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VIP Member
I wanted to link you some videos but i made the mistake of not adding documentary at the end... now it looks like I was searching for porn.

Yeah I can't explain why they've set up camp there but it's been like that since I can remember - perhaps they think they're more likely to have wealthier clients? maybe be safer because it's near a rich area?

I'm search Tam can walk around shirtless in heels and a thong and flash her tits for cars whizzing past.
That was my assumption as well, hopes of wealthier clients, perception of safety (as sex-worker you're never ever safe, regardless where you are and who you are with) and maybe dreams of a Pretty Woman type of scenario coming to life???

LOL at your first sentence 😂 😂 🙈 If you find anything, do link please! Article or docu!
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I think you're giving her way to much credit. She doesn't have the bandwidth for that.

She's acting like a spoiled, entitled brat, lives a totally empty life in a bubble, and always has.
I mean, think about it, this is a best example of her twisted mindset - she's always highlighting how her mother wore Prada when she was growing up. Those years were awful for people in Serbia, with war and inflation, and keep in mind that her family were refugees, so those rumors about her dad being a war profiteer are probably true. Yet, she has the nerve to publicly talk about it, because she doesn't care.
If you compare her from that period when she had a blog with Zorannah in 20s and now the only difference is her botched face, she is still a shallow idiot.
I don’t know whether that’s true because how come she did not have any brands at the beginning of her career? Also, her sister wanted the Dior saddle sooo bad... If they were really rich, or if her dad provided for the lifestyle why does she live that life for the last few years only?
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But how poor are her vlogs? The last one was awful..there was no real content. She didn't even take advantage of filming something nice in the shop that she bought the decorations from. Gosh she is so lazy! And she felt asleep in the end?! Clearly she cannot keep up....
i agree, i wonder how long the regular uploads will last 😂
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Well I mean Hampstead Heath used to be THE place for cottaging, don't know whether that's still the case.

Edit: sorry, my point is just people still go there and enjoy themselves and not all of the Heath all of the time was (is?) cottaging central.
That about the Bois rings a bell. Thing is, when I'm in Paris I'm not short of entertainment like TamTam, so haven't been there myself, but neither do I voluntarily confine myself to 1-2 arr.
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You know what I find interesting? How come her dad never visited her? The last time she was in Brighton she mentioned that her mom (and grandma if I remember) are there. And I remember that while she lived in her sister's attic that she used to mention when mom would come and visit. So, she could only see her dad if she traveled to Belgrade. I find that a bit strange.... Okay, she did mention that he was sick but even before that I don't remember him visiting and last time she was in Belgrade she mentioned how he's busy. Maybe I am reaching but I do know that certain people from Serbia weren't allowed to leave the country, i.e. travel to any EU country. Dunno, maybe it's my imagination but with all that talk about her family's shady past... Or perhaps he simply doesn't approve her lifestyle and doesn't want to visit her.

edit: I mentioned this because she often complained about how she haven't seen her dad since the last time she was visiting Belgrade. I mean, money is obviously not the issue for them so it must be something else....
Maybe he hates flying? 🧐 My father is a heavy smoker and hates the idea to spend 2 hours in a plane + 2 hours pre-bording and an hour for baggage claim without smoking. Could be a reason 🤷🏼‍♀️
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It depends, I think you can if the changes are small and can be removed easily.
that is why she picked IKEA, I think.

I am wondering... What if her fake BF has some connections/privileges in France which allowed him to rent such a lux place easily?
and she just tagged along?
and then made up that "Emily in Paris/Sex in the city" storyline?
For her, people are consumer goods and a relationship with someone is pure business!
FT uses to pay with him the expenses in half as well as his contacts.
She does not earn enough to pay for an apartment in the center of Paris. And her parents just don’t have to give it to her because they’re not as rich as she represents them!

i am really shocked.
but i have to ask. he had photos from this apartment before tamara officially moved in? doing whatever yoga poses and what not.
i think she was alone in "first apartment", then she moved into his place. i would assume he is renting it from airbnb and she created story around it.

i just cannot believe he goes with the flow. like, he probably backs up all the lies. it is impossible for him not to hear/see her videos and stories babbling about apartment and decorations....

if i was to lie about our apartment and my husband hears that, he would talk to me in private and tell me to leave him and our life out of it if I want to continue being married. not to mention, he would advise to check my mental health :D :D

wait, what? are you typing "he" instead of "she" or what? Im confused
SHE , Sorry fot mistake.
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Active member
I am in another rival one group ;) I had 2 months worth of excruciating tests and social media has come up only to show your abilities not to be refrained from using it

Guess I passed as they never seen Tamara Kalinic in my published posts 🥶
If you work in sales one brand are you allowed to promote other brands on youtube? Just interested to know in general :)
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This is what I am thinking from the beginning, cause it is literally weird AF that a grown ass man would move out from his place to live with this bimbo in an airbnb... something doesn't add up...or better to say nothing adds up :D
I think he came back from a prolonged stint in the US early-ish this year (wasn't he in LA the last two years or something like that?)
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In a few (don't know about most) European countries the one pre-school year starts at age 5/6 and first grade at 6/7.
At which age you start depends on which part of the year you were born (so you don't start too early or too late).

"Pre-schooler" is also in some languages used exclusively for kids starting actual school next summer.
Kids younger than that are simply "kindergarteners", not actual "pupils".

A few kids start a bit earlier than average, but I don't think that happens very often.

