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Actions should have consequences.
Ehh..yeh, OK.
Like the action of parading your brain dead son all over social media and the actual media? Everything is in the public domain.
Like the actions of abusing people on social media and messenger. Provocative Tik-Tok videos? OK, got it.

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It cuts both ways. Ella Carter's actions (her abusive and threatening text and audio messages) should have accountable consequences as well.
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Do you think all the TV shows that wheeled her out will comment on this and apologise for blindly believing this womans lies about the tiktok challenge? Holly & Phil I'm looking at you....
Hell will freeze over before those two arrogant fucking numpty's will appogize for anything.
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some parents (too many actually) see having a child as an extension of themselves, as a status marker or as a mechanism to have their own needs met. Or a combination of all of the above.

Imagine that you don’t have much going on for you. Average looking? No education? No career? No real accomplishments? Have a baby and you achieve the social status of “mother”. (Fatherhood isn’t thought of in the same way - but that’s a whole other can of worms).

Everything can be hidden behind the “motherhood” status, because society still sees it as the ideallogical female state. It’s still romanticised. Its why women still experience judgement when they decide they don’t want children. It’s why HD has escaped any real scrutiny - because politicians and the media are reluctant to go up against the hallowed sacredness of motherhood, because she has cashed in on this status big time. She’s referred to as a “grieving mother” more than she’s referred by her name in most headlines.

these types of people don’t see their children as separate entities to them, with different perspectives, emotional states, different realities. They are an extension of them and as such, they own and have rights to said child.

for every loving and selfless mother, there are probably just as many who spawned a child for very superficial and selfish needs, people who aren’t fully capable of loving another person, who don’t have the emotional capacity or self awareness to raise a fully functioning adult.

with HD, you can see in her communications with her other son - in which she is wildly inappropriate - her children exist to meet her emotional needs, bordering on speaking to her elder son like he is her adult partner. Psychologists call it “parentification” where a child might be burdened with adult problems, or expected to fulfill the parents emotional needs. It stems from a place of entitlement and extreme emotional immaturity. Another reason why a parent feels they “own” a child. They’ve created this other being for their own uses, how dare someone suggest they don’t own them? They are entitled to them!
This is so eloquently put and I agree about the inappropriate adult/parent-like burden placed on children with this type of upbringing. The whole case has been so dreadfully sad. Even if Archie hadn't killed himself, he surely faced a troubling and severely dysfunctional adolescence and young adulthood, had he even made it to maturity. He didn't deserve his lot in life, as many children of narcissistic and emotionally damaging parents don't. Above all I'd have wished for better parents for him. xx 😪
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I’m quite disgusted that she’s still continuing to grift. Begging buckets at a pub party. Maybe she could have got away with that at an event that Archie liked? Like gymnastics or fighting. But a booze up? Where’s this money going? Well we know where, into Hollie‘s back pocket.

Someone should tell her too that putting a copyright symbol after every picture doesn’t mean no one else can use it seeing as she’s uploaded it to social media!
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I’m surprised she hasn’t asked the Vatican if they can hold the funeral in St. Peter’s basilica. Only the best for Arch
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I believe the review in this case is that brain stem death needs to be reviewed in the very young, they are a bit different to after all.
Yes they are.
It is possible to take some spontaneous breaths while being ventilated. The settings can be changed to allow for this. If a patient shows sufficient respiratory effort then settings will be altered to gradually allow them to start breathing independently again.
They will be sedated so the drugs used for this will be reduced at the same time.
No patient emerging from unconsciousness will tolerate a breathing tube down their throat. They will gag and fight against it.
Reading the full article it seems that the baby, sadly, remains in a very grim position medically and continues to require ventilation.
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I’m surprised they managed to get the funeral at st Mary’s. It’s easily the most sought after church In the borough. I know weddings are different but there is always a 2 - 3 year waiting list to get wed there and they are pretty strict on faith there. I think their new friends at CC probably pulled some strings.

