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Well-known member
From the comments on Wilkes social media the followers, for the most part, seem like very nice people. I often wonder how they can support her. I found her during her during the time she outed the Ingham fellow. It bothered me that she was putting any justice at risk by boasting and acting superior. I never liked her, so it is difficult to understand how seemingly good people can fall for her BS. Every time she mentions Tattle I hope that at least a few followers will come here and understand that she is toxic and our little corner has become a nurturing place for pretty well everyone. I feel it is especially true for those of us who have disability issues for ourselves and those we care about.

Other than probably my ex-husband I have never disliked anyone as much as Wilkes. So many incidents of horrible upon horrible made it easy for her to become the outlet to express how I really feel about people like her. The same is true with my husband. He mentioned that watching Wilkes after a difficult day working in customer service, it allowed him to release all of the negative feelings. She claims that her channel never really had a identity. If she marketed herself as a inappropriate, greedy, selfish, judgmental personality she would likely do much better for anyone needing a release for negativity.

After going through the past years of her blog it is apparent she has a pattern of using people and creating a "poor me" scenario to get what she wants. I never want anyone to be taken advantage of by her. She is not going to stop if she steps away from YouTube. She needs the adoration of her followers because buying her way to happiness is not working. She needs to be watched regarding her behavior and she needs to know she is being watched.

I got a little off track here. I wanted to say that I have experienced a positive and caring community here and I hope she sends her followers here to discover what we are really about, and what she is really about. I know we say plenty of non-flattering things about Wilkes and we have a laugh at her antics. I don't think it is out of line or bullying. Sometimes, in the face of such negativity you need to laugh.

I hope we have a few BearFam lurkers who are silently getting to know us through our posts and they are welcome to our family.
I agree 100% with everything you've said here. Leasas Target audience are people who can relate to her story (however honest it may or may not be) and generally people who suffer with mental and physical illness are incredibly empathic and caring which is why a lot of her support comes from kind people who really just want to help. Unfortunately Leasa is incredibly entitled and won't often recognise when people have gone out on a limb for her and thats really frustrating to watch. I do believe she has taken advantage of her audience on many occasions and she probably doesn't even realise it because she is so entitled!
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Well-known member
Wilkes may be escaping the reality of having a rebellious teen through becoming a bird paparazzi.

Or maybe BBs dad has won the war of Wilkes YouTubing. Then again, even the BearFam must be feeling the hill walk is becoming more and more tedious. Maybe there isn't much to vlog. BB has a break coming up soon from school. Certainly there has to be some vacation planned, Dubai, NYC, or Canada?
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Well-known member
Wilkes appeared on autoplay earlier and my dad was visiting.

"Harold and Madge Bishop's lovechild has appeared, think she's just learning how to use a camera. Can I change it she's making me feel queasy" 😂😂
Just choked on my granola AHAHAHAHA AMAZING!
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Well-known member
Isn't the 'nipple slip' also in the one where she is naked in the bath with the dog.... So weird.
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The profile pictures of her face are making me laugh. If she's worried about her daughter's mental health, she shouldn't have a youtube channel featuring her daughter.

I don't think all benefits are dependent on your financial status? Thought I heard that people get PIP if they work or not?
Yeah, You can get pip regardless of income.. although she definitely doesn’t meet the criteria!
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VIP Member
Can't wait to catch up. Been away since the 2nd week in December, seems I've misses quite a bit. You Guy's have just enlightened Me on the joys to come once I can manage an hour later on. Hope You All had a Great Christmas. xx
Welcome back, lovely. Hope you had a lovely Christmas too ❤
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Omg I thought never say but do agree with megan harry what she said saying sorry about swearing and then does it again .I bet she dont buy her friend anything looks like its already been opened cause she have anose ellie must stop going out with out your mother because she hates it boringgggggggg oh ps what was this secret you gonna tell us fallen through has it
Was it saturday she can tell the secret?

Oh blimey her wittering on about CJ & Co 🤣 I'm sure she saud she isn't involved but seems she has been keeping tabs. Liar liar pants on fire
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But does her dad know? maybe lazeee fat arse wilko hasn't told him :unsure:
You’d like to think if E is talking about it on social media that her dad will have been told. Who knows? I have a feeling wilkes will just ignore it in the vlogs

I’ve met a lot of mothers like that in my time that think their kids can do no wrong. And it really does the kids no favours at all. It just makes them into entitled brats that think they can do what they like.
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VIP Member
She still has her P.O. Box and email things on youtube though.... :mad:
I'm sure she closed that PO Box as she even stated herself she expected to get more than she did seen as everyone was asking her beforehand. Probably kept the address up but closed it so folk will be wasting their time sending.
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God if that old photo isn't motivation to eat well, look after your body and think positive thoughts then I don't know what is. After all, you are your thoughts
For her, depression, anxiety, overspending to cope are all just labels for her to ‘justify’ being a dick. That’s all she wants. Not to work through her problems and get to a better place. Just thinks if she says all this, people will make allowances for her. (Ie, shouting ‘DONT YOU KNOW I HAVE MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS’ at a mum at Ellie’s school)
Though, new flash Leasa, having mental health issues doesn’t necessarily mean you act like a nasty cow. In fact, most people don’t.
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She did say she needs to keep money back for her adventure in france before was buying a house in France think shes runningnout of money something come to mind bet you shes not had dogs injections why cause they dont go to kennel and they have to have them and kennel cough never see her take them to the vets
Very good point
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Doing this now, 100x's more entertaining, does make you realise how much she jabbers on about a whole load of nothing 😅
At some points it sounded like she was talking at normal speed! I set it back to normal and it hightlights just how slow she talks and every word is elongated
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Active member
Oh yes please!

I've always wanted to go to New York and looking forward to That Wilkes travelogue. Plenty of posh shops and eateries I am sure. Not my thing yet it should be fun.

And a swimming pool. Always the key attraction.
it’s amazing, I love it so much. Of course Wilkes won’t do it justice and will complain but oh well:rolleyes: must admit I am jealous of her on this one, but only in the fact that she is going, not what she will be bragging about.
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