Pre-school is usually an hour or so in Kindergarten/nursery school, when they teach pre-schoolers specific stuff to assess understanding and prep them for school. Other than that it's just nursery/Kindergarten and you mainly play and sing all day long.

Kindergarten/nursery is rarely called "school", because school is associated more with academia and academic learning.
I always find it weird when people say their kid goes to "school" and they're like 3 or 4... In my head I always think "no! your kid doesn't go to school! But to Kindergarten/nursery (school! lol)! It's not the same!"
I honestly dislike the term "school" for toddler age incarceration (lol sorry, couldn't resist!).

Kindergarten is a German word and literally means "children's garden", which is a far more fitting term in my experience for that age!
And that same type of word is used in other languages as well.

What does primary education even look like for 4 year olds? I can't grasp that concept, I can't imagine it's any different to other countries' singing, playing, arts & crafts and story times. Writing, reading, maths etc all start in 1st grade at age 6/7 and that's a slow-ish introduction.

Anyway, I'd say it's mostly how different countries use language, like "school" starts with 1st grade (age 6/7) and anything before that isn't seen as "school".
In Ireland pre-school is a mix of education (learning numbers and letters) and fun (drawing etc.) It is for 3 hours a day. Then at the age of 4 or 5 children start their formal schooling and have subjects such as basic maths, English, Irish, etc. They even have homework! I started at age 4 and so did my girls. Some kids start at age 5 and it really depends on what month you were born. Our au-pair from Spain finds it really strange that kids start school at this age but for us it is standard practice.
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She has the UK citizenship, I distinctly remember a bragging story she posted on IG a few years ago when she finally got her UK passport. She also has the Croatian passport as it's not that difficult to get one.
Quite possible, I haven't been following her that long (although she's been on my radar for years, but I pretty much started following her with the first tattle thread).

Anyway, companies house has her citizenship as Croatian, maybe she'll update that in the future if she has UK citizenship.

She must be having then 2-4 citizenships (Cro, Srb, BiH(?), UK(?)).
I know we talked about this before, but I forgot the details of that discussion 🙈
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In her new video without the filter on it’s a bit shocking to see her ‘real’ face after so long, although skin blur effect is still on the fillers are more obvious

she seems subdued
omg her skin is awful in my opinion...but then mine has it's moments too so I don't think i'll drag her anymore about that topic. However, the close ups were such a drastic difference from her typical footage, I just can't comprehend why she keeps the fakery going on. Bloody....embrace the imperfections ...vlogmas day 1 vs vlog any other day....#nof_ndifference
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Chatty Member
Here it is :)

And under the last picture you can see this:

Have you guys seen her story where she showed that she's burning "Palo Alto"(that was gifted, of course) only to realize later that she made a mistake and it's "Palo Santo" and then goes on how she sometimes writes down a word she's hearing instead of the word she's thinking? And how omg ahahahah she's multitasking and that's why she made a mistake. By multitasking, she means that her bf is talking to her while she's writing a sentence for her IG story. What a moron.

And yeah, the fur coat was probably gifted:

these fugly boots, I can’t with her -she use to pick decent shoes but these chunky tomb raider abominations are a crime and she can’t pull them off
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And what’s with the Bettina something note on the cake that she boughts from le Bristol? She really thinks we are stupid? I just can’t !
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VIP Member
In Ireland pre-school is a mix of education (learning numbers and letters) and fun (drawing etc.) It is for 3 hours a day. Then at the age of 4 or 5 children start their formal schooling and have subjects such as basic maths, English, Irish, etc. They even have homework! I started at age 4 and so did my girls. Some kids start at age 5 and it really depends on what month you were born. Our au-pair from Spain finds it really strange that kids start school at this age but for us it is standard practice.
For I'd say all continental Europeans that's beyond strange, esp. the homework bit!! :eek:

On the Tamara Ecclestone thread people are wondering how they manage to live in Switzerland as the kid is "school age" and I'm just like "wtf she's just 4 or 5 she isn't missing anything!"

I looked up a few EU countries and 1st grade (ie formal schooling) starts everywhere around 6/7, would love to hear from anyone else from various countries when they start!
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paris had lockdown last year also?why?
or you mean,back in spring this year?

i am also in germany and have to say,I agree. if there were no mask requirements, I would not even notice something is going on.
sure,bloggers here can do something,but social life will suffer, bottomless brunches, fancy dinners (blah,blah,blah).
unless they all become so outdoorsy and start climbing,hiking and stuff.

for france and uk,yeah,it will be lots of sweatpants and "i made myself best avo toast,you guysssssssss"

have to say,you people here and some other forums really ruined my tamara experience.🤣 i used to love to watch her so much.
now every time she says something, i yell at my laptop and tell her to shut up.
i cannot "un-see" some stuff 😭😭😭

the latest video, part of watching that "gambit" whatever netflix series. come on, it touches her?!she started school way too young? bitch please, youngest you can start is 6,5 years in balkan countries and thats only if you pass all required tests and have conversations with school psychologist (they all need to agree you can keep up and nothing will harm your progress).
it seems sooooooooo fake now.

i was happier when i had no clue who she really is. 🤪😅
Same here, I really used to love her, she really inspired me hehehe
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Hi everyone I haven’t caught up in a while! What is the story with the couch? Wasn’t it half orange and half white at one point and now all white? 🤣 I’d be pissed if I was renting out my furnished flat to her 😂
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