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Believe it when I see proof.
But... she sobbed into her cocktail, Do we really have to give it to Ukraine refugees! She wailed! I don't even know where Ukraine is!
Yes darling, he said, rubbing her back. It's good PR after the Venice debacle. Some people did think, he reminded her, that we went a teensy weensy bit overboard. So maybe... just this once?
She sobbed pitifully. But I wanted SO much to buy those darling yellow gold cushions from the "Tessitura Luigi Bevilacqua in St. Marco, 2520, 30100, Venezia, VE Italy". They were SOoooooo pretty!
Don't worry my love, he smiled knowingly, I'm sure someone out there noticed and they'll arrive in the post one day soon.
She brightened. Thank you sweetheart. I knew you'd have the answer! I feel so young at heart when you're by my side.
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Stephanie Jarvis director of The
Chateau Diaries a utopian society
Utopian or Dystopian... that's the question 😂

ETRF do nothing for Patreons - nothing. All his efforts went into YouTube daily. I am sure he’ll be reflecting on his direction
Yup, that's the problem... I am a Dan fan and it's no secret, but I'm also extremely pragmatic when it comes to business... Numbers don't lie!
So yes, when it comes to managing YT and Patreon as an income producing business, both Dan and Annalise have made mistakes. And I am not too arrogant to say, that despite my dislike of Steffy, she has managed them both very well... so far! But she has also screwed up lately and we see it in her Patreon and YT numbers. (who knew when I was studying for CFA, I was killing myself learning technical analysis to one day use it on SJ's Patreon LOL)

Rant incoming.... You have been warned :LOL:

That being said, I don't get the personal attacks on Dan...
Some people here are so quick to judge and jump the gun... as I said before, I have chatted with Annalise quite a few times through Patreon. Dan and Annalise are a very good team. They know who is doing what, and at the end of the day, it is about their family and how they can better themselves financially and create a better future for their kids. i don't claim to know what happens in their personal life, but knowing many young families around me who are struggling to make ends meet, it is nothing out of ordinary to make sacrifices... And speaking as someone who goes on many business trips (or at least went before covid), to have fun, and go for dinners and drinks is not a weird thing! just because a group of people are hanging out and drinking and enjoying themselves, doesn't mean they are cheating on their spouses!

I feel maybe sometimes it's the generational gap that is showing in some comments too. My generation is unfortunately not as lucky, to have one person do a 9-5 job and feed a whole family. The median wages increased from an estimated $21.14 to $23.00 (a 8.8% increase) over the 1979 to 2019 period. Meanwhile, inflation has been around 79% during the same period... let that sink in!
Many of my friends are young families and both parents work more than one job, and are still not able to buy a house or go on luxury trips. And if you are not a privileged grifter like Stephanie Jarvis, then you have got to do whatever comes your way to ensure your family is taken care of.

So, no.. I don't think Dan is cheating on Annalise, I don't think him being friends with Kat or Sabine, or Amaury, or anyone else means he is doing anything wrong... Is he caught up in the shit torrent that is Stephanie Jarvis and her gang? Yes. Does he have a choice in the matter? Probably yes. But from where I sit, I see a man doing EVERYTHING he can think of, to take care of his family financially. whether we like it or not, Stephanie Jarvis has a loyal gang of followers and supporters, and Dan has benefited from them so far. I just hope he can find a more solid ground to stand on, so he no longer needs SJ.

Rant over!
Thank you to anyone who spared a few minutes to read it :)

Some sources of above numbers, if you feel like reading
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Le Baiseur

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I'm surprised PJ hasn't deleted this exchange yet. He must be really pleased with himself and his oh-so-clever replies.


Philip Janssen
6 hours ago
It’s a tricky situation as people generously send us gifts and this is our way of trying to pass on the kindness we receive. Regardless of that, I don’t think we’d ever be able to raise €24,000+ a year to send to charity any other way. Also, food we cannot eat we give to people in need.


Catherine H
2 hours ago (edited)
@Philip Janssen They send gifts Phillip because you open them in the vlog. The more elaborate and expensive the gifts the more of a reaction they get and it just goes on and on. When I saw a fan asking for people to contribute towards purchasing an expensive set of china because she couldn’t afford it on her own, that is when I saw just out of hand this was. None of you need these gifts and yet you encourage people to keep sending them. The postage costs alone would benefit a charity. This is the only Chateau channel that does this. If other owners receive gifts, they send a personal thank you note off camera. This has become a circus of excess. If you can’t think of any other way to give to charity other than accepting hundreds of gifts each month, then there is something very wrong with all of you.


Philip Janssen
2 hours ago
@Catherine H People were sending gifts long before this channel was started - it is the reason why the channel was started, and this way we make sure the kindness gets passed on to charities. A personal thank you note would not raise money for charity. Steph has never asked and will never ask people to send gifts. When Steph heard about the woman trying to raise money for a silver service, she messaged her, thanked her for her kind idea and said it was too much.


