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VIP Member
It annoys me when they use the word ‘trolling’. Trolling is targeted specific abuse directed at the person and TO that person. If they choose to read something then that’s up to them.

This is a website for discussion about people that happily put their life in the public eye and cash in on it. Can’t choose the publicity you get I’m afraid 😀
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Nope, not having this. The press has huge issues of their own. The Mail has just been exposed for having its old white male journalists pen articles criticising black people then paying young black women to front the byline.

The Sun - we all know the many issues there.

The Guardian shelters sex pests until social media raises the pressure, then they toddle off to the Spectator or wherever.

Even good old Private Eye did the same which is hugely disappointing.

Until they are upfront about their own gaping flaws don't think I can take any of it seriously.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Exactly this. I spent a few years working in a connected part of a well known national broadcaster and honestly, the sense of entitlement and "don't dare question me" among the 'talent' was unreal. Everything from passive aggressive emails if you dared question them, through to actually being blocked if you weren't in their little coven. They fucking hate anyone that they think is below them having a voice, hence the West London media in-crowd always looking for a way to poke at Tattle because the little people can hold them to account. And we should be curtseying as they waft past....... 🤣
Yes - ideally David Baddiel, Sali Hughes, Caitlin Moran etc see SM as their exclusive domain. Where they can have conversations about other people and topics as rudely and offensively as they like, and show off. When a pleb has the temerity to say 'er that is wrong', they can be turned on and called a troll.
Tattle is not a 'hate' site. Most people are just pissed off or amused at their idiocy, and instead of directly contacting them write their thoughts here.
I am still baffled why Sali Hughes, with tens of thousands of fawning fans, apparently has PTSD from a handful of people questioning her botox use and laughing at her hair.
Still it is amusing Baddiel keeps naming Tattle. Guaranteeing many more people will come here and see the truth. Thanks Dave (y)
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I think this place is refreshingly honest. I've watched a few YouTubers and been very sceptical of some of their claims etc. Yet if I posted it on their videos, I'd get eviscerated by their blind fans, no matter how polite I was.

Whereas this place is filled with people who see it the same way and don't mind pointing that out.
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Chatty Member
Unsurprisingly many influencers have not realised just how precarious their situation is. Many rapidly got to a stage where they were earning 5 figures a month and assumed this would continue forever.

Having 1+ million followers can mean diddly squat if you've burnt through them all in the algorithm so your posts don't even reach 0.1% of them.
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That article looks like the 'journalist' opened 3 different word docs, started writing 3 completely different articles with no real research, got a phone call from his/her editor to say the deadline had been changed, panicked and copy and pasted them all together without reading through, then submitted.

I am so tempted to write a rebuttal of the claims written in the article and see where I can get it published...
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Chatty Member
I remember getting a lot of crap for letting that discussion on sir Tom continue. But it was never really against him personally, it was the family and the circus people had concerns with.

It's no surprise it ended up the way it did, but it's nice to have some vindication! So many of the lower profile grifting never gets exposed anywhere other than here.
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it's like they were desperate to make this a big expose of the evil forces behind tattle or something. they realised they couldn't use that angle after the disastrous "revelation" (which remained on twitter for several days after being proven false) and so fell back on the good old journalistic practices of quotes from people who don't even have their own threads, outright lies, and such shocking revelations as "someone called katie price an ugly bitch on the internet!!!! it must be closed now!!!!!!"

get it shared among the blue tick crowd, attract some mild outrage, job done for another day
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VIP Member
I find it interesting reading this thread.

I only joined Tattle in February this year but had been reading for a long time. I don't really go into the influencer part of the forum because they are of no interest to me. However I belonged to Digital Spy and the IMBD forums. Both of those could be more toxic than anything I've seen here. Toxic to other posters as well as whoever they're writing about. Tattle as a whole is so much more than bitching about influencers.

I've never had a problem with anything I've posted on a forum such as this because in order for 'influencers' to read it they must have gone looking for it. It's easy to avoid. I don't follow them on Twitter, Instagram or TikTok (their places of work :rolleyes: ) so in order to find what I'm writing they have to come looking for it.

I don't agree with directly attacking/tagging them to be vile or make threats but if you get upset because some one says on an internet forum you look silly in those enormous sunglasses or you've behaved like a knob it does not mean they want you to kill yourself! You're in the wrong line of work if you think everyone is going to say what you're doing is wonderful and of benefit to the world

As has already been mentioned these same people are quite happy to promote all sorts of crap to sell to young, impressionable people and it's anything from clothes to diet products to plastic surgery to alcohol ... It's ok to flaunt holidays in Dubai during a pandemic because you're 'working' but tell them they are tone deaf to the situation and you're trolling ..... God they make me sick. :mad:
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That article is so weird. Also I don't think 'Helen makes money too so that's dishonest' is the take they think it is...hello, we can literally see the ads everywhere and they are obviously ads? That's the difference, they're not being hidden like the ones influencers do :rolleyes:
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Silver Linings

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This will sound so horrible and I honestly have tried to word it in a way that is not but they always seem to choose the worse threads at their most off topic/bitchy time. If I knew the bare minimum about the people they’ve chosen I would think wtf are these people talking about.

