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I don't think having a crafty smoke warrants excluding her, most of us did it at one time or another. I'm not surprised she's pushing boundaries, she doesn't have any at home. I'm sure she'll be delighted that her mother has just broadcast the details of her period problems all over the internet.
I guess it would depend on any events that followed the smoking and whwre the amoking took place. Wether any damage was caused etc. God knows what she did i doubt we will ever know.
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I'm only half way through Forest Holidays video and I've cringed twice so far. Once where they're at the food ordering computer and she said synchronised pooing. Then she's actually filming telling the world that her daughter is embarrassed as has an itch in an intimate area.

It's a lovely big cabin, with log burner inside, table and hot tub on the balcony. Interesting they're open this time of year. Would still be nice at this time of year though.
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I wish I could explain it to you, I saw it originally shared on fb and thought the resemblance to ol' Wilko was uncanny 😂
Honestly I can't describe the black hole of videos I fell down from watching that. Turkey calling competitions and husband calling competitions were a few notable ones. Wow, all seemed to be at an idaho state fair 🤣
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I hate to say it but i would be suprised if monty isn't seriously unwell. We have all seen his slippery slope lately, really does not look like a happy or a well dog.(None of them do)

Take your dog to the vet forgod sake 2 days now been unwell so she takes it for a walk leaves it on it's own evil woman moaning cause shes had to get up and sort it out but dont wash carpet till the morning I'd been up doing it straight away I bet it stinks I would be staying on sofa incase the worse happend poor poor dog.stpp filming people you dont know they not given you permission if that was me I'd sue the arse of you I got friends there and I ever see them on there I would tell them because I know they would sue the arse of her for sure. I can see why your daughter dont want to be around you your a disgrace
Secretly hoping your friends appear in the vlogs just to see them take her to the cleaners 🤣

On wilkos screen recording of her instagram messages to ellie i noticed she been chatting to M21. Is that crackpot still a moderator for wilkos channel!
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Ps:I watched wet and wild on the big screen last night (just my telly) and wow, it was an ungodly experience. I've got a weird addiction to watching it, I just get the giggles at the music choice and get weirded out at how someone can bathe a dog with them and expect to not get out covered in dog hair

I cannot stand their attitude of "its their job they're paid to do this and that"
My sister was like that and it's such an ugly trait

I knew I recognised her
Omg I'm cracking up every time I se her I'm gonna think of this photo and just crack up
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Chatty Member
Can someone post the ticktok link? Never mind I saw the link already posted. WTH if that would of been my child I would be dragging her back to apologize and her phone would be gone.
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Does anyone know what Ellie did to be excluded from school? It sounds pretty serious if she's not allowed out of the classroom at lunchtime and isn't allowed to have privacy when using the toilets ? Who's this friend? Is It the same one they took on holiday to France ?
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I agree that she will bring up fibro and health problems. Since these problems started with the school and BB's friend group, the stress and fear is really evident through her facial expressions. The worry is there. She tries to mask it and not let it out that she has no control. It must be very difficult to be on her own with so much negativity coming at her. She hasn't family or close friends to talk to as an emotional release. There is no doubt that this would affect health, fibro or not.

She created the scenario. Karma. A lifetime of treating people poorly and taking advantage. Teaching her child to do the same. Karma.

How much will it take before she learns her lessons though?

One thing for sure, she is an interesting study in human behaviour. In just this past year we have seen how getting a "windfall" brings out the worst in people.
Does anybody know why she didn't stay with BB's father? Were they ever in a proper relationship, or did she want to be a single parent?
No real reason for asking. I'm just nosey.
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He disapproves of Wilkes vlogging, there's been a number of occasions where he has stopped Ellie from being shown. He actually sounds like he has his head screwed on, there's a YouTube video of him being interviewed by a personal trainer knocking around. He's nornal

I remember watching a video where Wilkes said BB's father doesn't want BB to have an internet channel.
Is the man in the fitness video the same man who has his arm around her at 2:24 min in this video from December 2018?
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Crickey moses :oops: brb just gotta go and disinfect my eyeballs. I reckon this is part of plan to make her channel seems as adult as possible so that she doesn't get moved to youtube kids in january. She's a funny sod, never witnessed someone be so completely out of touch, poor Ellie must be in a constant state of embarrassment.
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Jack's only 4? I thought he was an elderly dog by the looks of him, he is bloated and seems lethargic. They all need clipping and like you say, a once over at the vets is urgently needed.
I thought she said he would be in his 60s in human age. I don't have any dogs so don't understand their behaviour, but for older dogs, isn't getting a puppy quite an upheaval for them? I was more worried about how the new puppy is always jumping on and biting the white dog. Is that normal playful behaviour?

