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The following is JMO.
I think a lot of her branding relies on being someone girls and women can aspire to be. She’s gorgeous but in a very achievable and girl next door way (surgery aside). She wears… some nice clothes (OK, her fashion is a little hit and miss) She has a private jet and performs to adoration and cheering night after night. She has the awards. She has the songwriting talent. The string of hot boyfriends just adds to that aspirational quality she has. I feel this as a 30 year old (so she’s only slightly older than me) but it definitely applies to teenagers and younger adults as well. She’s like a realisation of every average white girl’s potential. I could be her, if the dominos all cascaded in a line.
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I don’t particularly have an opinion on travis other than he’s an attractive man 😂
But on the tweets above, I agree he should’ve scrubbed his socials clean, I’m surprised Tree hasn’t already told him to before this
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I’m definitely not here for the Joe hate train either, and I don’t think he deserves to have all of the 12 year olds in the fan base bashing him.

I also think if anyone cheated, it was likely Taylor. The Matty thing was lightning speed
The video of them comparing how they’ve both acted at Taylors show make me kind of sad, because they completely cut out the part where Joe is on video enjoying himself at her concert and only show the part where to me he looks visibly anxious and shit on him for it.
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I guess that's the problem with SM and maybe people that don't like her or are jealous, because they make out she's not like most women, in that she literally goes from man to man like its a bad thing, but like you say that's normal for a lot of young girls.
She was with her ex for well over 6 years.
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Wow it's just such a tragedy 💔 Thinking of the family and friends of Ana Clara. So sad to think of the fact that she was probably gearing up for this to be one of the best nights of her life. Bought a ticket, arranged transport, maybe booked a hotel and planned an outfit. Probably so so excited to see the Eras tour and Taylor for it all to end in tragedy 💔
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Maybe Taylor has enough people in her life to have intellectual conversations with and she now craves conversations with this guy over what LV bag he likes and his in-n-out order?
Maybe she likes being the smart one in a relationship, I know I do 🤣
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I’m not making excuses for her but honestly I’d probably do the same 😂 I hate staying away from home unless it’s for like a weeks planned holiday and while she’s not constantly resting, she still gets to go back to her base after a meal out with her friend and live a semi normal life for a few days. Or she could even be working on her film, a re-record and whilst technology has come a long way it’s probably harder to do in isolation.
Sounds a lot like I’m saying fuck the environment, I’m not and I keep my carbon emissions verrry low.
I am the same with being away from home. If Taylor is similar and hates being away from home why on earth would she go on such a long world wide tour? It’s not like she needs the money.
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Those tweets were shitty, but he was a bit of an arsehole back then, suspended from his college football time twice (first time for failing a drugs test). I don't claim to know much about American football but I know that the colleges are pretty key if you wanna go pro. I know he only graduated in the last year or two?! By all accounts now he's a great bloke and team mate and has had quite the journey to get where he is now.

Social media and mobile phones in general can be so dangerous in that way and I'm sooo glad they weren't around when I was a teenager. Christ. Even now I cringe when Facebook reminds me of the random shite I posted in my late 20s-30s. Not mean stuff, admittedly, but cringey af.

We had an incident recently with my son, who is (not making excuses, but) very much in the throes of puberty and mood swings (god love him but he's a pain to live with at times). Can't take criticism. At all.

He's very good at a particular sport. Another lad who is after his spot on their team started slagging him on their bus one day, so my son decided to set up a group chat on Snapchat that night calling this wee lad all the names under the sun, which he then (obviously) showed to his mum. Fucking idiot. So disappointing for so many reasons. I wouldn't mind, but I had spoken to him about a fortnight before that about the dangers of social media after he messaged a girl he was friendly with telling her he liked her and she sent it to others they knew. So yeah. My kid is intelligent too. 🤷‍♀️

So yeah, even if he was in his 20s, I'll still give Travis the benefit of the doubt on this occasion.
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I’m so glad nothing was announced. Some Swifties need to calm down (😅) and stop reading into everything and enjoy what we get when we get it: it’s too much now.
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Honestly I think most men think like this, even if they don’t say it.
I lost 3 1/2 stone and started straightening my hair and was horrified at how different the average man treats you when he doesn’t perceive you as fat/ugly 🫠
I went the opposite way. I gained 3-4 stone and was surprised by how much “slim woman privilege” I had before. People, men especially treat me so differently and it’s absolutely wild.

People definitely still think like this.
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Do you guys think this relationship is going to be at a supersonic speed? I.e engaged within the next year?
If the rumours of things ending with Joe because he wouldn’t propose are true, Travis might want to prove he’s not like that and give her what she wants
Either that or the relationship will crash and burn like HiddleSwift
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I’m really giving tmi here but the other weekend my partner and I weren’t particularly careful and since then I’ve been worried I’ll be heavily pregnant for my eras tour dates 🤣 maybe a sign I’m not ready?
please name the baby after your surprise songs if so
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The amount of videos comparing Joe to Travis on tiktok is a little bit disturbing.
Especially the ones implying Joe cheated… there’s no evidence of that and people should leave Joe alone.
It’s so weird isn’t it! Like just leave her be. If she’s happy, and not harming anyone then batter on in 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Round 2 today of attempting to get tickets for me and a friend who currently doesn't have a ticket. Lectures got cancelled today anyway so I didn't even need to skip uni in the end
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I got selected for hospitality draw for Wembley you don’t know how much it took out of me not to get it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I want to cry
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I just saw these on fauxmoi…and I‘m a little surprised that the most upvoted comments are essentially giving him the benefit of the the doubt and saying hopefully he grew up since then and he tweeted this over a decade ago why are we bringing this up now…that subreddit always has a holier than thou attitude and brings up everything celebs did even if they apologised since then or shown change …I don’t know where I’m going with this and I just like to hate read the comments on there and I found the reaction to it interesting 😂😂
Men get held to different standards, if these were Taylor’s comments there would be a witch hunt 🤣
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