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Chatty Member
Why oh why isn’t Matt Munster getting Reece to train him in the gym every day? Instead he’s wobbling around pools and bars with a drink in hand with his saggy gut and bitch tits out being lazy all day

As we can all agree both Munster and Reece are cheating megadouches but at least Reece is more than easy on the eyes! Damn!
She certainly can pick them, between the graffiti-covered-teenage-father who turned into an immature complete graffiti covered absent father living it up away in Bali, therefore he is not required to make any financial parent payments to his kids , not that has any income, does fucking different girls each night count? to this dumb shit . Both have no jobs, no prospects, vulgar to look at. Matt P was just an instagram relationship for likes / views , Tammy's self loving eye-fucking requirement, nothing else. She uses these guys.
Can't wait for this all sponsored paid for advertising freebies wedding, followed by the staged for instagram pregnacy video followed by the what will be forever pregnant shot of herself, followed by the "emotional" birth story, followed by the host of advertising for rubbish baby products, haakaz, or whatever they are called, followed by quick-figure -snap back picture "guys, I'm just special, I just get my figure back ", you lot don't , followed by the breakup and divorce, where her brainwashed morons that inspire to be just like Tammy , wait for the next " soulmate", who will pop up within a few months.
Her kids have a sorry future ahead of them.
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That's so sad, with Reece. I remember he kept the kids away from social media to protect them. Looks like fame got to him too.
Gosh I feel for her kids. And also Emileees, she exploits her 2 girls like crazy but not so much the boy. I reckon her husband put his foot down with his son.
Amy is careful with her two. Still disregards their privacy but is a little bit better at it.
Emilees first daughter is such a fucking punish and not cute. AT ALL.
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I got sent this today, it's from Tammy's tik tok. This was her idea of protecting her children; she posted when Posy wakes up often in the morning, which is early AM and keep in mind she shares a room with school-aged Saskia. Poor girl has a toddler waking her at ungodly hour every day and on top of that, has her mother filming it with a flash and talking about it for her tik tok. That aside, this is Tammy serving her children up to online creeps again. Not just the children themselves as she usually does, but sharing their vital info and letting comments like these slide. This isn't the first time she had a stranger call himself her children's father and saying he'll 'come home to them'. But, she doesn't have Wolf in one or two videos when he's doing something, so that should balance it out...


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Life is so hard for this magnificent, sexy beast. A few steps, sitting on a bike and lifting smallest of weights threw poor baby's back out. Stevie Wonder couldn't see this coming. And his doctor told him he's basically decaying at his ancient age of 29. He has the stamina of a sloth, and that's a severe insult to those beautiful animals. I just know Matt Poole is sitting somewhere with his beer laughing his bum off at this.


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LOL they look like they're at a funeral, not a wedding dress fitting. At least Amy has a semi-genuine smile. Everyone else is just like 😐

And another awful, ill-fitting outfit choice from Tammy
Lol the fact they all colour coordinated for wedding dress shopping/a fitting is beyond cringe they look so tacky
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Just listened to a podcast with Matt at a guest and he talked about how he picked up 2 hookers for $600 USA dollars in Vegas and took them back to his airbnb. Anyway after sex with them, he woke up to find he had been robbed.
Also, he was so wasted that his mate he travelled with, said he kept coming into his bedroom a few times asking if he could join in with sex, with the girl he brought back (she wasn't a hooker but some Aussie girl travelling too).
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Chatty Member
Who else had to a do a double-take when reading that? Especially when its right beside her butthole
How many pharken times does she have to do this same shit spin to capture her fat ass, as if it is a spontaneous romantic moment between her and multiple guys [ insert names here]. Complete set up.
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This man is a vile groper.
Looks like Tammy's even pushing his grubby hands off her tits and said something. What the fuck is wrong with him? Where are the 3 kids? Are they witnessing this man fiddle their mum in public. Nope. Something sexually wrong with him in his head. Treating her like a piece of meat
He's been groping her since day one on their camera. There's a video back in the thread where he tried to push his hands down her (tight) pants while she videoed them in her bathroom. I very much think he's the type to secretly record sex and then purposely leak it after he gets broken up with, the revenge p-rn sort of a disturbing freak. If he's willing to borderline assault someone sexually on camera, he'd do it off camera too. What a winner did she pick to help raise her three impressionable young children. I hope Wolf is safe from his ideology, and her little girls from... Well, Zucchini entirely.
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Getting married to someone you’ve not even lived with yet is unfathomable to me. Moving in with someone can really be make or break.

…never mind the fact there’s 3 kids in the house, too.
I really can’t get over this either…… it’s insane. The downfall from all this is going to be horrific for Tammy and those kids
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I know it’s unlikely, but that pic of Matt & Post napping made me feel so nervous, what if Tammy wasn’t there & Posy woke up and toddled off into a pool, Matt would be passed out & have no idea, accidents happen.
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I donated mine to a friend at 39. They wouldn't usually use a 'geriatric' 🤣 but all the tests came back fine so they went ahead, now they have a lovely little three yr old
Aw that’s the best. How amazing you could do that so they could have their family 🥰
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Chatty Member
I could never ask for a wishing well if I had her wealth. So tacky.
The whole wedding seems so off. No kids? Cheap looking treasure map invitations 🤢
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You can yell all you want. I do not care. This is just my personal opinion and it won’t change. If you have a different one, you do you boo.

Wrong for who?!? This is wrong on your point of view and a lot of people agree with you. But you cannot force people to think the same way you do.

If parents like to post pics or videos of their kids and don’t think it is wrong. It is their kids their problem.

To be fair I don’t really care if people post pics of their kids or not. It does not affect me or my life. Not my kid, not my problem.

I just hope that these people who are so passionate about certain things are paying attention to their own kid, instead of wasting their time worrying about how influencers raise their kids.
This is fascinating. "Not my kids, not my problem" 🤢. I hope there are no kids in your life looking up to you and relying on you.
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