The bit about the wikis was intriguing, it’s the best part of Tattle! Anyhoo, agenda, agenda as usual.

Edit - Nope, that does sound horrendously bitchy. All threads have their moments and I have been involved in off topic chat, obviously. Ha, not being very ‘remarkably articulate’ this morning. 😂
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Jelly Bean

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Connections, dahlink! (ie the ones who get away with it all went to public school and/or are related to the higher-ups. The media, especially, seems to be completely ruled by a toxic mix of classism and nepotism).
Very true. They all seem to know each other. And oddly there also seems to be a sort of untouchable clique who all got chummy on twitter a few years ago (when it was smaller and before the great unwashed got their mitts on it). Sali Hughes, Caitlin Moran, India Knight :sick: and yes David Baddiel amongst many others formed networks/friendships through it.
I think it is why they are all so misty eyed about social media *back then*. How much kinder and nicer it was, when they could all behave terribly and get very little criticism for it.
One of the reasons they all hate Tattle so much 😂 They could all s l ag people off, such fun! But do it here and it is bullying and trolling.
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It's beyond just the female dominated sectors as well. Blokes are just as easily scammed in traditionally male areas of interest.
I work in crypto and the influencer scams are off the scale - there are so many guys who'll buy a token for cheap, promote it to their followers, then sell immediately as soon as the price goes up. It's shocking that they keep getting away with it TBH, but apparently regularly posting the standard aspirational shot of a Rolexed wrist on the steering wheel of a fancy car is enough to keep them in business.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Have been too busy for Tattle the last few weeks but this documentary is on in the background and was really puzzled/frustrated to hear David Baddiel call us a bunch of trolls/abusers. David, if you’re reading, please go through my post history and find 1 (one) thing I’ve ever said that is abusive.
It is frustrating/predictable that vicious online bullying eg death threats, violence is mentioned in the same breath as Tattle. Where no such posts are ever allowed.
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VIP Member
Jack Monroe has hundreds of threads and is frequently top trending on the site. Always ignored in these stupid articles. And yeah let’s scrutinise the vile things men say on Reddit and compare shall we?
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VIP Member
Article in today's Guardian off back of that study. Writer seems to have written about here a fair bit from searching her name on here (to see if thus had already been shared). Only skimmed for now. Will read later when I finish work.
I read it, it’s dull and lazy. The writer seems to believe that anyone using a forum like Tattle once believed themselves to be an influencer’s friend, which is an incredibly naive way of looking at it and is quite patronising. I don’t think many people believe themselves to be an influencer’s ‘friend’ - the relationship, such as it is, is more sophisticated in that I think that most people are aware any influencer/audience relationship is transactional. Most people know they are being sold something by influencers, whatever that is, but there’s a delicate balance and it’s when that balance shifts that people get annoyed.

Having said that, there are people who don’t associate cold, hard marketing strategy with the cheerful mummy-vlogger dancing round the kitchen and telling everyone how great the new banana-flavoured cereal from Nestle is, but that’s part of the problem with the way the influencer market has developed. Companies rather cynically engage influencers because of the parasocial relationships they encourage. I might not respond well to Barclays telling me how great their new bank account app is, but if ’Kate’ the young, trendy fashion—blogger tells me about it then I’m more likely to listen. Some influencers are savvy and quite cynical, but I suspect there are a fair few that are being exploited just as much as their audiences.
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I was just coming on here to mention the tweets by Ash Sarkar. I think she’s spot on to be honest. It’s really interesting that we have started 2022 with an outpouring of criticism of influencer culture thanks to Elle Darby and Mollie Mae. Maybe the scales are finally starting to fall from peoples eyes about the whole thing??

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The pyramid scheme point is SO true. The insane thing is we’re being told/coerced into spending our earnt income on things influencers either would not or could not buy with their old world (or even current influencing) income? Like a gr8 example of this was MOD/FOD flogging a £1k BBQ which is ridiculous for Britain (unless you BBQ all year round which I know some people do lol) and smugly telling people their audience could afford it to now post public disgracing he’s asking how to save money on a £20 lead test and trying to fight his way out a £40 PCN.

Similarly the frugality is showing ££ candles and extensions all the while her front room window doesn’t work and the house needs repointing?! Pls stop showing us shoes and dresses and sort your death trap house out?! It’s like emporer’s new clothes on speed.
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