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Chatty Member
“Ste’s not working because he can’t hold a job down”
I feel like she said this really casually for what it is
yeah she said it so off the cuff, but I was like HUH?! 🤣🤣🤣 I really really do believe Ste has some substance abuse issues, and I know people are really defensive of Ste on here, but some episodes he looks rougher than toast & has big bags under his eyes. He deffo doesn’t look like someone who looks after himself anyway - so I’m not surprised he can’t hold a job down!
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I find Mia so likeable on the show in every season she’s been in, she doesn’t try and pretend to be something she’s not . At the beginning of this season she’s like ‘I don’t even know what I’ve been doing I’ve just been winging it’ where as Chloe tries to pretend to be a boss bitch and always says she super busy even though she clearly does fuck all 🤣 ... It makes me feel harsh for things I’ve said about her before because I do think her and marliyah adore eachother and she clearly adores her.. Mia is likeable when she’s talking on stories or lives and being herself but then there’s the other side where she eye fucks herself, takes her daughter out for cocktails on the reg and comes across so vain which makes everyone not relate to her, it’s a tough one 😄
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Jordan isn’t in love with Chloe. He loves her for being the mother of his son and that’s it. Everytime she speaks to him he’s yawning and totally disinterested. Choosing an engagement ring took him all of five seconds! As for the lingerie shoot he could of been looking at dog food. I can’t see these two making it down the aisle whatsoever. On a lighter note, gotta love Darren and THE hat 😂. I think Sassi is still in love with him. What on earth is Amber doing with her free time? Brooklyn is in school so she only has Hudson on weekdays and weekends totally free. Her house has always been dirty and untidy, I think she is genuinely lazy as you can see the whole naughty step was soon forgotten as she just sat on her arse when B was kicking the door!
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As someone who was in a settled relationship with a child and home, then a single parent for years and then back to a settled relationship again.. I personally found it easier being a single parent 🤪 I think it’s harder work having to look after the husband/man than a child 🙄😂 I loved being a single parent (not that I don’t love my partner lol or that I wanna be single again) but I loved how I could design mine and my child’s life how I wanted, just had to think of us two and only worry if we were happy and could do things that suited us.. I didn’t have to consider another adult or feel like I had to do things a certain way and by a certain time. Everyone’s experience is different though, everyone’s personality, their children and partners are diff too.. there’s good and bad sides of everything ✌🏻 It def shouldn’t be seen as a competition or a ‘who’s life is harder?’ type thing cause everyone experiences life completely different . I personally just wanted to say I was less stressed as a single parent 😂
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Amber pretending she hasn't "been intimate" in 2 and half years , yeah yeah 😂 I bet she's been with Ste
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The way sassi lost her tempter at zenaya because she couldn’t spell her name is all kinds of triggering. My dad used to scream
At me to the point it would make me physically sick when I was young because I got stuck on homework etc and it made him angry. watching that made me feel ill I had to fast forward that bit. My heart broke for her when she said ‘I know my name i just don’t know what comes next’ and then sassi instantly getting frustrated by that..she really needs to realise how damaging it is. Help your child don’t shout & have a go at her.. I hope they don’t show any more of that behaviour on the show I hope they show sassi trying to work on it because I won’t be able to watch it anymore otherwise.
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I think ages ago Maggie had a gastric band or sleeve put it, I'm sure her family were posting about it. I know many on here don't like Maggie but she's a brilliant nanny to the girls and you can tell they both love her.

That was short lived with Dylan and his new LOVE. He’s removed her from his insta
Who else thinks him and Reeanne are going to end up back together 🙈
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Maggie is such a see you next Tuesday, how much do they love to blame Mia. Fakin (Erin) well they have just moved house, I’m yeah that was after she already started misbehaving. Couldn’t possibly be anything to do with their set up 🙄
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Since the start Amber has not been able to do the basic parenting. Structure, routine, boundaries and understanding positive and negative reinforcement. Her life would be easier if she got these, as the professional told her when Brooklyn was Hudson's age. She rewards naughty behaviour to get peace. Brooklyn kicking the living room door! Then she shouts. Go and get him, tell him we do not kick doors and if you do it again this will happen = whatever you say the consequences are, SEE IT THROUGH. She does not do this and she will go through the same with Hudson. It would help her so much if she got the basics. They boys are crying out for it. It’s like rapid return with sleeping in their own beds. Keep on until they learn. They will push you to your absolute limits in the process. There needs to be specialised training groups for new parents who struggle
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I’ve only just started watching the new series and haven’t really been keeping up with the girls that much the past year. Watching the episode where Erin and Manley got the bunk beds for the girls and Maggie is saying what an amazing thing it is - does anyone think Erin just looks dead behind the eyes. Like Maggie is talking and she’s just staring into space looking gormless. Every clip I’ve seen of her so far her expression just does not look normal. I don’t really like to make judgments or assumptions on someone I don’t know but she looks like she’s either in some deep state of depression or on something strong
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From stuff we have seen online from Amber's mum she is more than "a bit" weird. She seems absolutely chuffing crazy. I can see where Amber gets her slightly neurotic side from 🤣. I do like Amber though, I think she's real, I think she struggles and finds life hard but I think she tries her "best". Granted that might not be the same as a lot of other peoples best. I think she definitely gets her level head compassionate side from her dad, she could do with spending a bit more time with him.
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Poor Zenaya, she's not going to learn anything from Sassi except how to scream and shout at people. She's only 5, give her a bloody break.
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Sassi is so obviously still in love with Darren it’s so cringe in this episode 😂
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Chloes trolling us with thay dominos. Remember when she had a PT session and had a dominos after in the early days 😅

Also...fair play to Sassi. She knows the importance of education and wants better for her kid. She's trying which is more than others...ahem Amber.
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Also I've said this before but I'm pretty sure Jordans lack of enthusiasm and dull personality is just down to the fact he's permanently stoned. There's been signs for a long time, in previous seasons he was "just popping to the shop" or "for a walk" during filming also Amsterdam. Pretty sure he's just a massive stoner tbh. It was actually my husband who first pointed it out (we both used to 'smoke') and I was all noooo, but actually it makes perfect sense to me now and I do think he's right. I got shot down for suggesting it before and I wouldn't have considered he smoked at all but there are photos out there with him holding a cigarette and I'm sure I've seen pictures of cigarettes on their counter top, its not a massive step up is it.
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I don’t trust Jordan as far as i could throw him…hes definitely being a shit on the side again. Chloe gets on my nerves sometimes but she looked beautiful on that photoshoot and i can almost understand why she thinks she needs to edit herself to oblivion when Jordan clearly doesn’t pay her any mind as she is. Theres nothing wrong with her!

Sassi and Darren although they have chemistry they wouldn’t do Zeneya justice as parents if they got back together. They are too hot headed and volatile, they made a good parenting decision when they chose to separate.

i love how Manley was so quick to point the finger at Mia for Marliya being naughty at school, when he films himself doing all sorts of immoral & illegal shit to post online to act a big man! Marliya also probably feels like shes playing second fiddle to Aliyah, as she is with their daddy all the time.

i want Megan back🤣
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Sorry Chloe is a hypocrite, she filters and edits herself to an inch of her life and then blames being bigger than insta on putting on 4 pounds because of an injury 😐 then preaches about body confidence and mum bodies … no babes you did it for the cheque and if they would edit it and fake her body should would have been over the moon with that!
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