teeth. She refilms her vlogs over and over again to disguise her enormous butt. She wears veneers to conceal her bad teeth. She creates crazy fake images of herself which have no relationship to her real self. I cannot imagine her riding those horses. She is TOO big for them and could crush them under her. Does she imagine herself a slim English horsewoman? What a joke. I wonder what Mohamet - Mo - thinks of her size. Perhaps he is a chubby chaser. Sadie must regret how her two horses wrecked their fields. How is she financing her expensive hobby? I feel sorry for Sadie and her weight. I didn't take care of my own and now am a diabetic - worst of all i lost my right foot and have a prosthetic below the knee. She needs to loose 100lbs. I thought she and her mother were on diets.
It's only days since we discussed Kathy saying we had fat shamed her. I think this conversation direction needs a u turn.
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" Also, food we cannot eat we give to people in need. "

Have we ever seen ANY evidence of this ?
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
These two raisins don't understand the criticism is directed at the Cadeaux, not the orphanage.

View attachment 1096073
#costa brava #shorts
14 hours ago
this narcissistic ridiculousness has to stop!!

View attachment 1096074
Isabelle Jarvis
7 hours ago
Thank you, I will pass your response to the orphanage.

View attachment 1096075
Percy Attfield
4 hours ago
Sadly you hide behind a false name else the orphanage could thank you personally for your sentiments.
Percy Attfield would be better off hiding behind a false name too, with his history of being a blatant racist out in the open for all to read back in our threads. If I were him I would be ashamed to even use that name offline, especially after he married into the grifters family. Grifters and racists don't make for a very happy couple, I'd say.
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Marty McFly 9

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I will not watch GAG, stopped a while ago ... just reading your comments here has me SO angry. This is not pretty or inspiring, it is obscene greed. It's not "tricky", just nicely ask people to stop. Vet some good charities and give them the link to send their money directly to. This isn't brain surgery.
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