I notice too that the wake is at the park by the tree that they have taken as Archie’s. Takes the piss out of everyone else there that has gone about it the proper way and paid for a memorial tree through the council. I would be gutted if my family members tree was near that! Can just imagine the chavfest that will occur there for the wake. Drug taking, drinking ect. They had 45k to play with that was apperently to give him the best send of ever and they chose to do it for free in a local park …… so they can pocket has much of that money for themselves no doubt. Couldn’t get any more brazen.
I was thinking about them commandeering that tree for free, and without permission, too.
They’ve already issued threats to anyone who even thinks about touching it.
I’ve no idea where it’s situated in the park, hopefully not a prominent position that you can’t avoid.
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Rachel H14

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Police can demand, as part of bail conditions, that they do not post on social media.

Has no-one on the AA page asked why Hollie hasn't posted, but her Rottweiler has posted on her behalf? Or do they think thay Hollie has simply lost her phone?

Looking forward to the mass fall out
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So what is it exactly HD wants to change? The rights of broken hearted parents versus a group of higly trained medical professionals?
...or is it the platforms shes going after🤔I'm just curious as to what online platform she has issue with, when there's no proof that Tiktok had anything to do with Archies death, and also the fact he was too young to even be on there. I'd be careful they aren't going to go after her for slander or whatever...
It’s all a hotch-potch of rambling, incoherent, inconsistencies.
I think it’s the ‘parental right’ to supersede Judges, Doctors and others rulings in medical, and possibly, social situations.
This will NEVER happen. Parents don’t have ‘rights’ they have responsibilities.
Including the responsibility to monitor their children's social media by, for one thing, not allowing them to sign up when they are underage.
The inability to think things through just beggars belief.
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Yeh, breathe, breathe. What a load of shite.
Shamelessly latching on to the case of a baby who was pronounced brain dead then gave a few shallow, irregular breaths, but not enough to sustain life independently and still requiring ventilation.
Oh, Arch needed more time. Sorry, he was brain dead. No amount of time would have made any difference.
Sorry to put it bluntly but PICU beds are very valuable. Highly trained and experienced staff’s time is very valuable. Paediatric patients need a PICU bed after major operations, illness, or trauma. If no bed is available they don’t get the operation or treatment in a timely manner. Delays in treatment can lead to death. What part of that do you huns not get. F**king unbelievable.
God bless poor Archie, but he was dead.
You're so right! PICU beds are so precious! When my grandson needed a PICU bed he was blue lighted at speed down the motorway. And the paramedics were in constant communication with the hospital to make sure it was still there. If it wasn't it would have meant using up precious time finding another bed in another hospital which could have cost my grandson's life.
Even as he was moved off PICU 10 days later another child was moved in almost straight away. That's what's made me so angry with the whole Hollie Dance shit show! Archie, bless him, died in April and a very much needed bed was taken away from someone who needed it more!
What's more most PICUs don't have "private" rooms so unfortunately children die on the open ward (curtains closed) whilst the rest of PICU buzzes on around their families.
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I've never seen or heard of a petition about it. If there was fundraising involved the details should be out in the open.
It's on under the not so articulate title "The public deserve the truth of the social media campaign of the Archie Battersbee case".
It states...
"Many questions need to be answered when it comes to the UK case of Archie Battersbee, the 12 year old boy who was found unconscious by his mother with a ligature around his neck in April

These are the questions that need to be answered:

Why has the family been able to go on multiple news channels without their account being questioned despite the many many inconsistencies between interviews of what actually happened to Archie in April?
2) Why was money allowed to be raised by the public when it was announced in court and in court documents that all was ProBono? Where has the money gone?
3) Why is the mother now questioning Brain Stem Testing when she has said on multiple news channels that they never did the testing on Archie?
4) Why is the word “online challenge” allowed to be used when there is no evidence of this? “Essex Police has meanwhile confirmed it is not investigating the circumstances around Archie’s death” so there no proof of any online challenge taking place
5) Why was money raised within 3 days of entering hospital(10th April) when court fees was never needed? court started 27th April
6) Why do the media not discuss the facts and information that are in the official court documents from the medical professionals? instead they use a parents biased perspective?
7) Why was the GoFundMe and JustGiving reasoning allowed to be changed numerous times to fit the narrative that suits each time?
8) Why is a platform still being given to the parents to continue with the misinformation?
9) Why are the media and associates to Archie allowed to ridicule a hospital by using quotes from the family or live recording? without questioning the court document facts?
10) Why was a 12 year old boys privacy and dignity allowed to be disrespected and invaded on both the media and social media? And why was private medical letters and information allowed to be shown on a public platform (social media and the main stream media)

