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VIP Member
If I broke up with my baby daddy and my new partner got a tattoo of my child’s name on him I would be absolutely mortified 😳 and what a kick in the face for Brett. Imagine Charlotte got Harlow tatted Charlie would go off.
Also notice the space underneath for next babies name 👀
Shall we take bets on when she will be pregnant? I honestly give them 3 months
I don’t know you know I got a tattoo on my first but they advised me not to go so close to the hand due to pay. They may have said the same to oli over it especially with it being outside and if they went furster towards the hand they would go over the bumpy bit of the wrist


Chatty Member
View attachment 1103556
I know Charlie is the weaker parent of the two but why the fuck would Brett refer to his new home with Charlotte and harlow as a “crack den” 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Cos it is 😂 always cans of beer n shit on the bedside tables even when H is there

Cos it is 😂 always cans of beer n shit on the bedside tables even when H is there
Edit never mind I didn’t know they’d got a house together kitchen does acc look nice 😌 where do they live normally?


VIP Member
I dropped out for a little bit - are we saying Charlie got back with Oliver, moved to Portsmouth or wherever and now barely has Harlow?! I mean it’s her choice and maybe what’s best for Harlow as it probably won’t last and she’ll be back up anyway but still, nuts to me


Chatty Member
So the storyline that ive picked up

November - Harlow unwell, Charlie takes her to hospital for a temperature almost every 2 days, fallen out with brett as he cant come to the hospital with harlow (not allowed, only 1 parent) charlie obviously dosent understand this, so we think shes taken harlow back and forth to the hospital to get bretts attention, a lot of people speculating that if she keeps going for no reason she’ll be reported. Brett was accused of hitting charlotte infront of Harlow, Charlie stops harlow going to bretts

December- Harlow hasnt been at bretts for around 2 weeks. Back with Oli, moved house, Harlow was allowed back at Bretts now loverboy is home. Tho it seems not only did Charlie suddenly let Harlow go to bretts, shes not had her back home as far as were concerned except the occasional afternoon.

Moral of story is we think Charlie has been reported to SW due to taking Harlow back and forth to the hospital for essentially no reason but to get back at brett. and we think brett now has ‘custody’ on Harlow
This is what I think, or somethings happened and that's why she moved x
So whats the tattoo birthday or anniversary? If its anniversary is it the first time or the 100th time they got together that they are celebrating