Lu Casting
2 hours ago (edited)
JMK Amazed at how some ppl get offended by other people's luck. Stephanie has HER life, which she worked hard and made the right choices, years ago, to accomplish the life she has now. Don't be jealous of people who can afford gifts, because giving makes them happy. And don't be jealous of those who receive gifts, because they bring out joy to thousands of people online. Let each person decide what to do with their money. I doubt you'd like ppl meddling in your personal finances.


Lu Casting
2 hours ago (edited)
@Philip Janssen Philip, continue what you do! Don't pay attention to ppl who just feel like shaming you guys, just because they're jealous. You, Stephanie and everyone at LaLande does a wonderful job! That is why you're all so popular! Continue, don't stop!


Lu Casting
2 hours ago
@Catherine H You cannot get one example from someone clearly disturbed, and make it the rule. That person is an exception, and probably was trying to just deceive ppl in order to score some easy cash. Also noone is forcing you to 1) Watch the vlog 2) Donate anything So, chill...


Catherine H
2 hours ago
@Philip Janssen You are obviously missing the point Phillip. All Stephanie needs to do is ask people not to send gifts and to donate to a charity instead. The gifts may not completely stop, but they would drastically decrease in number.and excess. When there are so many gifts it takes months for people to see their gifts opened, it’s completely out of hand.


Lu Casting
2 hours ago (edited)
@Catherine H Stop telling ppl what to do with their life! When was the last time you donated $24,000 to a charity? Take care of your own life, noone is forcing you to watch this OR give anything. Chill..


Catherine H
1 hour ago
@Lu Casting Stating that someone is “jealous” because they disagree with how something is being handled is ludicrous and quite frankly, shows the limitation of your own intellect. More and more viewers are getting turned off with this vlog, not out of “jealousy” as you in your limited capacity stated, but rather the vulgarity of it. I will thankfully unsubscribe like so many others and leave the gushing and worshiping up to those that actually think giving expensive gifts equals charity.
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Cynthia Lambert
40 minutes ago
The gifts that are not needed are donated to charity organizations.
So don’t send us your shite or your tat
Unless it’s a branded label as we have already hinted what WE want

As for phillys donation of 24 k

He’s never earned 24 k in his life - much less donated it to charity

The utter tosh he spouts - he’d marry himself he’s so ….. up his own arse

The sperm that got away …..

Stephanie Jarvis of mutant petulant outrageous behaviour half owner of the chateau de la lande

Ya need to muzzle that runt - he’s definitely out to RUIN u

Popcorn 🍿 at the ready 😈
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Well-known member
" Also, food we cannot eat we give to people in need. "

Have we ever seen ANY evidence of this ?
Note how its only food they can't eat. Wouldn't dream of giving a starving person something they themselves could eat.
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Nothing tricky about it Philip you greedy greedy loser- change the format- full stop.
So the channel raises 24K euros for charity. So they've got the figures for that have they? Funny that he's able to come up with that when it seems the accountants are still in the dark about the books. As for hypothesizing about how they could get that amount for charity another way - nah, they don't want to try. The greedy bunch can't risk missing out on someone's family heirlooms making their way to them. The amount raised for charity is relatively small actually & there are lots of tax effective ways of donating to charity without the charade of the oohing and aahing on screen. 0/10 Philip for an excuse. Must try harder.
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Definitely Maybe

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It warms the cockles of my world weary heart to see more and more people in the video comments have seen their true colours and are calling them out on their selfish greedy and entitled behaviour .
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VIP Member
I'm afraid this latest vlog is a step too far for me. I won't be watching and will have to rely on comments here. Is there no limit to how far these bottom feeders will sink?
Same... I am not going to watch her exploit helpless children to get paid!! It's not a step too far.. it's miles too far.
Everything about her is tone deaf and in poor taste
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Of course not. Philip Janssen, a.k.a. Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe, lapdog to Stephanie Jarvis, the co-owner of Chateau de LaLande a.k.a. Grifters Pallace, does not even have a clue what a person in need is, since all his needs have been solidly taken care of by the elderly people in the world, first his grandparents and now his girlfriend. On top of that, all his supposed food allergies have forced him to proclaim he himself is in fact a person in need.
For me the concept of charity does not involve giving away food that 'we cannot eat' or more likely in the case of la Lande 'what we don't want to eat' because some deluded fool sent us 20 cases of foie gras and frankly we're sick of it. It's giving my last crust to someone who is in need of that last crust and with me going without, keeping my mouth shut about it and not bragging to the world over and over and over again about how great and good I am. This is a concept that the consnort (exceptional word that) would never dream of. Those who are truly charitable are usually anonymous, unsung and humble.
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VIP Member
I'm afraid this latest vlog is a step too far for me. I won't be watching and will have to rely on comments here. Is there no limit to how far these bottom feeders will sink?
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
So let me get this straight... Natti states she opened a gift back in December and used it all winter and then proceeds to pretend to open the gift on camera?
Oh yes. And not only that, but the others all say they've seen her wearing it. Morons, they must think they are on top of the world having figured shit out, while in fact their kingdom is on the verge of collapsing under their own load of bullshit.
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Clara Burnett

