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I think Taylor can look gorgeous and I'd kill to have her body (not really but you know what I mean) but I don't think she's gorgeous on her own. She's had lots of tweaks and help from professional stylists and makeup artists that have taught her how to emphasize her natural beauty. But if we look at her OG face, she's just a cute Blondie girl. Joe was totally within her league looks wise, imo. Ratty was punching but somehow she didn't think so.

I don't have a specific person in mind but I've said it before that I think she'd do well with someone rich, creative industry adjacent but not in show biz.
I actually always thought her and Joe looked perfect together 🩷
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I just think cancel culture and forever holding someone to what they said as a 21-22 year old is pointless I guess 🤷‍♀️
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t think anyone here is saying he should be cancelled. Just that both things can be true at the same time, he was young & dumb and that being young & dumb isn’t a great excuse for that garbage.
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Judging by the music video alone (lol), Post looks like he would be very caring in a relationship and I assume that physical touch & looking into one another’s eyes must be his love language. I mean… his body language can’t lie that much, can it! He is a natural at being a care bear 🥰 I fancy him suddenly.
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I love this thread! I love TTPD. I don’t think I can pick an order but my faves across both are
I look through peoples windows
The prophecy
So Long, london

The whole thing is everything I wanted it to be and I become obsessed with a different song each day.

When I was younger our friendship group would try and incorporate as many quotes from Friends as we could into our everyday lives and I really wish I had some swiftie friends because I love incorporating Taylor lyrics into everyday life and no one I know gets it 🤣
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I wish I met all the private school boys you have met 🤤
For real. I went to a Russell Group uni and erm. Sure there were some good looking guys but with most you just knew they'd go the Prince William route and be bald as an egg by 35 and lose 75% of their appeal (the private school boy floppy hair 🥵)
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I don’t have an opinion on if she should speak on the 2024 elections, I just posted it because I found the whole news piece to be a bit batshit.

We just wouldn’t have a news segment here with people sharing serious stances on whether our biggest home grown pop star was a secret plant for a political party and didn’t know it.
Im generally on the fence about celebs speaking out about issues they are neither educated or qualified to speak about.

But something about having a (sort of) voice over issues effecting women and LGBTQ+ community because it was the hot topic at the time, then dropping it after album/ documentary promo doesn’t sit right.
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Deuxmoi is doubling down on the special, non legal garden ceremony with an alleged witness that attended. Can't wait for Tree to go absolutely insane.
Even if it happened at this stage it just needs to be let go IMO… like is anyone that bothered either way anymore? Its like it’s a pride thing for DM I guess but this would have been years ago at this point.
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It's not the cursing - it's the themes, especially the drug references and alcoholism
If they think TTPD is bad then they’d be horrified to know I could recite most of the the Eminem Show by the time I was 9 😅

(also would like to add that Eminem disgusts me now but I grew up with 4 brothers 😂)
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I’m taking my first day off from listening to the album 😂 I’m honestly too emotionally fragile, I’ve cried like all week and I had to leave my toddler at nursery for the first time by himself (lmao i know not really a problem) and my fragile heart is on the edge. Gonna go listen to some bops for a bit. 🪩
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I wouldn’t be mad if she closed on ICDIWABH 👀

I feel it would make sense to shorten the Midnights set (please! 😅)

I feel the release of the show for streaming did mark a definite “moment” and felt like the end of Eras 1.0 but who knows. I don’t think she’ll change it dramatically.

I was also starting to think, because I’ve seen it in the cinema and obv on Disney, am I still going to feel the “wow” at the live thing but…. Yes yes I am 😂

I know this is going to sound a bit lame but I’ve listened to her at such pivotal moments in my life and yes I know she’s a mess as a person but the fact I’m going to see her in person so soon is doing really weird overwhelming things to my brain. Like I’ll probably cry at something really weird….. like Bad Blood which I don’t even like 😂

I’m getting myself sorted this weekend for what I need to pack and arrangements for when I’m away (have to instruct others in the care of my child lmao) and it’s feeling VERRRY REAL 👀
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I've just read some of the comments on his 1 photo on insta and genuinely rolling 😂 at the 'Did you really think Charlie Pluth would be a bigger artist? The shit you say to each other when you're high together. :oops:
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I hope she doesn’t marry Travis. Judging by what we can see from the outside ofc, I don’t think they’re good together. Their relationship feels so “I really need this rn” and nothing more romantic than that. Taylor is just living one of her teenage fantasies once again her unhealed trauma doesn’t let her let go of. Like she did with the squad for example. She thinks she heals parts of herself by doing things she wasn’t ‘fortunate’ enough to experience as a teen, but does she truly want them now?? She won’t know ‘cause she consciously doesn’t ask herself that. I mean, she’s 30+ and still writing about adolescence and school… she is still hostage to certain emotions, but maybe she names that “I am hurt and flawed and I’m just being true to myself”. A convenient mindset if you want to avoid therapy like she does, but you do you girl, I guess. 🙄 I believe her perfect partner is someone tall (lol), wealthy (obvs), kind and elegant who actually knows Aristotle. She won’t find him if she gives in that easily. She should try therapy and being single. Even when she was single for a minute, she did it so people would stop saying she dates too much???! and tried to fill the void with a squad!? WTF Anyway, she’s older now and she should know better.
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Eek I could well believe it, I get the vibe he wants to recreate his brothers wife and kids family life.
I suspect her parents are delighted with him compared to Matty but even so they must see this just isn't a strong basis for marriage?
I just can't imagine how desperate you have to be to want to be Mrs. VVLV. I just... Nope.

(Sorry to those here that like Travis. None of us actually know him but my gut just goes HELL NO).
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