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VIP Member
There is a new army page and go fund me. Threats to go and protest and take a generator to the hospital on the Facebook group.

This is a 20 year adult, but the go fund me refers to him as a 20 year old boy who was punched by a grown man. It is a tragic case, but no need to make him sound like a child.
Yeah that's him. I do feel like they have more of a case than Hollie ever did because he is showing some very slight signs of brain activity whereas archie obviously didnt
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Rachel H14

Active member
It's Andy's Army.

Boiling my piss reading all the uniformed comments.

No doubt I'll be banned there for saying so.
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Rachel H14

Active member
I cannot get on that group as blocked.

Can anyone enlighten me on what her opinions are? I trust they change with the wind
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I understand that, but it is the way she so publicly displays her grief.
She is either suffering from PTSD and has to overshare her grief as a coping mechanism. She also has something of the Bi-Polar disorder about her because of the way she is oversharing. Perhaps she has a mix of both?

She also appears to have an argumentative personality. Every simple task is a conflict, a battle that she has to win. Anything anyone in authority says is wrong. Her opinion is right even when it is blatantly wrong. I hope she gets the help and counselling she obviously needs before she has a complete breakdown.

Im no medical expert but I just have a feeling having to try and explain her behaviour.
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It was me who put these ages on, according to the ages given in the original incident reporting from Oct/Nov last year, or whenever it was? But you're absolutely right - the 2 people concerned could easily had had a birthday since and might now be 48 or 23.
I wondered if the numbers had changed so looked again. Still says 22 and 47.
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VIP Member
I've just came across a tiktok of a family with a lad who was punched on a night out and been declared brain dead but hospital want to turn off his life support. Horrified to see Hollie is supporting this family 🙈 another case for the grief tourist's to follow
Have you seen the video of him "reacting" to pain? Someone is pushing down on his finger nails and tip of his finger, and his thumb moves. The likelyhood is that's a nerve response rather than him!!!
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Chatty Member
The money was requested to assist Archie, should he have been discharged from hospital, for his ongoing care.

That never happened, but the money was paid into Hollie's bank account.

So it could be treated as income. A quick look at Google shows that the treatment of these kind of fundraisers for taxation purposes is not straightforward.

There is also the moral issue of withdrawing the money, and not using for the good of others. But then why would she, Hollie is morally bankrupt.
As far as I'm aware any money pocketed, bonus, lottery win, inheritance etc. Should be notified to the benefits office. As you're only allowed so much money in your account/assets
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Chatty Member
I didn’t think it was possible but Andy’s Army were even thicker and chavvier. It’s weird how they all treat the situation like it was a child dying and not a grown adult who started a fight in a pub while huffing helium.*allegedly*
Yes I've noticed this! I said to my mum it creeps me out how some of them keep talking about him like he's a little boy when he's a grown ass man.
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There is absolutely no way that her only income is state benefits. I don't think many working people can maintain such a lifestyle.

I sincerely hope that both DWP and HMRC are looking into her finances. At least HMRC, as I still have seen nothing that confirms, one way or the other, that she is in receipt of benefits. If she is, she managed extraordinarily well compared to everyone else in the same position.
Does pole dancing to OnlyFans punters really bring in that much cash?
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Chatty Member
The Crashgate couple have neither been publically named nor have either been charged.
So no one in Parliament would be able to know, and I doubt anyone even knows about the crash. Why would they, seeing it only made a column in a local newspaper?
If she is indeed charged, tried, and jailed, the headlines will be nationwide, and I suspect a backlash and witch hunt will come then. Can hardly wait.
DFA seems to think they know and are in contact with the victim, whether its true time will tell.
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Salted Caramel

VIP Member
When that video was made, e-scooters were illegal to use in public places unless part of one of those pointless rental schemes, which were out of bounds for under 16s.
Has the law changed recently? Chavs near me ride around on them on pavements, I thought privately owned ones were illegal unless on private land.
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Well-known member
maybe it isn’t that unusual but I find it strange that they keep being bailed for a month at a time recently. Wondering what the police hope to happen each month, maybe they feel they are close to having enough evidence to charge?
At this point, it’s being authorised by the very higher ups, possibly even hit magistrates. They’re probably trying to put pressure on the officers to get a move on.
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