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That party looked boring af, any feedback on how crap it really was?
It really was boring af, as it was very limited in time and booze, just enough to make it look like they were enjoying themselves for hours an hours when it was actually less than an hour, just to film the flog.. The word on the street where her still loyal entourage treads however is "Amaaaaaazing...!!!" and "Sooooo happy to have taken part...." Right, taken part in what exactly? Her shit show?
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1 hour ago
I get the idea of this channel, but I can't help thinking of the cost of all these expensive presents that Stephanie does not need. Surely the money could be donated directly to some of her charities like the orphanage in her other video. So many presents, so much waste.


59 minutes ago
maybe an online auction? I am sure viewers would love to get their hands on some of the things they've seen Stephanie and the Laland crew open.


Janet MacKinnon
48 minutes ago
I don'think they are wasted! But I'm sure someone will clarify...


Cynthia Lambert
40 minutes ago
The gifts that are not needed are donated to charity organizations.


Philip Janssen
27 minutes ago
It’s a tricky situation as people generously send us gifts and this is our way of trying to pass on the kindness we receive. Regardless of that, I don’t think we’d ever be able to raise €24,000+ a year to send to charity any other way. Also, food we cannot eat we give to people in need.
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1 hour ago
I get the idea of this channel, but I can't help thinking of the cost of all these expensive presents that Stephanie does not need. Surely the money could be donated directly to some of her charities like the orphanage in her other video. So many presents, so much waste.


59 minutes ago
maybe an online auction? I am sure viewers would love to get their hands on some of the things they've seen Stephanie and the Laland crew open.


Janet MacKinnon
48 minutes ago
I don'think they are wasted! But I'm sure someone will clarify...


Cynthia Lambert
40 minutes ago
The gifts that are not needed are donated to charity organizations.


Philip Janssen
27 minutes ago
It’s a tricky situation as people generously send us gifts and this is our way of trying to pass on the kindness we receive. Regardless of that, I don’t think we’d ever be able to raise €24,000+ a year to send to charity any other way. Also, food we cannot eat we give to people in need.
It's her bloody reading out of the cards. Talk about the height of vanity. There is no need for her to read out all the gushing drivel. But of course there is. Because it's all about the Stephanie Show..

1)"It was a breath of fresh air you brought
so much joy and inspiration into so many
lives it is wonderful please do not stop
vlogging you have a natural talent"

2) thank you for your enthusiasm
your kindness to animals and your
generosity in giving cadeaux profits to
charity you've such a giving heart i
love your decor style the community you
create and your travel and history vlogs "

3) you and all the other wonderful chateau
owners for your adventures diy gardening
cooking music travel history and art far
outweighs all the others i love your
humor empathy love of animals generosity
and most importantly your love and
loyalty to all your family household
employees and volunteers that genuine
caring shines through in all you do and
i know you'll be rewarded in heaven as
you are on earth".

A little bit of vomit has come up in my mouth...I can't watch any more of this. I can't believe the gullability of these numpties.
The vain, shallow creature week after week reading out that stuff about herself without a shred of humility. No need to read it verbatim, could just gloss over it & say thank you for your kind words Marjorie from Wyoming blah blah. :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:
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You little beauty 😎😜😎😜

I’ll have to learn that one ☝

Saw this and I shed a tear
What a man

During his inaugural address in 2019, Zelensky told lawmakers: “I do not want my picture in your offices: the President is not an icon, an idol or a portrait. Hang your kids' photos instead, and look at them each time you are making a decision.”

Trust me Stephenie jarvis - you aren’t an icon - or an idol

But you’ll fall - faster than putin 😈
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The Simple Life

Well-known member
I can't believe she would actually hit another low! Even worst than all the rest. The outrage of it! Exploiting those little unfortunate angels to her own advantage... just to show to all the world how good, how generous, how philantropic Her Royal Baseness is and... ask for more gifts on end. I am left speechless. Because, as everybody knows, what is more moving than children in need? Really...
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Also the accountant still missing, maybe she drowned him in the pond.

Does he really have all those allergies or he actually just a spoiled picky brats that saying he's allergic to most? I have seen many people like this.
The accountant is probably another hernia victim as a result of digging through her mountain of bullshit.
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