These need to be answered because from the start there are many inconsistencies, and even now there is so much that does not add up.
Many public members feel this innocent child has been exploited to fit the families agenda"
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You're so right! PICU beds are so precious! When my grandson needed a PICU bed he was blue lighted at speed down the motorway. And the paramedics were in constant communication with the hospital to make sure it was still there. If it wasn't it would have meant using up precious time finding another bed in another hospital which could have cost my grandson's life.
Even as he was moved off PICU 10 days later another child was moved in almost straight away. That's what's made me so angry with the whole Hollie Dance shit show! Archie, bless him, died in April and a very much needed bed was taken away from someone who needed it more!
What's more most PICUs don't have "private" rooms so unfortunately children die on the open ward (curtains closed) whilst the rest of PICU buzzes on around their families.
So glad your grandson managed to get a bed and is now in good health.
I’m sure the bed occupied by Alfie could have been used by multiple children over the months. It was effectively taken out of commission. Many planned operations require a PICU bed, even for a few days, they can’t go ahead if no bed is available. These beds are not just for emergencies.
Of course none of this is Archie's fault. Absolutely no one would begrudge him a bed if there was any chance of recovery. There was none.
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We are a bit repressed about open coffins here. In other parts of the world it’s very common. I am from an Irish family where this is very much part of the mourning.
My guess is that Archie will have looked lovely. Albeit this is a very sad occasion.
We tend not to video or photograph the deceased out of respect.
However I notice the Americans are posting funeral videos complete with open casket on YouTube.
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I assume she’s posting this in the Archie’s army group? To share with 15 thousand plus strangers? That poor boy. I read you can’t really see him but why the need to show anything, it’s just morbid click bait, a tease to keep people interested in her.
there’s just no excuse. I know people grieve differently but this isn’t grief. She’s using her dead child for her own selfish needs. Even on the day of his own funeral she can’t put him first.
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Hollie has even made Archies funeral about her. A silver glittery coffin doesnt strike me as something Archie would choose!
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Absolutely stunning that this has been totally overshadowed by the queen. Probably the only way to claw back a shred of dignity for him.
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I'm often told I lack empathy so probably come across as a bit blunt.

Maybe though, it's just that I have empathy for the person with the injury rather than the people around them. I can fully comprehend waiting to establish brain death and not wanting to accept a loved one is not compatible with life, I can't comprehend wanting your loved ones to live on because you want them to no matter how much they may suffer as a result.
She wanted him to live on because she wanted those extra weeks with him. She wanted. She wanted. She wanted. She wanted. She wanted. She wanted.
If the law were to be changed to give all brain-dead patients the "right" to be kept artificially alive until the individual parents had accepted the prognosis and stopped wanting, there wouldn't even have been a bed available for him cos all the NHS beds would have been taken up with other brain-dead patients. And it's unlikely from the comments and court interventions by other healthcare experts that any private (i.e. paid for) treatment would have given any better option than what was available on the NHS. Even in 2022 it's just not possible to be brought back from the dead, no matter how much money you throw at it.


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Portly Porkinson

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The AA is still there with more creepy posts.
The thing that really saddens me about this case is that the coroner will almost certainly rule "death by misadventure",this will diminish Archie`s legacy.If it`s ruled as suicide,there would be much more attention brought to the problems these children and adults are having.It would be great to see something positive come from his sad demise,but i doubt it.
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just seen this. No idea how true it is but he was on face time with his friends
This story is more believable as a challenge since he was doing it in his bedroom and filming himself with his friends watching on camera, not doing it off the bannister on his own with no phone in sight after having an argument with his mother.
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