Where must her viewers live if they’re so impressed by the scenery she shows? That hill looks like a bit of wasteland to me. Maybe it’s me coming from Ireland where our scenery is famous, but nothing Wilkes has ever shown looks impressive to me. I’m sure there are much nicer places in Dorset that she could show.
The scenery is one of the things I like lol. She lives right near Portland which juts right out into the sea. I'd love to go for a walk along there. Although the prison on there is now for se x offenders, and one time she was stood out in the middle of nowhere filming a helicopter circling the area. I would be wondering if an offender had escaped and they were looking for them.
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Just a quick note to say that I am around and enjoying the posts. I've been ill and working on getting better. I am really disgusted with the manner in which Wilkes is labeling her daughter with a mental illness. The only one causing the anxiety and anger is Wilkes. I am also disgusted with the way Wilkes dressed her daughter. It is bad enough with the amount of time she spends filming the girl from behind. And now with a short skirt and thigh-high boots. If this woman worked at looking at inappropriate photos of youngsters she enjoyed it and it did not cause PTSD or she wouldn't film her own child in "hooker" attire. What kind of audience is she seeking. Is this a ploy to show her channel is not for children? I doubt she has prepared for COPPA other than changing the name of the channel and putting that santa photo of herself. I hope she faces those big fines. Goodbye to whatever is left of her lump sum. One year of selfish indulgence.

Still we see back-handed comments about BB's dad. Parental alienation 101 and one day BB will break free from her mother's guilt trips and realize all that she has lost because she doesn't want to upset mom. Just because BB has Wilkes DNA does not mean she has to follow in mom's steps to be a LOSER. She also has 50% dad's DNA. From what we have seen and read about him he is a WINNER. This is what gets under Wilkes skin.

So BB doesn't want to spend 2 nights at her dads because of the anxiety. More like, "oh BB you are my crutch I will be all alone at new years I might as well listen to the after death podcast because you never know with my health issues, if only you could stay with me one night to celebrate all the money I have spent on you this last year, but no go to your dad's while the family judges you and your best friends"

LOL I have plenty of more to say but will leave it at that. From now on I am referring to Wilkes as THAT VILE VLOGGER.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww No Westcoaster
I hope you get better soon ❤ xx
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I have a couple of YouTubers I dip into now and again who mildly amuse me, but I would never tear them to pieces on here and I would hate for anyone to have a pop at them on Tattle because they are absolutely minuscule accounts doing no-one any harm.
I suppose they go under my umbrella of 'Do people really live like this?' and 'Whyyyy do you so desperately want to be a Youtuber?'
Wilkes would've gone under my 'Omg, is this a real person?' umbrella and I'd have laughed at her - but it's becoming apparent she can be quite conniving, greedy and downright nasty - so she becomes Tattle fodder.
The two women I occasionally watch are Butterfly Queen and Flutter1986.
Latest vlogs:

Butterfly Queen is essentially a very sweet person, is a carer for her poorly mum, and quite desperately wants to be a vlogger. Her amateur approach is funny and endearing, but sometimes I feel sorry for her and I watch because I wonder how she will progress in life.
Flutter has done really well on Slimming World and I give her all the credit in the world for that, but her life is a bit chaotic. I don't know why I watch Flutter - she exasperates me, but she seems very genuine and that's a RARE THING on YouTube.
But, yes, I'd have blithely tittered away at Wilkes once upon a time, but not now. It's not often you can watch someone on YouTube who just makes you giggle and not fall spiralling into a frenzy of rage 🤣
I will check these vloggers out.
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